Days of Our Lives -Wed., June 17, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Best part of the show today, to me, were the scenes with Jack & Jen! Another comment, too bad Days doesn't have a VP in charge of common sense, as some situations would undoubtedly be presented better.

John talks to Claire about her little escapade, how he wants her to trust them, but they have to be able to trust her as well. She is sorry she snuck out, just really wanted to see Ciara, then asks him for some tea, he happily goes to make some. Knocking at the door.....hey, it is GWEN! (did Claire really tell Gwen her grandparents' names, where they lived, and that she would not be going with her parents somewhere?). Gwen says someone called Babyview inquiring about her, the only person who could have told anyone would have been Claire, she knows it was her. Claire shoves her into her bedroom, be quiet, as John returns with the tea. She thinks she will take the tea to her room, leaves, in comes Marlena.

John & Marlena spend a lot of time discussing Claire, what she did, her personality, how they should handle it, etc. John is exhausted from taking care of their wild child. Meanwhile, Claire talks with Gwen, tells her of Jake needing something Gwen took, to free Gabi or she will be in terrible danger. Gwen is not too keen on doing so, takes a book out of her bag, says it must be this, she thought it a big highbrow for Jake , but when she was reading, noted names and numbers dotted in the margins. They argue back & forth about giving the book back, Gwen is hungry, Claire gives her some candy, Claire wants to ask for help from her grandparents. Gwen against it, til Claire tells of Marlena being a fabulous psychiatrist who fought super villains, and Gramps was in ISA & closest thing in Salem to James Bond.

Ben returns, tells Jake & Ciara about Gwen being gone. They all talk, Jake still doesn't want to include the cops, Ciara gets him to tell them what it is the mob boss wants, tis a book.....Crime & Punishment. No one has any idea where to look for Gwen now..But Ciara takes them to Kmansion, gets Victor's copy of Crime & Punishment, figures they can fake it, give to the bad guys.

Gabi is trying to get free, flirting with her jailer, hinting she will sleep with him. He starts untying her, she keeps it up, but when loose, gets up close and gives him a knee to the groin. He falls, she tries to get out, door locked, thug has the key, soon Gabi is tied up again. Thug calls Jake, time is up, meet me, no cops, or your little wife will be dead.

Jack sits Jen down to a romantic, candle lit dinner. She lifts the cover off the dish, is surprised. A dish of popcorn. Oh, that is not all, he has a bowl of chocolate, potato chips, peanuts, even gummy bears. They are having fun, as are the viewers, as Jack explains he began making dinner, Thomas & Charlotte wanted to help, this is their recipe. So they dig in, claiming pretty good, sugary, salty but tasty. They decide to take a break, but think they should finish it...Jen gets an idea, both take forkfuls, big grins, take a show the kids (who are sleeping now. Jack has a backup plan, Jen notes he usually does, brings out another big plate. Jen exclaims over the one dish, shaped like a fish, reminding her of when they were on the Loretta. Jack talks of the Loretta being the first memory he had, then they all came flooding back, they toast to memories, old ones, and the new ones they will make together. She mentions being in coma for a year, no honeymoon, they think they deserve on, right now. Get Julie & Doug to watch kids for couple days, & have time for themselves. Nope, no cruise, not taking chance on ship blowing up. Since they went to Universal Studios in CA for 1st one, how about the one in FL. ? Nope, Thomas & Charlotte would not forgive them for going there without them. So, what about right here, right now. We got a mansion, an evening to ourselves. Servants, uptown Salem. They are kissing across the table, but feel a bit uncomfortable, looking for at Stefano's portrait. Commercial break, they are kissing again, Jack says “better?”. Much better, she replies. LOL, portrait is covered up.

Now Eli/Lani have been hanging out in the square, watching Salem Inn door. They know Ben, Jake & Ciara are all up there. The trio finally emerges, with Eli/Lani hiding behind a flower cart, & follow them to the Kmansion, cannot imagine why they would go there. Lani gets nauseous, but Eli has a package of her handy dandy Goldfish crackers to avoid getting sick. They continue to stake out in front of the door, (which, if it opened, would show them immediately)

John & Marlena have decided they need some alone bed time, get up from the sofa, only Claire comes out. They tell her that Gwen was gone, no idea where she is. Claire knows, Gwen is here. She calls her, Gwen steps out sheepishly from around the corner.

Thug threatens Gabi again.

Jake takes the book, will write some names & numbers in the margins, really fake it, for the exchange.
If yesterday's episode was an exercise in irritation, today was the silly season.

Mobsters writing their secrets on the pages of a classic Russian novel: Who does this? Al Capone would have been scratching his head. Is this an only-in-Salem ploy based on the fact that the secrets would be safe because nobody in town ever cracks a book?

The dangers of cruising: Jenny's worried about bombs aboard a cruise ship? If she'd read her own paper once in a while, she'd know that the thing to worry about now on these ships is the coronavirus. Along those lines, imagine Jack's state of mind after being cooped up with Jenny in a cabin for weeks.

Let's insult James Bond: Claire actually compared Coma King John to James Bond. If the real 007 was in Salem and heard about such an absurd comparison he'd be at the Pub knocking back one shaken-not-stirred martini after another to cope with the absurdity of it all.

Rare books: Jake scribbled in Victor's copy of Crime and Punishment? If it's a rare American first edition, Vic is sure to get grouchier than ever when he learns that somebody defaced it. Of course, Salemites are not exactly known for their knowledge of literature. Imagine the following conversation between Gwen and Claire:
Gwen: What Jake wants is a copy of Crime and Punishment that I stole from him.​
Claire: What's that, a DVD of a TV crime show?​
Gwen: No, it's a classic novel by Dostoevsky.​
Claire: Who?​
Thanks, Poirot.

The Salem elves have been busy. They changed the entrance of the K mansion. There is now
an arch by the front door. John and Marlena's place changed too. The entry on the side
was to all areas of the apartment. Today John came back with tea from another area.

Eli and Lani sat in the Horton Square waiting on to see Jake leave the Salem Inn.
Wouldn't the inn have more than one exit in case of emergencies?

Hopefully, Victor won't come downstairs and see Jake writing in his book.

Did Claire call John Gramps before?