Days of Our Lives Wed., June 26, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Replay of Eve telling Jen Jack doesn't want his memory back. Over to Jack, who is questioning Kayla about the serum, the formula. Kayla is emphatic it has not been FDA approved, she cannot administer it to anyone, that while Will did regain his memory from the one formula, the tumor was a result. The antidote did shrink the tumor, but they really do not know if any side effects will result. She admits if she had waited to give to Will, he would have been dead before approval would come. She cannot, via the hospital, give any of Dr. Rolf's formulas to anyone. She does add that the diary does not belong to the belongs to Will. Jack is surprised by that, asks her to keep their conversation between the two of them. He also notes that from what he has read, there are things in his past he does not want to have to live with, mentioning what he did to her. He also notes the kind of father he had, and other things. However, he has a son and a daughter he knows nothing at all about. Again, he asks Kayla to keep their conversation confidential, not to share with either his wife or his ex-wife. She comments that since the questioning was medical, she is bound by law to keep it private. He thanks her, leaves.

Eli sits at his desk, looking at pic of Lani, gets phone call, and gets up to go out on it. Eve comes in, where is he going, he tells her a 911 call came in, someone killed Ted Laurent. She orders him to stay, says most 911 calls are pranks. Really? She wants him to concentrate on nailing Ben Weston, she will send someone else. He protests, caught the guy with lighter in his hand, kerosene at his feet. She wants air tight case, Justin defending, would find a loophole.

Earlier, Kristen is all happy with learning Xander killed Ted. Yes, he confirms it. Outside the door, Kate has heard, makes a call to 911. (amazing how she can hear their conversation, but they cannot hear hers, lol). She goes back to listen at door. Inside, Xander gets call from Eve, warning him about the 911 call, person overheard at Salem Inn, says they are now even. Xander hangs up, shushes Kristen, says they have company, shags her off to hide, she grabs the mask/wig. He pulls his gun, opens the door, Kate falls in. She claims she was about to knock, is looking for Nicole. They “discuss” a bit, Kristen comes out behind Kate, knocks her out, tells Xander to finish her off. Nope, cops on the way. Already were overheard about Ted, you want blood all over the room. So, get rid of her. Somehow, Xander manages to carry the unconscious Kate from Salem Inn to DiMera dungeons, puts her in room with Ted, yes she is alive, will be fine. He leaves, Ted tries to get her to come to, but she stays unconscious.

Eve calls Jack, worried over where he is, he ignores the call, as he is talking to Kayla.

Lani finds Abe in the Pub, they chat, he tells her of new job, she is appalled it is for DiMera, but trusts he knows what he is doing. He brings up her & little David, she reports she no longer is helping Rafe, who is all better now. She realized she was letting it all consume her, pushed Eli away. Abe thinks she should go talk to Eli, what would it hurt.

Lani is at police station, wanting to see Eli privately. He is close to his break time, they go to park, she tells of how she would not admit to herself she was using Jordan's baby, pretending he was hers, she was mother, he was right. She finally realized what she was doing, how wrong it was. He was not their child, he was Jordan's. She doesn't know how to let go of their boy. Eli suggests the 1 year anniversary is coming up, they get flowers, go to cemetery, tell David he will always be a part of the two of them. She thinks that is perfect. He holds her, gives her a light kiss.

Abe is at DiMansion, talking to Stefano's portrait. Stefan comes in, glad he is not the only one who does that. Chatter. Stefan firing Nicole since she missed first day of work. Abe chastises, she lost her daughter, etc. etc. O.k. He will talk to her, Stefan agrees, Abe leaves.

Jen & Hope are at the club, telling each other all their problems. Jen talks of Jack not wanting his memory back, Hope of how Ted disappeared, was going to see Nicole, who really acted weird, something off. Hearing the phone ring. Jen suggests she go talk to Nicole. Hope takes off.

Stefan is having a drink, talking to Stefano's portrait. Hope comes in, looking for Nicole. Not here, did not show up for work. She notes Ted missing, Stefan is unconcerned.

Xander has texted Kristen, Kate has been taken care of. She gets call from Abe, pretends to be sick. Abe warns Stefan ready to fire her. She talks with hoarse voice, claims doctor promised to knock the bug right out of her, she will be o.k.

Jen gets a call from Abby (we do not hear or see her). Inquires how they are doing, fills her in on Will, getting better, it all worked. No, your father doesn't seem to want his memories back. Doubt that will happen.

Eve worried where Jack is, he comes walking in, says he went for a walk, needed some air, needed to clear his head. Eve kisses him, offers to go get him coffee. That will be great. She goes out, he pulls out a little notebook, looks at Will's room number.
Is it not weird that Kate heard the conversation between Xander and Kristen and did not recognize she didn't sound like Nicole anymore. Too much suspended reality with all this psycho science they spew.

I would much rather a villain like Stefan or Xander than Kristen or Dr. Rolf
Or how about the fact that when she's "Nicole" she sounds exactly like Nicole, but on the phone today, she pretended to have a cold to disguise her voice. That's really, really bad writing.
In one episode when Kristen was not in costume but was talking like Nicole, it looked like she had a little button device that she held up to her throat that made her sound like Nicole.
Or how about the fact that when she's "Nicole" she sounds exactly like Nicole, but on the phone today, she pretended to have a cold to disguise her voice. That's really, really bad writing.
It's not only bad writing, it's bad direction and bad continuity. And hallmark bad acting, in that the actor isn't owning their character well enough either.
These writers need to go - top to bottom. Just as ludicrous and insulting to fans as most of those over the past three years.
It is unbelievable how easily people are knocked unconscious and that they stay that way for hours then wake up just fine. In real life I don't think it works that way.

Eve is just ridiculous. No, don't go check out a possible murder and I think most 911 calls are cranks! WHAT??!!! This just needs to end. Her and Jack. Just everything.

Was ridiculous Kristen pretending to have a cold because she can't sound like Nicole? Apparently the mask changes her voice too!! I wish they would show us the real Nicole and show us where poor little Holly is now!!

Also weird that there has been absolutely no interaction between Rafe and Hope. I mean I'm glad that is dead but it's still weird.

I like Eli and Lani together. Hope they work it out. But she did not tell him she kissed Rafe. Ya just know that will come out. Rafe will being saying to her that can never happen again as Eli walks in saying what can't?
I really hope we're leading to a the-DiMera's-stole-David story. Otherwise what's the point?

The show is really meandering lately. Today was watchable but forgettable. I still like Ted and Xander.
I was puzzled why they just did not have Kristen's back to the camera, and Nicole's voice over doing the lines. Kristen could have turned away from the camera when she had to talk. She still could have been sick, stomach bug....was very odd.

Just want it all over, end it already. I know Ari Zucker who plays Nicole has to be having a blast, with this sort of dual role, but enough already. Kristen is wanting people killed, and doesn't want to stay in "character", tired of Eric constantly looking so downhearted, a little goes a long way.

It is obvious all the actors are being "rested" for weeks at a time, filming is rushed, then scenes put together weeks apart. Heck, Today, Hope was still in the suit she wore on the day of Caroline's memorial. A week ago.

Overall, liked the episode, however the storylines are dragging wayyyy too long. And yes, "911 calls being mostly pranks" was a terrible line. O.K. they are making it obvious the Police Commissioner knows nothing about law, police procedure, etc. Sure do wish Jen would write an "expose'" about the ineptitude.........but then, that is a constant in Salem, isn't it, no matter who is the boss. And all over the country, there are people elected to head up towns, big & small, who definitely are not qualified, and botch the job.
Jack: He may ve suffering from memory loss and acting like an idiot, but he did remember how things are done in Salem when he noted that lack of FDA approval for Will's magic serum didn't prevent Kayla from administering it to him.

Xander: What's he thinking? Is he thinking? He keeps acquiring new "guests?" How is he going to provide for them while keeping creepy Kristen unware that they still walk the earth?

Abe: So now he's doing p.r. for DiMera Enterprises? Imagine what some of his press releases might look like.
  • Stefan O. DiMera is leading the company into a new, far better era. He combines the business brilliance of his father, Stefano DiMera, but without the compulsive criminality.
  • DiMera is on the move, restarting the moribund Basic Black fashion line under the leadership of Nicole Walker who despite her role in the infamous Sydnapping is a first-rate businesswoman.
  • DiMera Enterprises is achieving its goal for a new era by practicing addition by subtraction. It has wisely severed ties with the unscrupulous Kate Roberts who has inexplicably gone to work for Titan. Ergo, DiMera is marching forward while Titan is still mired in the bad old days of backstabbing and assorted skullduggery.
Every time someone is holding hostages I wonder about bodily functions and many times, what do they eat? Years ago, a guy held a bedfast, YOUNG woman hostage for ages. Don't ya wonder how he took care of her needs????
Oh, c'mon. Salem has a money tree, so of course, their bodily functions are just magically unneeded, thus no need for food. Or bedpans, or anything else soap writers consider "indelicate" matters. Oh, sure, viewers still wonder how the heck some things are managed. Is there a toilet in the corner, (we never see it) turn your back! A sink to wash one's hands? What about toilet paper? paper towels. Do they dry hand, if they can get them wet, on their clothes? No showers, of course.

Now if, big IF, Xander has to bring food, Kristen would know nothing. She is in Salem Inn, he stashed the two in DiMera dungeons/tunnels, for which there is easy access to the outside. He obviously can get in and out easily. Even when b eing "Nicole", he could enter and leave those tunnels without her knowledge.
The Salem PD should make it a practice to periodically check that room in the DiMera tunnels whenever someone goes missing (if someone competent were in charge). It was used last year when Marlena, Kate, and Vivian were held there, and now Kate and Ted. Who is going to end up with them next, Hope?
Thanks, Poirot.

Darn, Kate stepped away from the door and didn't hear Kristen's voice
when she talked to Xander.

Eve stepped over the line again not having the Salem PD investigate the
call Kate made.

How long will it take for someone to find Kate and Ted in the tunnels?

Is Eve's marriage to Jack in trouble? He wants to regain his memory and
not have her know about it.

Will Kayla keep Jack's secret he wants to regain his memory? That will be
a first for doctor in Salem. Rex and Sarah kept telling everyone Will's

I enjoyed Lani and Eli.
they already did that in the past.....but yeah, maybe they will go for another round or 2
Sure do wish Jen would write an "expose'" about the ineptitude
At this point, that would be way too meta, since Jen's not been good at her job lately.
How is he going to provide for them while keeping creepy Kristen unware that they still walk the earth?
Hopefully he tosses Kristen in the cell, she finishes off Kate, and Ted finishes her off in self-defence. Problem solved.
The police couldn't search the tunnels without a search warrant. To get one, they would have to show probable cause to a judge to get him to issue the warrant.

Who thinks that Ted and Kate will be bumping uglies before they are found or escape?
Since when does the Salem PD (or the hospital for that matter) follow proper procedures for anything? Since it is Salem, they tend to make their own rules.