Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 14, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sarah is surprised to find living room full of balloons & flowers, all due to Rex, who gets down on one knee, wanting Sarah to forgive me, and agree to marry him. She is furious, tells him to get up, answer is no, they go round and round about him sleeping with another woman, breaking her heart, him trying to say just one time, never again, etc. Eric comes in, quiets them down, Holly is sleeping, Rex wants him to leave, Sarah wants Rex to leave, he eventually does. Eric & Sarah chatter away, with Eric telling her that people who love each other do hurt each other, he hurt Nicole terribly. But she did forgive him, wounds heal. Holly cries, Sarah decides to change the diaper, after all, she is her niece, returns, wants Eric to take her somewhere, she is tired of being inside.

Rex & brady meet in the square, where else, talk of losing the loves of their lives, tho Brady seems to have a list.

Gabi sits on a bench, finally shoving the wig & pill bottle in a trash container, just as Will comes up, asking what she is doing. She makes a stupid excuses about a snack bag for Ari going bad, they talk about Paul, the apt., Sonny, Will confesses they both still love each other, want to be together, but Paul needs him. Both he and Sonny are o.k. with it. Paul is more important. Gabi thinks he is such a good person, one can see her comparing herself to Will. She talks of having done bad things, Will knows she has suffered a lot, but thinks she is good, blah, blah. Hugs. He leaves, she retrieves the wig & pill bottle from trash, commenting she has to confess what she did.

Hope is with a distraught Jen, who is upset that Chad has taken her pregnant daughter somewhere, she needs care, etc. etc. Hope calms and soothes, all will be o.k.

On Horton Island, Chad makes his deal with the devil via phone, assuring Stefan that the baby is fine. Stefan surprised baby born, warns Chad his daughter better be o.k. Meanwhile, Abby is cooing with her baby, commenting again on having Chad’s blue eyes, but figures just wishful thinking. She cannot keep calling her kid, names her Charlotte. Chad returns, yes, found a spot to make a call. She is glad, both will be checked out at hospital, tells Chad the name, he realizes she named her after Charlotte Bronte, fav author, tells of trying to find 1st edition of Jane Eyre for her for Christmas. She is happy he is taking such good care of her, he comments that always remember I love you, everything I do, I do because I love you. Have something I need to tell you. No time as…Knock at the door. Ooh, rescue is here already.

Paul is tempted to read Will’s journal, but decides against it. Brady arrives with a housewarming gift, which Paul puts on the side, doesn’t open. They chat, Paul admits being uneasy about Will, something doesn’t feel right, We are talking, he seems to drift away. Brady finally decides to tell that Paul is not crazy to feel that way. He says he tried to play God for Eric, and is not going to do the same with Paul. You are my brother, I care about you, and Brady relates hearing Will on phone to Sonny, right after Paul’s surgery, telling Sonny he loved him. Paul is upset, wants to be sure Brady heard right, then wants to be alone, asks Brady to leave. He sits, dejected.

At the cabin, EMTs are taking care of Abby, on the gurney, Chad holds the baby. They check baby out, all o.k. but will be checked more thoroughly at hospital. Suddenly, Stefan bursts in, She is alarmed, cannot believe Chad called him. Everyone is talking at once, Abby is becoming agitated, Stefan says he brought the papers, Abby alarmed….are you having me committed? Chad says only way he could help her, she wants her baby, EMT’s are strapping her down, she is crying for her baby, they take her out.

Next, she is in a hospital bed, sides up, has been given a sedative, Jen rushes in, am her mother. What is going on. She is trying to reassure Abby, who wants her baby, but is barely conscious now.

Will comes in with the food, gonna have grampa hook a pulley up, so Paul can get chowder by the bucket. Looks around, comments Paul did not unpack much. No, I didn’t. Not staying. I am moving out.

Gabi shows up at the cop shop, where Hope tells of finding Chad & Abby at Horton cabin, she delivered the baby. A surprised Gabi asks if they are at hospital. No, Abby was taken to Bayview, Stefan had her committed.

Back at the cabin, Stefan wants to hold his daughter. Chad is reluctant, but tells him she is named Charlotte, puts her in Stefan’s arms. Stefan says hello, (Chad has turned his back, not wanting to watch) as Stefan coos and says “I’m your daddy”.
Who does Rex think he is? EJ DiMera is the only one who can cheat on multiple women and they will take him back in a heartbeat. What a bonehead Rex is. Rex and Brady scenes are about as awkward as Faux Roman and Alex North scenes.

Chad has the worst decision making. The same as when he jumped to conclusions and beat up Nick. Now he’s taking a mother from her newborn. He hasn’t learned from his past mistakes. Of course the writers will eventually try to give him and Abby a unrealistic happy ending This is just like when Sami had Ben attack Will, or when Brady blackmailed Nicole. Just because the characters on the show are so easy to forgive unrealistically doesn’t mean viewers will. It’s not good drama. It’s character assassination.

Ari, Tate, and Holly are all staying at the mansion. Don’t they have a nanny and isn’t the mansion huge? Was the argument really going to wake Holly up. Also it is Victor’s mansion not Maggie’s :rolleyes:

Eric and Sarah is about to be so forced. I couldn't care less about Sarah. We barely even know her. Eric and Sarah would be like Eric leaving the priesthood and hooking up with an ex-nun. Booooooring!

The Day of Days promo is the only thing keep me watching right now. These storylines are dragging too long. Not only hard to watch, but they are being dragged to the maximum. Abby’s DID and Ben with the fire is some of the worst dragged storylines I’ve ever seen.

The worst is that Days is not that good with payoffs anymore to me. Those explosive climatic moments after months of torture are not worth it like it used to be. Most of times now the perpetrator skates or a new storyline starts with no real resolution.

That actress that plays Gabi is good, but this just doesn’t do it for me. If Gabi is one of the head writer’s favorites, he’s doing a terrible job of making me feel bad for her. I felt bad for Sami when everybody turned on her before she became Stan, I felt bad for Nicole when she blamed Jen for causing her to lose her baby, and I even felt a little bad for Kate when she started the fire that almost killed Lucas, and i hate Kate lol.

Will and Sonny’s time is up to me. Neither character is what they once were and the love they had isn’t the same to me anymore. Paul is most interesting character out of the three. Sonny has become so judgmental and whiny, and Will thinks he’s the new Austin with all his preaching and insight. Too bad he’s not as good at it. I’m not here for this reunion. :rolleyes:

Sure hope 2019 has happier stories. Everyone is miserable and sad or angry or betrayed on this show lately. Some happy romantic stories please. Maybe a mystery and adventure. A tale to remember and to cherish and look forward to every day.
That’s what everyone has wanted forever. At least I do. The show doesn’t seem to get the message. I know we need villains and every couple needs their soap drama, but characters constantly doing over the top insane out of character things, everyone having grief sex, and long lost kids is not the Days that i love.

Thank god John and Marlena made it through this era, even with everything the writers tried to do to them. They are still everything I once loved about the show. They have real love. They never purposely hurt or abuse each other. They make each other laugh, and they just have chemistry that lets you know they really care about each other. It’s not just sex or anything. While they may not have had any major adventures lately, they’ve had enough to last a lifetime and just plain good storylines that had thought and effort put into them.

There have been other couples with these qualities, but not lately or they have potential and get trashed then something else is forced down our throat. I liked Eric and Nicole. I hated Daniel and Nicole. I thought Hope and Aiden were watchable. I despise Hope and Rafe.
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Marlena: After she makes a full recovery, she might want to start an anger management group that would include sourpuss Eric and Sarah. Both of them were filled with righteous rage today. Marlena could make it a threesome by adding Gabi who, by her own admission, "gets super angry."

Stefan Zero: Every day in every way, Creepy O. McCrud shows that he's not a true DiMera. Today, he crudely threatened to kill Chad. In contrast, Stefano could make clear his possible lethal intent with his tone of voice. Stefano also would never send a DiMera spouse to Bayview. They'd be off to a private island or a Tuscan castle, but never a tacky place like Bayview, which is for ordinary Salemites.

Paul: Pity the poor former baseball star. Not only is he now convinced that Will doesn't love him, but his take-out meal apparently consisted of chilly chowder. To be edible, Pub food has to be served hot. Nobody wants a cold Brady Burger or lukewarm Wanchai Ferry.

Doll-in-Blanket: Once again this all-star performer came to the rescue, standing in for the baby while new mother Abigail was being hauled off to Bayview. Neither a newborn infant nor any Days viewers should be exposed to such a bizarre, nonsensical scene.
So Rex did cheat on Sarah one other time besides with Mimi. Is that one going to come to Salem with a baby too? Seems to be heading to Sarah/Eric pairing.

This has to be it for Chad and Abigail. There is no forgiving this!! Making a deal so she is committed with not one shred of evidence that her alters are back that he has seen and she absolutely says no they are not back but he won't believe her. Had her committed and took her baby from her. Nope. No coming back from this. Chad is an idiot!!

Gabi certainly seems to be feeling guilty. A little late but . . .
Sarah decides to change the diaper, after all, she is her niece
Has there been any mention of all of Sarah ever meeting the great wonder-doc and egg-baby extraordinaire?
he realizes she named her after Charlotte Bronte, fav author
Is this the first mention of this? Because if so, it's lame. Why not name her Bridget after her beloved Irish nanny?
He sits, dejected.
I don't even recognise this guy anymore. Are we going to get a big depression story?
EMT’s are strapping her down, she is crying for her baby, they take her out.
I can't forgive Chad for this. Abby has shown no signs of DID for several weeks (or several days Salem time, who even knows). He should trust and love her. He doesn't.
A surprised Gabi asks if they are at hospital. No, Abby was taken to Bayview, Stefan had her committed.
If Gabi doesn't stick to her plan of fessing up, she is done as a character.
The giant stinking rapist coos and says “I’m your daddy”
Presuming he WERE the father of Charlotte (note that my birth spreadsheet includes presumed, possible, and factual parents), he should still be kept far away. This story is sickening all over again.
Agree...However, he did say today that he saw her in the wig and dress, which he did. She was asleep on the DiMera sofa, and he did find Gabi supposedly knocked out, saying Abby/Gabby attacked her. Then Kate had her own "attack", so for Chad, he is thinking that Abigail did this as an alter, doesn't remember. But taking the baby she just delivered, giving it to Stefan, getting her committed immediately.....nope, overboard. He did not even wait to see what Laura would say, tho he had called her. Abby is fortunate to be divorced from him......hope she can eventually get marriage to Stefan annulled.
Rex and Brady scenes are about as awkward as Faux Roman and Alex North scenes.
The first one was fun, but they have no real reason to hang out. Rex has two brothers in town in whom he can confide, one of whom desperately needs screen time and has some resolutions of his own that could be worked out through the Gemini.
This is just like when Sami had Ben attack Will, or when Brady blackmailed Nicole
You're dead on. This is all "exciting" plot-based nonsense, rather than character-driven story that would actually increase overall viewership long-term.
We barely even know her.
I'm trying to give Ron Carlivati [head writer] the benefit of the doubt here, he has shown a propensity for bringing long-forgotten characters back on other shows, and doing right by them. However, he's also screwed everything else up. I'm holding out hope for Sarah. However Eric is a poor choice since he just "lost" Nicole (why he's not out looking for her or something is beyond me, by my count 3 bodies are unaccounted for and two of them are evildoers with a history of kidnapping) and moments prior to that dumped Sarah's cousin, Jennifer. I'd chemistry test her with some other males - including technically not-related-to-her-legally-or-biologically Eli (natural conflict), Rapist (if he must stick around, I'd prefer he not), Brady (Maggie torn as a momma bear/sponsor and knowing how Brady hurts women), Rafe (married to her cousin but it's not perfect and maybe he wants kids?), and Eric too - for a few months before settling on a match for her. But Days doesn't have that kind of scope, time, or budget anymore.
If Gabi is one of the head writer’s favorites
I don't think she is. He likes writing witchy/crazy/manipulative women. (He brought like six big name actresses on during his time on GH to play similar types of characters.) Gabi had enough history where it wouldn't seem completely out of left field, and frankly, the actress has the range. However I agree that this isn't a character I like anymore.
Thank god John and Marlena made it through this era, even with everything the writers tried to do to them. They are still everything I once loved about the show. They have real love.
:clap::clap: I'm also ignoring John's plan to boink Kristen to prove a point to Brady in order to agree with your excellent point.
he did say today that he saw her in the wig and dress
I didn't know that, thanks for the information. Still - staying with Abby for a week or so rather than shipping her off on the word of a felonious stalker and a murderous fabricator would have made more sense for the Chad who had to fight to win her back a zillion times.
Ron’s tweet about Gabi being victimized and everyone needing to be punished was the reason I said she was probably one his favorites. John’s ridiculous plan with Kristen is just another one of those things they used to come between John and Marlena. Thank God they didn’t introduce some EJ type character around Marlena’s age to seduce her while John was away. She and John might’ve never found their way back to each other. The show would’ve never mentioned her & John’s past again, and her and the new guy might’ve become the show’s “golden couple“ :sarcasm:
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They used 2 different babies in today’s episode. The first scene with Abigail she is holding a newborn. The next scene she is holding a 2 month old that is already trying to hold his head upright. Was hilarious to me. (I’m a pediatrician so I notice these things)
Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting to see the baby sit up when Chad was talking to Abby.

Nice scenes with Will and Gabi..

Should I keep my fingers crossed that Gabi will tell the truth after she
learns her plan was a success and Abby is now committed?

Chad and Stefan played "Let's Make a Deal" today. Bad deal for both of them.

So Brady told Paul about Will and Sonny and that it was his idea not to hurt Paul.
Better late than never.

Poor Abigial.. she's not even sick and she's put away. I hope Grandma Laura
comes to town.
I have to say that Marci Miller (Abby) did a fantastic job playing a distraught, heartbroken mother being separated from her baby.

Those scenes were gut wrenching. Kudos to Marci.
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Thank you for the summary, Poirot. I don't know if I even want to watch this. I'm so disgusted with Chad. He had several other options besides taking Abigail's baby away from her and rushing her off to Bayview (or whatever the name is). I may have mentioned this before but wasn't that the place she escaped from before and it turned out they were not diagnosing and treating her accurately? One more character ruined for me.
After they were so close with Chad delivering the baby I thought he had gotten his head right that Abigail was just fine. I have a bad feeling that Gabi will not tell anyone the real truth. Too bad mean old Kate is the only other one to know the truth. I'm real tired of liars winning.

I didn't know that, thanks for the information. Still - staying with Abby for a week or so rather than shipping her off on the word of a felonious stalker and a murderous fabricator would have made more sense for the Chad who had to fight to win her back a zillion times.
About Chad seeing her in the wig and dress, didn't help that he had a dream she was back. I thought his eyes were opened. He, like JJ has no brain.
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