Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 1, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Oh, my, you know what is hitting the fan all over Salem, but especially at today's mayoral debate.

Lani is walking in the park, David in the buggy, is stopped by a woman sitting on a bench. She asks boy or girl, talks of nice day, refers to the baby as Lani's son. She says “yeah”, then corrects herself, she is not the mother, just caring for the boy for his mother. The woman talks of Holly's kidnapping, advising Lani to keep close eye, one never knows. Lani replies she would never let anyone harm “my baby”, but when the woman notes she just said David wasn't hers, Lani again corrects herself, then takes off.

Jack is smirking away to Eve, who bemoans Abe catching up to them in the polls, dead heat. Oh, but he has something up his sleeve, has been having someone keep an eye on Abe, and what he has now is gold. He shows Eve a pic of Sheila leaning over, kissing Abe in the square. They both are gleeful, bragging about showing up Abe.

Claire runs into JJ in square, knows he doesn't like Tripp/Haley marriage as much as she doesn't. Eli comes along, forensics could find no proof this lighter started fire, return to JJ. Claire says then it was Jordan, nope, she still denies. He leaves, Claire makes light of her foolish decision to take up smoking, but stopped. JJ glad, returns lighter to her. She leaves, Jack comes up, JJ is cold to him. Jack asks if his mom will be there, JJ reads Jack a riot act about his mom leaving town and why, no he isn't coming to debate. Jack starts to say “listen son”, JJ stops him. I am NOT your son. He walks away, later seeing Lani coming with the buggy. She figures he is probably going to be at the debate for his dad, no, actually he is going to be there for HER dad, who he is supporting.

Tripp brings in the mail, 1st piece addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Tis wedding photo from the photographer. Haley is all worried, today is the 30th day since her deportation notice. Justin calls, she won't be deported, but they are being carefully watched. Claire comes in, Haley goes upstairs to give them privacy, after telling Claire the news. However, there is more. Tripp tells her that they will be watched until Haley can get her green card. Claire is not happy, of course, asks how long, has a fit when she learns it could be 3 years. Tripp tries to calm her down, knock at door, same woman from the park, who is from immigration. She is surprised to see Claire there, even more so that she is living there. However, Haley comes down with an empty box, calling for Claire, pretending she found this for her, telling immigration woman Claire was packing to move out today. Claire pops up with hating to have to live there with them, but could not find place til now. Immigration warns she will be watching. She leaves, goes to pack.

Abe & Sheila sit in Pub, happy at Abe's jump up in polls. They talk about the kiss, sorry about it, proved they had no spark, let's forget it ever happened. In comes Val, surprising Abe, who is delighted to see her. She was not going to miss the debate, is there for him. She has to make a work call, will see him at debate, steps outside, runs into Eli. Hugs, learns about Lani's overzealous helping with David. Along comes Lani, Eli has to get back to work on the kidnapping, Val tries to talk to Lani about her devotion to the baby, but Lani shuts her down, walks away.

The debate is beginning. Abe & Sheila arrive, Eve asks JJ to leave, he refuses. Jack & Eve do big kissing scene, cameras going off. Val sits near Abe, Sheila straightens his tie, Jack begins to sound off, talks of Tripp & Haley getting married, Abe says let them live in peace. Jack rants that marriage being fraud, Eve join in how theirs is not. JJ jumps up, calling Jack himself a total fraud, going on his own rant. Jack tries intimidating Abe, who says he has been honest in every aspect. Jack talks of crime, the drug cartel, children kidnapped, & then even Abe's personal love live. Abe is taken aback, Val is aghast, they do love each other, despite being miles apart. JJ has called Jack a fraud, marrying a woman he doesn't love to get what he wants. Jack says only fraud is Abe, who says he has always been up front. Jack talks about relationship with ex-con asst., Sheila Watkins. Abe says he felt she should have 2nd chance.

Haley has to go to work, leaves, Tripp goes upstairs. Claire comes out of her room, small valise for someone who packed up her stuff. She sees wedding picture, tears it in half, holding a lighter in front of the half showing Haley.

