Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 23, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Episode #11,361 Taped 4/19 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Brady is on the phone with Fred, telling him to do all he can, don’t worry about the money clip, to use his poker face, Arianna is innocent and they have to prove it. Nicole has come in, overhearing part of the conversation, comes in all the way, telling Brady she needs a favor. She begins whining about losing her job, that when she was with Brady in the hospital she missed a broadcast, how he won’t let her have the manpower she might need to try and help Arianna, wants to perhaps do a fluff piece on Titan, something to get her jumpstarted again. Brady suggests a piece on Alice Horton, all the charity work she & the family do, etc. He promises to talk to Philip and see what he can do to help her get back on track. She mentions Arianna not believing in him, he tells her they are through, but he still intends to prove her innocent.

EJ has come to see Arianna in jail, her arraignment is tomorrow, he has not got the evidence he needs, but is sure Nicole is in this, intends to prove it…and not to worry, she is going to make a mistake, and he will nail her. He was married to her, knows her so well, and will just bide his time. He leaves, Brady arrives, Arianna apologizes, has b een thinking…knows if there is one thing that is true, it is that Brady can be trusted to keep his word, she will never ever doubt him again.

Nicole is starting to broadcast something about the celebration of the life of Alice Horton, and family coming from around the globe, when EJ interrupts, telling her Alice is not dead, she insists it a celebration of life. They get into the whole Arianna/Brady situation, with EJ needling her that it won't be long before the truth will out.

Will comes downstairs at DiMansion, answers the door to find Aunt Carrie standing there. He is happy to see her, Sami comes in carrying Sydney, is surprised, asks what she is doing there. Carrie explains she heard Alice Horton wasn’t doing well, is sorry Austin could not come, too, came over to apologize to Sami. For what? Carrie explains she knows her mother is the one who kidnapped Sydney, and how much heartache it caused Sami, hopes she will forgive her. Nope, nothing to forgive. Sami explains she is the queen of bad choices, she slept with EJ, got pregnant, tried to hide it, and it led to everything else. Sami & Carrie are both sorry for all the bad things they have done for one another, Carrie explaining Sami is her only sister, and with thinking of Alice, she just doesn’t want anything to be between them. Hugs, tears, apologies, and the two sit and Crrie remembers how she would go visit the Horton house at Christmas, always wishing she could have an ornament with her name on it, and she finally did Sami. Carrie flashes back to Alice giving her some advice about surgery for the scar on her face (am guessing this is when Carrie was scarred by the acid)

Lexie breezes through the door to a hospital room, reading a chart, stops abruptly when she sees who the patient is……Mike Horton. He has no idea why he is there, she explains he was in an auto accident, he wants out, has to go see his gramma, may not have much time.They have run tests, says Lexie, have to wait for results. He insists he is fine. She leaves, Carrie comes in, rather awkward greeting, but both happy to see each other. (amazing how Carrie just arrived and knows Mike is in the hospital, lol, am not gonna quibble)
Meanwhile, Jennifer is getting upset, Mike should have been there by now, not answering his cell, she checks the airport, he had picked up the rental car. She gets a call from Lexie. Next thing, Jennifer is dashing thru the door to Mike’s room, saysing hi and apologizing to Carrie, who leaves, and rushing over to Mike’s bed. He assures her he is fine, no broken bones or bleeding, just wants to get out of there and get over to see Gran. Jennifer gives him a big hug, he asks her to do what she can to get him released. She leaves to find mom & dad.

Madeline is with Mia at Maggie’s, they evidently have been talking of Mia’s life. Mia knows this is about Chad, but Madelines denies this, handing Mia a letter. Seems Mia has been accepted into the High School for Performing Arts in New York, tuition, and even lodging, along with a generous living allowance all included. Mia says she promised Maggie to stay until she graduates, and at first declines. Madeline spots some pink ballerina slippers, Mia says Melissa gave them to her, Madeline talks some more, Mia agrees to go. And next we see her over at DiMansion, suitcase in hand. Will wonders if she is moving in there, too. No, came to say goodbye, thank Will…..and Sami for all they have done for her, Says goodbye to Sydney, then picks up her suitcase and leaves.

Back at the hospital, in Chloe’s room, Carly has come to say whatever she wants to say, Chloe is begging her not to, Philip is holding Melanie, saying this is déjà vu all over again, lol. Daniel is trying to get Carly to leave, Chloe is near tears, begging her not to do this. Carly asks Philip & Melanie to leave (folks, they drag this all out forever, with the looks, pauses, etc. Philip & Melanie leave, Chloe is whining that Carly doesn’t think she is good enough for Daniel, who asks Carly if she really said that, blah, blah. Finally, Carly says the results from all of Chloe’s tests and blood work came back. She looks so serious, Chloe thinks her leukemia is back. Nope, not that….your’re pregnant. Chloe is speechless, Daniel is taken aback, Chloe doesn’t believe it, Daniel goes to get his doctor friend, and they will see what is going on. Daniel leaves, Chloe tells Carly she knows she is not pregnant, that Carly just said that to stop the wedding, she can’t get pregnant, and Carly is definitely pure evil.

Jennifer rushes in a darkened Horton house, calling for her mom and dad, something has happened. Maggie is coming down the stairs, dabbing at her eyes with a hankie. Jennifer asks where her parents are, Maggie doesn’t know. Jen has been out of sight, calling for her mom & dad, returns, takes one look at Maggie, who tells her….Alice has died. Jen’s hand is over her mouth, her eyes fill with tears, both women are sobbing as they embrace, and over Jen’s shoulder, Maggie is looking straight at a picture on the mantle of Tom & Alice.

