Days of Our Lives - Wed., March 19, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, March 19, 2014

In the hospital room, Dr. Garcia gives the nervous Abby the results of her test. She is not pregnant. Big whooshy sigh of relief from EJ. Abby seemingly has conflicting emotions. She seems relieved, thanks the doctor, but then is in tears. Dr. Garcia leaves at EJ's request, as Abby pulls herself together, telling EJ this is a relief, now he & Sami can get married, no problem, her family won't have to worry about anything, etc. etc. He is rather silent, just a hand on her shoulder. Dr. Garcia has returned, tells her that her symptoms were all due to a great deal of street, and a touch of stomach flu, her next period should be fine, normal. If not, call, make appt. EJ & Abby thank her, leave. In the square, they part company, EJ tells her that someday she will find someone who she will love, and will love her as she deserves. When that happens, let him know, so he can tell the guy what a lucky person he is.

Over at DiMansion, Sami has let a smiling Stefano know she & EJ have set the date for May, nothing is going to stop them from getting married. Oh, Stefano knows how much EJ loves her, and just, as always, wants his family to be happy. If so, snarls Sami, then free EJ, let him move out of this house. But Stefano thinks EJ, deep down, really wants to live in that house. He gets a call, it is from Dr. Garcia, who is reporting in. We don't hear their conversation, but he thanks her very much, and she tells him to let her know if there is anything else she can do.

EJ comes bounding in, looking for his fiancee'. Stefano asks "who"? LOL. But in comes Sami, and an exhuberant EJ is hugging and kissing her, much to the amusement of Stefano. EJ tells him to excuse them for a bit, takes her out in the foyer, more kissing passionately. Stefano follows to the doorway, again looking amused. Upstairs the couple goes, Sami puzzled about EJ's sudden amorous mood, but joins in for a mid-day romp between the sheets. He gets up to get something, she gets a call from Abby, who lets her know she is not pregnant. Sami is all considerate, thinks she took home test, learns it was to a doctor, Abby pretends she is about to check into work, hangs up. EJ returns, Sami gives him the news, & lucky his back is to her, so she doesn't see his face, as he talks of it being too bad. Downstairs, Stefano sits at his chess table, moving a piece, grinning.

JJ is trying to get Rory & Bev to tell him what they did, he can tell they were up to something. They fake innocence, and finally leave. He wants to do some homework, left the books at school. Over there, Paige runs into Mary Beth, who learns of JJ asking Paige to friend him on the Pal page. MaryBeth accuses JJ of stalking and harrassing Paige, advising her to report him, not only to the school, but to the cops, and send him back to jail. She leaves, Paige runs into JJ, who has no idea why Paige is upset with him, calling him a jerk, etc. She mentions a message, he denies sending one. She walks away, he checks his phone, sees what Rory & Bev did. They happen by, he lights into them, it was not funny. But it was just a joke, blah, blah. Bev berates him for no longer being any fun since he went so "straight", and leaves in a huff with Rory.

Replay of Brady looking at the picture of him & his dad, crumbling it up, and getting tempted by the booze bar. He says he doesn't need it, but then grabs a bottle, his hand is shaking badly, he starts to pour, but instead smashes the whole thing (and why he did not cut his hands is beyond me). He leaves to go for a walk, telling himself, he doesn't need it at all.
In the park, Liam is faking being a nice guy to Theresa, but managing to get her attention when he mentions Jennifer. She realizes he was the rebound guy, before she went back to Dr. Dan. Liam is doing quite well at getting her interest, when Brady appears, and seems slightly jealous. She introduces them, and Liam realizes his efforts now will be fruitless, and takes off. Theresa enjoys the fact that Brady seemed a bit jealous, he wants to have some fun, she suggests liquor & her apt. but he says no. They go back to Kmansion, she is intent on having sex, he starts taking her to his room, but she says "why not right here". No one home, blah, blah, and they go at it on the sofa.

