Days of Our Lives Wed., July 31, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Four Weddings there a funeral to come? Who knows? Replays of all the closing scenes from Tuesday, (good way to use up minutes). But, Ted queries Chloe at the club, telling her to give him that necklace back, it is his, and who did she get it from. She tells him to get lost, but finally says it came from Rex. Ted spins it all, saying he gave it to Xander as bribe to get released after being kidnapped, Xander gave it to Sarah as wedding gift, & how Chloe could be charged as accessory in the kidnapping. Yes, roll your eyes now. She caves, gives him the necklace.

Will is with Hope, doing article for paper, questions her about Ted who he doesn't trust. He points out that Ted said he was down on docks, Xander arrived, and that is when he was kidnapped. But Will checked the security camera footage and there is no sign of either Ted or Xander on it. He is about to say more, Ted shows up, Hope cuts the conversation short, Will leaves.

Fake Nicole & Brady are outside the apartment door, about to knock, no answer, door unlocked, they go in, no Tony. Fake Nicole is not a happy camper, and voila! Tony comes in, was taking a walk. He guesses this is Brady Black, acknowledges Nicole. So now the games begin, with Tony having to invent story. He talks of being in hospital in Nashville, recuperating after being brought back to life, blah, blah, fire, he was making way out, saw Nicole, picked her up, carried her out, got to hospital, fainted, woke up, Nicole was gone.??? Fake Nik is smiling as he jabbers, and now Brady tells her to explain to Tony what she wants.

So, she goes on about Stefan running the business into the ground, she can bring it back, but has to have DiMera name, so wants Tony to marry her. He is reluctant, she gives more reasons, who knows what Stefan is up to, yada, yada. He stares at pic of him & Anna, but agrees finally. Nicole insists they do it now, before they go back to Salem, Brady will go find someone, grease the palms he has to. With Brady gone, Kristen lashes out at Tony, he explains he needed to clear his head, they argue a bit, she points out that he has nothing to offer Anna if he finds her, calling the apt. a “dump”.When she pulls the company back up, she will make sure you will get all you should from OUR company. He accepts. Wonders about her cover story, as Brady enters the open door. (cannot believe he left without closing, and Nicole did not close it. LOL) What cover story. Fake Nicole makes up some junk about both being in same hospital, becoming friendly, blah, blah. Yes, Brady found a justice of the peace, not to worry.

Over at DiMansion, Gabi is having a meltdown over the idea Nicole is getting married today, realizing she has to be up to the same thing they are. Abe assures it isn't Brady, Gabi wonders about Theo, feeling Nik would stop at nothing. Abe doubts she would ask him to marry them, if it was his son. She figures then it has to be a DiMera somehow. Abe notes there is her brother, Peter, but he disappeared right after he was released from prison. Ben & Ciara have gone for a walk, to give them some time. Ciara gets flowers from greenhouse, makes a bouquet for Gabi, they nuzzle a bit, go back.

Will calls someone, explaining how he did not get the entire interview because Ted arrive, & Hope cut the interview short. Meanwhile Hope sits with Ted, who brings out the necklace, he got it back, explaining how it went from him giving to Xander as bribe, to Sarah, to Rex, to Chloe. He really wants Hope to have it. She is hesitant, they talk honestly, he already said how much he regrets the blackmail with Will, she flashes back to Will saying Ted & Xander not on dock film, but finally says Yes, she will take it. Ted happily gets up, putting it around her neck.

And then to the nuptials, which are amusing, as the editing has them go back and forth between Abe & the JP in Chicago, Stefan/Tony, Gabi/Nicole. Do you, Nicole take …....over to Abe saying Stefan as your husband. Gabi saying yes. Back and forth, back and forth, and then they all are declared man & wife. Stefan kisses Gabi. Tony has been staring at the pic of him & Anna, snaps out of it. He kisses fake Nik on the cheek.
Oops, forgot......there were a couple "filler" scenes with Eli & Lani, talking of his promotion, how Rafe seemed a bit off, but Lani figures it was cuz his sis marrrying a DiMera. She wants to go to club to celebrate, he notes he has not told Jack yet..but she wants to make sure they tell Julie, who will be happy. He is not sure, since she has to not be happy about Hope being canned! But they will go.
So was I.....

And after I wrote the summary....which I started with 4 weddings and.........I remembered there WAS a funeral, Caroline's. !

Makes me wonder about Peter......will we have a recast and he appears? Or were the writers just making sure for in the far future, maybe, Peter was no longer imprisoned. Or just because viewers have mentioned him here and there.
By the way....this is end of July in one of the hottest summers on record....and today fake Nicole is wearing a "sweater dress"?? Hope had on a jacket over a neck high top, (turtleneck?). Yes, this was filmed probably last November, but they know it will air in July. What is wrong with wardrobe, directors, producers????
By the way....this is end of July in one of the hottest summers on record....and today fake Nicole is wearing a "sweater dress"?? Hope had on a jacket over a neck high top, (turtleneck?). Yes, this was filmed probably last November, but they know it will air in July. What is wrong with wardrobe, directors, producers????
It's too bad the writers didn't work a heat wave into the current plot. That way, they could have had Kristen's mask melt right off her face.

Why is Tony so concerned with the fate of DiMera Enterprises? The company is his father's legacy and he despised the man so much that he called him "Stefano," not "Father."

Chloe needs to take Salem University School of Law's practical course for non-attorneys. If she had, she wouldn't have been taken in by shyster Ted's suggestion that her mere possession of a necklace that she thought was a legitimate gift could get her charged as a accessory to the Ted-Kate kidnapping.

If Sami was still in Salem and engaged in her usual schemes, the current shortage of untainted DiMeras would present an opportunity. She could suggest that Johnny be made CEO and that she, Sami, be appointed as his official company advisor until he reaches the age of 21.

Finally, it was good to see Tony stand up to Kristen. (More people should do this.) She has far more to gain from her crazy plot to seize DiMera than he does.
I just can't believe Brady is going along with all this!! "Nicole's" desperate need to take over Dimera isn't a little suspect? Crazy stuff.

It was funny when Will said he was sorry he jumped down Hope's throat about Ted and she said I know that wasn't you, it was the tumor and he said Maybe.
Thanks, Poirot.

An interesting show today.

Poor Chloe. Ted took the necklace back. It was funny when Ted told her he gave
Xander the necklace and she said "You gave him jewelry?"

Interesting to learn Will found out the CCTV didn't show Ted or Xander on the docks when
Ted was kidnapped. Did the Salem PD not look because Eve was commissioner?

Ben was smart today too when he wondered why Nicole was marrying today and to who.

I laughed when Gabi suggested Theo.

It's too bad Tony didn't pull off the Nicole mask since he was close to Kristen.

Wasn't Brady around when Tony died? They acted like they didn't know each other.

The ending was interesting with the two weddings happening at the same time.
Kat and Lil0 have already brought up what I came here to say. Brady hadn't met Tony before? But it was confusing because when he and Nicole (Kristen) got into the apartment while Tony was still gone, Brady picked up the picture of Tony and Anna and said, "I'm pretty sure I know which Dimera we're dealing with now.....Tony and Anna's wedding picture.....Tony Dimera." But then when Tony got back to the apartment, he and Brady introduced themselves, as though they had never met before. :huh:Maybe Brady knows Anna and recognized her in the picture and if he knew their history, he just figured out it was Tony?
Did Eileen Davidson’s Kristen ever do a scene again with Thaao Penghlis’s Tony after Tony killed himself in Aremid and framed John for murder? It was soon after this that Kristen started to change from a good/virtuous person to an evil/manipulative person. Then she was “killed” or, rather, taken into the harem and was off Days for several years. It was during this time when she was off Days that Tony returned to Salem alive and shocked everyone at the Penthouse Grill. Tony/Andre would stay for a while. I cannot remember if Tony was alive or in Salem when Kristen returned about 5-6 years ago. If so, did they share any scenes? Up until yesterday and today...I don’t remember Kristen and Tony talking or having a scene together since Aremid which was nearly 24 years ago.

Can anyone remember if this is correct?
The actress playing Kristen just hasn't clicked for me, but I do like her chemistry with Tony. Just in a brotherly, shared past, Dimera sort of way.
Did Eileen Davidson’s Kristen ever do a scene again with Thaao Penghlis’s Tony after Tony killed himself in Aremid and framed John for murder? It was soon after this that Kristen started to change from a good/virtuous person to an evil/manipulative person. Then she was “killed” or, rather, taken into the harem and was off Days for several years. It was during this time when she was off Days that Tony returned to Salem alive and shocked everyone at the Penthouse Grill. Tony/Andre would stay for a while. I cannot remember if Tony was alive or in Salem when Kristen returned about 5-6 years ago. If so, did they share any scenes? Up until yesterday and today...I don’t remember Kristen and Tony talking or having a scene together since Aremid which was nearly 24 years ago.

Can anyone remember if this is correct?
It is confusing, but if I remember correctly, it was rewritten to say that was always Andre pretending to be Tony that Kristen interacted with. Tony was on some tropical island. When Kristen returned (as Eileen Davidson) in 2012, Tony was "dead".
Anna was on the show carrying around Tony's ashes in an urn. In fact, she took them to go see Andre, ended up leaving the urn there, where it became part of the "who killed Andre" storyline. When Andre was found dead, the ashes were scattered all over the floor, I believe the urn was there, not the cover.
Anyway, since Tony & Andre look alike, & Brady knew Tony & Anna were married, not hard for him to know the pic was of Tony.........& Anna.
And I seem to remember Anna was going around with Roman for a bit, so Brady saw her then. I remember she just was "gone" one day, with Roman saying they decided it would not work.
Thanks for the summary!

I'm becoming a Ciara and Ben fan more and more. I like their casual way of being together - but I AM an incurable romantic! I also am hoping Will carries through with a good story!

I'm sooo glad to be rid of Eve - wish to NEVER see her again, but that's probably a wish that will never come true!:cry:

SOMEBODY please end this stupid story with Kristen/Nicole! It is boring, stupid and thoroughly annoying!

It's too bad the writers didn't work a heat wave into the current plot. That way, they could have had Kristen's mask melt right off her face.
I too would love to see that!:rotfl::rotfl:

Chloe bought Ted's story way too fast - she is smarter than that - and that necklace looked great on her! Nice accessory - but "accessory after the fact" - my foot!

And Brady - really, just as he was BEGINNING to get a clue - wham - he's right back to being clueless! Too bad - what are these writers doing? It seems they can't make up their minds about the personalities of many Salemites!:whack:
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