Days of Our Lives -Wed., Oct. 10, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sami comes to see Rafe at the cop shop, pesters and pesters him to bring Stefan down to the station on some trumped up charge, then question him, get out of him what he might have been told by Kristen about EJ. Rafe refuses, not legal, she is rather insistent, and once again mentions her kids……Johnny & Sydney, how they should not be growing up without a father. Rafe steadfastly refuses, she is insisting, and in comes Hope. Sami shuts up, Hope says she is glad to see her, wants to apologize, Sami is innocent of shooting her mother, Hope admits she let it all get personal and is sorry. Sami says that means a lot, thank you, and takes off. Rafe smiles, says he knows that took a lot for Hope to apologize to Sami, she says she was wrong, and can admit it when she is.

Eric calls his dad, who lets him know the cops already know the shooter was Xander. There is an APB out on him, explaining about John getting the footage, etc. Eric suggests that perhaps Marlena was not the target, maybe Xander was aiming for someone else. Roman gets a delivery, has to go, keep in touch.

Nicole is daydreaming about her and Eric, Xander comes in (shirtless alert, lol) gives her a hard time, knows she was thinking of Eric, could hear her sighing all the way in the bathroom. He starts giving her a hard time about wifely duties, bedding her, etc. but Nicole tells him it will never happen. He says only reason he did not shoot Eric was Holly in next room, would not do that to her, talks of what a good father he would be to her. He taunts, listing all the Kiriakis men she had gone thru, mentioning drunken Eric killing Daniel, and Brady, Victor, why not him. He is putting on a shirt, still giving her a hard time, as he leaves. She chainlocks the door.

Earlier, Hope arrived at the hospital with flowers for Marlena, but John runs interference, makes up excuses about Marlena having tests, will give her the flowers. Later, he goes into Hattie’s room, starting to say how he stopped Hope saying she was away for tests, but halts as he sees an empty bed, mutters – Hattie, where the heck are you.

Entire too long of a scenes with Brady & Kristen in bed, she wakes up, cooing and kissing, and more junk like that. He is trying to get info, she is crafty, and avoiding, goes to take a shower. Brady calls his dad, asking about Marlena & Paul, John updates him, asks if he is with Eve, no, he is by himself, wanted to get away for a bit. Kristen is listening, when he hangs up, she crawls onto the bed, saying the water was taking too long to heat up, and he did not rat her out to his dad, makes her trust him all the more. They are laughing as they both head for the shower. Later, she is dressing, has to take care of some things, no he cannot come along, but she will tell him all later on.

Eve is with Stefan, who is having a major meltdown because the figures for Basic Black were misleading, the board won’t accept them, will be mad. He rants and raves as Eve tries to note the figures were projections, that Brady takes care of the financials, she does the creative end. Stefan is mad Brady not there, makes her call him. She does, Brady lets it go to voicemail, she leaves message. This does not satisfy the ranting Stefan, Eve finally tells him that she & Brady had big fight, he packed his things and left her, she has no idea where he is. Stefan gets an idea, maybe with Kristen, who always had a thing for him. Stefan gets insistent about wanting proper figures, she says o.k. give her some time, leaves.

Eric has seen Xander leave, knocks on the door. Nicole doesn’t want to let him in, but he wants to help her get out of this mess, has some ideas. He comes in, they talk of Xander hiding that recording, she has looked everywhere,it isn’t there. Eric heard things Xander said to her thru the door, won’t let him touch her. She responds how she said she would kill him herself if he tried. Both look at each other, the idea is out there.

Xander sits at a desk, in a large storage room, it seems, unlocks a drawer, takes out the recording, plays a bit of it. Smiles, you will never leave me as long as I have this.

Roman brings a case of booze to the bar area, takes out a bottle, and in walks Hattie, a coat over her hospital garb. Roman is shocked…..

Kristen leaves the room, says they will take up where they left off in the shower when she returns, Smiles, kiss. Brady waits a bit, checks out the window, then grabs his jacket and is out the door.

And of course that notorious Mr. Shin is calling Stefan, wanting answers and now. Stefan apologizes for buying a company that is losing money, will make it up. As he hangs up, there is the smiling Sami….having financial problems?
Oh Brady, Brady, Brady
I don’t care how much I love you this is going way beyond ethical behavior to find
out what she’s up to. I sure hope this all important evidence he is after puts her away for good
(and takes her slimy non brother with her) never to darken DOOL again.
In my opinion the writers have prostituted the Brady character

deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum - JS
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I find it hard to stomach characters on the show calling Stefan & Kristen brother and sister. They are not blood related, were not raised together, in fact, just met the other day. Stefan claims to have been sired by Stefano......Kristen was his "ward" after her parents died.
Xander: How the mighty have fallen. The X-man used to have a villa on a Greek island within easy reach of the fleshpots of Athens, and traveled the world doing deals with the likes of the Noodle. Now, he's cooped up in a Nashville apartment with a woman who despises him. And instead being part of big-time criminal conspiracies, he's reduced to taking potshots at sourpuss Eric. He was almost better off when he was clipping hedges for Victor.

Eric: Like Nicole and John, the Bad Twin should sign up for Salem University School of Law's quickie law courses for Salemites. If he knew that Xander's tape was probably worthless, instead of looking unhappy (as usual) and picking through Xander's stuff, he'd be calling the Nashville cops.

Hope: She actually apologized to Sami. Unbelievable. She now should make it a real apology tour and go apologize to Ben. She might also try apologizing to the people of Salem for the awfulness of her police force.

Brady: He's staying with Kristen until he discovers all her secrets. Considering how many sordid secrets Kristen must have by now, Brady will be stuck with her well into middle-age before he achieves his goal.
Thanks for the summary. I went to a cafe in town to eat lunch today. I sat at a table near a huge screen tv. What a surprise, they had it on Days of Our Lives! The volume was not on but I watched most of what was aired. Unfortunately, a big chunk of it was interrupted by the hurricane in Florida. Now I'm going to watch it on my little 30" tv, with sound.

Interesting that the summary gives me a completely different view of what went on between Stefan and Eve. While watching without sound, it appeared that he was getting exasperated because Eve wouldn't stop talking. I almost felt sorry for him. :rotfl:
Thanks, Poirot.

We could call this episode "Call my dad day" Eric called Roman to give him a partial
update about Nicole. Brady called John to let him know he left Salem for awhile.

It was interesting Sami talked about Johnny and Sydney because they have the same
Later, Rafe said johnny and Sydney and no mention of Allie.. poor thing everyone
has forgotten her.

I think John should have said something to Hope when she said everything
pointed to Sami. John could have said "that's true until I actually figure out there's
video cameras on the square."

Will John figure out that Hattie left the hospital to see Mr Roman?

It was a slow show today, but we saw Xander and Brady without their shirts on.
Something has been bothering my little mind. While I know age means nothing in Salem, I have the distinct feeling that Kristen was in this show before Brady SHOULD have been born. I guess Jason could clear this up.
Brady was a toddler when Kristen first came to Salem.

Here is Kristen with little Brady:

Brady was born in 1992. Kristen arrived in Salem one year later in 1993. I’m guessing Kristen was around her early 30’s when she first met John and Brady.

Now, the age gap between the current actress who plays Kristen (4/24/68) and the actor who plays Brady (7/27/71) is a mere 3 years. So they went from being about 30 years apart to just 3 years apart.

Only in Salem!
True, similar SORAS for both EJ and Brady
EJ was SORAS’d 19 years
Brady was SORAS’d 21 years
That’s based on the actors’ ages compared to the characters’ respective birthdays.
Not sure if there is any other character that was more SORAS’d than Brady.