Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 6, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Marlena is leaving a message for Will, telling him of Ben being released, promising to keep a close eye on him. Hope overhears, and is not a happy camper. She does not feel a psychopathic serial killer should be living down the street from anyone. Nothing Marlena could do. In her opinion, Ben is now sane.

Will is getting dressed, knock at door, wait a minute, shirt on now, answers, is Ben. Will has not yet heard Gramma's message, is shocked. Ben says he did not escape, was released, Will wants him to leave, Ben wants to tell how sorry. In comes Chad, who tells him to talk to him. He does the whole litany of Ben's deeds -Paige still dead, Wendy, Serena. You kidnapped my pregnant wife, held her prisoner, set fire to the bed trying to kill us both, kidnapped our son. Will hears, did not know all of this. Chad shoves Ben a few times, even as Ben mentions letting them know Will was still alive. Chad wants Ben to leave town, Ben has no way, got a lift into Salem. Chad says he won't be able to get a job, an apt., no one wants him there. Gives him some money, will drive him out of town, and then he should walk in the opposite direction, leave.

Kayla is one the phone with the Visionary company, getting the latest info, learns no other company is doing this same sort of thing, makes a decision, calls Stefan, accepts the terms of his offer. Meanwhile Steve is in the square, on phone with Shane, learns the ISA thinks that whole thing is a dead end, so no hope for him there. He promises to look in on Theresa, hangs up, bangs the table, knocking a glass off, which breaks. Tripp comes along offering to help, Steve refuses, is angry, will do it himself. Eventually he calms down, Tripp picks up the broken glass, Steve tells of talking to Shane, ISA feeling the bionic eye thing is a dead end, and how he won't ask DiMeras for anything..mentioning what they did to Abigail, and actually their entire family. Then they get into talk of the special dinner for Ciara, Tripp tells Steve what happened. & how he did not know Ciara was raped, she has gone off, he wonders if maybe Steve can help him track her down.

Throughout the show, we have scenes of Ciara lying with the overturned bike, her phone just out of arms's reach. She comes to, sees the phone blinking, but is weak. (Tripp is constantly calling, leaving messages). She passes out, comes to later, somehow her helmet is now off. She finally manages to reach her phone, only it is dead. She cries, passes out again. At various times she has fantasies about what could be going on....i.e. Claire convincing Tripp to go at it with her, since Ciara dumped him, and won't answer phone. Another with her mother.

Kate sits in the park, Stefan comes along, seems the cops gave him Viv's gun back for some reason. Did not need it any more. He points it at her, and starts in with the snide, snark. Kate talks of how he got everything already, she is fired, he got the company from Chad, who is gone now from the house. Stefan holds the gun on her, still making his threats, Marlena appears. What is going on? Kate is smart mouthing, Marlena advises her to shut up, lol, tells Stefan she knows he was upset over losing Gabby, and more calm talk. How gabby did all she could to keep him out of jail, etc. etc. Stefan lowers the gun, smiles, oh, what the heck, “Here, Kate”, as walks away, tossing the gun at her. Kate catches it, he turns, laughs, was not loaded. Honestly, in public, all kinds of witnesses. Do you honestly think I would. He gets serious, you won't know when I'm coming.

Earlier, Tripp is with Claire, desperately trying to reach Ciara. Claire says give her some space. He is going to look for her, he is not staying there. Kayla is with Hope, tells of Ciara there earlier, looking for Marlena who was gone. Tells of talking to her, calmed her down. Hope knows how Kayla managed to overcome, hope Ciara will as well. Kayla assures her, telling what she told Ciara. Hope thanks her.

Then later, Kayla is with Stefan, now, telling him some tidbit about Kate, how she got Theo to break into warehouse, that tho Abe knows, cops don't, but he is not impressed. He wants something on Kate that will grind her into dust.

Marlena is with Will, who starts talking of having Rolf's formula recreated. She warns,says some of his forgotten memories are bad ones. But he feels he doesn't remember his daughter, his family, his friends. He knows some memories will be bad, but if it brings the good, he is willing to take the risk.

Ben is walking thru the woods, remembering Chad's voice telling him to get out of Dodge. He comes out, and there, in front of him, likes a girl, unconscious, next to an overturned motorcycle. He kneels down beside her, looking around, finds her phone, pockets it, looks around again for someone. He picks Ciara up, stands up, again looking around for someone to help. No one.
He truly is. Only been in town 5 mos. and .....hmmm, managed to take DiMansion away from the family, get Gabi Chic from Gabi, frame her for Andre's murder, have sex with Chad's wife while she was another alter, fire Kate, get Chad & Abby out of the house completely, blackmail Kayla, and intending to do some kind of harm to Kate. He has even charmed the nasty Melinda Trask so much she is eager to make sure his "frames" stick.
Chad shoves Ben a few times
Boy Chad is an idiot. His non-stop bullying of Ben (combined with atrocious writing) is what led to Ben's serial killing.
no one wants him there
I actually want Ben in town more than Chad. How about a twist where Ben is the real DiMera? Cuz then his murders are OK.

I will not watch an episode that so prominently features a rapist. I have to draw the line somewhere. And I don't believe for one second he'll get the goods on Kate - the suits (or somebody) inexplicably love her.
I must say that I hate, hate, hate Stefan. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He's horrible. But I also must admit I laughed out loud when he pointed the gun at Kate, spoke in a steady voice, then all of a sudden, yelled "BAM". Kate let out a scream and ducked. :rotfl::rotfl: I found this funny. Sorry. It must be because I hate Kate as well.
So Chad expects everyone to forgive Abby for what she did while suffering DID (and before because she developed it after she killed Andre), as does everyone else in that town because Gabi staying angry is a sin apparently. But forgiving Ben for what he did while he was mentally ill is unthinkable. That is such a hypocritical attitude and that really bugs me.

Also might be shipper goggles but Will saying he "doesn't remember falling in love" seems to imply to me he isn't in love with Paul. Or at least he cannot be sure if he is because he doesn't remember what falling for Sonny felt like. Either way, I'm glad that's addressed because there seems to be a real hindrance to Will and Paul progressing and I do think it's because Will is really weighed down by not having his memories.

I don't really understand the point of Stefan anymore. I wonder if he's supposed to stick around for the long haul because no one likes him? But he's not even a good villain, either. I guess maybe that's what this Kate plot is trying to prove, that he can be an entertaining bad guy, but I'm not sure I can be convinced of that.
A "shipper" is someone who supports a couple basically without question.

"Shipper goggles" thusly are the "rose coloured glasses" of a fan of a certain pairing (in this case, Will/Sonny). That is to say, one who wears "shipper goggles" is viewing everything through the slant of Will and Sonny being the rooting couple.
I am certainly no fan of Stefan's either. But I quite enjoyed Kate getting a taste of consequences. Especially after Stefan's line, "Salem murderers never go to prison." Man, is that the understatement of the year or what?!
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I think it's funny that his face is still torn up from Chad's beating. DiMeras must be slow healers.
As I noted in an earlier post, the sleaziest DiMeras apparently don't get the benefit of Salem's magical healing water. Now, just a few comments on other characters.

Marlena: Pity poor Doc. Now, in addition with all the tribulations that go with being married to John, she's the subject of criticism from that great psychiatric expert, the high-and-mighty Hope. That said, she could have trotted over to the police station to report that Slimy O. McSleaze had pointed a pistol at Kate. Then, Rafe could have hustled over the the DiMansion and arrested the vile lowlife for second degree menacing. Sure, this is only a misdemeanor, but it would have given Rafe the satisfaction of tossing the pervert behind bars at least for a little while.

Chad: If he'd ever seen the first Rambo film, he'd have realized that driving an undesirable person to the town limits and ordering them to start walking simply doesn't work.

Ciara: Like Chad she should watch more old movies. If she'd seen the old Liam Neeson film Ethan Frome (based on the classic novel of the same name), she would have realized running a vehicle into a solid object at high speed is a poor choice. (For those who've never read the book or seen the film Massachusetts farmer Ethan Frome and his lover, Mattie Silver, crashed a sled into a large tree because they knew they couldn't be together. Both suffered severe, permanent injuries.)
Stefan's line, "Salem murderers never go to prison." Man, is that the understatement of the year or what?!
This line actually made me chuckle. How true.

And even though slime boy didn't actually shoot Kate, he pointed a gun at her and isn't that a crime? She didn't know it wasn't loaded. And then he actually did threaten her. Those two crimes are NOT protected by Gabby's deal. But then again, attempted, threatened and actual murder in Salem are more common place than grocery shopping.
Stefan points his gun at Teflon Kate threatening her. (I loved it) Along comes Marlena, witnessing most of the altercation. Stefan does the BAM thing, tosses the gun to Teflon Kate, she screams (funny), catches the gun and he walks away laughing.

Now I did a “what the heck?” here because instead of calling the Keystone Cops, Marlena and Kate stroll to a park bench and calmly discuss the incident.
Thanks, Poirot,

I laughed too at Stefan's line. He, also, said some things when he was talking to Kayla.
No one goes to prison for anything. The cop who shot Theo, and Kate who shot his
mother. And cops are too stupid to see it. Ah those Salem cops :)

I felt bad for Steve when he broke the glass.

And Will is trying to get Dr Rolf's formula to work? Will it bring back his memory?
Will he want to remember all the things Sami has done?

So, Chad paid Ben to leave town. Lucky for Ciara, Ben found after her accident.