Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 12, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Gabi & Chad have brought Ari to visit Sonny. (good scenes). Gabi is still in the electric blue dress, while others from the party have changed clothes 2 or 3 times. LOL. Sonny holds, hugs, talks to Ari, sorry he missed the outing to the pizza place, promising to do so soon. Ari is tired, Chad takes her home so Gabi can visit with Sonny. More insistence to Sonny that he could not have killed Deimos, everyone drugged, no evidence, etc. etc. Gabi figures Justin will soon have Sonny out on bail.

Claire seems to have gotten a waitressing job at a restaurant in the square, Theo drops by, Claire cannot talk, has already been yelled at by supervisor, is lst day, etc. Theo orders a soda, but Claire really has no time for chatter. Theo wants them to be friends, no way, they had become more than just friends, cannot go back. She leaves.

Near that oh, so clean dumpster (Days doesn't really know what those are like, do they?) Hope, Rafe, JJ & Lani talk of their lack of finding a thing. Rafe remembers a similar case, where they got a lead from the janitor. Hope learns the mail is at her second job (yep, Claire's boss) while Lani & JJ go to talk to the janitor. In the square, Hope & Rafe learn the guy in 204 left a hefty tip, and his charger plus a dirty magazine in his room. She put them in Lost & Found. Rafe & Hope pass this on to JJ & Lani. They talk to the janitor, who only gives the charger, but they press him, and he finally gives up the mag, Busty Broad's monthly. LOL.

The 4 cops meet up, talk about the mag, same one Xander had in his room in Greece. But Xander is in prison. Hope calls Greece, Xander is still locked up. Something just is not setting well, they are not going to rule him out just yet.

Theo goes to see Chad, they play a game of chess, as Chad gets a restless Theo to spill what is bothering him, he broke up with Claire over the sex tape, which he now has to explain about Jade planting the camera, unbeknownst to him & Claire, but when it came out, he did not believe Claire, she got mad, etc. etc. Chad lets him know that then being friends is rather tricky. Look at him & Abigail. They try to get along because of Thomas. Theo asks if they are friends. Chad says he really does not know. Theo mentions looking for a job, doesn't even get an interview. Chad offers him a job at DiMera, the computer guys are still trying to put up a wall after the hacking job done on them. Theo is delighted, accepts.

Dario is still pushing a reluctant Abby to go on the honeymoon, she thinks is not right, mentions too costly, Dario claims it is all covered. She notes he closed early because of no customers, so he cannot be making a profit, he yaks about GDR real estate doing well, plus the investments Myron touted doing well. She has been helping him close up, filling salt shakers, sugar containers, etc., and remembers the warning she got from Hope about Dario maybe taking over his father's illegal business dealings. When he leaves the room, she goes to his laptop, but he returns in a minute, asking what the heck she is doing. She claims just trying to get her work e-mails. Why not use your phone. No bars. What is the big deal. He claims he just did not want to lose what he was working on, she says she touched nothing, just tried to log into her account. He closes up the laptop, suggests they go home.

Rafe & Hope are reading a menu in the square, she wants a Caesar salad, he wants a grilled cheese, despite it only being featured on the kids' menu. Of course Claire is the waitress, doesn't know if the grilled cheese order is legal, but what the heck, they are cops. She turns it in. She drops a plate of food, her boss assures the patrons all is well, tis the girl's first day, then reams Claire out.This may be her lst day, but the boss works two jobs! Claire pleads, boss gives her another chance, will put her on hostess duty, though, and when shift is over.....back to kitchen and wash dishes.

Victor comes to see Sonny, who thanks him. Victor not pleased Sonny confessed, even tho Sonny was helping JJ. Again no one knows what they did. Vic notes the cops came to the house, tore it apart, no amulet! Sonny figures he must have hid it somewhere. He says it doesn't matter, nothing Victor can do now. The hell I can't snaps Victor.

Dario & Abby are in the room, he is babbling once again about honeymoon, going to New York, gotta make the marriage look legit. She says why not Green Mountain Lodge for weekend? Nahhh, NY it has to be. She ponders him so willing to spend big time. He has brought cake for their wedding night. She takes a couple bites, goes to get ready for bed.

Theo is on phone with Joey, telling him of new job, Claire comes home, slams door. Theo hangs up, but Claire is in bad mood, goes to her room, slams the door. Later Theo finds her asleep on the sofa, covers her with an afghan.

At DiMansion, Chad & Gabi are in bed, both obviously having just had sex, talk of how worried they were about returning from island as a couple, but no troubles, all went well. Yep, it has, no problems, as Chad dives in for Round 2.

And in Abby's room, she wakes suddenly, startled, but settles down, turns in bed, sees Dario sleeping on the floor. Tucks her hand under her pillow.
Gabi is still in the electric blue dress, while others from the party have changed clothes 2 or 3 times.
It's not the same dress as the party. Both were bright blue with lace, but the party one was sleeveless.


I would have sworn it was the same dress. Apparently very similar. Well at least she's finally out of it!! But I wish there was one couple that are actually coupled that I like. I don't mind JJ and Lani but I think he and Gabi would be better.

I hope they aren't gonna take the second weenie way out of Deimos's murder and make it Xander. I thought he was locked away in jail for taking Nicole. I also thought that was in the US not Greece. Guess we'll see. What else could be the explanation for Busty Broads Monthly? :huh:

Finally Abby getting suspicious of Dario too bad she already married him. But it's just creepy how he keeps doing all these things as if they did marry for love. The honeymoon, the cake. Just stop!! You are a creep. Don't know how she didn't see it before now.
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It's not the same dress as the party. Both were bright blue with lace, but the party one was sleeveless.
Too bad they ran out of material and so much flesh was left exposed.

Finally Abby getting suspicious of Dario too bad she already married him. But it's just creepy how he keeps doing all these things as if they did marry for love. The honeymoon, the cake. Just stop!! You are a creep. Don't know how she didn't see it before now.
I can't stand him. I hope he does get deported. Creepy yes!
I guess I'm just old fashioned, but did anyone think about dusting the magazine for fingerprints?? I mean yeah, the maid handled it and the creepy janitor guy, but maybe the owner of the magazine also touched it. Strange idea.

I say this having not seen the show, as it is an office day so it will be an evening viewing.
Claire's Boss: She's way off base about Claire's attitude toward her job being that of an entitled millennial. Young Salemites don't aspire to be waitresses. Like Sonny, they want to be heads of major corporations.

Theo: He's more typical of a Salem millennial. He's just be made the head of computer operations at a major company despite his youth and inexperience. And if his new job predictably takes up little of his time, he can head over to Salem Park to hustle the chess-playing pensioners.

Dario: How long will it be before he decides that life with Abigail is terminally dull? After all, she was unexcited about his big trip to New York and had no enthusiasm for his surprise cake. Worst of all for the lusty Dario, he's currently sleeping on the floor.

Victor: Big Boy Sonny should know better. The mighty Victor can make the charges against him go away. He should ask Chelsea and her sorority friends about Victor making any legal problems resulting from the death of drugged-up date-rapist Ford Decker vanish. And if Vic can't get the charges dropped immediately, he can hire a dream team of nationally-known criminal defense lawyers who could quickly blow Melinda Trask out of the water.
I guess I'm just old fashioned, but did anyone think about dusting the magazine for fingerprints?? I mean yeah, the maid handled it and the creepy janitor guy, but maybe the owner of the magazine also touched it. Strange idea.

When JJ and Lani met up with Hope and Rafe in the square, they mentioned that they had sent the phone charger and the magazine to the police station to be dusted for prints.

Dario is really becoming scummier each day he is on. If I were Abby, I would definitely be watching him more closely. I don't trust him and I think she is finally waking up to that possibility as well.

Even though this is still the old writer's material, I do believe that there has been more tweaking going on this week. The show is not as boring as it was last week, and there are some lighthearted moments in the episodes.

I really hope tomorrow is a new day in Salem. It has been the day after the party for over a week now, and I don't think it has changed to a new day since the 4th of July. And I am also sick of both Abby's and Gabi's dresses, that they have both been wearing every day since the fourth.
It appeared to me today that Abby was surprised to find Dario sleeping on the floor in the bedroom. Icky! I missed the beginning of the show, so maybe it was explained. I just assumed the bedroom was for her and Thomas, and Dario would be in another room on a couch, or the floor.
Thanks, Poirot. Interesting episode.

It's been the same day in Salem since July 3rd.

Abigail's room at the B&B is just a bedroom and bathroom.

Gabi told Sonny he had the best attorney in Salem. Is there another one?

Nice to see Ari and Sonny together. Did Victor pay someone so he and
Ari could visit Sonny?

It was interesting to hear Claire got in trouble for taking a selfie in the kitchen. Nice
scene at end when Theo put the blanket on Claire when she fell asleep.

Did Rafe have grilled cheese sandwich off the kid's menu because some viewers of the
show think Rafe is too young for Hope? It was funny when she cut his sandwich. (I
have ordered off the kid menu before)

So the Salem PD may have another murder suspect because of the magazine found
in the hotel room. Could it be Xander? Just because the warden told Hope he was in
jail doesn't mean he actually was.
You know, I honestly thought Gabi was gonna be more upset with Sonny for getting himself thrown in jail. First Ari's grandfather gets himself arrested now Ari's only surviving father? Really?

But, I guess the difference is that Gabi knows he (and everyone else) was drugged and he actually turned himself in (even though he wasn't sure he actually did it) and he looks guilty.

I think this is my favorite Sonny/Gabi scene now. :clap: