Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 4, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Replay of Brady getting physical with his dad, punching him, pushing him up against the wall. Along comes Hope, intent on her phone. Theresa, who has been enjoying the altercation, spots Hope and quickly jumps up, pretending to be trying and stopping Brady. This gets Hope's attention, she joins in, and gets the two guys to cease & desist. She tells them about Gabi, John asks about the baby, and she lectures them on settling their differences in another manner, that others get hurt, yada, yada. Brady takes off, Theresa follows, mentioning something about calling her parents to let them know.
John calls Marlena, knowing this all has had to be hard on her, if she wants to talk he is there......but either he ends his message there, or she has hung up on him. No idea which.
Brady & Theresa are back at her apt., he is talking of how Rafe must be taking this, they were friends a long time ago, he should call him. Theresa grabs some money from Brady's wallet, and goes out to replenish supplies. Brady calls Rafe, leaves a rambling, rather incoherent half message, hangs up, throws his phone. Theresa returns, puts her bag of stuff on the kitchen counter. (Have to say, her sofa is awful close to the stove, spatters of grease must be a problem, lol). Brady is putting on his shoes, is leaving. Theresa says, o.k. but it is always better to face the world with a bump first. Why not, replies Brady. Let's go for it.

JJ spots Bev in the park, flashes back to Paige telling him about seeing the medical papers about the STD test, and Bev trying to play with her head. He confronts Bev, who denies it all, says Paige saw the papers, and she only tried to set her straight. JJ lets Bev know it did not work, he and Paige will have a great time this summer, & he takes off. Bev gets a call from someone, is glad they are back, cannot wait to tell the person all that has been going on, & also mentions JJ.

Paige knocks at the Horton front door, Abby answers, JJ isn't home, & she doesnt' care where he is. Paige asks if anything is wrong, she heard about Gabi, is Abby O.K. Abby snaps at her, then is apologetic, a lot going on, and she isn't feeling well. Is bloated, has cramps. (oh, yes, folks, here it comes...inside commercial). Paige asks if she took anything. Abby usually takes Midol Complete, but is all out. Ahh, not anymore, Paige has some handy in her big tote purse. LOL. Paige comes in, and later they are chatting on the sofa, Abby is feeling better, gives Paige back her box of Midol. JJ comes in, Paige goes to call her mom, JJ is smiling, thinking the gals were talking about him.( And, now the TV commercial break interrupts the conversation, bet you all will not guess what the product is. ) Abby has evidently told JJ all, he wonders about the baby, wants to go see Will & Sonny, offer to help, so leaves with Paige.

At the club, Jordan is telling an upset Ben she didn't really think he had killed Nick. Ben admits he has a temper, and Jordan replies she knows how he feels about any woman being abused in any way, and was just worried. They make a vague reference to something that happened, but then talk of big sisters looking out for little brothers. Ben gets a call from Sonny, yes, the accountant brought the paychecks. Sonny cannot come to sign, so Ben should bring them over. He does, meets Arianna, and holds her, while Sonny goes over the checks, notes overtime has not been included, calls the accountant. Later JJ & Paige arrive, Arianna is sleeping. JJ is offering to help the guys any way, babysitting, need something at the store, etc. He puts all his info into Sonny's phone. Meanwhile Paige is talking to Ben, who had been asking how Abigail is taking all this. Paige suddenly looks at Ben oddly, says I thought I knew you from somewhere, didn't you used to live in Miami. Cue Ben to look startled.

Hope is in the park, telling herself she has to call Julie, & Maggie. She sits down on Benchie...what am I going to tell Ciara. She has her phone, and there is a picture of Bo. She talks to the picture, asking Bo where he is when she needs to talk to him. What the hell is so important, more important than family. She takes a deep breath, looks upward, closing her eyes, then feels the shadow cross her face, opens her eyes, startled to find Aiden standing there. All morning in court, needed a break. He heard about Gabi, called and left a message, offering to represent her. He sits down, asking Hope if she wants to talk. She says it is so complicated, and starts to cry, laying her head on his shoulder, sobbing a bit. She pulls herself together, talks of how she really thought Nick was getting better, didn't notice he wasn't, was getting worse. Aiden comforts her, telling her she is a good person, that after their first few encounters, he realized he wasn't seeing the "real" her, so has just paid attention from then on.

Gabi is talking with her brother, who is trying to find an out for her some way. She begs him not to do so. She did this, she has to take responsibility for it. Rafe talks of letting her down, no, he did not. He was the best brother, she loves him. He doesn't like EJ as her lawyer, but Gabi trusts him. They go back and forth about this. He mentions Dario had contacted him wondering why he stopped hearing from Gabi. She asks Rafe to please explain, she just can't. Now he asks about Mama. Gabi is crying, I just cannot....he will tell her as well. Hugs, a cop comes in, she has another visitor. It is Will, Rafe leaves to make calls.
Will & Gabi talk. He assures her he & Sonny will take good care of Arianna, she knows that. She talks of various things he should remember that the baby likes, her little quirks. She tells of EJ going to get her into a close by women's prison. Will is promising to write every day, to send pics, videos. Gabi mentions Ari pulling herself up on the furniture and soon walking, she will miss it. She cries.

Rafe has called his friend Tim, trying to get something on Nick's time in prison. And then we see him talking to Mama, who evidently is hysterical, crying, & he cannot understand her. Someone else takes the phone, Rafe is greatful Mama is not alone. He will call again, keep them up to date. He hangs up, frustrated, as Jordan arrives, knowing this is where he goes when he leaves the cop shop. (park). He once again is beating himself up, not keeping a better eye on Gabi, not dealing better with Nick, letting all this escalate. After Arianna died, he promised Mama he would watch out for Gabi, and has done a poor job. Jordan reasons with him, Gabi is an adult, she had to live her life.

Will holds Gabi, she tells him she loves him, and to tell Sonny she loves him, too. The guard opens the door, she has another visit. Will promises all is going to be o.k. he loves her, she is his best friend. He leaves, and Gabi has her back to the door, wiping her eyes. She turns as her next visitor has come in. It is Abby. Gabi tells her not to say anything until Gabi can tell her the truth.
Today was another have a tissue box near by day. Rafe and Hope both blaming themselves for not seeing the signs. Hope thought Nick was getting better but was getting worse. Rafe promised Gabi he would stop investigating Nick therefore feeling he let her down.

Will telling Gabi he and Sonny will always talk to Arianna about her mother.
Such a good show again today. Very moving scenes and well-acted all around. Heck, even the Brady and Theresa scenes were bearable.

I loved Hope and Aiden. There is such great chemistry there.

Jordan and Rafe also had good and relevant scenes today.

I liked how a lot of people were interacting even though they usually do not. Even Brady mentioning Rafe and Theresa mentioning Will was nice. But we saw JJ, Paige and Ben all over with Sonny. And finally Ben's storyline is getting some movement. I like the Abby-Gabi cliffhanger as well.

A good break from EJ-Sami, Jennifer-Daniel, and Eric-Nicole.

It was also good to see JJ confront Bev, but who was she speaking with on the phone?
(Have to say, [Theresa's] sofa is awful close to the stove, spatters of grease must be a problem, lol).
What an image. The Brady-Theresa wrestling matches are tacky enough without the thought that they're cavorting on top of grease spots. And to make things worse, since Theresa probably isn't the greatest housekeeper, there's no telling what kind of bacteria and little six-legged creatures are living inside that sofa. As for poor Gabi, she hasn't been paying attention all these years. How often in Salem does anyone take responsibility for what they've done, especially criminal responsibility? If everyone living in that blighted community actually paid for their crimes with jail time, the Town Square would look like an Old West ghost town.
There were some nice scenes today but overall it was a bit boring to me. I was shocked the show actually used a picture of Peter Reckell (Bo). Gee, didn't think the budget could afford that kind of thing. :sarcasm: I liked the Hope/Aiden scenes. It's been a pretty slow burn with these two. I also liked the Gabi/Will interaction. I always liked their friendship. I thought it was so sweet how she told him she loves him and Sonny. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the John, Brady, Theresa reaction to the news about Gabi was odd. I did like John calling Marlena and Brady calling Rafe was nice. Not sure why Theresa needed to call her parents about the situation. I was sorta hoping Rafe would break down a bit more re: Gabi. Maybe that's yet to come.
Another great episode today. We need more episodes like this without the show hogs on, EJ and Sami, Daniel and Jennifer, even Eric and Nicole lately. I liked Rafe calling Dario and Mama Hernandez. I hope that Dario might come back on the show. It was nice to see even Brady and Theresa reflecting on what happened. I keep hoping that Brady is going to turn his life around, but then he seems to relapse.

Why would Theresa have to call her parents immediately to tell them that Gabi has been arrested for killing Nick?? They aren't Hortons, and Gabi isn't a Brady. Do Shane and Kimberly even know who Gabi is??

Gabi is Arianna's mother. With Gabi going to prison, it is going to impact the baby and Will, who is Kimberly's great-nephew, which is why Theresa was going to let her know about the incident.
Today I finally cried. Rafe talking to Gabi about the family started it. Then Will was
with Gabi. Then Rafe talking to Mami finally brought it on. I guess I was like Hope trying
to hold it in.

Interesting to hear Dario's name and the mention of the aunt because we've
been talking about it here lately.

We saw the Midol box twice today. Does that mean the show got paid twice?

Nice to see a picture of Bo, but Hope had no one to talk to until Aiden showed up.

I got teary eyed when Brady finally decided to talk to Rafe and John called Doc

Ben told Jordan "We're in Salem now and no body here knows"
Later we see Paige look at Ben and knows him.

And who was Bev talking to on the phone?
Gabi is talking with her brother, who is trying to find an out for her some way. She begs him not to do so. She did this, she has to take responsibility for it.
I am forgiving these writers a lot for today's scenes. Gabi is stepping up, and not skirting away. Of course she's not a DiMera though.

I didn't hate Hope & Aiden today, that's a banner day. Good to see Hope wisening up to Nick's sleazery.

I hate Brady more today than yesterday. His scenes with Jeannie Theresa are nonsensical filler. I wanted John to lay him out flat if we are forced to see a fistfight at the OK Corral Horton Town Square.

The commercial wasn't their best, but it wasn't their worst *cough* Chex Mix *cough*. They should take advice from TVLand shows like Hot in Cleveland and The Exes--I never notice their inline product placement until the 2nd watch.

I am enjoying Rafe's reactions to the Gabi situation and Camila Banus (Gabi), after seeing this week's scenes, has been TERRIBLY underused over the past year.

JJ is really terrible to his cousin, Will, and his other cousin, Sonny. Jeez, what a jerk!! I know I always expect my high school-age cousins to babysit and run errands for me, LOL. :sarcasm:

I also enjoyed the mixing up of characters. I am guessing we learn nothing about Ben, however. And I'd like to see the old Ben in something else - this actor is playing everything the same way, very muted and unexpressively. It has to be what the directors are going for in the character (for now, hopefully!).

I enjoy Jeannie Theresa's small apartment. Actually, given how little she works, it's probably TOO big, LOL. I hate when Days has people who work 10 hours a week at a low level clerk job living in 2-3 bedroom, spacious apartments with a river view and a door man. But I DO wonder why they don't hang out at Brady's apartment...oh wait, he realistically lives with his grandpa. :rolleyes: