Days of Our Lives -Wed., Nov. 1, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Missed the first few minutes. But evidently Justin, Adrienne, Lucas all arrive in Memphis, where the show stays today. Sami is raising cain as usual at the police station, & Roger Fisher (Elvis) has a restraining order against all who entered his home illegally.

Sami spots Lucas at the police station, they have a long, rather repetitive conversation about Will maybe being alive, the lead the group followed, being under restraining order, and Lucas drinking. He gives her a hard time about getting in trouble, arrested again, she is right back about him drinking, and how t hey have to work together to find Will, if he really is alive. She wants him to go pretend to be drunk, create a scene, distraction, so she can escape or something. Asinine, as usual.(Sami has gotten rather tiresome for me, sorry)

Sonny is awake in his hospital bed, Paul is with him, glad he is o.k. Doc is waiting for test results, Sonny wants to leave, nope, cannot do so yet. Paul is working on leads, will get back to him. In comes Adrienne, Sonny happy to see her, they get into conversation about Will, Sonny thinks he was too judgmental, should have stuck around, blah, blah, Adrienne talks reason, says his father is now working on the charges against the breaking and entering.

As it turns out, Elvis has dropped all the charges, but kept the restraining order. And now, throughout the show, Elvis is shown at home, talking to someone, telling what he did, etc. and even, towards the end, telling someone to come to the kitchen with him, he will make his favorite, fried Peanut butter & banana sandwich. Lol John and Marlena get caught up with each other, mostly talk about trying to get Sami to shut up, but that was impossible.

Paul & John talk about the entire situation, with Paul feeling that if Will is really alive, Sonny will leave Paul

A sequence in the town square, with Eli, Gabi & Ari, having a nice time, jabbering, Ari thanks Eli, then mentions her daddy taking her to school tomorrow. Gabi says Sonny was to read a story, but explains to Ari about Daddy being in the hospital in Memphis, and can’t come, saying maybe she can read the story. But Eli talks of doing it instead, everyone is happy.

Sami apologizes to the cop, sounding so sincere as she relates her bad year, becoming a widow, her son dying, then asks if he can take her cuffs off for a minute or so, but the cop says she should have thought of all that before assaulting a cop. She starts ranting, Justin arrives, shuts her down. Good news, he got her freed, all the charges were dropped, he has paperwork and will give her a ride to the hospital. Sami doesn’t want to wait around, will meet him there. She takes off, as he goes to take care of things.

Paul returns to Sonny’s room, says he & his dad are working on things, but no new leads. Adrienne has gone to check in at the hotel across the street. Cue Adrienne arriving at her room, about to insert key, and there is Lucas. She calls his name, he says hers.

And then of course the wild card…..there is Sami, breaking into that house once again. She comes in thru a window, carefully walks to the door, opens it gingerly to look around outside of it, retreats back into the room, then doesn’t close the door (or that window either) as she turns around, and is startled by someone, or something across the room.
Thanks so much Poirot.

Ah, the ever predictable wild-card Sami! Who else could so nonchalantly walk into a mystery?

I will have to watch late tonight before bed. I am not holding my breath that Sami escapes surprise/danger/emotional outbursts.
Maybe, in the past, she was on so much that my brain had just gone numb to her screeching. But I swear to Pete, this time around, Sami's harping is like nails on a chalkboard. Does she have no other level besides that high-pitched shriek? I mean, I know she's anxious to find Will but it really is way over the top.

Between Sami trying to leave the police station and Sonny trying to leave the hospital (damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!) I was getting more than a little annoyed.
Yes, they were, despite being "filler" scenes.

Sami has managed to screw up, cause trouble/problems, not just for herself, but close family and friends as well, but that doesn't stop her from just following the same patterns. She doesn't care at all about anyone except herself.

P.S. And frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing "my son".........why can't she say "Will"? Even Marlena was doing it today. Sami's son, her son, the son of Sami. Sheesh! One would think the poor fellow did not have a name?

And while Sami is whining about "recent widow", & losing her son (as if this all happened within the last year) please note she has not once referred to the kids she left behind......Allie, Johnny, Sydney. No calls to check, no love from mommy. No staying out of jail so her kids will have at least one parent. :sick:
Maybe, in the past, she was on so much that my brain had just gone numb to her screeching. But I swear to Pete, this time around, Sami's harping is like nails on a chalkboard. Does she have no other level besides that high-pitched shriek? I mean, I know she's anxious to find Will but it really is way over the top.

Between Sami trying to leave the police station and Sonny trying to leave the hospital (damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!) I was getting more than a little annoyed.
Where is Dr. Rolf when the viewers really need him?? Instead of being stuck in the hospital morgue, he should be in Memphis to give squawking Sami something that will render her comatose (and blessedly silent) and to dose Big Boy Sonny with a medication that will put an end to his hospital-room bluster. Elsewhere Salemites said things that demonstrate that they need to be clued in a bit.
  • John (about Sami): "Doesn't she understand?" When did Sami understand anything?
  • Paul (about Will's resurrection): "It doesn't seem possible." He needs a lesson in Salem history.
  • Lucas (to Sami): "You've lost your mind." She lost it years ago when she became infatuated with rapist EJ.
Or how old they [Johnny, Allie and Sydney] are, lol.
Here's their Christmas picture. SORAS hit them hard once they left Salem.

Thanks, Poirot.

I wish Lucas had said something to Sami about Allie. Sami made a big deal about going around
the world looking for EJ with our children. Allie is not EJ's child.

Why did everyone leave Sami alone at the cop shop? Everyone knows
she can't be trusted and
she will do something wrong again... again...again.

Adrienne and Lucas were at the end together. I hope she can talk some sense into him.
Loved the scenes today between Gabi, Eli and Ari. I am glad that Lucas didn't help Sami escape. Like most people, I was so sick of Sami going on and on about my son, our son. But when she said that she was a widow and had gone around the world looking for EJ, that made me sick. Writers always seem to forget things from the past. Why couldn't these writers forget that Sami and EJ were a couple, a sick couple in my opinion.
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I think it was a decent show. I actually appreciated the scenes with Gabi & Eli as well as Sonny, Paul and family. I hope that we get to see some clarity from Lucas and Adrienne. And I liked Lucas and Sami. What I don't care for is Sami mentioning EJ once again and still acting like a petulant brat! It really is old. Either make her grow up, or hurry and find Will so she can go away!
Amen, Degrassi. Either have Sami grow up and act like a rational adult or take her away. It's ridiculous to see a woman her age acting like an eight year old brat.

When Marlena told John they had to get Sami out of jail, I thought, "Why would you do that?" Maybe if they'd left her in there they could have made some progress--without all her drama.

It was cute to see the little girl who plays Arianna trying out her acting skills. I always wonder what must be going through the minds of little ones like that when they first begin to have talking scenes. Probably just trying to remember what to say.
So far the only Sami scenes I've enjoyed were the ones with Rafe and the ones with Lucas before today. Glad Lucas didn't join her scheme.

There was a real disconnect between the last time we saw Adrienne in Lucas' hotel room and then all of a sudden showing up in Memphis today with Justin and Lucas. Huh???? How they got there together should have been showed onscreen.

P.S. And frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing "my son".........why can't she say "Will"? Even Marlena was doing it today. Sami's son, her son, the son of Sami. Sheesh! One would think the poor fellow did not have a name?

The Marlena piece annoyed me today too. Jennifer used to do this with Daniel where she kept referring to JJ as "my son". It annoyed me then and it annoys me now.

So stateless Salem and Memphis, TN have "legal reciprocity"? Righhhht. :rolleyes: