Days of our Lives - Wed., July 24, 2019


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Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
I will start this and hopefully others can add more.
I can list highlights
Jack & Eve: Jack is worried that Eve wants to separate or divorce because of his decision to take the serum. Nope. She will support him. Understands how important it is to have those memories of your kids. She injects the serum into his arm.

Jennifer and Dr. Shaw: She asks him to have dinner with her. He initially says no, but she presses the issue and he agrees to meet her "tonight" at Doug's Place.

Haley and Tripp: She is having nightmares or disturbing visions. Claire appears and threatens to start a fire in one vision. In another vision she has stabbed Tripp in the back. Haley is freaking out. Tripp tries to calm and comfort her.

I did not get the last 10 minutes of the show due to a press conference.
There was some nonsense about Rex packing and saying why he couldn't understand why Sarah wanted to move out TODAY. He did the usual, "I think it had something to do with you, Eric," and then they decided she didn't want to flaunt their extreme happiness in his face. ENOUGH! Plus some more about how Rex has this amazing perfect wonderful woman and he can't help himself when he is around her so maybe they SHOULD move back to the K-Mansion, even tho Maggie hates his guts.

Conversation at the K-Mansion as Rex and Eric moved in some boxes. Xander and Sarah had been talking and Sarah was yelling at him for kidnapping her mother-in-law and saying that Victor would not like that and he should leave the mansion since no one likes him, including her. Xander tries to defend himself, but it didn't work, since he couldn't tell the truth. But, he managed to tell Rex that when he cheats on the amazing Sarah again, and he will, she will find comfort someplace else and Rex will be gone.

I also didn't get the last 10 minutes, but according to another summary, it appears that while Eve did agree to support Jack and she did inject him with the serum, she apparently runs into Xander, who assures her that he switched the vials, so Jack had fake stuff. About that. . . Jack went to the desk and brings out a white box that was delivered to him that had the serum, the antidote, and the return of Rolf's diary that he sent, along with instructions to self-inject. How stupid was that???? So, some private lab made up a mystery, unapproved serum and sent it to a private citizen, not a hospital or a medical person, and it was sitting in the drawer. Again, they are passing around that diary and no one is making copies of it if before they are sending it out.
Canadian viewers did not get the interruptions, so evidently, Rex walked in to see Eric & Sarah hugging...they were saying goodbye or something. And Jack sees Jen, who has no time to talk to him, but he has something very important to tell her.
It was a new day in Salem.

Jennifer talked to Henry. At first, he didn't want to go to dinner, but she talked
him into it. He's afraid the same thing will happen like before with Jack and
Eric when they are out together.

The important stuff was at the end.

Xander came to see Eve.They made a plan together. Xander switched the vials
and Jack didn't get the serum.

Tripp sees Dr Shah (Henry). Tripp tells Henry he has the symptoms Haley has so he
can get medicine for her. Haley doesn't want to see a doctor or JJ know she has PTSD

Haley sees Claire coming at her. She opens the door and JJ is there.

Jack sees Jennifer on the Horton Square. He wants to talk to her, but she
doesn't want to.

It was great seeing Rex looking at Sarah and Eric hug.
You know, of the 3 guys, I think I'd have to put my money on the X-Man as her best option. And Maggie should be thrilled if he was Sarah's chosen hunk, because he's the one most like her cuddle bear, Victor. Back in the day, Victor was a force to be reckoned with.
maybe they SHOULD move back to the K-Mansion
It's amazing that two doctors are living like vagabonds when they should be able to afford a home of their own. I know; I know....budget cuts. ::SIGH:: Only in Salem.....

Sarah was yelling at [Xander ]saying...he should leave the mansion since no one likes him, including her
Who does this witch think she is? I think her biggest worry (or hope??) is that she will want to flap the Kiriakis sheets again with Xander.
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KathyLu, the exact same thing dawned on me this morning too. Why, why WHY, would two doctors be living with Eric in his two bedroom apartment. Rex and Sarah could easily have stayed ANYWHERE in Salem. They could be at the Salem Inn, Victor and Maggie's this whole time and not even have seen them.

Stupid, eh!
iN RE: budget cuts......was looking at a script Jason47 posted, from the 70s. The day began at 6 a.m., there was blocking, rehearsing, run through, changes, dress rehearsal, then final taping. 1 show, 1 day. No wonder we note "mistakes" here and there now in the dialogue, and they just leave it in. Maybe if NBC did not devote so much free air to "breaking news", the kind that could have waited til regular news times, they might be able to afford at least 1 rehearsal. :)