Days of Our Lives - Wed. Mar. 1, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Brady is still commiserating with the heartbroken Nicole over Chloe's refusal to give Holly to Nicole. Brady tells her about Eric being released from prison, she has a total meltdown, spewing vicious statements about Eric. How could he be released, he should spend the rest of his life in prison, he killed a good man, drank himself into oblivion, then got behind the wheel of a car. Daniel had this big huge heart, kindest man, if he had not died, we would be a family now, with out daughter. And she goes on and on. Brady says it was a tragic accident, and that eric is not returning to Salem, is staying at a farm near the prison. She calls it purgatory, good, he should stay there forever. Brady says he doesn't feel like she does, Eric should not suffer forever, as he is doing now, and figures in time, Nicole will forgive Eric. Meanwhile, let's get something to eat. Nicole agrees, thanks him, will meet him at the Pub in an hour.

Deimos is talking on the phone to someone, who evidently is going to kidnap the baby, telling them he doesn't care what happens to Chloe, do what you have to do. Chad & Dario meet up in the square, Chad wants peace between their families, Dario figures they are competitors, so no way can that happen. Deimos comes along, says they are absolutely right. Dario is ready to attack Deimos for what happened to his sister, Chad holds him off, Deimos tells them he has yet to retaliate for what they did to Sonny, but he will. (Too bad Nicole cannot hear this, Victor, too) Deimos goes home, calls his thug, tells him to go NOW. Chad tells Dario he doesn't want anything to happen to his family, or to Gabi. Dario jumps on that, Chad says they are friends, that is all, and he is married, loves his wife.

Chad is home, on the phone, upset with Kevin who just quit. Abby comes in, hears how the publicist says DiMera name has too much negativity, does a search engine, shows Abby what comes up. She thinks there are lots of positive things that should get written up, mentions a company who specializes in getting rid of bad press, calls her friend Lindsey, who agrees to write an big article about Chad's foundation, all the good it does. Chad is so happy and proud of his wife, and after some kissing, etc. asks her to take over the PR job for DiMera Enterprises. Sealed with a kiss.

Abby & Gabi meet, chat with girl talk, Gabi is trying to explain the kiss in the meat locker, Abby has no problem, understands, Gabi talks of her friendship with Abby, respecting their marriage, etc. Abby misses the fun girl times , thinks they are overdue, mentions some place, lessons (sorry, got interrupted here) even costumes. Abby has signed them up, Gabi agrees, they say something about the neat costumes.

Anne shows up at Chloe's, babbles like she usually does, but the upshot is, she wants to get Lucas something, so is asking Chloe what would be good. What does he like, and does he wear boxers or briefs. LOL, as Chloe says "you want to get him underwear?". No, just curious. Chloe tells her Lucas loves the Oatmeal Raisin cookies at Nana's Bakery.

And next, Anne is meeting up with Lucas, ostensibly to thank him for helping her get her wonderful job. She gives him the cookies, and starts babbling about wanting to try new things, etc. (something Lucas mentions about living on the edge). Talk goes to sky diving, she wants to do that, but figures her first time should be with someone she knows. Well, Lucas volunteers, has done it 100 times already. Oh, she is so thrilled, gets up, talking of the jump, sits on his lap, plants a big kiss, he about has a fit, pushing her off, what is she doing? Apologies from her, he goes to get a refill for his soda, she moans to herself what a stupid thing she did.

Eric is writing a letter, knock at door, he covers it, answers and it is Jennifer, she said she would be back. She wants to convince him to come home to Salem, hands him a letter, which is an offer to work at the Horton Center. He refuses, she goes on about his experience, he was a priest, all he did at the prison, saving the governor's daughter. (am guessing this is a counseling job). He still refuses, but Jen is persistent, talking of his good qualities, forgiving himself, but he won't ever return to Salem. She says, fine, stay here and wallow in self pity, take the cowardly way out. Don't think Daniel would think much of that, he knows you are better than that. (these are really good scenes). Later, Eric is alone, finishes his letter, which is an apology to Nicole, how he regrets what he did, is so sorry. He folds the letter, inserts in an envelope, and puts it in that little chest with all the other letters, we can see are addressed to Nicole.

Chloe closes her suitcase, mutters they are all packed, opens the door, just has to call the bellboy.She picks up the phone, behind her, black gloved hand pushes door open, hand over Chloe's mouth, she falls unconscious on the bed, the figure goes to the stroller.

Gabi is in the kitchen, devouring a carton of rocky road ice cream, as Dario comes in. They talk of Gabi being in love with Chad, but hands off, as she spoons out what she refers to as her dinner. Dario wants some as well, and somehow mention of Abby, & Gabi realizes he is in love with Abby, though he doesn't say so. She wants the ice cream back, they now have to share.

Brady sits in the Pub, wondering where the heck Nicole is, she is late.

And in Chloe's room, the figure in black has picked up the carrying part of the stroller, the camera goes upwards to reveal Nicole, with the proverbial Salem disguise, the black baseball cap covering her hair, pulled down over her eyes, as Nicole tells Holly she is with Mommy now, and they will never be apart again.
Nicole: The Hollynapping was utterly predictable, but was Nicole wise to wear that cap? Any Salemite who wears one is sending a clear signal that they're up to no good.

