Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 24, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Weepy Wednesday, with winners and losers, as the bedside watch of Brady continues. John sits holding Brady's hand while Marlena sits beside Victor in the waiting area, gently, and quietly giving him the news that Brady is probably not going to make it. Victor tries calling Mayo, tho Marlena tells him Brady may not make it through the night. She is gone to be with John, Maggie arrives, tries to comfort her husband, but there really are no words. Later, Victor is sitting beside Brady's bed, constantly looking at him. Maggie joins him, tells Victor all they can do now is pray. She kisses Brady, telling him she loves him.

John is back with Brady, remembering various times in their lives, when he & his son had talks, maybe business, maybe not, but he placed his trust and faith in Brady. He says aloud there were so many things he did not say to him, he wants to be able to do so.

Victor sits in the chapel alone, telling God he cannot lose Brady, doesn't know where to begin to talk to him. A hand falls on his shoulder, it is Daniel, who says not to worry, I am here for you.....and for him.

Over in Greece, the Salem gang all gets up to date, and prepare to go to the island. And on that island, Eric holds a gun on Deimos, Nicole berates him, while Deimos firmly claims over and over that he came to rescue Nicole. She isn't buying it, points out how they know he had Deimos working for him, but Deimos insists he is innocent. Uh, oh, machine gun fire thru the windows, everyone ducks, Eric is hit in the arm. Deimos is insisting Nicole come with him, they cannot help Eric, but he can get them away via a secret way. Nicole refuses, but he drags her off, just as the cavalry bursts thru the door, guns drawn. Nicole tells Hope about Eric, they tend to him, JJ puts the protesting Deimos in handcuffs. Eli & a Greek cop get Xander out of the cage, and despite mounting evidence (including mention of Guy and his testimony) Deimos continues to protest. Xander claims to have been working alone, Hope tells him he might want to reconsider as Salem PD might cut a deal if he told all.

Chad sits at a table with Gabi, as they chatter about Eli breaking up with her, how she has moved on, but wonders if she & Chad could just be friends. She doesn't want to feel awkward whenever she walk in somewhere, and he happens to be there. Sonny shows up, talks of Paul getting hit, in hospital, o.k. Chad gets a call from JJ about the arrests, so he, Gabi & Sonny head out. In about 2 seconds they are also at the villa on the island. Gabi & Chad both say their pieces to Deimos about what he did to them, she hopes he ends up in a cell with her father. Sonny wants a word alone, tells Deimos off about him taking away Titan and the mansion from Uncle Vic, putting Maggie in a wheel chair, and now he is revealed as the 2 bit crook he always was.

Hope says she is taking Deimos back via commercial jet, so won't need the ride in the private one. Chad gets a call, his plane's engine is fixed.

Back at the hospital, John & Marlena leave Brady's room, he has been unconscious or sleeping all the while. But now Daniel is there, telling him to wake up. Brady is groggy, did Daniel come to take him to the other side. Well, why it is a great place, no, that is not why he is there. He tells Brady it is time for him to show his immune system that he is the boss. Enough with the giving it up, Daniel gave his heart to Brady to live a long and happy life. You have a son, Nicole, Holly. Brady murmurs that he is in love with Nicole, Daniel probably doesn't like that. No he doesn't mind, he doesn't want her to be alone. Brady talks of how they were a family in Canada, were happy, Daniel tells him he can have that, but he has to do it. Up to Brady. Then Daniel has to go...fabulous place, great surfing, sunshine all the time. But while it is so wonderful, it is not for Brady now. Again, it is up to you........and Daniel is gone. Brady blinks a few times, then closes his eyes.

Nicole & Eric have run out, and managed to get back to the plane that brought Eric. Nicole is reunited with Holly, has fed her, she is asleep. The pilot is ready to take off, will refuel in Sicily. Eric gets a call from Marlena, who tells of Brady probably not going to make it. Nicole is upset, Brady has never abandoned her, she needs to see him, they have to go back to Salem. Tell the pilot.
Thank you for the summary. I'm not even going to try to express my thoughts about Daniel showing up as the god he is portrayed to be in Salem. They've carried it to the point of silliness now.

I'm glad some of these long-time dangling ends are starting to be tied up now. I was pretty sure Brady would somehow pull through but I was thinking the boost would be from seeing Nicole and Holly arriving safely.
Victor sits in the chapel alone, telling God he cannot lose Brady, doesn't know where to begin to talk to him. A hand falls on his shoulder, it is Daniel, who says not to worry, I am here for you.....and for him.
Reply from Roman: Does a guy gotta die around this place to get some airtime?? Daniel gets more kisses and time with his loved-ones in the afterlife than I do right here in Salem. Sheesh. :angry:
Not bad of a show today - there's always someone escaping the police, they should be used to it by now and explain to the Greek police.

Reply from Roman: Does a guy gotta die around this place to get some airtime?? Daniel gets more kisses and time with his loved-ones in the afterlife than I do right here in Salem. Sheesh. :angry:

Even "Daniel's Heart" gets more mentions!
Something odd.......yesterday, Sonny finds Paul regaining consciousness after being hit on the head.....but is fine. Today, Sonny says Paul is in the hospital getting because of the knock on the head.
A few remarks on assorted topics.

St. Daniel: The worship of the surfing super dude doctor continues ad nauseum. If the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in front of St. Luke's at the same time that St. Daniel was dropping by University Hospital, most Salemites would stampede to the hospital.

Fake Heroes: Deimos is surely one of the biggest fakes in the history of heroism, but he can still lie with a straight face. If he ever gets out of this mess, perhaps he could go into local politics.

Greek cop: It was good to see at least one Greek cop on the scene, but the way he was reduced to bystander status was an insult to Greek law enforcement and national sovereignty. So was the way that Salem's keystone kops dragged off Deimos to their plane without any extradition hearing.

Dereliction of duty: Why didn't Lani and JJ also arrest Nicole, who is a wanted kidnapper? If she gets away they'll be in serious hot water with Commissioner Raines.

Escaping: So Xander escaped easily? What a surprise. Somewhere, Jeremy Horton and Owen Kent who also easily eluded Salem law enforcement, are shaking their heads and noting that some things never change.
Ah, yes, Deimos loudly claimed he was a Greek citizen. So, was he in the U.S. without a Green Card? CEO of a huge conglomerate..Living in the lap of luxury in the U.S. but now wants to claim his Greek citizenship. LOLOL
A hand falls on his shoulder, it is Daniel, who says not to worry, I am here for you.....and for him.
Daniel gave his heart to Brady to live a long and happy life.
Let's all be thankful that there's not an emoji that spews vomit, and that if I had a gif of same, Poirot would remove it. Though let's all admit it would go well here.
Dereliction of duty: Why didn't Lani and JJ also arrest Nicole, who is a wanted kidnapper? If she gets away they'll be in serious hot water with Commissioner Raines.
In fact wouldn't this be the only enforceable thing for the Salem PD to do - catch the fugitive whose crime was committed in their jurisdiction? Why is Hope cutting deals (which would be the DA's job usually, not hers) with criminals she can't even arrest? OY with this nonsense!!! :angry:
Because Daniel is worshiped like no one in Salem ever has been. Tom and Alice don't even have this level of adoration.

He's been dead and gone from Salem for a year and a half, and has more mentions and airtime than contract characters. Dead Salemites tend to never get mentined again (or, very rarely), but Daniel is brought up in conversation constantly.
For the best few days, I've had that song stuck in my head. Then today
Daniel said his heart is strong to keep on going. Just like a Timex watch :)

I wonder how much they wrote for Daniel because of the viewers? It was funny
when he said he can go surfing 24/7 and the sun is out all the time. Great
for Dan's tan, right? And he kept saying miracle.

Sad scenes with Victor and Maggie with Brady.

Nicole called Deimos a fake hero.

Deimos said he didn't know a guy named Guy .

Will Daniel's pep talk help Brady? Will Nicole get to Salem in time? We just
have to keep watching to find out.