Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 7, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Really wish I didn’t have to watch or report this episode, bad enough it got pre-empted earlier, but this showing I saw the entire show until the last couple minutes, when once again, “breaking news”. Lots of extended flashbacks.

Chad is pounding on DiMansion door, Stefan opens, won’t let Chad in, they shove each other a bit, Stefan wins, chad is shoved out, door shut & locked.Chad continues to pound on the door, wants to see Abby. Stefan calls security, Abby comes downstairs, Stefan tells her not to worry, go in other room. Outside, burly guard comes along, tells Chad to leave, Chad says it is his house, nope , on your way. Chad leaves. Stefan gets a call from the hospital administrator, Seth Burns, telling him his brother EJ is alive. He decides to go to hospital to see him, and leaves.

Gabi comes into the Kmansion, blathers ab out something or other, JJ tells her that Abby was not committed, Gabi doesn’t understand why Chad could not do it, as her husband, has the authority. JJ tells the tale of Abby divorcing Chad, marrying Stefan, yada, yada. Gabi is furious. She goes to see Kate, rants and raves galore. Kate is pretty calm.

Gabi wants Abby committed, locked up, away from her child, etc. etc. She now can do no more, but Kate can. If Abby can be proved a threat by someone in the public, the system will do it. She wants Kate to go over with some trumped up excuse, drug Abby’s tea with pills Gabi will give her, mess herself up, scratches, etc., then call the police. Voila! Kate refuses, Gabi comes up with her usual threat of telling Chad that Kate betrayed him, gave Stefan info on Titan. Kate says if so, she would reveal all of Gabi’s lies, about the baby, what she was doing to Abby, etc. Gabi retaliates that she will say it was all Kate’s idea, revenge because Abby killed Kate’s husband. Kate caves.

Kayla comes into mystery patient’s room. Sami is beside herself, where is he. Kayla figures maybe a test, calls floor nurse, nope, nothing scheduled. She will go talk to security, stay here. O.K. says Sami, who promptly runs out after Kayla leaves. (love these hospital room with more than one door. Amazing!)

Meanwhile, Will finds Paul and says Kayla is arranging his discharge papers, he is getting out. Paul thrilled, will get to see their new apt. Susan is skulking around the corner, sneaks to the elevator, Will spots her, she tries to ignore his call to her, but finally turns. Makes up excuse about coming to see Paul, chatters on, gets onto subject of Sami, whose life Paul saved. She says a lot of negative things about Sami, sorry Will, but she is mean, mean, mean, says Susan. She makes reference to the morgue, creepy place, nasty, glad you did not end up there. She dashes to the open elevator, has to go.

Yep, that is where she stashed EJ, down in the morgue. She goes in, constantly talking to her boy, her baby, she is going to take care of him, take him to Memphis, he can meet Roger, will be delighted. She rummages up scrubs. But upstairs, Sami is rushing around, finds Will & Paul, learns Susan was there, (she tells them about EJ first) and how she mentioned the morgue. Off Sami goes.

Chad has come in, talks with JJ, about Abby. Last time, he paid no attention when Abby got sick, doesn’t want to make same mistake. JJ notes Abby insists she doesn’t have any of the feelings, symptoms she had before. Chad doesn’t care, she might not be telling the truth. They go back and forth, JJ has to leave for work, Chad thinks aloud. What would my father do, as the camera focuses on the ring on his finger.

Sami enters the morgue, sees Susan with scrubs, surgical mask. Susan tells her she should not be there, but Sami recognizes her, the accent, who could not miss it. Susan takes off the mask, they have words, Susan angry that Sami did not tell her that her boy was alive. Sami apologizes, wanted to be sure, tells Susan they have to put this all behind them, concentrate on getting EJ out of here.

Chad is pouring himself a drink, muttering about Stefano, his methods, how to win, be selfish,…….and that is all she wrote folks. If anyone has those last couple of minutes, please add them.
Oh, yeah, Kate is outside the DiMera door, checks her purse to make sure she has the pills, knocks. Abby opens, what do you want. Time we had a talk, says Kate.
The very end has Chad pouring two drinks, talking about how ruthless Stefano was and how he wanted his children to be the same. He sits in a chair by the fireplace and puts one drink down on the coffee table in front of someone, as he talks about how Stefan has stolen all that he loves and he's now going to get down and dirty to get it all back, and he needs "their" help. The camera pulls back and Ben is sitting on the sofa, taking the drink Chad just put down in front of him.

Abby and Stefan are talking when he gets a call from Seth Burns that EJ is alive. He asks Abby to come along, to keep him company and she declines, wanting to stay away from Sami. He goes to the hospital and confronts Kayla, asking where his brother is.

Sami and Susan start to argue, then Susan pulls a scalpel on Sami.
Thanks, Poirot and JS.

It was a surprise seeing Chad talking to Ben. What will Chad
have Ben do to save Abby?

Why is Chad having problems seeing Abby? Were the secret
tunnels closed off?

I liked Kate's mint blouse today.

Why is Kate continuing to help Gabi?

I keep wondering if EJ can hear everything that is going on. He probably
hates hearing his mom and Sami act that way. And I wondered when
watching the show if he will move to stop Susan... Maybe Will and Paul
show up.
Another frustrating and mostly sad episode besides Susan can’t say I enjoyed anything.

Gabi will never be a natural villain to me. She’s just annoying when they make her like this. I’m not hooked like I would be with classic Sami, Nicole or Kate.

I feel like this Chad/Ben thing is going to end up making him to be the bad guy and prop Stefan up. I can barely stand to think about it.

This EJ storyline continues to be god awful. Even if it was mummy Lucas or mummy Rafe, I would still hate it. It’s just plain awful. One minute Sami is admitting she’s wrong, then the next she is trashing Susan. Of course everybody will take Sami’s side. Can’t believe people on Twitter are saying Susan should just leave because EJ wouldn’t have wanted her there. She’s still his mother. I did laugh at Sami calling Susan a nutter butter lol.

Anyways, I think tomorrow’s episode will be really good. Wish I could watch it live. Also the DOOL app is releasing tomorrow. It’s looks awesome :) I’m excited for the classic video vault, and I think I saw a screenshot of behind the scenes of when Chloe’s face was disfigured
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Gabi retaliates that she will say it was all Kate’s idea, revenge because Abby killed Kate’s husband. Kate caves.
Finally, something new. It's stupid, but at least it's new.

I hope Susan offs Sami. It's about time. Meanwhile - kudos to the actress playing Susan, she is spot-on in her performance.

Will/Paul are filler. Paul's been in the hospital longer than the "near death" and "no hope" Marlena.
I'm tired of people giving in to blackmailers. I don't think Kate has to do this. She should call Gabi's bluff. It's not like Kate to be pushed around and manipulated this way, especially by an amateur like Gabi.

Why, oh why, didn't Abigail just go to her grandma (is it Laura?) for help when she was threatened with being committed? Laura would have been able to confirm Abigail's sanity and we could have avoided all this dreadful stuff with Gabi.
It's driving me nuts to see people like Marlena, John and Kayla acting happy that the mystery patient is really EJ.
Agree, it makes no sense. A more realistic scene would be three of them gathering in Kayla's office looking green around the gills and bemoaning the awfulness of it all.
The camera pulls back and Ben is sitting on the sofa, taking the drink Chad just put down in front of him.
This is awful. An upstanding, reformed serial killer like Ben shouldn't be slumming by hanging around with any DiMera. And how will this help Ben in his slow-motion effort to win the heart of Ciara? What's he going to say: "Hey Ciara, guess what. I'm going to help messed up, do-nothing CEO Chad DiMera in his efforts to get revenge on his perverted alter-obsessed brother, slimy Stefan O. Ain't I something?"
Sami and Susan start to argue, then Susan pulls a scalpel on Sami.
The best outcome here would be that Susan attacks Sami with the scalpel, Sami defends herself with a handy fire-extinguisher, and they both end up in a coma. As for Mummy EJ, with both his mother and Sweet Hot out of commission, he gets sent to the Salem Egyptology Museum (yes, Salem has one), where he becomes a living exhibit.
Stefan are talking when he gets a call from Seth Burns that EJ is alive. He asks Abby to come along, to keep him company and she declines, wanting to stay away from Sami. He goes to the hospital and confronts Kayla, asking where his brother is.

Well, of course he did..... I mean why not confront, berate a Chief of Staff of a Hospital over someone he's never met.....

Stefan in any story equals :fan::fan::fan: without the fan....

I feel so sorry for the actor.....
Agree, it makes no sense. A more realistic scene would be three of them gathering in Kayla's office looking green around the gills and bemoaning the awfulness of it all.
I truly hope they don't have a scene where Rafe tells Sami he's happy for her about Mr. Charmin Head being EJ. Lucas, either.
Admittedly, I am not a medical person. But...a person with 90% burned body....would they not have lung damage? Need oxygen, feeding tube? Kayla told Sami not to touch, but there was Susan, touching everything.
Also, I have seen vets who were burned badly in war, have had numerous surgeries, etc. One was on Dancing With the Stars, had been on a soap. The scars just do not disappear. Also, there was a huge explosion. But the mystery patient fortunately, did not lose a limb. (Another vet on DWTS competed having lost an arm) I know soaps are not very realistic in so many medical areas....but I truly hope whatever they plan for EJ, it is away from Salem, only mentioned in passing, and if Sami returns to Salem in the future, she is either alone or finally brings her kids.
Regarding that magical, medical miracle Mummy EJ aka Charmin Head, let's hope that his massive burns don't open the way for the writers to reintroduce the character played by a new actor who has James Scott's (intact EJ) proportions. Based on comments on this board, viewers don't want the odious EJ character back in any form -- animal, vegetable, or mineral.