Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 27, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

It is Thanksgiving Day in Salem, Gina still working on the painting, still talking to a hand. But she has plans, and it doesn't include celebrating the day with the boring Hortons. At Marlena's, she comes in with a vase of flowers, thanking John, but he did not send them. The card only says, “thinking of you” & signed “S”. They decide must be Sami, tho Marlena says she usually does a Love you, or XOXOX. They are kissing, hugging, in comes Gina with a bottle of very expensive wine to thank them for letting her stay. Marlena notes she & John are not wine connoisseurs, as John says too expensive, Gina says John became one while she was gone. Marlena is upset at that, suggests that Gina take the bottle when she returns over to Julie's for Thanksgiving Day dinner.Thank goodness Gina takes the hint, the wine and leaves! Marlena rants a bit about Hope being so rude and cold to her since she returned, John not wanting to ruin their day discussing that subject, She agrees, they go back to romancing each other.

Eve is on phone with Abby, claiming her innocence. Abby talked to everyone there at the restaurant, no one saw anything, Eve pleads, tells her to check that security footage again. She swears it was not her.

Chad comes in, tells Abby he decided not to press his father, has not tried to contact him. They think maybe, since it is Thanksgiving, they might hear.

Jennifer wakes up, Jack is sitting there, she talks of having to assimilate a lot. Kayla comes in, Jen apologizes for how she talked to her, treated her yesterday, wasn't right. Kayla doesn't think apology necessary, but Jen says yes. Kayla wonderful person, she is actually very happy for her & Justin, she loved Adrienne, knows Kayla did, too. Kayla leaves the room, Jack & Jen talk, then are looking a a menu trying to decide what to have for Thanksgiving day dinner. In comes Abby with bags of food from Julie's, figured Jen would appreciate it more than hospital cuisine.

Jen asks about JJ, both Jack & Abby make excuses about him working, taking on the shift, but finally, explain to Jen about JJ having a horrible last 6 mos., that Haley died. Guess she hears details off camera, talks of how caring and sweet Haley was. Abby mentions seeing Eve, her insistence she did not push Jen, and how she talked to everyone at the restaurant, and no one saw anyone “except you and Hope”. Jen is surprised..........Hope? Did I see Hope? Chatter about this, Chad arrives, more chatter about nasty Eve, things she has done. Time to partake of dinner.

Justin & Sonny return from a run, I think. Talk of a race. Chatter. Then talk of Adrienne, first big holiday without her, how they miss her. Later, Sonny runs into Evan, who really has nowhere to be, Sonny invites him to his house. At the Kmansion, Kayla arrives, Justin glad to see her, they talk of being together, how happy they make each other, etc. She is nervous, thinks Victor doesn't care for her, Justin says to ignore him, they kiss, in comes Evan & Sonny. Stares. Sonny introduces Evan to Kayla (already had done so to his dad when Evan first showed up). Justin takes Evan off to watch the football game & grab some chips, telling Sonny to get Kayla something to drink. She asks for club soda, they get a chance to talk, Sonny knows his dad did this on purpose. They talk a bit, Sonny is really o.k. with her and his dad, even tho she was always Aunt Kayla & Uncle Steve. He wants to drop the Aunt now, is sorry things did not work out for them both, so was Kayla. He loves her, she loves him, hugs, Justin walks in, smiles at the sight.

Over in the prison, Hattie comes in with a plate of food, telling Eve to get off the table. She goes on about getting special food or something, says she is a VIP because she is nice and makes friends, which Eve doesn't do. Eve admits that is so. Hattie thinks she should try it....offering her some sweet potato souffle. Eve declines, Hattie thinks she just doesn't like marshmallows, then sweetly offers some turkey. Eve graciously accepts, Hattie says that is the way, now you got it, high fives.

John thinks Marlena needs a little shoulder massage, she doesn't. She is just mad at Hope, thinks something is off, she just is not Hope. John doesn't want to talk about Hope, just thinks they should go right to dessert. Marlena giggles.......kiss.

In Jen's room, she & Jack are eating dessert, she proclaims too sweet. She talks about Eve, Jack says they agreed not to talk of her. Jen didn't. Something is not right, especially if Hope was there, & Jen doesn't remember it.

Evan & Sonny come out, Evan says he enjoyed dinner. Sonny says how could you, being at same table as Victor. Evan thinks he is a hoot. Sonny walks him to door, They give each other “looks”, Evan leaves, Sonny smiles.

Hattie & Eve have the wishbone, Eve wins the break, Hattie hopes she gets her wish.

Justin tells Kayla that dinner went well. No trouble from Victor, Xander behaved. Kayla says quiet compared to a Brady Thanksgiving & all the fireworks. He says standing invitation for the Thanksgiving days to come. She think Christmas at her place now, he says o.k., or you could move in here.

Marlena talked to Sami, she did not send the flowers. Well then who did, John & Marlena wonder.

Gina returns to the apt. with the wine, upset because Marlena would not accept her gift. She doesn't know what Steffy sees in her. She pulls the canvas off the painting....tis ready, you can see it.

Camera on is Steve! And NO PATCH! Over to the man with the hand, and there he is, Steve, sans a patch over his eye, folding his hands, not saying a word.
At the beginning of the show I was thinking why do I watch this? Princess Gina and Hattie, hate it!! But that ending blew me away!!! Never thought that. I thought it was going to be Stefan for sure! But Steve!! Blew me away!! Love it!! And hopefully Marlena's comment of "this isn't Hope" will lead somewhere!! And Jen remembering stuff!!
I'm so happy to hear that Steve as Stefano, won't have to wear that patch!!!!!!!! It actually did damage to the actor in real life. This could get interesting....I'm guessing they did a personality chip like Hope and Princess Gina. LOL!! it feels like a new take on the old movie sci-fi/fantasy, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I can understand the actor being happy to no longer wear the patch as yes, he did do damage to the eye having to wear it so much over the years. He always flipped it up when not in front of cameras. It was a shame when they had him in that fight that damaged the eye socket so badly it "could not be repaired". However, great strides are constantly being made with surgeries, so yayyy for Stephen Nichols (Patch).

Will miss the patch on Steve, but onward. (just hope that stupid chip slips out or something and he can return to being Steve Johnson again....sooner than later....lolol.
I liked when John said he wrote to Marlena all the time and she said she wrote to him nearly every day and they both seemed confused (with a flashback showing Gina tearing up Marlena's letter to John and putting it in that portfolio she had).
Thank you, Poirot.

I was actually impressed with the show today as many people seemed to have a portion of the Salem Brain.

I even liked the nicer Hattie today.

Princess Gina, however, is still a huge NO for me. Hated the character the first time around, and still do.

I'm pleasantly surprised that Days didn't have Sonny and Evan jumping into bed after dinner.

So thankful to have Steve Johnson back on my tv screen. Can't wait to see how they pull off Steve as Stefano. Hopefully, it won't last too long, and we get our Steve back.
Actually, many thought it would probably be Stefan (or his twin...or brought back to life via Rolf's serum while Julie got the heart of someone else, Rolf is great at switching).

I will reserve comments until we see what they will be having Steve do as Stefano. (see, I want him to be faking it all, undercover to just nail Rolf once and for all, and put an end to all this "he wasn't really dead" nonsense.

Let the doctors & nurses save the sick and wounded. Dr. Tom Horton, you need to haunt these idiots. LOL
I think I can live with just about anything, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get rid of Rolf. Soaps are supposed to be somewhat real life situations and chops in heads, etc., sure isn't believable in my life!!
@Writer........but first off, Steve was taken away by the ISA...& has worked undercover for them before, as did Bo. Next, Steve himself has been in long time relationships with other women......even had a son (Tripp) with Ava. Before her was Britta, and after Ava came Marina. Kayla put up with a lot when he would finally return to her. And while his heart, while he knew who he was, stayed always with Kayla, she did have to overlook/forgive a lot. So, just as with other couples where one party has been brainwashed, or tried to be hero, hopefully, this, too, shall pass!
I am curious to see how they will have StevaNO!!!! talk and if they will have him try to do an accent. I love the idea that the is undercover, but, alas, I am afraid the writers just stop as soon as a chip gets implanted.
Well, undercover is only an idea of mine, and how I would have written him, but who knows what is to come with this. Honestly, it boggles my mind that this scenario of Steve having Stefano's memories and mindset was ever considered as a way to bring Steve back.