Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 6, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Weirdly cut episode today - some pairings are long and frequent; some folks pop up in 2-3 bit scenes only.

Police Station Office - Sarah is singing to Victoria. Xander is let into the room. He missed them both. This re-energized him. She tells him Harris Michaels is awake so he may be home soon. Harris doesn't remember who shot him. Sarah believes him and Xander is going stir crazy. He doesn't want them back at the apartment until they are all together. Sarah agrees even though the house is crazy with Doug, Julie, Chad, Thomas, Charlotte, Maggie, and Konstantin running about.

Square - Brady gets a call from Tate (in the halfway house) and Nicole gets a call from Holly (in a robe at the DiMansion). They have an awkward encounter. Nicole tells Brady that Holly is awake (she woke up "yesterday"), and they're hopeful for a full recovery. Brady wants to know why he wasn't alerted? They both act like 14-year-olds as Nicole snipes that Holly hasn't exonerated Tate. She's foggy, blah blah, but adamant that the drugs were slipped to her and were not hers. Brady demands to speak to Holly, getting EJ-level physical with her for a minute. Nicole stonewalls, but offers to let the talk happen when Holly is better.

Pub - Roman has prepared a to-go order for Chad, Julie, and Stephanie. They're going to the Horton house to salvage what they can and the renovators are starting. Roman will join and leave the Pub to the charge of a kid named Adley.

Horton House - Julie (wearing a black and yellow flannel shirt and looking sharp) thanks Stephanie for coming to help. This affords them the opportunity to discuss Everett Bobby Stein Lynch. Julie of course pushes Stephanie toward the Nick-a-like. Julie gives Stephanie some instructions, Doug is upstairs looking in his closet for his clippings and his music archive. Later, Stephanie has piled some clothes in a box; they need laundering but should be OK. They found Doug's album. Roman and Chad arrive, Julie gives them the clothes to load, and she feels overwhelmed by the support as she hugs Stephanie and Roman.

Marlena's Office - Everett shows up. Marlena confirms his preferred name. She believes he's Everett and they must figure out why he can't access Bobby's memories. Everett/Bobby is terrified. Marlena asks about his yearlong coma following his brain injury, and his first memories when he came to. He remembers a nurse in green scrubs as well as a doctor asking him his name. She asks him about his earliest memories, like 3 or 4 years old, the earliest retrievable memories. He talks about his mother baking him a cake.

Horton House - Julie's working through another box and tells everyone (the other 3 are standing around) to be on the lookout for a key for the time capsule. Stephanie gets a recap (big news is that Thomas is currently 8 years old, we'll keep you posted on this developing story). Chad hopes for treasure, Roman thinks it will be something creepy, and Julie hopes it is something that will bring joy. Later, more digging through boxes as Stephanie finds a 50¢ piece. Julie and Roman go to the backyard to go through the furniture. This allows Chad and Stephanie to talk about Julie's positivity and the situation with Everett. Chad offers his ear if she's comfortable with that.

Marlena's Office - Everett talks about his mother with great admiration. Later, Marlena notes he has a lot of positive maternal memories; he hasn't thought of her in a long time. Bobby/Everett doesn't want to talk about his mother anymore this session. He wants to know about Bobby Stein. Marlena has a file Jada provided. Bobby's mother's maiden name was Lynch and his full name was Robert Everett Stein. They decide to stop there and she offers hypnosis next session. Everett defers to her clinical opinion. He gets a text from Stephanie revealing her location and asking if they can talk later. Marlena sets his next appointment and tells him to be patient and gentle with himself.

Tate's Location (halfway house? I thought he was there but it still looks like the rehab set) - Tate wants Brady's phone. Brady brought Sweet Bits. Tate wants to show his dad an app where they can watch soccer. Brady has news about Holly, who woke up but hasn't exonerated him. He knows Tate's innocent. Brady says he and Jeannie T believe Tate.

DiMansion - Nicole brought Holly something from Sweet Bits. She tells Holly that she ran into Brady and he refuses to believe Tate is guilty. Holly blurts that he's not. She doesn't know who did it, but she knows it wasn't Tate. Nicole scoffs (per the CC). Holly reiterates Tate's innocence and Nicole insists it had to have been Tate. Holly flashes back to 12/29/2023 and how Tate warned her against the pills. (Tate also remembers it, too, maybe?) This conversation, unbelievably, has another round to go.

Horton House - Chad backs off and knows Everett's none of his business. He sort of half-apologizes for how their breakup happened, and she deserved better from both Chad and Everett. They talk about some of the good memories they had as a couple. They're grateful for each other and share a hug, just as Everett is looking upon them. Later, they're both grateful they've salvaged a friendship from the wreck of their romance. He offers to walk her home. Outside, Bobby Everett has a slow close-up one-shot with some rising tension in the music. END
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I agree with the "weirdly cut". In one scene Stephanie and Chad are deep in conversation, then Everett gets a text from Stephanie and then it's back to Stephanie and Chad. I know they can't show everything, but when did Stephanie send the text??
Is there a reason that Harris can't both protect Stefan and exonerate Xander? It doesn't work for me that this straight arrow is letting Xander sit in jail, labelled as a cop killer, when he knows he had nothing to do with it.

And our other coma wakee is doing the same thing, protecting her own interests and not telling the whole truth to set Tate free.

