Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 27, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A day of conversations between friends, some good, most ho-hum. Blanca has told Adriana she is moving, much to Adriana's dismay. Chatter about it, then about Eduardo, and how Adriana needs to give him a chance, that she will never know if he is sincere about changing his life, unless she does.

Lots of scenes of Joey & Jade at the Johnson home, making out, talking of how Kayla doesn't like Jade, Joey anxious for sex, which he must get eventually, because at one point his shirt is off. Jade evidently has a friend (McKenna) who let her stay at her house last night, said she could sleep there as long as she wanted. She plans on getting a job. Joey eventually falls asleep, wakes up, Jade is gone. She is walking in the little park area, sits on the bench, gets a text from Joey asking if she is o.k. She doesn't answer, just sits on the bench, sighing.

Eduardo & Steve are in Club TBD, talking of their respective lives, trying to prove to their families they want to be with them, etc. These are really good scenes, good actors so did not mind them at all. Eduardo wants his family back, even talks of Eve a bit, and how he wanted to prove to Adriana that he intends to stay put, leave his previous life behind. He talks of having apologized, groveled, etc. Steve has done all that They talk, talk, and more talk. Steve tells him how this used to be the Cheatin' Heart, the pool tables, peanut shells on the floor, playing pool with Kayla, or her cheering him when he was playing someone else. Business has been rather slow at TBD of late, which is what sets Steve on his remembering when it was hopping there.

At the hospital , Fynn is worried about Kayla, she is showing symptons which are not good in re her tumor. She protests being fine, won't go for surgery, doesn't want family hovering around her in a hospital bed, they have too much going on, enough to worry about. This leads to a long conversation about her family, Joey's involvement with Jade, getting in trouble because of her & conversation of when they went to CA to find him. Eventually, Fynn gets round to talking of her not wanting to be with Steve, not trusting him to stay away from trouble. He pulls her into a kiss, Steve walks in, stares. Kayla spots him, Fynn says don't blame Kayla, Steve says I am not. Wanted to talk to her, but realize I came at a bad time......he walks out. Kayla runs after him.

They end up in her office, he tells her he is making changes, wants to show he means what he says, is leaving Black Patch, and taking a bartender job at TBD. Eduardo says it will be part time at first, but can lead into something more. She pooh poohs the idea, Eduardo the assassin, talks of when Steve tried something different in the past, (selling ties) lasted a day. Well, Steve figures since he inbibes himself at times, this is good, no secrets, except from those who tell him stuff while drinking, but won't remember it the next day. No firearms, no danger. She asks how he can leave when Tate is still missing. Steve figures he will give John whatever help he can, but he is done with that. Kayla is definitely not impressed.

Adriana comes into the club as the last customers are leaving. The place is empty, Eduardo says it is just slow night. She starts to talk of her conversation with Blanca, a couple arrives. She insists he take care of them, she will be right there when he returns. He goes to wait on them, she picks up a couple of menus on the bar, and finds the note Eduardo had discovered earlier, another like the one he found in his jacket the day before. (This one was on the back bar). She reads it, frowns.
Honestly, I felt as though the entire episode was "filler", although I really did like the scenes with Steve & Eduardo. But, yep, only 8 characters today. And all isolated from anyone else during their appearances.
I remember joking awhile ago that the Hernandez clan could be like the Brady family if they brought in Mama and Papa and opened a cantina.

The Bradys started out with the law enforcement oldest brother (Roman), rebel little brother (Bo), sort of bad younger sister (Kim) and then the sweet little sister (Kayla). And you had Mom and Pop with the fish market, later the pub.

Now we have the Hernandez family: law enforcement oldest brother (Rafe), rebel little brother (Dario), sort of bad younger sister (Arianna), and then the sweet little sister (Gabi). Papi and Mami are in town and Eduardo bought Club TBD.
Way too many scenes with Adriana and Blanca alone. They are both too new for that.
You and I are of the same mind. I tweeted this while I watched live. (Though here on the West Coast, that means 4PM East Coast time, LOL.)

I love Steve/Eduardo though I'm mystified by Steve's decision to tend bar. I'd like him to stand strong at Black Patch, to clash with Kayla's bizarre no-drama life. After all, which of the two of them (Steve & Kayla) was recently exposed to a deadly manufactured virus thanks to his/her work??? Hmm???

I like Joey & Jade, a lot. I'd like them to stick around. Here's an idea for non-isolated story that I had while watching:

Loved hearing mention of the Cheatin' Heart. Fynn's proclamation of love makes no sense, it really feels like it comes from nowhere. Silly, stupid plot point.

My brave husband didn't even complain once while I watched, so he's the real Days hero today. LOL
Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 27, 2016. A day of conversations between friends, some good, most ho-hum ....
It was certainly ho-hum, but there were a few items of note.
1) Mami actually reads magazines and knows that Salem Park is a place to avoid, which is truly remarkable for a Salemite. Most Salemites only read text messages and wander through the crime-infested park at all hours of the day or night.
2) Steve is leaving Black Patch. What's Black Patch without Patch? Maybe John can rename his business Basic Black Investigations.
3) Joey's scorpion brand has reappeared. Hasn't he been drinking his Salem water?
4) Eduardo is short of customers. Maybe he should bring in Chloe as a torch singer or hire Dr. Cameron Davis to reprise his Officer Billy Club male stripper routine.
John got his big tattoo removed from his back, so, that scorpion thing won't last too long (I did not notice it) - but then Joey & Jade making out feverishly not all that long after his surgery to remove a bullet just did not interest me one iota.

Now why would Club TBD suddenly have "slow" days/nights?? Hmmm, I figured it out. $$$ to pay the extras. LOL
Actually, entertainment would be a good idea. Karoke night, too.
Joey and Jade: I'm still not feeling it between these two. But on the other hand I will say that now that Jade has dropped the "tough girl" facade and admitted that she has feelings that can be hurt I liked her a lot more.

Steve/Eduardo: I liked their scenes but I couldn't help thinking "how random." On one hand I can definitely see these two guys getting along and Eduardo has been in Salem long enough for me to buy that they would have gotten to know each other off-screen but still I still would have liked to have seen it. However Steve called Eduardo "Obi-Wan" and a surefire way to win me over is a Star Wars reference. So overall these scenes were aces as far I'm concerned.
Joey and Jade no and more no.

Sullen Joey was enough for me, horny Joey kind of tmi (too much information).
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I wondered why TBD was slow too. How late was it? Maybe people realize they shouldn't
drink coffee so late at night. What will Eduardo do to save his business? Someone came
back to town yesterday.

Interesting conversation Adriana had with Blanca. Adriana told Blanca
Rafe needed someone
that speaks his language and knows his culture. Then she mentioned dead husband. Yes, Bo
is dead and Aiden is not.

I don't think being a bartender is better being a PI. Since Paul is working at Black Patch,
maybe John can change the name include him.

We found out today Eve moved far away.

Is Jade staying with a friend or is she sleeping on a park bench? Maybe Jade can get
a place with Blanca.

I laughed when Fynn wanted to do an examination on Kayla and she said she wasn't going
to wear a paper gown :)
Very boring today. Most of the conversations didn't interest me at all. Hope tomorrow is better.
The episode seemed to be centered on relationships. I like the idea of building a friendship between Edwardo and Steve, they have a lot in common, Edwardo and John are already connected. Days hasn't been doing a great job of deveveloping or even portraying friendships for a while now.

Mami needs to be seen at her job at the hospital instead of consistently meddling in the lives of her adult children. At this point she's coming across as a bad stereotype.