Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 9, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Oh, my, what an emotional episode, happiness, sorrow, anger, frustration, love, disappointment, and more. Replay of Abigail's realization she killed Andre, she collapses, Chad holds her, comforts her, she cries. And then, she stands up, her face changes, and ...Dr. Laura is here. Chad accepts this, talks to Laura, who says she is there to protect Abigail, who might not be able to handle it all. She tells the rest of the story, taking Chad into Andre's office, and we relive it all via flashbacks again. Abigail is crying, leaves the office, and now Laura takes Chad to Gabi Chic room, where Abigail found herself. Abby cannot believe she did this, Andre's last words were I love you, she sees the poster of Gabi's face, remembering Gabi saying she would kill Andre, and she is murmuring, changing over from I did it, to she did it. This is where the personality split occurred. Abby has the black wig in her hands, but it is Laura who takes over after the wig & coat are put on. Laura hurries over to Andre's office in order to clean up Abby's mess. She stops, hearing Viv & Stefan talking, goes into the office, (mind you she has black gloves on), she takes the urn, wipes it off completely, eliminating any fingerprints, then takes the lid, deciding she might be able to use it later, and departs the office. Chad listens to it all.

Meanwhile.......Eli had come to see Gabi in the hospital, but she angrily screams and hollers at him, throws him out. At the Pub, JJ comes in to find Lani, does some small talk, but is obviously upset. Lani realizes he still wishes he could be the father of her baby, he says well he isn't, won't be. She abruptly gets up, leaves as Jen comes in saying hi, but Lani brushes right past her. Jennifer fills JJ in on Abigail, she is ill again, tells him the entire story, split personalities, etc. JJ is ready to beat up Stefan himself.

At the cop shop, Rafe learns Hope released Stefan, is having a fit. She had no choice. They talk of Gabi, Hope tells him Chad is with Abby right now, and if she remembers, she will confess, Gabi will go free. They argue about this a couple of different times.

JJ & Jen arrive, Hope fills them in, no word from Chad yet. Rafe goes to see Gabi, fills her in. She is still angry, yelling, needs to get out of there, back to her baby, wants to hear her voice, etc. Rafe promises he will do all he can to get her out as soon as he can. Meanwhile, Hope comes in to see JJ & Jen, with a plastic bag, holding it up. The evidence is gone!!!

And then we have Viv & Kate going at it verbally. Vivian is giving all the reasons why Kate should team up with her, and Kate is giving all the reasons why she never would. She also notes she has plenty of proof to take down Vivian, and will do so. Marlena heard every word Viv said. The board will not be too happy to learn Vivian conspired with Andre to undermine DiMera company, just so she and her son could take it over. Viv wants Stefan kept out of this, he did nothing, but Kate notes he was either complicit, or stupid, and she doubts the board wants someone as CEO with either of those traits. She says Viv is going to jail for a long long time. Ah, but Viv has another option, she says.

And back to Chad & Dr. Laura, as Stefan shows up, not realizing it is Laura standing there. He wants to see Gabby, Chad is not going to let that happen. Laura more or less tells Chad to butt out, let this play out. But he talks to Abby, telling her how much he loves her, needs her, Thomas needs her. Laura turns back to Stefan who wants his Gabby, makes his pitch about loving her, etc. ......and out she comes. He is so happy, loves her, she is everything to him. She sees the wig, takes it and puts it on. But she tells Stefan that she only came to say goodbye. No, no, he says, but she insists. He gave her life, she lived it well, due to him. And dying is a part of life.

Vivian goes to her purse, pulls out a gun, is going to kill Kate. Since she is going down anyway, she would like knowing Kate is gone for good. They argue a bit, Viv says, goodbye Kate, but Kate rushes to push the gun upward. They struggle over the gun, back and forth.

Gabby tells Stefan goodbye, she has to go, they are kissing, Chad rushes up, pulling them apart. Gabby falls with Chad holding on to her, the wig is off. He strokes her face, her eyes flutter open, he says, Abby, Abby, she weakly says “is it over”? He says yes, as Stefan looks on, says “It is over”, and leaves.
Chad and Abigail: It's too bad they couldn't get the rights to Huey Lewis and News "The Power of Love" from the Back to the Future soundtrack to play at the end of the episode. Either that or "All You Need is Love" would have been nice too.

I guess since it apparently didn't take long for Abigail's psyche to fracture it makes sense in a soap world that it also wouldn't take that long to integrate them. The question now, is this really the last we've seen of Gabby and Dr. Laura? An even better question is can I really be that lucky?

Gabi and Eli: Well, I'll give Eli an A for effort anyway. I just don't think Gabi is in any place to even hear what he has to say while she is in that hole.

I'm hoping when she gets out that either Marlena or even Eric are there with some counseling because I think she's going to need it. :cry:
Chad: He should console Abigail by reminding her that Andre has come back to life before and could do so again.

Vivian: She really thinks that she deserves to be happy and loved? If so, she's even more delusional than her "Gabby" besotted son.

Gabi: She's a little slow on the uptake about Abigail's mental condition. Perhaps, Rafe should leave a copy of Schizophrenia for Dummies at her bedside.

Chad and Abigail: It's too bad they couldn't get the rights to Huey Lewis and News "The Power of Love" from the Back to the Future soundtrack to play at the end of the episode. Either that or "All You Need is Love" would have been nice too.
On the subject of getting rights to songs, those who hold Mr. Sleaze in low regard should request rights to do a parody version of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence. It's refrain would go: "The man who loved Gabby the alter, he loved Gabby the alter, he was the sickest of them all."
Thank you for this summary, Poirot. I hope I can stay awake to watch it tonight. I'm so glad Abigail is setting Stefan straight.

I don't understand why Gabi is yelling at Eli. Sounds like she may just be at the breaking point and is yelling at everybody, and of course she is still angry with Eli because of the whole thing with Lani.
I think Gabi was yelling at Eli for several reason. As you said, she's still upset about Lani and the baby, and she's nearing her breaking point. I think she's just frustrated with everybody. She was pretty short with Rafe as well. She told him she's tired of people coming to the prison telling her "everything is going to be okay," while nothing is happening on her case and she gets closer to leaving the relative safety of the prison infirmary and returning to the general population.

Keep in mind that she told Rafe who her attackers were, so now she most likely is known as a snitch, which won't endear her to any of the inmates. So she has that to worry about. Plus, I think she thinks Eli comes to the prison because he wants something from her which she just can't give right now, namely forgiveness. In fairness to Eli, I don't think that his primary motivation, but I do think it's a factor. It's not something Gabi is able to deal with right now because her emotions are in such a jumble.

Hmm, that turned out to be quite the dissertation. Maybe I should add "Gabi Hernandez expert" to my resume. LOL
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I know JJ is hurting but he didn't need to be mean to Lani with "Eli Jr or Eliza." At least she finally has a belly.

Does Rafe really think acting like this is going to endear him to Hope? He would be better off to end their 24 hour marriage and try to win her back. Of course I hope he doesn't do that because I want this pairing to end and end now!!!

I thought the Abby/Gabby/Dr Laura stuff was great. Nice to finally see what really happened. And Andre appears to be dead. Most sincerely dead. Not sure she's integrated but Stefan seems to be accepting that Gabby is gone. But Chad, you have not loved Abigail since the moment you met. You dated, then you loved Melanie and didn't want anything to do with Abigail. But then you did want her again, but lied that you were dying. Not love at first sight. At least that's how I remember it.
Thanks, Poirot.

I didn't like how JJ was acting either. Maybe he should visit Gabi.

Did Stefan take the wig when he left? Will he sleep with it?

I enjoyed the Chad/Abby/Laura/Gabby scenes. Was it really the last time we
see Dr Laura/Gabby? I've enjoyed Dr Laura the most.

Kate and Vivian made me dizzy going back and forth with their discussion. Will we find
out tomorrow what happens with the gun? Will someone get shot?

The best part of the show was Hope holding the empty evidence bag. Of course
it's empty. She's in charge of the Salem PD :)
I did get to watch and I enjoyed it.

Troy, I can understand why Gabi is tired of people coming around and promising her everything is going to be all right. It always irritates me when people on Days make promises they have no way to keep. It's almost always the men who do it and usually when they do, it means something bad is going to happen.
That wig/evidence just laying on the table was SO stupid! If it is that important to the case, wouldn't it be put in a separate room?!:huh::confused:

That's exactly what I said to my husband as we were watching! The writers need to not be so silly about stuff like this.
Same goes for the Directors. The wig could have been outside on a desk or something, but actually, I think there are "evidence boxes" for each case in a police dept. No idea why that item was laying on the table in the interrogation room in the first place.
Thanks for the summary! Whew. I caught up last night. My feelings about the story aside, Abigail had some strong scenes in this episode. I can't wait to see her confront Stefan now that she's herself again.

Perhaps she could take that wig and weave a little noose out of it for him?
Did Stefan take the wig when he left? Will he sleep with it?
Stefan probably will sleep with the wig! Will Abigail find out she slept with Stefan?
:sick: Oh, him sleeping with the wig, ew. The minute she finds out that she slept with Stefan, she's probably going to lose it. That's going to take some time, or some criminal charges, to get over it. Probably both. Preferably both.

But now the ever-present cynic in me has to come out: ah, the love of a good man, the love for the ages, is what brings her back from the brink. Never mind the unconditional love she has for her child, which should have been the guiding factor, as far as I'm concerned, but it's been so long since we've seen the kid, he's probably in boarding school in London or Switzerland, and will emerge as part of some new teen scene or reimagined teen scene in a few months.