Ben is questioning Jordan about staying in town, knows it is because of Rafe, but tells her she cannot trust him, that the only person she can trust is him. She says that may have been so in the past, this is different. She insists she will live her life the way she wants, go where she wants, do what she wants.
Meanwhile, Kate is grilling Rafe, in her own "innocent" style, about Jordan remaining in town and why. She manages to plant her seeds of doubt, talking of how Jordan was so reserved when she first came, and how she was a bit nervous when Sheryl came to town. Rafe notes that was a former roommate. Oh, Kate knows, and then sweetly says the only person Jordan has to tell about herself is Rafe. She goes out, gets a call from Chad. After pleasantries, admits she has yet to do what he asked, promises to do it tonight. She then calls Stefano, asking when is it a good time to see him. Tonight he is free. Fine. She comments he may not enjoy this like he thinks. He hangs up, murmurs, You never know.

Jordan, meanwhile, has run into Abby, who is wiping tears away again. Abby wanted to be able to say goodbye, but Jordan tells of changing her mind, they talk of getting together again, as they had a lot of fun last time with Gabi. Jordan agrees, then smiles as she spots Rafe. He comes over, Abby takes off, but is sad faced as she watches them lovingly kiss. Rafe talks to Jordan about some advice he needs, talks of a woman who was leaving town, but now isn't, mentions flowers, dinner, a car. LOL Jordan smiles, she has to go check on a couple patients first. Behind a tree, Ben is watching.
I know you all are going to laugh at my speculation and think it's ridiculous and impossible but I think Abby is indeed pregnant and Stefano instructed the Doc to tell them she wasn't. I think Stefano is orchestrating the destruction of EJ/Sami and Abby is the Queen in this game of chess. Stefano is either going to reveal all (the affair and the pregnancy) during the wedding or Abby is going to find out on her own that she is.

Just remember, Gabi was at least 3 months pregnant when a doctor had to INFORM her that she was pregnant. Sami slept with EJ in May 2008 (when Lucas caught them) and didn't find out she was pregnant until October.
As usual, Stefano is the master of the situation, with spies everywhere, even among seemingly legitimate physicians. As for Sami, she should know better than bring up the subject of moving out of the DiMansion. All true DiMeras must live there -- it's written in stone. As for Kate, she had best beware during her meeting with the Phoenix, lest she too gets snared in the DiMera web. If Ms. Blue Chunk isn't careful, she too will have the DiMansion as a mailing address. Meanwhile, lurkers are everywhere in Salem. First it was weirdo Liam popping up at odd moments and now it's Ben peering out from a concealed location. If Rafe really wants to clean up Salem, he ought to forget the untouchable DiMeras and concentrate on people who hide in corners and eavesdrop on conversations.
I agree with you cryin and I love it!

I saw mention on twitter today that some of the scenes with Samantha have her hair the blonde as it was before and darker in other scenes. I won't see it until tonight but I will be looking. A lot of Samantha/Elvis fans (in the past) said they re-shot or added scenes based on the response to the Abigail/Elvis pairing (due to it being unfavorable) :rolleyes:

I'm curious if anyone else noticed this or is it just wishful twittering?
Oh, I definitely think the exact same thing as Cryin. I did when I first put up the note in the other thread. (which I only wrote because I knew everyone wanted to know and they did reveal within the first few minutes. Boy, when Stefano got the call from Dr. Garcia, I laughed out loud. Said "yep, it figures, and explains his comments during conversation with Sami. As if Stefano doesn't know all, and doesn't keep his finger in every pie around. The Salem PD could really use him. LOLOL
I saw mention on twitter today that some of the scenes with Samantha have her hair the blonde as it was before and darker in other scenes. I won't see it until tonight but I will be looking. A lot of Samantha/Elvis fans (in the past) said they re-shot or added scenes based on the response to the Abigail/Elvis pairing (due to it being unfavorable) :rolleyes:

I'm curious if anyone else noticed this or is it just wishful twittering?
Looks like the scenes were shot (out of order) on different days and that her hair is styled slightly different from scene to scene. That may account for why it looks darker in some scenes and lighter in others.

The same thing happened during the pub shootout and the grief sex scenes, they were done on different days and Sami's hair was different in scenes that it should've been the same, and her nail polish changed colors back and forth between the scenes.
One more thing about today. I know we make a lot of wise cracks about how dumb Sami is lately, but today she earned every dumb joke that's been hurled her way. She learned that Abby could be pregnant by an older man that is already in a relationship. She questioned EJ's curiosity about Abby's possible pregnancy. She catches EJ in the very room she'd left with Abby an hour earlier but not before hearing a noise and believing someone else was in the room. EJ's mood is noticeably happier hours later and he wants to take her on a date. She then gets a phone call from Abby delivering the news that she's not pregnant by the "loser". A toddler could put these pieces together.
By the way, Days would never reshoot scenes filmed months ago. Not with their tight budget. They MIGHT edit again. The response to the EJ/Abby pairing tho, has been more favorable than not.

I think Abby did not expect to be so disappointed, she was so convinced she was pregnant, and was expecting to have EJ by her side, etc. for years. Lots of mixed feelings tumbling around.
And it shows the depth of her feeling for EJ, when she talks first of all the problems he now won't have to face.
When Dr. Garcia called Stefano to inform him I knew something is up. He knows all and sees all in Salem. Like the others above have stated I too believe either Abby is pregnant or he will use it to let everyone know of the affair.

As I stated yesterday JJ needs to find some real friends.
I'm not surprised at all that Stefano knows all but I am surprised that we got the reveal that he is involved today. I already thought he was involved a few weeks ago when he smirked at EJ in the Dimera living room as he knew EJ was thinking about Abby. I thought we were just going to get the pregnancy reveal. Also, the fact that Stefano seems pretty mobile now makes me think some of these scenes may have been inserted more recently--we know he broke his leg around the time this was supposedly shot.

I definitely think she is pregnant. I think Stefano has always hated Sami and hated Sami with EJ however, this whole thing may be orchestrated as payback to Marlena. Let's now watch her symptoms magically go away until May sweeps.

JJ does need new friends. Liam needs a friend period.

Brady and Theresa are just yuck--they do nothing for me nor do I think they are advancing any storyline on the show right now.

Jordan and Rafe just more of the same. Can Rafe PLEASE go back to work???

As much as Abigail needs friends her own age range, I prefer her with Jordan any day over Sami. It's clear they are establishing a friendship between Jordan and Abby so that Abby can connect with Ben while still not over EJ.

Surprised we didn't get the continuation of Salem's ultimate overdressed pizza party
How stupid is EJ to go to a "DiMera" doctor and not think that Stefano will know about it?? I like that theory cryin4days! That would be fabulous for it to come out at the wedding in May. That way everyone is shocked. EJ is all unicorns and rainbows right now thinking he's off the hook. How fabulous for Abby to walk into their wedding and show her burgeoning tummy? Ooooh...I hope so. Otherwise, the only thing I can think is that Stefano just wants to be in the know about things and will use the info that EJ almost got Abby pregnant while still engaged to Samantha against him. Hmmmm.

Ughhh...Brady and Theresa are nauseating. Brady needs some serious intensive therapy and Theresa needs to go back to LA.

So they're still dancing around the issue of Jordan's past. Can we please get on with it already??? I'm sick of all this cryptic talk. Who is she really and who/what is she running from?
JJ does need new friends. Liam needs a friend period.... Can Rafe PLEASE go back to work???
Liam may need a friend, but he also needs some psychiatric help rather badly. Unfortunately, Marlena, Salem's only visible psychiatrist, rarely comes to work and hasn't seen a real patient in ages. (If she ever did start seeing patients, the line of Salemites who need help to a greater or lesser extent would stretch out her office door and down the hallway.) As for Rafe getting back to work, that's a tall order. Before he was attacked, most of his time was spent wandering around the Town Square and sitting in the Pub while taking care of personal business. And, after all, why should Rafe really work? Hope (like Bo when he was in Salem) occasionally shoots a bad guy or makes idle threats to EJ or Stefano, but otherwise she's socializing or dealing with family business. As for Roman, the brave leader of the Salem P.D., he appears to do so little work that he probably can't find the police station without directions or checking his GPS tracker.