Other than that, a lot of nothing at the Horton house and no Bobby revelations in therapy.
Thank you for the summary, @JasonDíSpeech. I always enjoy your write-ups! I'm most impressed by your ability to stay awake during shows like this one that amount to nothing. I'm actually not able to watch today, but I don't feel like I missed much. haha.

Holly needs to come clean in more ways than one.
Thank you, Jason! You captured the show's essence better than criminals are captured in Salem!

Surprised Everett is allowing the hypnosis, as he could be revealed for who he really is. As usual, someone walked in on something that was misunderstood. When he saw Chad and Stephanie hugging, that was innocent. Is he going to go after Chad?

While I am usually Team Nicole, she has been against Tate from the start and not even considering he could be innocent. Holly can still say that she got the drugs from some kid she did not know in school and was told it was harmless, she wanted to try it and Tate tried to talk her out of it. But that would make her look like a drug user if she admits that she took the drugs on her own. Maybe the "first time" excuse, like when she got drunk on her birthday. I hate that everyone thinks Holly is such a saint, and she ain't!

If Harris said he can't remember, he can't remember that he didn't see Xander, so that is a mess. Until that time, I suppose Xander is still a suspect, and this needs to end before Victoria is in preschool.

Don't know what day we are on, but Tripp and Wendy can't survive that much longer with no air. Rescue must happen soon, Clyde must be taken down, and Harris must reveal all. "Must" is not a word used in Salem, though. Maybe a Friday cliffhanger would be nice.

Why the heck can't Steve and John and/or the Vitalis break out Clyde then kill him? What about Clyde's goons, though? What about Goldman? Will his evil deeds still be carried out?
Thanks Jason for the summary. This was a weirdly paced show.

Victoria is now around 5 months old. Shouldn't they have moved to the next size Doll-in-Blanket?

I didn't care much for Everett's beard but this who is the person under the beard? Good or evil, I really don't care. But I would like it if just once someone could move into Salem and not be evil.

Today also shows just how limited the Hortons are. No one helping Julie today, who is an actual Horton. We need more Hortons.
If Harris said he can't remember, he can't remember that he didn't see Xander, so that is a mess.
BUT Rafe and Jada should still be releasing Xander, or at least acknowledging that someone else is involved, since Xander was locked up during the 2nd recent attempt on Michaels' life! This beat was missing today.
Harris can say he saw the shooter but it wasn't Xander, but he doesn't care. Lawsuit waiting to happen if Xander is attacked in jail by cops who think he shot one of their own. Justin might actually win a case.
Weird. So Roman just leaves and doesn't tell the new capable person he's leaving?

Jada knew Everett Lynch's name. Did she not find that weird? Maybe she said something and I just don't remember. Everett is open to hypnosis so that's something. But still looking creepy.

Thank goodness Holly finally cleared Tate. But someone gave her those drugs. They need to come forward. Even just to Holly. But it's clear now that she absolutely remembers.

This fire doesn't seem like it was very big. Chad is very annoying. Stop hitting on Stephanie. You're still mourning Abigail apparently.
Gosh, did not realize folks get all dressed up, not forgetting the big earings (Julie) to go salvage what did not get ruined in a fire. Yep, the place should be smoke filled, everything covered with ash, but then this is the magical Salem. Bet they won't even have to wash walls, or have furniture cleaned.
We don't know much about Everett at this time. His mom made him a birthday cake at age 3, a formula 1 race car. Could he be the arsonist? Don't know. Could he have a dark past beyond Seattle? Don't know. Could he be suffering a personality split because of his father's abuse on him as a child? Hence the lack of memory of his dad, we don't know.

And honestly I'm not sure the writers had an idea when he first started either and now they are scrambling to make it make sense. They are failing but they are trying.
Even if Holly never shouts from the rooftops that Tate didn’t give her the drugs unethical EJ’s case against the Tot is dead in the water. The fact that “somebody” gave Holly drugs just wont cut it. Imagine the judge saying: “Motion to dismiss is granted, and by the way Mr. DiMera, how did the likes of you ever become district attorney?”

The second attempt on Harris’s life also blows a hole in EJ’s case against Xander especially when a good defense attorney could argue that the “evidence” against the X-Man is part of a remarkably crude frame-up. The way things are going, EJ may soon be known in legal circles as the “biggest loser.”

Finally, let’s hope that Doc Evans can get to the bottom of the less-than-compelling tale of Everett/Bobby. Hopefully, this would also put an end to the angry Jada show. The way she carries on, one might think that EJ will soon be able to charge him with the fictional crime of being a cad.
Thanks, Jason.

It was odd Everett didn't mention his father. Does he actually remember, but doesn't want to say who it is? He had
several "I'm guilty" or "don't trust me" faces today.

We learned today how Everett got his name. Is there a reason why he's lying who he is or does he not actually
know what's going on?

Thank goodness Holly remembers. Hopefully she can tell the truth soon what happened New Year's Eve. I'm sure
she doesn't want her mom upset, but she needs to help out Tate.

Why was Xander visiting Sarah and Victoria in the interrogation room instead of a visitor's room? And why wasn't
there a guard watching them?

I wish they could get the toasted couch out of the Horton living room. And everyone seemed overdressed for cleaning
up after a fire.

Brady annoyed me. I know he wants to help Tate, but he did it the wrong way. He should be glad Holly is better and
wait until she's fully recovered to get answers.