Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 18, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fasten your seatbelts, folks, going to be a bumpy ride. Replay of Jennifer pleading with Daniel, kissing him, and him finally kissing her back. But, he pulls away, cannot do this. Jen is dumbfounded, she has apologized to him over and over, what is it? He tells her he loves her, and she may love him, but doesn't really believe in the man he is. This isn't about her telling Eric, it is that she thought he would not do the right thing. Jen now claims she did not know where he was......(which is a crock, because she was right outside the door), but Daniel is firm. They need to take a break, he doesn't know for how long, she should leave and now, and before she goes, leave her key. A tearful Jen goes out the door.

JJ runs into Marlena in the square, is so happy as he got a 96 on his history final, and is walking on cloud 9. She congratulates him, then he begins talking of hearing Nicole telling someone about eloping with Eric, and that it is odd, because Marlena seems upset and so did Dan & Jennifer when he mentioned it to them.
Nicole is at the Pub, asking Eric if he will be returning to the church. He quietly says he doesn't know what he is going to do, lets her know that the Bishop is going to want to talk to both her and Daniel. She is making a plea but Eric talks of how she lied to him for months, doesn't trust her to talk to the Bishop, lied to Daniel when he found out, and lied about Daniel as well. He will never believe anything she says ever again. Marlena arrives and echoes that statement. Nicole gets up and leaves.

Now Marlena sits and talks with Eric, who is a bit reluctant, but evidently tells her all. She is sympathetic, hugs him, then goes to see Nicole at her hotel. Yes, she reads Nicole the riot act, tells her Eric gave her a job, a place to stay when no one would even talk to her. How could she do this. Nicole now blames Marlena, not only for looking down her nose at Nicole, but for unleashing Sami into this world as well. She tells Marlena to leave, Marlena tells her not to even think Eric will reconsider, she has lost him. Nicole spits right back that if she thinks Eric will be back in the priesthood, think again, because when she finishes talking with the Bishop, Eric won't stand a chance.

JJ goes to visit Daniel, bursting with the news about his history exam, so happy, and he figures he will make the honor roll. He thanks Daniel, as if it wasn't for him.....Daniel is happy for him, JJ notices Jen's picture is not on the desk (earlier, Daniel had stuck it in a drawer), so Daniel has to tell him that he & Jen are taking this break. JJ mentions the special dinner Mom is having for his graduation, but Daniel cannot be there. Daniel lets him know he still wants to see him, is there if JJ ever has a problem, wants to talk. But right now, maybe JJ should go home and talk to his mother.

And back there, Jennifer is on the sofa, sitting, thinking, crying. JJ comes home, talks to her, she is silent just a shake of the head here or there. He makes her some tea, she tells him to just put it down. She stares into space, JJ tries to tell her she cannot just sit there, she has to get up and DO something. She just sadly sits.

And now to the ever giddy Sami, who apologizes to Abby for interupting her conversation with Jordan, and then insists on taking her to DiMansion, so they can make plans with EJ

Hope is at the Pub, Aiden arrives, talking mysteriously about them not yet having a place for the Gala, but he thinks they will. He begins taking out packets, setting them up like dominos. Mr. Howell arrives, warns them he will not be swayed, he is keeping the ballroom date for his Domino Club. He sits down, tells Aiden he has those "dominos" set up all wrong, but Aiden flicks one, down they all go. And it seems they are packets of parking tickets, ones that Mr. Howell continually acquires when he goes to Chicago frequently, and ignores, and now the fines have added up to 5 figures, which means jail time. Aiden has a friend who works in that dept. Hope is the deal is struck. Howell will give up the ballroom date, in exchange for Aiden representing him in this parking ticket fiasco. Hope quickly calls, books the ballroom for St. Lukes. Howell leaves, Aiden gets ready to leave, Hope tells him thank you, that she has been in a downer mood, but watching him with Howell had her smiling. He knows she has had a rough time, tells her to call if she wants to talk.

EJ is on the phone, gathering votes for some important board meeting, talking of how his father will be there, and how he & dad are always in sync. He hangs up, looks at Stefano's portrait, and mutters, so where ARE you, Father. Sami comes bustling into the foyer, telling Abby EJ should be through soon. She strides into the study, asking if he is done. Oh, has more calls but that can wait. Sami is all excited about her plans, but first pulls EJ into a huge kiss, blathering about them soon being man and wife, saying sorry to the uncomfortable Abby. Then she goes to get notes, but is back right away. Abby is beside herself, Sami ushers everyone out to the garden, and is talking of the area where they will be. Chairs here, an aisle, EJ & the judge there, she is pointing right and left, striding around. Now she tells Abby she will be walking first down the aisle. Huh? No she won't. Oh, Sami thought she understood, she wants her to be maid of honor. Abby says no, no, she couldn't, but Sami goes on and on, til Abby consents.
Sami is back in planning mode, talking of this being the perfect spot, standing with her arm thru EJ's, how do we look. Beautiful says Abby,. Sami wants to see for herself, makes Abby stand with EJ. Abby pulls away, just cannot do this. Sami is all contrite, how could she be so callous. Of course, Abby & Chad probably spent time here in the garden, she has lots of memories. Sami promises not to repeat that gaffe again. Now she is hungry, goes back to the house to get Harold to make some snacks.

Daniel sits staring out the window of his office, shakes lhimself, gets up and into his white coat, as a patient arrives. He talks of going over the files her doctor sent over, and the surgery should fix her throat problem. He feels they should start right way, the sooner the better she replies. He reaches across the desk to shake her hand. O.K. Ms. Baron. Oh, call me, she purrs, and now we see her, extending her hand to Dr. Dan, who says, o.k. Eve.

In the garden Abby is having a major fit, she is not going to be fixing Sami's veil, and holding her bouquet while watching Sami marry a man Abby has slept with. EJ shushes her, tells her it is just a couple of days, and she will never have to see either one of them again. Just hold on, stay calm.
Over in the study, Sami is on the intercom, telling Harold to bring out the snacks she has already talked to him about, and bring them into the garden, where EJ and Abby are right now. She looks out the open French doors, then over at EJ's briefcase. She goes to the briefcase, draws out a large brown envelope. She sits down, holding it. Her lips tighten, as she opens the flap, and slowly draws out the large papers inside, looking a them. And we get to see, the pic of Abby & EJ on Smith Island. Sami contemplates the picture, looks at the open door.
I thought most of the good stuff happened today in the last 10 minutes. Both Sami and Jennifer were annoying today. Eve was on for a minute.

I did enjoy Nicole telling Marlena off but that was part of the last 10 minutes of the show. I actually was on Nicole's side too. I do not enjoy seeing Marlena play the role of Kate.

The questions regarding Sami are:
1. How much does she know?
2. Does EJ know that she knows?
3. How does she know? My bet is on Kate.

Hope and Aiden were cute together but just filler.

Since when did JJ become such a busy body?
Yep, Hope/Aiden filler. Also wondered about JJ & his gossiping. Odd.

I think Sami has known at least since that picture arrived under the door. Sami is entirely too nosy to have not wanted to see it, and I have a hunch she caught a glimpse when she got that phone call, telling EJ to look. Sami would have insisted on seeing it when she came back in the room, and did not. Always thought that odd. But...o.k.
she then probably got hold of his brief case at another time...maybe even sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night...who knows.

While I do understand Marlena's reluctance to have her son involved with Nicole, I really do not like that she takes it upon herself to stick herself into the situation. She did so with Brady, ending up hurting her son the priest. And now she is doing it again with Nicole, and probably once again will be hurting her son. How can she fault John who was trying to do the same thing to help HIS son?

Marlena is a shrink, and knows Nicole. Why would she PUSH her like that??
Another question regarding Sami:

WHEN did she know? I would be interested in knowing how long she has known, because - again - it just isn't like Sami to seem to sincerely sweet to EJ, defend him and their upcoming wedding to everyone, and keep something like this to herself.

Edited to add: Hmmm... makes me wonder. I can't remember exactly what was going on at the time, but what if Sami took the pictures?!
If she hadn't treated Rafe and Lucas like last week's trash, I'd love to see one of them swoop in and sweep her away from the wedding, after she tells EJ she knows he's a cheating front of all 8 wedding guests (Will, Sonny, Johnny, Allie, Sydney, baby Ari, Harold and Mary). would be totally bizarre to have Sami as the photographer who caught Ej and Abby. I don't think so. However, in retrospect, she may not have shown her hand by exploding as she always does; instead, her behavior around Abigail has become increasingly manic, whether with super sweet bonding or breathless ecstatic excitement about the wedding. Hmm.
I'm thinking that Sami finding out has been very recent and Kate is her co-conspirator. Kate would only know from Stefano and they haven't been talking that long.

The photos were never in EJ's briefcase. He had them locked in the drawer of the desk in the living room. My guess is Sami has her own copy anyhow.
Marlena is a shrink, and knows Nicole. Why would she PUSH her like that??
Very good point. What is this compulsion to continually crucify Nicole? Good grief, hasn't everything possible been said already? Are Marlena and company trying to drive poor Nicole to suicide? As for darling Jenny, it's another bad turn in the not-so-wonderful Salem game of love. She should have realized that in the long run a prissy, gaffe-prone person such as herself could never hang onto the ultra-cool surfer dude/miracle surgeon. If nothing else, her awful outfits would have eventually proved too much even for a man who is himself scruffy and perpetually unshaven. EJ is certainly not scruffy, but for a DiMera, he's not all that clever. Why are those Abigail pictures in a briefcase and not buried in some impenetrable vault equipped with a time lock? It's too bad that Sami didn't find the pictures at the Pub so Nicole could have enjoyed a little schadenfreude.
Sami could have easily taken them from the drawer. She knows where the key is, and who is to say it is always locked. They are still in the envelope, so, she went looking for them. And who is to say that EJ did not take them from the drawer?
However, also.......who is to say that Percy himself did not send them to Sami...(C'mon, he had copies) or Nick. But I say Percy because EJ made him leave the U.S. and go to some remote or disagreeable (to him) area of England. Payback.
That was Sami's maroon briefcase. She carries it around all the time.

I haven't seen today's show, but I believe you are right Heather. Sami put a maroon briefcase on the bar at the pub yesterday before the catfight with Nicole. So it seems she has been hanging on to the picture for a least a little while and needed proof by setting EJ and Abby up to be alone together.
So, I wonder if it will ever cross Sami's mind that she did the same thing to Rafe (only worse since the guy she cheated with raped her and was party to injuring Rafe and planting a criminal in his place) that Elvis has done to her?? Will she remember this as she plots whatever it is she's going to do to Elvis and Abby and realize that Rafe should have done the same (or worse) to her? Will she think of herself as the injured party as opposed to understanding that "what goes around, comes around"? Will be interesting to see if she has any thoughts about her past actions or if she will be smug and self-satisfied since it's always all about her.