Back at the hospital, Carly is evidently administering the sonogram, Chloe will not look, face turned away, eyes shut tightly. Carly knows she is rusty at this, but gets confirmation from Daniel, who tells Chloe she defninitely should look, she is going to want to see this. Chloe turns to look, her eyes widen in amazement.

Great write-up as always. Ineresting how EJ evidently has no clout as an attorney, geez it's taking as long to get the arraignment as it is for Daniel/Chloe to get married!

Surprising how very little (1 scene maybe) that Hope has had in the interaction of the Horton family saying goodbye to Alice. I would have thought she would have had more scenes considering how close she was to her Gran.
Ohh boy. Do they say how many weeks the baby is? The OBS nurse in me wants to know. (So does the fan of Days want to know to figure out if it is Philip or Dan that is the father.) Do you get to see the picture of the ultrasound? I am in tears hearing that Alice has died. I am sad that Mike did not make it over to the house in time to see her. Guess it is time to say good bye to Mia as well. I am going to miss her. Thanks for the write up Poirot.
Thanks for the write up!! Looks to be a good one.
While I still dont think Carly should be involved in Chloe & Daniels biz...I find it funny that Chloe is having such fits of rage about Carly & yet Carly wasnt going to do anything but give her what should be good news. I just cant stand Chloe right now so I guess I dont mind if Carly has the upper hand at this point. But thats just me!

Poor Alice. :( The actors are doing a great job with this story. And probably because it is also very personal for them as well.

Thanks Barb.
Yes, DJM, how soon can you see anything on a sonogram???. If the Mom doesn't even know yet, how could there be anything to see??
thanks for the summary,
Sonogram question ~ we saw our son at a very early "age" so depending on the type of machine one can actually "see" very little ones.
So sad about the Alice storyline-but liking the respectfulness shown.
laepadgett~ correct about Chloe - diving me nuts... wonder how this is all going ot work now... What will Philip do???
Good luck to Mia- glad she is gone. What will the boys do now??? Get a life without her screaming...YEAH! Poor Chad, seems his mom manipulates just like all the others in town...
Thanks for the write-up.

I am glad there is some small movement in the daniel/chloe/melanie/philip stuff..

I have never been a Horton fan and in all the years I have watched Days off and on (since the 80s) I have rarely noticed/seen Alice, so I just cannot get into this storyline. Most of the people who have returned I have no clue who they are. But I am sure this was an emotional moment.
No, we do not see the sonogram at all. The juxtaposition of the death of Alice and the news that Chloe was indeed pregnant was poignant. A time to live, a time to die.

The previews show Shane & Rafe on a plane, and Kimberly.
cant wait to see the show. thanks for the great write up
Another Days "ooops". Carrie says Sami is her only sister. Guess the writers have erased Cassie (and Rex) from the Brady family tree.
What happen to Ari's right to a speedy trial? Guess that one got trashed! Of course she is be prosecuted by the DA, the liar of Rafe and one of the victims, no conflicts of interest there...right??

I knew the only sister didn't sound right... Cassie that's right. The last time Cassie was mentioned was when Philip was shot and Sami called the hospital and pretending to be Cassie Brady.
Not sure if I remember, but did Carrie ever meet Cassie? If not, she really has no relationship with Cassie.....but a long history with Sami......and I thought it was fabulous that the two sisters wanted to mend fences and succeeded. The scenes were very well done.
Not sure if I remember, but did Carrie ever meet Cassie? If not, she really has no relationship with Cassie.....but a long history with Sami......and I thought it was fabulous that the two sisters wanted to mend fences and succeeded. The scenes were very well done.

No, she never met Cassie. Though the last time she was in town, she was still referring to Belle as her sister.
Thank you, Poirot.

Carrie & Sami are half sisters through Roman. Sami & Belle are half sisters through Marlena. Yep, Carrie & Belle aren't biologically related.

Oh man, I wish that Mike had been able to see Mrs. H before she died.

GRRRRR.....Mia got a goodbye on camera, but Kayla and Steve didn't.
I survived, I read the entire thing and haven't broke down....*yet*.... I will though when I watch tomorrow night and see Jenn and Maggie...probably the second that I see Mike stuck at the hospital actually... yeah- I'm tearing up now, gotta stop.

anywho... As shady as it happened...and as much as I don't particularly like Chloe... I know she has always wanted to be a mother- and as a mother of two young ladies myself, I want them to grow up to be mommy's someday and I'm so happy Chloe was able to get pregnant- this is her once in a lifetime miracle....even though it happened out of wedlock with someone other than her fiance. I'm praying the baby is Dan's...but I doubt it, chloe was too busy crying over Phil's golden pecker to do anything with Dan.

Great write up Barb! You are the Queen girl!
If they say or plan this around a Chloe and Philip thang those writers should be shot LOL cause that would be just PLAIN STUPID but I forgot this is a soap and in the soap world you can hook-up today and tomorrow the baby is now going to rehab or sleeping with his or her cusin :rotfl: :rotfl:
I also hope that Chloe's baby is Daniel's. I mean what are the odds... a girl who is unable to get pregnant due to her cancer getting pregnant by a guy with slow swimmers???? Only in Salem.