Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 9, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It is midweek, sweeps month, but not much happening in Salem. Adrienne is having breakfast with Sonny, talking of the upcoming wedding, and Sonny being best man. The disapproving Justin shows up, Adrienne leaves, Justin sits down, tells Sonny he wants him to keep an eye on the docks, that some sort of deal with Eduardo is going on, he doesn't trust him. Sonny talks of how his dad cannot seem to be friendly with his mom, thinks he is still in love with her.

Brady is trying to reach Theresa who hasn't come home all night. She doesn't answer the phone. He goes to see Marlena, who makes figures that Theresa is still in the after shock of the siege, Tate's kidnapping and Xander coming after her. She suggests a trip, a vacation. Theresa needs to get away.

Theresa, meanwhile, meets up with her father, who worried about her being out, she explains she went to Gramma Caroline's. She knows Brady is trying to reach her, left messages. He tries to talk her out of her plan, but she won't put Brady & Tate in danger. She gets a text to meet Mateo, leaves.

Andre is on the phone with Laura, berating her for Abby going missing, call him when she has news. Kate comes in, he is supposed to meet with Hope, Kate warns him that his "justice" excuse won't fly, that he really wants revenge, and he has made some strides in the town in regard his own previous deeds, so, perhaps, if he really wants to shine that image, to back off a bit.

Rafe arrives, Hope wants to see him, make sure about their agreement. Andre is full of all his snide snark, but goes. Hope is in the interrogation room, expressionless as Andre goes on and on about his father, blah, blah. She only wants to make sure he keeps Rafe & Roman out of it all, he assures her that as long as she accepts responsibility, they are safe. He also says, in regards to her, that let the chips fall where they may, in re: her punishment.

Steve is with Joey, who evidently just went thru a procedure to remove the branding from his hand, it still hurts. He asks how things are going with Jade, now that she is back. He says o.k., but admits he thinks he is too young to be tied down and wants to break it off with Jade. Going to be hard to do.

Sonny is alone at the table in the square, Paul & Derrick show up, out for breakfast. Sonny suggests crepes, the two guys go to next table. Later, Derrick leaves, Sonny joins Paul, who comments Sonny was right about the crepes. Sonny wants Paul to work for him, all legit and on the up and up, surveillance on the docks. Paul is interested.

Theresa meets with Mateo, who has a gift for her, talks of how she is all he thought about every day for years after she left, never should have let her go. She tells him she just needs a bit more time, make Brady understand she doesn't love him. She says she doesn't want him looking for her after she goes to Mexico with Mateo, that Brady has lots of resources and would not give up. Mateo has an odd look on his face, but agrees to give her more time, if she needs it.

Theresa comes home, is in the bedroom, caresses a shirt of Brady's, lays on the bed crying. He comes in, she pretends to be wanting to sleep, he is trying to talk to her as she lays on the bed, pretending to need to sleep it off. He is pleading with her, not like her, suggests a trip. She gets up, feigns anger, is going to take a shower, calling him Grumpy.

Steve is in an alley, waiting for a client, who is late. He will give him 5 more minutes. A hand on his shoulder, has Steve reacting quickly to get the guy's arm behind his back, but it turns out to be Shane. Steve is glad to see him, surprised, but Shane only says he is in town because of Hope. Wants to help any way he can.

Andre has left, Rafe & Justin arrive to go with her to her arraignment, they return later, Hope asks what was that? Justin says Trask is bucking for a promotion, he did not expect her to ask for special circumstances. Hope notes she pled guilty, mentions that with the number of bullets in the body, only means one thing. The death penalty.
Kind of a meh episode with lots of people I like seeing.

Can Marlena PLEASE wear something other than that black pants suit?!? It's literally like the 4th Salem day in the past month where she has worn it. And I think this is the 2nd time she has worn it with the white blouse.

Color me shocked. Brady went to see his real mom Marlena instead of his pseudo mom Maggie for advice! More of this please! And some scenes with Tate too.

