Days of our Lives - Wed., July 1, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

And the days of Eli/Lani's wedding continue. Replay of ending scene, Vivian coming in, saying she was not invited, so had to crash the wedding. Everyone is babbling, telling her to leave, not wanted there. Eli takes a few steps towards her, she whips out a gun, obviously intending to kill Lani, revenge for her killing her son. Marlena tries to dissuade, Abe brings up his son taking a bullet, but Vivian is very determined. Eli manages to secretly text Rafe.

And at Rafe's, Gabi is going on and on about getting the DNA results, calling the lab every 10 minutes. Rafe tries to point out that maybe Jake Lambert is not Stefan, but Gabi cannot wait to show everyone up, that she is right, and they are wrong. Rafe gets the text, takes off.

Ciara is trying on wedding dresses with Claire, likes the one she has on, Claire doesn't, thinks she looks like the figure on top of the wedding cake. So Ciara tries on others, finds the perfect one, (we don't see it, just them talking of it). Claire glad, talks of Ben threatening to kill her, but backs off, just that he was intense, scared her, so she wants nothing to go wrong. They gush at each other, hugs, Ciara has to do some reports, so Claire volunteers to return all the dresses to the shop.

Ben & Jake are both working on a motorcycle, or pretending to, lol. Jake tells Ben about Gwen, and how she & Gabi got into it, he had to pull them apart. He wonders if Gabi is attempting perhaps to get the judge to send her to the looney bin (apologizing, changing it to mental hospital, but Ben says it is o.k.) instead of prison, because he thinks she is crazy. Ben doesn't care for Gabi, but says she had a hard time, talks of how much she & Stefan were in love, only married a short time. And so, in she walks, all glittery in her outfit cut down to the navel. Jake makes some crack about her ice skating out of there, Gabi does all her usual non-stop blathering about Jake being her husband, lab results will prove it. Ben takes off, Jake tells “Nancy” to go skate away. Gabi is going to hospital for the lab results, no Jake does not want to go along. She makes some remark about him turning out to be a rich, powerful man, with an amazing wife, instead of a mechanic, and stalks out.

Vivian is going on and on about Lani killing her son, Lani makes a plea because of being pregnant, Viv would also be killing her unborn child. Viv is seemingly not swayed. Rafe has arrived outside, door locked, but manages to find a way to get in. He comes into the room, gets the gun away from Vivian, who tells Lani she is not done, will seek her out, find here wherever and make her pay. Rafe is cuffing her, telling her there is a chance her son might not be dead, Julie chimes in with how she nearly fainted when she saw him. Rafe takes Viv down to the station, explains about Jake Lambert, a mechanic, looking like Stefan. Her son would never be a mechanic, rich, powerful man, spoke 4 languages. Rafe shows her a lineup pic of Jake. Stops Viv abruptly.

Ben comes home, Ciara working, tells him of finding perfect dress. He is nuzzling her neck, she is bragging about Claire. She gets call from wedding shop, her wedding dress is ruined. Nail polish stains all over it. They cannot get it out, Ciara bemoans, what now. Ben is sure she will find another dress. Ciara put the dress in garment bag herself, how could it happen, who would do that? Scene shifts to Claire at the townhouse, polishing her nails.

Gabi at the hospital, Jake shows up, snark, snark. He wants to make sure she doesn't doctor the results, she slaps him. Goes off to get the results. She returns, he asks if she isn't going to open them. She does.

Marlena asks if they want to continue the ceremony. Lani not sure, all the drama, interruptions. She is not sure. She wishes she had a sign. In comes Tamara & Billy. She had a nice meal at her hotel, felling so much better, Billy finished his business, offered to bring her back. So, what happened, Julie gives a verbal fill in on the events, Lani decides to get married. Eli gives a lovely vow, Lani does one to, with both saying how much they love the other. And finally, she pronounces them man and wife. Yayyy. Then says the bride & groom wish to do something traditional, called to jump the broom. Sweeping away all the troubles and the past. The couple is given the decorated broom, they both sweep the floor in front of them with it, lay it down, everyone counts to 3 and they jump over. Smiles, clapping, kissing.
I agree, once the ceremony started it was very nice. My big complaint is that Eli is a Horton so where were his cousins Hope, Jen, and Sarah (who all live in town) or other relatives such as Ciara and Maggie. Even Rafe wasn’t in attendance to start and he works with Eli: I also think it would have been a nice touch to have Nicole in attendance as Abe and Nicole have always had a special connection.
Eli is a Horton so where were his cousins Hope,
Although the show sometimes refers to Hope and Eli as cousins, she's actually his great-aunt. Julie and Hope are sisters. Julie's son was David, so he was Hope's nephew. David's sons Scotty and Eli are Hope's great-nephews.

Hope made a brief comment yesterday about not being at the wedding because Eli and Lani wanted a small affair with only immediate family.
Eli could be considered Hope's nephew also, since Julie is her sister and step-mom, making Hope and David step-siblings, so she's his aunt and great aunt to make it super weird, as she's David's aunt and step-sister.

I honestly thought the wedding was never going to end. I was wondering who'd be the next bad guy to try to stop the wedding, a resurrected Stefano, or maybe Horton the tiger would jump out and bite Eli's leg. :rotfl:
So she talks Ciara into getting a different dress than the one Ciara liked, but then damages it?
I will agree about Lani's wedding attire. Totally wrong for her, wrong for a wedding......and when added to some other dreadful outfits worn by other characters.....Corday needs to look for a new head of wardrobe!

Also, if the awful scenes could be excised out, it WAS a lovely wedding. Just sorry Ron C. had to spoil continuity with all the trashy drama.
Who didn't see Claire as ruining Ciara's wedding every way she could? Yep, no hands. We all saw it coming.
I'm wondering if Claire doing her nails was a red herring and maybe a careless shop clerk was doing her nails on the sly while at work, then accidentally damaged the gown while removing it from the garment bag. But Claire will be blamed.
Glad at least that the real Vivian is back. I always kept expecting it to come out that Lani did not shoot Stefan that Vivian did. But maybe Stefan is still alive. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow?

Finally, Lani and Eli married!! Good lord.

I hope Claire is a red herring. It will be so disappointing if she does stuff to ruin the wedding because that is what we all are expecting. But all the looks she keeps giving makes it appear she is up to something. Gee so original.
I sure wish that they had gone another direction with Gabi, but alas they chose this direction of a loud rude rhymes with witch.
The writers really need to have Gabi tone it down with the mental illness digs. It's hateful and insensitive. They are truly making Gabi unlikable.
Thanks, Poirot.

Jake was funny talking to Gabi how she was dressed. Was she going to prison,
the psych ward or an ice skating competition? Then he called her Nancy.
Probably for Nancy Kerrigan, figure skater.

Gabi kept telling Jake she would never change the results of the DNA test.
Jake is lucky Sami isn't in town because she probably would.

I'm glad Tamara came back to see her daughter's wedding and the wedding
wasn't interrupted again once it started.
I hate Claire. I know she's only here to cause drama at the wedding, and we have to have drama at ALL the weddings, don't we?
The filming was strange during the wedding. It almost looked like they shot each actor alone and pieced it together.