Lucas & Anne: Always a treat to see both of them. Anne tries too hard, but would be far better than either of the two lemons Lucas has picked in the Salem's garden of love -- Sami and Chloe, or vacillating Adrienne.

Dario: He'd be more believable as the protector of damsels in distress if he didn't look like such a thug. Even the classic villain, Snidely Whiplash, would be more believable in this role.

Eric: When is Mr. Gloom & Doom ever going to crack even the hint of a smile? Salemites should start a betting pool on when this will happen. As for his chief fan, Jenny, she'd have given him a clearer view of his status in Salem if along with the Horton Center letter, she'd brought the sacks and sacks of hate mail that he's received care of the Spectator.

Chad: Kudos to him for moving the center of DiMansion life back to the living room with its iconic portrait of Stefano. Any visual reminder of the man who played him, Joseph Mascolo (Stefano), is always welcome.

Abigail: She now wants to take belly-dancing lessons? Maybe, when she's gotten good at it, she could form an act with Salem's favorite male stripper, Dr. Cameron Davis (aka Officer Billy Club).
And next, Anne is meeting up with Lucas, ostensibly to thank him for helping her get her wonderful job. She gives him the cookies, and starts babbling about wanting to try new things, etc. (something Lucas mentions about living on the edge). Talk goes to sky diving, she wants to do that, but figures her first time should be with someone she knows. Well, Lucas volunteers, has done it 100 times already. Oh, she is so thrilled, gets up, talking of the jump, sits on his lap, plants a big kiss, he about has a fit, pushing her off, what is she doing? Apologies from her, he goes to get a refill for his soda, she moans to herself what a stupid thing she did.
Love it.

I'm Team Anne/Lucas and they could be balancing their checkbooks and I'd be thrilled. I'd rather watch that for 10 straight days than see 1 more second of Rafe and Hope.

Nice misdirect with the kidnapping - for about half a second. I'm sorry, I'm losing interest in Nicole.

I liked the Dario/Gabi scenes.
Thanks for the summary. Wonderful show! I actually am surprised that it was Nicole who drugged Chloe. I believed that Deimos' goon would've been behind that, and delivered the child to her. So for that, well done, writers! Granted, it probably won't end well, but I can't deny that I'm rooting for Nicole (and even for Deimos) here.

The Gabi and Dario scenes were tender and sweet. More of this, please, and less hostage taking. Also, surprisingly the Jennifer & Eric scenes were nice to watch. Not that I ship them as a couple, mind you, but I wonder if the writers have been looking at these threads, and decided to have her voice our opinions on Father Sourpuss' continued wallowing in self-pity.

The Anne scenes with Lucas were hilarious. I agree, JasonD---a wayyy better pairing than Rafe & Hope could ever hope to be.
DrBakerfan, I'm glad you noticed Stefano's picture is back too with the redecorated
living room. I wonder if Harold told everyone not to do certain things on the
new sofa?

Is Rocky Road ice cream the flavor people use most when they have a bad day?

Anne was funny today. I enjoyed her talk with Chloe first asking stuff about Lucas.

Wow, Nicole kidnapped Holly. What a surprise Not.
I wonder what Deimos is going
to do because he wanted to kidnap Holly first?
Dario really gets around -- making threats, dishing out advice, helping women in distress, and acting as if he plays in the same league as the DiMeras and Kiriakises. What would his schedule have looked like today?

Wake up; practice tough-guy look in the mirror.

Warn Chad about playing it straight with Abigail and Gabi, while sounding tough.

Wander around TBD looking tough to impress the customers.

Threaten Deimos; act tough and give him dirty looks.

Advise Gabi; eat Rocky Road ice cream (tough guys can eat huge amounts of ice cream).

Show up Deimos by helping Nicole before he can, i.e., giving her chloroform to use on Chloe.

Watch American Greed and other crime-related shows to find new ideas for profitable criminal schemes.

Lie awake thinking of new ways to get rich, and imagine intimidating people by being tough; fall asleep.
So we never did get the answer to boxers or briefs? I hadn't considered the question before, but dang, now I'm curious!

Anne, slow your roll babe. You and Lucas could be great together, but you're going scare him off.
I believe Chloe said boxers. Anne was so funny today. I loved when she said yeah, because you cheated on him. Pow! Give it to Chloe!! But Anne really should have held off and planting one on him. And really Chloe, you first open the door then turn your back to make a call? I was glad it was Nicole. I thought it would be since they made it seem like it would be Deimos.

And Eric, enough already! And apparently at some point the 57 letters he has written to Nicole will be found and then she'll forgive for accidentally killing St. Daniel. Still not behind a Jen and Eric pairing.

It was nice to see the picture of Stefano. It's a nice nod to Joe Mascolo but honestly would Chad still have it up? He thinks Stefano is alive and is pretty upset with him about that. Still. I hope they keep it.
So I just finished, and today wasn't a bad episode actually. Reading the summary got me intrigued to actually watch it. I definitely loved all the Anne scenes with Chloe and with Lucas. Such a nice change in direction, thank you!

One thing I did catch was when Jennifer was talking to Eric, he made a gesture and looked like he was trying to flip his gorgeous lengthy hair back like he used to, but then to realized there is no more hair to toss back and just rubbed his head back. Ha, was like a ghost effect. :)