Eli comes into station, finding Lani, thinks she is back to work. Nope, she is applying for leave of absence.

Jack says Abe's relationship with Sheila not so platonic, he has proof, gets Eve to light up the big screen monitor. Gasps and shocked faces as the pic of Sheila kissing Abe in the square appears.
Thank you, Poirot.

It looks like Lani is taking that final step off the cliff of reality. She can't even keep it straight that she isn't David's mother. Looks like the end is also near for her and Eli if she keeps this up.

Looks like Claire is another one taking that step off the cliff. Tripp and Haley will know Claire was the one to destroy the photo. Hmmm, maybe she goes a step too far, and will be sent to the sanitarium for a year, or two, or for ever. Hopefully, she'll be out of Salem sooner than later.

Jack & Eve...Nope, can't stand them. They both need to go, too.

JJ gets cheers from me today for standing up to Jack.

The best part of today....NO Rex or Sarah !!!!
Eve and Jack are just insufferable. I just cannot even stand to watch them. I think that picture of the "kiss" looks exactly like what it is. A quick peck that was caught on film. It is not a passionate kiss between lovers. I swear if Jack wins the mayors race I am done.

Really Tripp? It never occurred to you that you may have to remain married to Haley for several years? Are you just an idiot? I thought Claire was gonna kill Haley when she said Claire was moving out. I can't believe Tripp is asking this. She lived there first!! He and Haley should move out! Then he just goes upstairs when he knows Claire is packing. Claire needs to drop him quick! Of course going over the cliff will take care of that too. I am still so sad they have ruined Belle and Shawn's only child.

Lani does seem to be going over the edge with the baby. But I also think everyone has been pretty judgmental with her about being a nice person and helping a friend take care of a baby.
She referred to him twice today, as HER baby. And now taking a leave of absence? Does Rafe know she is doing this? HE is the one who promised to take care of David, not her. And is that how he does not doing it, letting someone else take on the job, without even asking them?
I am trying to keep positive, but I agree with @redsquirrel who said that the best part was that there was no Sarah! It is just so so stupid!!! First, Jack and Eve making out like teenagers in public and then getting all giddy about their big power play - a picture that shows Sheila clearly being the aggressor in that situation. Abe's hands were by his side, he was sitting down and she clearly grabbed his face and went for the kiss. How does that show Abe as a hypocrite? And, even if it was a consensual kiss, so what? They are both single. So stupid.

And then we have the loft scene, which is ridiculous. There is NO WAY that Tripp and Haley should stay in that large apt. with at least 3 bedrooms, and displace both Claire and Ciara, who technically live there. They should have moved out and gotten their own apartment. Claire and Ciara could have found a new roomie and paid for the loft, per their lease. And now we have an official busybody (as opposed to Maggie being the unofficial one), who is obnoxious, BUT, she seems like she will somehow be involved in the Lani/David case, when she ultimately takes him, which I suspect is coming. But, since that is not an ICE situation, I am not sure how, but she will.

Rafe is clearly being an idiot and not seeing what is right in front of him - especially if he lets Lani talk him into her taking the leave to do what he is supposed to be doing. But, he will just say, "Aww shucks, thanks for being such a good pal. I have to catch my wife with her shady boyfriend, so I will leave David in your good hands." Dumb!
This episode had me wanting to throw things at the screen. It was one big parade of the delusional and the clueless.

Jack & Eve: There are no words. This pair of smug, lowlife schemers are so awful that even the underhanded Xander would find their routine to be more than a bit much. And Eve thinks that Jack is "brilliant?" Can't she hear the loose screws rattling around in his head?

Mayor Abe: This poor man needs an experienced campaign manager. He never should have allowed himself to get drawn into a debate with Jack over his personal life. He also needs to learn not to conduct business in the middle of the Pub.

Claire: She thinks that she's not "a crazy lunatic." She should guess again. And if Trippy thinks that she'll do the "right thing," he's way off base. For Claire, the "right thing" is whatever suits her selfish, childish purposes.

Valerie Grant: She believes that being on the Salem P.D. is a "demanding job." In reality, it's for a place for people who want to have 98% if their time free for their personal lives.

JJ: He's on target about Jack, but he apparently "respects" the Salem P.D.'s forensics unit? Based on its past performance, it couldn't connect the infamous lighter with Ben even if its surface had his prints and DNA, and the initials "B.W." were scratched on it
Rafe is clearly being an idiot and not seeing what is right in front of him -
This is usual for Rafe, especially lately. If Sami called with another emergency, he would probably hit the road again. He should have put Hope before both Sami (and her children) and Jordan and her spawn.
Really..... all those gasps and pearl clutching when shown a picture of Sheila and Abe kissing.... and not a hug just the most awkward lean into a chair kiss.....

idiotic Clare/Tripp/Haley stuff..... insulting in it's stupidity.......

Baby David II don't care who cares for him long term/short term/any term.......

so when does the writing change for all the children summer viewers????? Or have we given up on summer stories for this wonderful story telling we are getting now....
Sorry, forgot one. . . just how stupid do the writers think we are with Claire tearing the wedding picture and getting out the lighter to burn Haley's half? Who among us will be surprised tomorrow/whenever to see that it was all another daydream? That is getting real old.
Thanks, Poirot.

I don't think they should have showed us the picture of Abe and Shelia kissing until the end.
Jack could've have shown it to Eve, but it would have been a bigger impact to the
viewers if we didn't see it until then.

Nice to see Val, but she picked the wrong day to see Abe.

So Eli gave the lighter back to JJ and then he gave it to Claire. What will she
do next? Burn the picture? the loft?

Claire shouldn't have yelled right after Agent Smith left the loft. She could have
been standing by the door listening.

I liked Haley's outfit.
Haley.... where does she work? I thought she was a nurse..... perhaps Noel can weigh in on if that is appropriate clothing for working the hospital wards?

I didn't think the lighter was a Zippo.... I thought it was a Bic.... but then again I don't really pay that much attention to the show.

The downhill trek this show is on is very sad.....
Yeah, I was pretty sure that Haley had lost her position in light of all of this mess.
Speaking of messes - Lani seriously needs to get her priorities straight. That baby isn't hers, he's Rafe's responsibility, and she should just walk away.
Also, Claire. I'm really hoping that she does something super stupid that gets her in a bunch of trouble and causes Tripp to drop her like a hot rock. Yes, it's sad that they have ruined Belle and Shawn's only child, but I guess when they spun the character wheel for which kid was going to be the crazy one, it landed on her.

(I still swear they must have a character wheel, with Nicole's picture on it, to figure out what horrible thing will happen to her next)

Also, with regards to the loft and who should live there, it kinda makes sense to me that Tripp and Haley would stay, mostly because Claire and Ciara could easily find other places to live. Tripp and Haley might run into places that won't rent to them because of the publicity and thought that she's illegal.
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Thanks for the summary!

He shows Eve a pic of Sheila leaning over, kissing Abe in the square.
I agree with so many of you - that pic is a big ZERO as far as a scandal is concerned! It was JUST a kiss!

Jack starts to say “listen son”, JJ stops him. I am NOT your son.
Yea JJ - you go for it!

Eve and Jack are just insufferable. I just cannot even stand to watch them. I think that picture of the "kiss" looks exactly like what it is. A quick peck that was caught on film. It is not a passionate kiss between lovers. I swear if Jack wins the mayors race I am done.
I'm right there with you!
Ah, but Ciara & Claire have signed the lease, provided the furniture, kitchenware, etc. etc. In the even Tripp & Haley defaulted on the rent, Ciara & Claire could be forced to pay. (Just ask Judge Judy, lolol)
True, although I don't think Ciara would mind and would work it out with Tripp. Claire would want to take it out in Haley's blood.