The Justin/Adrienne stuff was cute. A bit too late on timing but I don't hate it. They could easily explain this as it took Adrienne being engaged for Justin to wake up. But I also like that Adrienne is happy with Lucas. And nice that Sonny is involved.

I like both characters but I honestly think the Hope stuff would be more compelling if her kids were helping her instead of Rafe. Shawn should be playing the role Rafe is right now as that's what Bo would have done. I did like that we got a Hope/Marlena scene.

Kind of annoyed that Shane is now going to be wasted on the Hope stuff too. All roads lead to Hope and perhaps to an alive and hiding Stefano?
I do agree with you, but Victor claimed (to Theresa) that Mateo was more powerful than even he was........
I don't know, you can call me a dewey-eyed sentimentalist if you like, but I actually thought Andre voicing approval for Rafe and Hope's relationship was kind of sweet. Especially since he is working so hard to annihilate her over that thing about her killing Stefano. Kind of makes me think he might be such a bad guy, you know? :)
I dislike the way Theresa and Brady are being written. They both straightened out and eventually fell head over heals in love and now this. That being said, my heart is breaking for these two. The look of hurt on Brady's face just breaks my heart.

If all the big wigs in Salem pooled their thugs, and ISA daddy Shane Donovan and Black Patch all worked together, they could bring Mateo down.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
I don't know, you can call me a dewey-eyed sentimentalist if you like, but I actually thought Andre voicing approval for Rafe and Hope's relationship was kind of sweet. Especially since he is working so hard to annihilate her over that thing about her killing Stefano. Kind of makes me think he might be such a bad guy, you know? :)
Troy, you really have to remember we have a sarcasm emoji:sarcasm:
People are going to think that is actually what you think........:):tsk:
For some reason I can't access the emojis on my computer anymore. Whenever I click on the icon I just get this box that says "bookmark this Link" "Copy Link Location" and "Search Yahoo for Smiles'" That's why I had been falling back on the smiley emoji as my fallback because I could do colon and parenthesis. Sorry.

But if it's causing confusion I'll cut back on the joking.
Hey, guy, we love the joking, it is a lot of fun. I only said that as we do have those who only read here some may not "get" it at times. Cannot imagine why the smilies don't appear for you....
Troy, we need your jokes to keep us going :)

Maybe Andre is channeling Tony?

I enjoyed seeing different characters interacting with several characters today.

The alley way must be a transporter. We saw it in New York with Nancy.

Kate has furniture at her home now. I guess she forgot to get a coat rack. I
thought it was odd she folded her coat.

Then Theresa took a nicely pressed shirt and made a mess of it . Now
the poor servant will have to clean it again.
Brady and Theresa are breaking my heart. I hate that he is thinking she has gone back to her old ways when she did so much to change. And funny, I did not even think of Marlena as Brady's mom when he was talking to her. I was thinking he's talking to Marlena the shrink. Guess that shows how little they interact. I did think for sure that when Brady was suggesting a vacation he would say let's go to Mexico! :rotfl:
Color me confused. The number of bullets in a body determines if it is a death penalty case?? Really?? Only in Salem.

Right, Robin. I'd think more bullets would indicate panic rather than a premeditated hit.
These comments are both 100% correct. The number of bullets fired into Stefano are indicative of panic or an emotional outburst. The number of "whacks" applied to Mr. and Mrs. Borden are cited by those who are convinced that Lizzie killed them. Lizzie reportedly hated her step-mother and reportedly feared that old man Borden was going to leave his estate to his wife and leave Lizzie and her sister, Emma, out in the cold. If Melinda wants to drop the hammer on anyone, she should go after creepy Clyde whose shooting of Abe and attempt to murder Aiden were clearly premeditated and would result in a maximum sentence.
Imagine if Lizzie Borden were alive now. Sami would've loved her for killing a "stoopid stepmother", especially after Roman was married to Kate.

Andre and Deimos would've tried to woo her. Kate would want to do business with her. Victor would've enjoyed trading snarks with her.