Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 4, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

JJ comes to visit Lani in the hospital, bringing a huge vase of beautiful flowers. Lani is happy to see him, was looking at footprints of her son, thinking how she herself was a great soccer player, wondering if her son might have liked soccer. She knows she should not do blaming herself for what happened. JJ assures her it was not the case, she did not cause the placenta previa, and really gives a very comforting, wise talk. Lani is blaming herself as she did not want this pregnancy at first, Nope, not your fault. Baby was not a mistake, but we all make them, and to get over, you have to forgive yourself. There is more, very nice, then he has to leave for the hearing. Lani thanks him, is going to take his advice.

In the judge's chambers, Theresa is texting JJ, she needs his moral support. Brady & Eve arrive, Theresa lights into them, berating her sister for not worrying about her when she was going thru hell. Brady notes Eve did not know, HE did not know, Tate did not know, no one. So don't go off on any us. (but Shane knew, Victor knew! ) Hearing resumes, Maggie appears as witness for Theresa, but is there actually since Brady's AA sponsor. She is forced to say he fell off the wagon a few months ago, and a few times in the past. Ted brings up Brady's plot to seduce Eve, blah, blah. Maggie does her best to defend Brady, talks of great father, how much he & Eve love each other, and love Tate. Maggie is excused, recess. Justin, Brady & Eve talk, Justin feels as positive as Maggie was, may have hurt their case. Eve says if Theresa wants to do this, time to fight fire with fire.

Sonny and Will finish rolling up Leo in the rug, Sonny goes to open doors, to get Leo's car, there is Paul, looking for Will. Sonny claims file was dropped off, Will left, if he sees him, will tell him Paul is looking for him. Meanwhile Maggie came in, sees the rug, Will claims Ari spilled grape juice on it, taking it to be cleaned, Maggie has fab stain remover, but gets text (to go to court) and leaves. Will breathes sigh of relief, Sonny returns, grateful Will parked out back. Evidently they put Leo in Leo's car, drive it to some area, leave it. (no idea about the rug). Now they are in the park, hashing over all the stupidity, Sonny is responsible for killing a guy, Will remembered Sonny saying he loved him, how will they get out of this mess. Pros and cons, then get idea of having Leo's car be wrecked, hit a tree, telephone pole. Leo gets found, hit head, is dead. Will has to go connect with Paul, will meet Sonny at 10 tonight.

Lani is thanking Theo for calling, as Abe & Val come in. Val said someone sent her some things that belonged to Eli when a baby, brought a blanket and teddy bear. Abe says they thought perhaps Lani & Eli would like to wrap their baby in the blanket when they lay him to rest. Lani likes that idea, but gives the teddy bear back to Val, telling her to save it, Eli may want it when he has another child, a baby. She wants to know when she can leave, Val says possibly tomorrow, or the next day, if you are up to it. Fine.

Paul is in Will's room, on phone with Marlena, call him if she hears from Will. In comes the missing Will, claims working on story, doing research. Hugs. Paul was worried. How about going to the Pub, grabbing a couple burgers, and then watch fhe fireworks! Nope, Will wants to work on his story, he is “in the zone”, needs to stay with it. On July 4th? Asks Paul. Yep.

Back at the hearing, judge returns, Justin says that in light of what has been said there, and with Brady becoming Tate's defacto only parent when Theresa disappeared, he is now counter suing for full custody of Tate Black. Theresa cannot believe this. Brady mutters that if she want to make him out an unfit father, he is going to prove she is an unfit mother.

Judge wants to know if there is any witnesses. Yes, replies Justin, we have a witness to testify. Through the door comes Chloe, with Eve) Cue Theresa to look a bit panicked.
Don't know if I got everything, wicked thunder & lightning storm here, lost TV several times, lst time was longest, about 5 min. into the show, for about 10 min. On and off after that, still raining, but not storming as much. Temp even dropped about 12 degrees, wind..........

If I missed something important...just feel free to say so.
Thank you so much, Poirot !

Boy, am I glad that we got a show filled with fun, family time, wonderful picnics, fireworks, everything to celebrate the 4th of July. I was afraid we would instead be treated to a murder cover up (and a bad one at that), a horrible court hearing regarding the custody of a child, and some more of the mourning for the loss of a newborn by a relatively irrelevant character. Because that would have been both boring and depressing. Glad the "writers" didn't go that path. :sarcasm:

Seriously, though, let me wish my American friends here on the board a very great Fourth of July! From your Canadian neighbour.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting to hear Will and Paul talk about going to see the fireworks since
it was the 4th of July. Maybe the rest of Salem didn't realize it was a holiday.

Will was lucky. He was saved by Maggie's cell going off before she tried cleaning
the carpet.

I laughed when Maggie got the cleaning solution. I wonder if she cleans other things

besides the rug?

Did Leo park his car in the front of the mansion? Why didn't Paul see it?

Will told a big lie to Paul today. How long will it take Paul to figure out Sonny
and Will have a secret together?

I enjoyed the scenes with Lani and JJ.
I laughed out loud when Sonny said something like, "How long will it take before the police figure it out?" Given that it's the Salem PD, I'd say he's pretty safe for a good, long while.

Also thought they should've told Victor. Isn't he quite experienced at making people disappear?
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The entire episode was preempted here by local news due to flooding. But it doesn't seem like I missed anything. (Could watch it on demand tomorrow but probably won't.) I've been waiting for Thursday.
I would tend to agree you did not miss much, JackB. Actually, if the show wanted to just twiddle thumbs, they could have done a picnic or gathering of some kind in the park or square for fireworks.....but guess since they had Leo die, they felt they had to deal with having Sonny only wanting to focus on Will's one little memory, with just a side of "what do we do about Leo? I still want to know what they did with the rug.
I also don't understand why they didn't tell Victor. He is more experienced with this and could have made it all go away.

Does anyone else find it weird that Shane never told Eve what was going with her sister? Eve left Theresa several messages, why didn't Shane let her know what was going on instead of thinking her sister was of getting high/drunk?
I laughed out loud when Sonny said something like, "How long will it take before the police figure it out?" Given that it's the Salem PD, I'd say he's pretty safe for a good, long while. Also thought they should've told Victor. Isn't he quite experienced at making people disappear?
Ain't that the truth. They also shouldn't worry about Hope's forensics unit. It couldn't discover an elephant in a strawberry patch even if (as in the old "elephant jokes") it didn't camouflage itself by painting its toenails red. As for Victor, the whole scene would have been better if it had gone something like this:
  • Maggie: OMG a dead body! Why are you boys wrapping it in the rug? I'm calling Victor.
  • Victor: What are you fools doing. I'm calling real professionals to handle this. That gigolo Leo will disappear just like that.
  • Sonny: Oh gee, Uncle Vic, thanks so much.
  • Victor: You can thank me by becoming a real Kiriakis, not some blithering idiot. I'm beginning to think that Xander is the smart one in this family.
Finally, Will and Sonny, the amateur body-snatchers, weren't the only dummies in Salem. Justin and Ted weren't doing much better. Their case is being presided over by Judge Rose Duncan who as Days viewers may remember, can't abide parents with sketchy pasts. By airing all the dirty laundry of both Brady and Jeannie T., they are creating the possibility that Tater Tot may end up in the custody of the Horton Cabin raccoons.
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This whole Theresa vs Brady story would be much better if Eve wasn't constantly inserted into each scene.

I said the exact same thing on twitter today. The story doesn't need Jeannie T, Chloe, and Eve. Of the 3, Eve is the one glaringly out of place. This whole thing should be leading to a Brady/Chloe reconciliation.

I watched this episode in real time and cannot for the life of me recall the last scene with Chloe entering the chambers.
Chloe just stood in the doorway. And Eve......really Eve has had very little dialogue. She mostly just sits in silence, giving Brady a pat on the back or arm on occasion. If JJ wasn't busy comforting Lani, he would probably be sitting behind Theresa as well....and he also has nothing to do with the hearing. He has been there, may be back before this interminable travesty ends.
I absolutely love JJ but I’m puzzled and perplexed by this misplaced bizarre support of Theresa. Is he forgetting the hell she put him, JenJen and anyone that crossed her path through when she first blew into Salem? Sure he has grown up and matured, but geez, what a knot head.
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This episode was painful to watch. I ended up skipping most of the Theresa/Brady/Eve stuff. I also finally had to start skipping a bunch of Will and Sonny. Their scenes were almost like a comedy that wasn't funny. The most intolerable part was how they kept standing around talking, when they needed to just get on with the task at hand.

JJ's talk with Lani was nice. Maybe he should become a counselor. Marlena could help him get through his two weeks of schooling.