Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 22, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hope is having a nightmare. She is in a wedding dress, coming towards the area (it appears to be in Hope's house) where the groom & best man are waiting. She is puzzled, where is the minister? Out rushes Andre in the priestly garb, she is saying no, no, what the hell are you doing here? Andre is reciting the "dearly beloved, we are gathered here", etc. while Rafe is kissing Blanca, bending her way back. In the front row of seats sits Ciara & Chase, all dressed up. Angry Hope is telling Chase, get away from her, get away from her.....and wakes herself all alone in the bedroom.

Rafe is making breakfast at his home, Blanca comes in, goes to get a cup for coffee. She wonders if perhaps, since his mother has all this family there, if perhaps she should move. No, not to Mexico, to her own place, she is an American citizen, can stay there, likes Salem. Mami comes in, Rafe has made them both eggs for breakfast, is late for work, takes off, telling the women they can talk, perhaps about how it is not nice to tell lies.

Mami thinks Blanca really likes Rafe, sees how her eyes light up, but Blanca thinks she should move. Mami reminds her Rafe never answered her about that.

Jennifer is at DiMansion, wants to talk to Chad, doesn't want him trying to take Abby from Shady Hills. She needs the care there, Jen went thru this with her mother, Abby needs to be confined. Chad claims he spouted off yesterday without thinking, was just blowing off steam, didn't mean it.

Ciara is with Marlena, having just finished a session, is feeling pretty good. Is thinking maybe she might want to get into psychotherapy for her future career, knows it requires a great deal of education. Maybe she could recommend a book or something to read and see if this is where she wants to go. Marlena suggests volunteering at the psychiatric unit at the hospital, or a private one close by, Shady Hills. Ciara knows that is where Abby is, Marlena will call and see if she can get her an interview. Yep, right away, as a matter of fact.

Aiden is talking to Chase, who is now at Shady Hills, telling him this is best place, not in jail, loves him, will do anything for him, yada yada. Dr. Robinson comes along, along talks of lots of work ahead of them, to get Chase back into the world. Meanwhile, Marlena arrived with Ciara, introducing her to Dr. Brown, & off they go for interview, while Marlena goes to see Abby.

Earlier, Abby woke up to find brother JJ sitting next to her, Chad having gone home to shower and change, having been there all night. She removes her mask, evidently can take if off for a few minutes at a time, and talks calmly & seriously to JJ about what is going to happen to her. He assures her he believes her, she didn't start the fire. She wonders what if she did. JJ has to admit he heard talk of transferring her, then, to a more secure facility. She asks if she is that dangerous, he is trying to be comforting, & then she tells him of Dad rescuing her. He was there, saved her. Later, Marlena has joined them, the mask is back on, Abby is agitated, just wants to go home, she would not be a danger to anyone there. She flashes Ben setting the bed on fire with her & Chad on it, and Chad saving them both, then striking the match to set Ben's legs on fire, and finally, flicking the lighter to start the aerosol can on fire. She wants to go home. Marlena calms her, the investigation is still on going, nothing decided yet.

Ciara is with Chad, telling him her plans for volunteering, he is not too happy, thought she was going to be working there full time for the summer. She insists she will still be there, can work her hours around so all will be o.k. Later, Chad is on the phone, making plans with someone to be on the ready, a cargo van, he is not sure yet about timing, just be ready. He sits, thumbing thru pics of Abby on his phone.

At the cop shop, Roman has gone over the Deimos file, Hope arrives. They talks about the hankie having some blood on it, matches Deimos. No body, not much of a case, only Kate saying she saw Nicole push him in the river. Hope has texted Aiden (which is how he left Chase at Shady Hills) and he arrives, Roman takes off, Hope leaves with Aiden, private park area, asks him to go away with her for a few days, away from the distractions, etc. Aiden is tickled, more than thrilled. Says yes, goes home to pack, will meet her at her home. Roman, meanwhile is hoping Rafe is all right, he assures Roman that all along, all he ever wanted, before all this happened, before Bo came back, passed away, all of it, was for Hope to be happy.

Later, she is asking an unwilling Roman for the vacation time, he is arguing, Rafe appears in background, overhears. Roman finally agrees, leaves, Hope sees Rafe, they go into interrogation room so she can tell him about her & Aiden going away. Rafe knows she is trying to figure out if she made the right decision, he just hopes it will make her realize she made a huge mistake. He walks out.

Hope calls Ciara to tell her of going away with Aiden, unless Ciara has a problem. Ciara says nothing, just that she is fine, is going after something, if it pans out, she will let her mom know. Dr. Brown comes along, tells her to wait in the day room.

Hope arrives home late, Aiden is there all packed, she isn't, it will take her a bit. She goes to do so, Aiden's phone rings, tis Andre. He is getting tired of waiting, starts making threats. Aiden tells him everything is already in motion.

Dr. Brown returns, tells Ciara she has been approved, he will let her know hours, & schedule. She thanks him, gathers her things. Behind her, someone wheels Chase in, saying he will be comfortable there for a while. Ciara turns, sees Chase, stares.

At the cop shop, a man walks in, some low life the cops know well. Is dressed in suit & tie. Roman & Rafe ask why he is there. Monahan says he came there to confess...seemed he is the guy who wasted Stefano DiMera.
Thank you, Poirot. I just finished watching the show, and I wasn't impressed. The best parts for me were Hope's dream and Rafe basically telling off his Mom and Blanca for the lie.

To me, Aiden, Chase, and Blanca are a waste of air time.

Why exactly must Abigail wear that ridiculous "Phantom of the Opera wanna be" mask? There are no burns on her pretty face. Just a few itty bitty scratches on her forehead.
deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS

Thanks for the daily write ups. I can't always watch it when I get home so this is good to know everything that goes on. Then if I want to weekend binge watch I can choose what days to watch!
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Meh episode

I wonder how many wedding dresses they bought for Hope. I normally wouldn't care but it's really odd these scenes were filmed 6 months apart. I'm thinking this wasn't the intention when the initial wedding scenes were filmed.

Is Hope not able to dream about her son Shawn? Speaking of Shawn, I'm still annoyed the Nicole case is suddenly Hope and Rafe's case. They keep mentioning evidence and the crime scene without mentioning him. He was the one at the actual crime scene. Though I suppose next time we see Nicole with Belle, it will be Shawn's case again.

Nice to see the continuity with Marlena and Abby today. Though we seem to have lost Jen halfway through. It's also funny that Abby and Shawn are cousins yet Abby and Ciara (Shawn's sister) act like acquaintances. And when Aiden mentioned the "facility" to Hope, it was like they went out of there way to avoid mentioning Abby or tying her to Hope.

So I guess Shady Hills is going to be a new storyline source now with so many characters involved there? At least make the set look different from the hospital set.

Monahan: Not what I was expecting when I read the spoiler

Aiden is creeping me out as are the constant flowers. Could they be bugged?
I'm no specialist or anything, but in the real world, I'm pretty sure a teenager, or very young adult like Ciara, wouldn't be hired to work at a facility like Shady Hills just like that ! Did anybody say "contrived" ? So much so that this is beyond ridiculous.

Hope, unless she's planning to catch Aiden, is an idiot.

I still don't care for... Blanca, is it ? Oh, and by the way, who walks around, as a guest in a home, wearing...well, that ? Subtle, very subtle. :rolleyes: Hopefully, Rafe doesn't fall for that.

Abigail : Unless Dr Robinson is hiding something, this has been dragged out too long. The character should have been given a break when leaving the Dimera house to go to Shady Hills. I hate the name, by the way, unless TIIC want us to pick up on the fact that there are indeed shady things going on there. In that case, subtle, real subtle. Again. :rolleyes:

So, speculation : is Ciara going to go over to the dark side too (or should I say shady side :rolleyes:) and actually want to harm Abigail to get her out of the way so she can make a move on Chad ? Nah... Days' writers wouldn't do that, would they ? :sarcasm:

So, folks, as you can guess, I am really, really not impressed by this show. Keeps on disappointing...
I'm no specialist or anything, but in the real world, I'm pretty sure a teenager, or very young adult like Ciara, wouldn't be hired to work at a facility like Shady Hills just like that ! Did anybody say "contrived" ? So much so that this is beyond ridiculous.
When I was a teenager, my best friend volunteered to be something along the lines of a candy striper at a local hospital. She had to go through orientation and several training sessions before being able to actually work. Plus, she had a two-part interview process to even get her foot in the door.

Not to mention, Ciara was wearing a dress that was open in the back. Unless there was an odd band of fabric across the dress, her bra was showing. Not very professional attire for an interview.
Not to mention that it's very rare that a mental hospital would allow volunteers. :rolleyes: If Hope is playing Aiden, then she really needs to brush up on her game. The constant pained expression and deer in the headlights look isn't real convincing.
Thank you, Poirot. I just finished watching the show, and I wasn't impressed.
No it wasn't the best, but it did raise a few questions.

Marlena: Why didn't she tell Teen Ciara about Salem University Medical School's quickie M.D. program that would have her seeing patients in a few months.

Rafe: When he heard that Hope was going away for the weekend with slimy Aiden, why didn't he suggest that she check the shyster's luggage for neckties?

Chad: Why is he so eager to go on the run? Does he want to live for years in Alamania or spend time skulking in dark corners like fugitives Owen Kent and Jeremy Horton?

Aiden: If he's behind the sudden appearance ot "Monahan," couldn't he have come up with somebody with a least a shred of credibility.
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So Blanca has probably been in Salem for what about a week tops Salem time? I know it's really hard to tell with the way the show is edited but I'll go with that. And we're supposed to believe that after one aborted semi-date to get coffee that Rafe and Blanca have some kind of feelings for each other? Or at least that's what Adriana thinks. I know that since they are in the same house we can assume there has been "getting to know you" time off screen but I ain't buying it.

I know the Ximena Duque (Blanca) has a large fan base in the telenovela world and casting her in this role was a way to get that audience to turn to the show. But wouldn't it be more successful if they had her-I don't know- actually doing something? I like her so far but drinking coffee and making lemonade isn't exactly riveting television. Let's step it up a bit.

Ciara volunteering at Shady Hills. There's pro and cons to this. The main pro in my opinion is it gets her out of the DiMansion and gets her mind off her *Ugh* fixation with Chad. The main con of course is that it puts her in close proximity to Chase. Now as much as I despise what Chase did to her I don't hate the character and don't think he's totally a lost cause. But I'm uncomfortable with this because I have a feeling there are going to keep her in a situation where she's to gradually start to forgive him and that's going to get him off the hook.

I'm all for him getting the mental help he needs but that alone doesn't exonerate him from what he done and I have a feeling that's exactly where this is going.

The JJ and Abigail scenes were nice and I felt a lump in my throat when he told that he was there because he loves her and she said "Even now?" And yes it probably can't be enough that the Phantom of the Opera mask is beyond stupid.
Thank you so much for the summary Poirot! No show for me since they were broadcasting coverage of the Cavaliers Championship Parade and Rally (woohoo!! GO CAVS!!! First major sports championship for Cleveland in 52 years!!! :clap:). It's funny though because my local affiliate had a crawler on the screen during yesterday's episode about the show not being on due to this coverage and that they would air it at 2am today instead. Maybe they meant tomorrow, I don't know. I was hoping to give you all a really early summary this morning but no such luck.

