Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 7, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Theo sympathizes over Claire not getting any more followers, invites to go to the movies, goes to change clothes. Jade arrives, wants to borrow Claire's laptop, won't tell her why, to be a surprise. Claire mentions the movies, goes to change, tells her to go ahead. Jade loads the sex video, telling herself Claire might be mad at first, but will thank her, be grateful. Theo comes out, ready to go, then along comes Claire, but Jade wants to show her something. Claire will meet Theo in the square, o.k., but then he gets a phone call from Abe, telling him about the missing plane, Lani & Eli on it, etc. Theo will be right there, Claire goes along, will talk to Jade later. Theo is putting Claire's laptop in his bag, seems Jade made a mistake, loaded that video onto Theo's laptop, instead of Claire's. Uh, oh.

Adrienne arrives at the K mansion at Justin's request, and learns of the missing plane. She gets upset, as they talk, she wants to go with John & Marlena to Greece, but has to cancel her dr. appt. tomorrow. Justin won't let her do that, they can go after her appt., which is important. She gets all upset, he reminds her of how nervous she was when the boys got their drivers' licenses, and took car first time. They played checkers to take their minds off, and thus, drags out the checkers set. They play for a while, but Adrienne is just too upset about son. (She has already called Lucas, told him to get Arianna to sleep, that is more important right now.)

Abe & Valerie are at the Pub with Theo & Claire, Jade spying on all thru the window. Theo wants to check internet for any info, suddenly fire alarm goes off, everyone evacuates. Jade appears, tells Claire to come home with her for a bit, since they are not going to the movies. Theo opts to stay there. Claire goes with Jade, who proudly show her the video when they get home. Claire has a huge meltdown, insists she delete that, and give her the phone with the original. Jade reluctantly does. Claire hates her, tells her to leave.

At the Pub, Julie comes in, hollering at Valerie for not calling her to tell about Eli on the plane, Abe insists Val just found out, Julie doesn't care, she screams and hollers that because of Val, she barely got to even know Eli, Val is right back at her saying if Julie had been closer to David, it would not have happened, Theo makes all shut up. Eli would not want this, not at all. Both women calm down, Julie admits she gets angry when she gets scared, lashes out, apologizes to Val, they both agree to go say a few prayers at St. Luke's, and leave. Abe embraces his son, is so proud of him, and his mother would be so proud to see the man he has become. Hug.

Over on the Island, the Gilligan group are discussing Paul (my eyes are really hurting from all the rolling they did today), with Sonny defending him, not wanting him to "be contained", he is sick, Chad giving forth more info about the illness making someone just not be themselves, plus giving them more adrenaline, making them more dangerous. Eli says he would not really kill Paul, but he has to protect the group as a whole. Sonny is warned that despite how much he loves Paul, he could easily be hurt or killed. Eli knows Paul did not mean to hurt either Gabi or himself, and Chad claims he will go back and forth, be nice one minute and turn on a dime, not even remembering who he hurt. They all decide to look for Paul, Lani & Gabi stay behind.

The girls talk of JJ, of Chad, their love lives. And amazingly all 3 of Gabi's boyfriends get into a conversation about her, especially Chad & Eli. The latter noting he realized Gabi wasn't over Chad, doesn't want her hurt. Chad doesn't intend to. (Major eyerolling here)

The gals hear a noise, Lani whips out gun, but it is the fellows returning. Sonny still wants to look some more, they all assure him they will resume 1st light, but getting dark, Sonny should stay in camp, alone out there, he could injure himself and no one would know where he was. Chad sits with Gabi, thinks her head wound needs to be cleaned and wants to wash her hair. (Gad this is all so stupid). We see him rinsing her hair, sorry the water so cold, and amazingly, she has a nice terry towel to dry it. He even had a lovely container (looked like maybe a decorative ice bucket) to pour the water on her hair.

They are all sitting around the campfire, Chad & Gabi trying to sleep, she asks if Chad told them everything about Peter & his bout with jungle madness. Chad doesn't want to talk, wants to get some sleep. Eli has volunteered to do first watch, so is sitting by the fire. JJ is, too, along with Sonny, who is staring off into space.
So now it seems that all the family members from the plane crashed are informed!

So glad that with all the drama on the island, everyone had time to give Chad and Gabi their blessings. :sarcasm: :angry:

I actually had to change the channel as soon as I heard "wash your hair" GAG!! :sick::sick::sick::sick:
Just a few questions about today's episode.

What gave the writers the idea that Chad should give Gabi a shampoo? After all, the Professor never gave Ginger and Mary Ann shampoos on Gilligan's Island.

If Julie took a cruise to the Greek isles and was bitten by a Demon Goat Island mosquito, could anyone tell that she was infected with jungle madness? After all, she does plenty of ranting and raving while in perfect health.

Why is Deimos's photo still on display in the K-mansion living room? Today, it was right there, between photos of Sonny and Maggie. You'd think that Victor would have demanded that Henderson toss it in the trash or put in the attic to scare away the mice.

Are the writers aware that their portrayal of Paul fits the definition of "amok," which is associated with Malay culture: "In a typical case of running amok, an individual (often male), having shown no previous sign of anger or any inclination to violence, will acquire a weapon (traditionally a sword or dagger, but presently any of a variety of weapons) and in a sudden frenzy, will attempt to kill or seriously injure anyone he encounters and himself." Thus, for maximum effect, the writers should dress Paul in a man's sarong and provide him with a machete.
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Thanks Poirot. The episode's saving grace was the moment between Theo and his father, as well as Justin & Adrienne. Glad everyone in Salem finally knows the truth about the island gang.

Not happy at all about Sonny's dumb attitude regarding Paul. I get that he loves him, but c'mon! Dude's dangerous right now! Do what's best for the group, which includes your cousin, your best friend, and the mother of your child!

I'm just glad the Jade stuff appears to be over. What an awful storyline.
The tale of the tape: If there's one story I would like to hit rewind on and erase it's the one. Aside from stupid, sleazy and totally unwarranted, especially after the debacle involving Nicole and her creepy neighbors in Canada, it just makes sense. What is Jade's logic here? Bwa-ha ha ha! I said "Jade's logic" *snicker* I swear why I'm not headlining in Vegas with this kind of material or at the very least doing dinner theater in Poughkeepsie is a mystery. Anyway I digress.

I'm not seeing why Jade thinks a sex tape is going to make Claire famous. She brought up Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, but the thing is, when their tapes made "news" those two were quasi-celebrities. Pairs was known as a hard-partying rich girl and Kim was famous for being the daughter of one of O.J. Simpson's lawyers. At least I think that was all she was famous for. I never heard of her before that. Ahh, to be young and innocent again. *sigh* But anyway, my point is those two already had some measure of celebrity.

But who is Claire Brady? She's a teenage, unsigned aspiring singer who is constantly complaining because she is losing, not gaining, followers on a daily basis. So even by the questionable and fluid standards of internet "fame", Claire can by no means be considered a "celebrity." So just who the heck is going to care that this girl made a sex tape? It's just stupid and doesn't make a lick of sense.

Gabi's "menfook": That entire scene made think of a really stupid and annoying storyline on "General Hospital" ten years ago in which three guys: Dylan Quartermaine, Spinelli, and Milo *I don't know his last name* were all competing for the hand of the fair Lulu Spencer. It was especially annoying because the perfectly lovely Georgie Jones was also available but was being totally ignored by the writers. Again I digress.

I half expected both JJ and Eli to say to Chad "You're a real hot dog but you better not hurt her, Frankfurter." For those of you scratching your heads that's a line from a song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. LOL

I have to address the atrocity that befell Gabi yesterday. Paul is sick and out of his mind. So I can forgive him. But I still feel some atonement is in in order. I was thinking upon recovering to Salem and making a full recovery Paul could start a movement for Salem to be become a sovereign nation and declare Gabi as queen. So nothing unreasonable.

No, no, I kid, I kid. Even I know that's a bit excessive. I'm thinking more along the lines of Paul campaigning to have one day of the year declared in honor of Gabi Hernandez. I mean if pizza and sandwiches can have days declared in their honor, why shouldn't Gabi? Am I right or am I right? *crickets* :)
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Ohhh, Troy, what ARE we going to do with you? LOL

Gotta say, it bugged me no end that Gabi evidently had a wound in the back of her head, and no one bothered to even suggest cleaning it. All that about infection! And yes, when Chad says the wound should be cleaned, he doesn't clean the wound, instead he washes her hair.

Now I am glad there was soap aboard that plane and that it came equipped with all the comforts of home. Too bad no bandages, tape, alcohol, ...wonder if there are needles and thread? I mean everyone has their luggage, right? And the guys all manage to have brought their shorts and tank tops, the gals probably have ton of makeup. Would it not be feasible to snip off the hair hanging over the wound? At least if they are unable to cover it to protect it.

Just a couple days ago Chad was wanting his wife and family, and now he and Gabi just cannot stay away from each other?? Gad, I hate this storyline, more than ever. It definitely is in a tie with that one we never name. LOL
After all, she does plenty of ranting and raving while in perfect health.
I imagine if Alice were alive today, the writers would have her ranting and waving doughnut pans at anyone who disagreed with her.
But who is Claire Brady?
Coma king John Black and kidnapping Queen Marlena Evans's granddaughter! Surely the tabloids in the Salem-verse have made these frequently-put-upon characters famous. Add to that her felonious grandparents Bo and Hope Williams Brady and I'm sure she's already famous by association. She's the Salem-verse's answer to Princess Charlotte.
It's interesting it's nighttime both in Salem and on the island.

Nice scenes in the pub with Theo telling Julie and Val to settle down.
I enjoyed seeing the two men watching what was going on.

Did Jade delete the sex video? Does she have another copy somewhere
else? Will she post it on the internet after the of the way Claire treated
her? We
can only hope it's gone.

Will more people leave Salem in search of the plane? John and Marlena
are going. Justin and Adrienne talked about it. If they do, will that hurt
Adrienne's relationship with Lucas?
I am so happy to see that I am not the only one who has no interest in this "island" storyline. I guess it's the vehicle for John to return to saving the world. Both Chad and Gabi's "about face" is ridiculous, which coincides with the Dario/Abigail storyline. No Brady, Eric, Nicole this week. Can't really think of a reason to watch, especially if the synopses continue to be like the past few days. Ratings are down (1.5) so please let Ron Carlivati's stories begin SOON.
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