Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 17, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Good show today. Nicole is on the plane, calling for whoever, the pilot comes out with Holly, Nicole is happy. She holds her baby, tells the pilot that Eric was keeping the guards busy so she could get away. The pilot was told to leave if Eric did not return, she cannot go back to Salem, tells him to go anywhere else. She calls Brady, tells him she & Holly are safe, each expresses their love for the other. Brady asks about Eric, but as Nik acknowledges they would not be there except for Eric, and is about to tell that Eric did not make it back, static ends their call. The pilot is revving up the engines, ready for takeoff.

Eric is tied up to the headboard, Xander giving him a really rough time about rescuing the ungrateful Nicole. But then,. he still has Holly. Think again, says Eric. Xander goes to check, returns, is very angry that Holly is gone, yells at Eric to tell him. Eric says she is in her mother's arms. LOL

Tripp is with Steve, who is working on a case, explaining that it is lite weight, that many times his cases are domestic - custody things, cheating spouses.....which is this case, wife thinks hubby is cheating with a co-worker. Window across the street is where he has to watch. He has an eye glass, Tripp binoculars, they take turns, Steve makes notes, they talk, both of their unhappy upbringing, nasty fathers, etc. Tripp admits he doesn't know what kind of a work he wants to do now, Steve mentions the medical field, how much Kayla was impressed with him helping with Roman. They also get to talking about when Ava kidnapped Kayla, blackmailed Steve into sleeping with her. Tripp thinks that was sick, but is really looking for something negative about Kayla. So when Steve suggests that perhaps Tripp might follow Kayla around the hospital a bit, see if he likes the medical field, Tripp jumps on it.

Tripp meets up with Jade, tells her he figured out a way to perhaps get close to Kayla, keep an eye on her. Jade figures that is a good thing, make her pay.

Kayla has set up a blind date for Joey via a hospital friend, at the Pub. Joey sits with the girl, both asking questions about the other, Jade walks in. Not too happy to see Joey on a date. The girl & Joey are having a nice time, are ending the date, she has to use the rest room. Jade comes over to Joey, hears he is on a date, yes, it has been a while since they were over, he has moved on, so should she. She goes back to sit a the bar and listen in, Joey and the girl say goodbye, he will walk her to her car, she says she has to make a call, he leaves.

So of course, Jade comes over, asks the girl if she is o.k., then goes on about Joey being her ex, is a player, told her he loved her, knocked her up, then dumped her.She had a miscarriage, so no baby, but.....we girls have to watch out for each other. Wish someone had warned me. The girl thanks Jade, leaves, Jade figures that should do the trick.

Joey meets up with his mom at the hospital, date went well, but he cannot be comfortable as he can never tell his secret....about Ava. The only one he can be honest with about it is Jade.

Marlena is with Brady, has not been able to reach John. Kayla comes in with bad news. Brady's body is not responding to the anti-rejection meds. Brady realizes he is dying. Marlena asks about another heart perhaps. Not hardly likely. Kayla leaves, will be back later. Marlena is talking positively to Brady, there is a knock at the door, which opens, and there is JOHN. (I confess that though I knew he would be appearing today, I still gasped when he put his head in the door). He hugs Marlena, then his son, is sorry he did not get there sooner. Mentions how Pamela said SOMEONE gave her quite the earful (that was Marlena), so arrangements were made. He strokes Brady's face, his head. tells him he loves him, he is not leaving, Brady is going to pull through this.

Nicole is suddenly off the plane, coming across a Greek cop, babbling about being kidnapped by Xander, someone is still being held. The policeman supposedly calls for backup (in Greek) follows her to the house, tells her backup is probably rounding up the guards around the place. They go in, Xander is relaxing on the sofa with a drink. She begins babbling, but...of course, the cop (and many others, according to Xander) is on his payroll, so that will teach her to trust anyone she sees in an alley. The cop was actually looking for her, she made it easy. He pushes her into the bedroom with the tied up Eric, telling them not to try to get away again. She begins to untie Eric.

John comes alone into Brady's room, he is sleeping. John sits along side the bed, lays his head on Brady's chest, his arm across him, murmuring, I love you, son. I love you so much.
The only one I don't watch is General Hospital, but that's only because I can't get it on my TV with the rabbit ears. The local station is too far away. But I would watch it, if I could. I was a GH fan back in the 80's when John Stamos and Rick Sprigfield were on. :love:

Y&R and B&B are on when I take my lunch.
Something struck me today. But before I comment, I must say again I don't watch everything, so I appreciate all you do, Poirot ! :hug:

But I did watch the Brady scenes. I actually cried when John came in. And the actor who plays Brady, though I often find his character to be dumb, is killing it right now.

Anyway, what struck me was that, when Brady told Marlena he sent Eric to rescue Nicole, she said "but these two have issues, because of Nicole". Hum, no, Marlena, they have issues because of Eric. Eric drove drunk. Eric killed Daniel. So, again, it is because of Eric. Not the other way around.

Now, granted, I might be bias because Nicole is my favorite character, but why is it that the people of Salem can't ever give her a break, even when she's clearly not in the wrong ? So frustrating. :angry:
I actually feel that there are issues with both Eric and Nicole (she deliberately shredded the evidence that would have cleared him to go back to priesthood, while he drove drunk and accidentally killed Daniel). However, it is understandable that Marlena as Eric's mom would take his side and blame Nicole. She also felt that Jennifer was a bad influence on him a few weeks ago so it's not just Nicole.

Can Jade please leave, now? I wish Joey would just confess what he did to Ava because then this story will be over and Tripp can lay off of Kayla.
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A few comments about today's featured characters.

NuJade: Yuck, would she please leave town and take Abigail with her. Even Sami would be gagging over her lowlife schemes.

John: It's good to see Drake Hogesteyn (John) back. Dr. Grant should get busy, get a few cells from his heart, and start cloning a brand-new one for Brady. If she's as brilliant as the Love Doctor, she'd tinker with the DNA so it would be a perfect match and anti-rejection meds wouldn't be needed.

Eric: Xander mentioned the possibility of throwing Eric to the sharks, but would they want to eat him? Perhaps, he has an aura that would send them swimming rapidly in the other direction. (In fact, it's rumored that the U.S. Navy's latest shark repellent is based on something called the "Essence of Eric.")


Shark: "OMG, it's Eric Brady. Time to get out of here!"

Greek cop: He'd be a natural for the Salem P.D. Minutes after being hired, he'd be earning big bucks spying for Andre, Deimos, or Dario.
Great seeing John back in Salem.

Did Kayla say they are hoping Brady's heart will fix itself? Can Daniel save
the day?

Why oh why did Nicole go back for Eric? I hope the pilot won't get caught
with Holly.

Nice to hear Brady say Tink since he thought Belle was on the phone.

Funny scene with Steve and Tripp looking in the window and seeing what
was going on.
Will we see a Days first this sweeps as Ghost-Daniel possesses Dr Grant and performs miracle surgery on his own heart using rubber bands and spackle?

OK, that started out sarcastic...but it would be more interesting than Joey and Alyssa's date, Kayla's intercession in Joe's love life, and Jade's bizarre obsession with a scruffy-looking murderer. Or the endless saga of Dummy (Xander), Ditzy (Nicole), and Downy (Eric) in Greece.
So, the helplessly tied-up Eric enraged Xander by revealing that Holly had escaped his clutches? :eek: :eek: And, Eric was unable to untie his hands by using his teeth? :rolleyes:

Have University Hospital cardiologists not heard of heart pumps that can, at least, buy a patient some time while they await a suitable donor?

Eric/Holly/Nicole's pilot announced that the plane was preparing for take-off, and Nicole was not buckled-up. :eek: Was there a co-pilot that helped babysit Holly?

Joey should marry Jade. This strategy would make use of the popular myth that a wife cannot testify against her husband. :rolleyes:

Regarding picking on Nicole: She has a long history of wrongdoing, so of course she will, for the foreseeable future, always be rounded up with "the usual suspects." Often unfair, but true.

"Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind." "When you make your bed, you have to lie in it." "Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas." "Hey, I got a million of 'em!" -- Jimmy Durante :)
I agree with you, A. Guy, that Nicole has a long history of wrongdoing. But the same can be said about every character on Days. It's just that they are treated differently. Nicole can never see her wrongdoings die down, even those who were not her fault. Again, the "porn star" thing. I just can't get over that. How somebody who was abused is getting blamed and shamed for it, I will never understand, even on a soap.

Bottom line, some characters on Days have done much worse and are treated with respect. Look at Kate, who is still friends with Marlena, look at Eric, who drove drunk and killed someone, now look at Abigail, who is seen as little miss Perfect, when she's far from it. Toying with everybody, can't seem to make up her mind, she's the one who started the whole mess when she faked her death, but noooooo. She's the poor victim, here. And don't even get me started on her perfect mother, Saint Jennifer. Remember when Jen Jen would constantly harass Nicole when she was pregnant ? Again, in everyone's eyes, Nicole was wrong, Jenny was perfect. Even when Nicole tried to commit suicide, a couple of days later, Maxine was in her face. :eek::angry:

All this to say, it is frustrating to see Nicole constantly getting treated like garbage.
I don't understand about Jade holding Joey's secret over him. If she were to tell it to anybody, even the police, couldn't Joey just say it isn't true? Jade doesn't have any evidence, does she? Only that Joey told her he killed Ava. Not that he would ever be able to lie his way through anything, but if he could, why wouldn't it just be her word against his? Also, if Steve still claimed he killed Ava, I don't see how Jade's claim to what Joey told her could hold much weight, so long as Joey and Steve stuck together on their story.
I don't know if I could stand seeing Ava on my screen again but I'd bear with it if it could be short term and if it would get rid of the dreadful story of Joey killed Ava, and Jade is getting Tripp to do her dirty work.

No need to care about Joey's new date. We can already see it's not going anywhere, thanks to Jade, but it was nice to see Joey actually laughing. I don't think I'd ever seen him do that before. He did look nice today, especially when he laughed. But am I the only one who thinks it's a little bit strange for his mother to be making a date for him? I also felt when Steve was talking to Joey about his date, it seemed like something I'd expect of a dad talking to a young son in his early teens--maybe going on his first date or something.