Anyway, as to the show, I don't think I'll bother watching on tomorrow. This Hope/Aiden story is dumb. She has to be playing him. Why, I don't know but I can't imagine she'd be ready for some romantic getaway under the circumstances. Just no. So, is Ciara's sudden interest in becoming a psychiatrist and conveniently volunteering at the clinic just so she can run into Chase? :rolleyes: I get that she's currently going through therapy but this just seems like a plot point rather than a long-term trajectory for the character. So Abigail took her mask off for awhile? Why bother with it at all. I don't think she was actually burned on her face though, I think they said just her arms and hands but the accellerant got on her face which was the reason for the mask.
To become a psychiatrist, doesn't one actually need to earn a bachelor's degree, go to med school, complete a residency program, become licensed and possibly certified? And before that can all occur, wouldn't one need to graduate from high school? Did I miss that step with Ciara, or is that going to happen soon? And honestly, would a kid like her actually get an internship at a facility like Shady Hills? I'm not sure that her Horton lineage covers all the prereqs for the job. Ugh!
Yep, they said there was an accelerate on Abby's face. But there's nothing on her face to show
that she was injured there. Her hands and arms look like she's wearing long gloves not bandages.

Nice to see JJ with Abby today. I was happy that Chad is thinking about getting Abby out
of Shady Hills. That place seems rather "shady" ha, ha.

The dream was the best part of the show.

I laughed when Aiden made the joke about the Martian lodge. We needed one during
today's show.

So someone went to police station and confused to murdering Stefano. What is
Roman and Rafe going to do because both of them who really did it?
When I was a teenager, my best friend volunteered to be something along the lines of a candy striper at a local hospital. She had to go through orientation and several training sessions before being able to actually work. Plus, she had a two-part interview process to even get her foot in the door.

I also used to volunteer at a hospital and went through the same stringent process as well as a vaccination check. So I'm sensitive to this. The doctor said to Ciara that he'd be in touch about her schedule and other details. I took that to mean orientation and such.

To become a psychiatrist, doesn't one actually need to earn a bachelor's degree, go to med school, complete a residency program, become licensed and possibly certified? And before that can all occur, wouldn't one need to graduate from high school? Did I miss that step with Ciara, or is that going to happen soon? And honestly, would a kid like her actually get an internship at a facility like Shady Hills? I'm not sure that her Horton lineage covers all the prereqs for the job. Ugh!

When Ciara and Marlena were in HTS, they specifically spoke about the differences between becoming a psychiatrist versus a psychotherapist. So the show didn't skip that detail. Remember she is only volunteering. That means unpaid. Not the same thing as an internship.

Don't get me wrong I think this is a ridiculous and rather sudden plot point too. However, the execution wasn't the worst I've seen. And I actually thought Vivian Jovanni (Ciara) did a pretty good job today. She seems to work well with Deidre Hall (Marlena).
Marlena: Why didn't she tell Teen Ciara about Salem University Medical School's quickie M.D. program that would have her seeing patients in a few months.
I wonder the same thing. So what if Ciara decides she doesn't like being a psychotherapist? It's only a few wasted months of talking about classes in the square!!!
casting [Ximena Duque as Blanca] in this role was a way to get that audience to turn to the show. But wouldn't it be more successful if they had her-I don't know- actually doing something?
What? Obviously they are trying to copy the smashing successes of their characters Lani and Summer and the previous writers' Jordan, Serena, and Paige!!
Good points, Jason. When somebody takes classes in Salem, they don't actually go to them or do any studying. All they do is occasionally carry a book, mention that they have to go to class, or suggest that sometime they are going to study. As for Ms. Duque, imagine her fans tuning into Days and complaining, "All she does is stand around a kitchen talking. And who is that sleazy guy who lives in her house? He looks like a conman." And if they stick around, they might soon be saying, "why is Ximena's character so boring and dumb?" or "why is she so interested in an elephant statue?"
I'm glad Blanca straightened Rafe out about her being an American citizen. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Wonder how long it will take for Ciara to complete her psychotherapist training? Hope she doesn't do anything to delay Abigail's return home. :rolleyes:

Hope's clearing her Aiden plans with Rafe is driving me batty. She needs his approval? I thought both of those jokers were going to give her some space. :whack:

Hope, please stop constantly playing with your hair! :beat: