Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 16, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

To tell the truth, I am very. very tired of The Days of Sarah's life.......but it still continues today. Yes, she continues to talk to Eric, telling him she is leaving town, him sorry he hurt her, she goes on and on over she knew how he felt about Nicole, glad he is happy with her, but it hurts every times she sees them together. On and on and on. She is doing what is best for her, they hug, she talks of being Facebook friends, he thinks they are more than that, and finally she leaves.

And then there is Gabi in the chapel, praying, crying, talking to God of how she used to go to church every Sunday when she was little, had this special dress she made, especially to honor God. Only nice dress she had. Now she has hundreds, but lost the most important thing, Love. Will & Sonny come in, tell her Stefan's heart has been removed, lots of crying, the Hardy boys try to comfort her, they are all back in Gabi's bedroom. The guys try to give her an envelope with Stefan's belongings, she throws it at them. They tell her Julie is still in surgery, they won't know for a while if it is all well. She wants to be alone, they leave. She cries, sobs, gets angry, pulls the blankets off the bed a bit, sinks to the floor, crying.

Ciara goes to see Victor on pretense of bringing some file. He knows that is not the reason, she admits thinking and worrying about Julie, and just wanted to see him before …........he laughs, before I croak? He mentions her nearly being run down, she says not confirmed it was Jordan, but was really upset when in elevator w/Jordan. Victor ponders this. She goes to use her phone, check on Julie. Victor calls someone, wants Jordan dead tonight. Ciara returns, Julie still in surgery, loves Grampa, hugs, and she is gone.

Xander & Nicole talk about her knowing Sarah pregnant, why she opened the envelope, how Xander knew, and then he begins pointing out how he figured if Eric knew about the baby, he would convince Sarah not to leave. However that was not right. And though he & Nicole are finally together and happy, he just might not stay with Nicole if he knew about the baby. He finally leaves, Eric returns all happy to see Nik.

Meanwhile Rafe has run into Jordan wheeling the stroller in the square. Ben arrives, once more brings up the car narrowly missing Ciara......but no proof it was Jordan, says Rafe, as Jordan protests not her. Rafe gets phone call, they got an I.D. Drunk driver who remembers leaving the parking lot. Jordan smirks, goes off with Rafe, Ben calls Vic to update. Victor then texts his hitman.......cancel. Aha, Jordan answers the door to find a pizza delivery man. But I did not order any pizza. The guy gets a text, (cancel delivery), says “my mistake”, then gives her the pizza, here, keep it anyway.

Ben arrives home, calls Vic, who tells him all is well. Ciara comes home, they hug, yada, yada. He says he was on phone with security people. She tells him about Stefan's heart being removed, Ben is sad, Stefan was only one to give him a chance, was a good friend. Ciara reminds him Stefan had no friends either, you were good friend to him. They are laying in bed, snuggling, pondering.

Rafe & Jordan are enjoying the free pizza, as she relates again the circumstances of the guy giving it to her.

Sarah return to the house, tells Xander she is still leaving town, did not get a chance to talk to Kayla, because of being tapped for surgery....but right now is very tired. She is going to bed.

Gabi decides to open Stefan's personal effects envelope. Wallet, couple things, and there is his wedding ring!. She hold it, crying, goes over to his side of bed, lays on it, hugging his pillow, in tears.

Nicole is about to tell Eric, changes her mind, let's go to the bedroom. He smiles.
Just one's "personal effects" go to anyone happening to be around, or ???? Yes, I know some at the hospital know Gabi & Will share a child, but why did Sonny have the envelope? Why did they not keep it til they could give it to the wife?
And really, I can understand a pizza delivery person going to the wrong house.......but would you really eat that "free" pizza? If you were a cop, or anyone who had threats made against you at one time or another? (While I am guessing perhaps that guy was to either shoot or stab or strangle Jordan, he could have a poison pizza there, and just decided to ignore Vic! )
Ciara: Victor thinks that she did "impressive" work? Shouldn't that make her the leading candidate to be Titan's next CEO instead of scheming, backstabbing Kate? Sure, Ciara doesn't have any experience, but when did that ever matter in Salem?

Victor: In a town where the hospital and police force are centers of incompetence, it's good to see one enterprise that works with clock-like efficiency: Victor and his team of hitmen.

Sarah: She thinks that Eric never promised more than he had to offer. He must not have promised much because he has very little to offer: gloomy personality, no real job, a screechy sister named Sami, and no income other than what he can scrounge off the Salem money tree.

Rafe: He has a lot of unwarranted faith in the abilities of the Salem P.D.'s investigators. They claimed they could match tire tracks to the tires on the car of a drunk driver? Really? From what viewers have seen of Salem P.D. "expertise" over the years, it's doubtful that its investigators could tell the difference between tracks made by an Abrams tank and a child's tricycle.

Gabi: She now thinks that God "hates" her? It's a good thing that other Salemites who have tragically lost loved ones over the years didn't take this attitude (Hope, Sami, Anna, Caroline, etc.), otherwise poor Father Louis would be the most unpopular man in Salem.
Thanks, Poirot.

Did anyone else wonder if Victor used his own phone or a burner phone when
he called the hit man?

Xander was back to his nasty self when he was talking to Nicole. He turned the
charm back on
when Sarah came home.

What a letdown that it was only a drunk driving the car that almost hit Ciara. On
the plus side, the Salem PD figured it out.

Wow, Ciara worked.

Should we take bets how long it will take before Eric opens the drawer and sees
the envelope with his name on it? Or will Nicole sneak into the living room before
Eric wakes up and destroy it?

Will Sarah keep her promise that she's leaving town or will something happen
that she won't? Should we stay tuned and see? :)
Thank you, Poirot. I'm sure not going to try to watch this tonight. Maybe parts of it tomorrow--but which parts? :rolleyes:

I wonder why they've started having Victor try to kill people lately. Seems like he wasn't doing that kind of stuff for a long time. I don't like it. I'd rather just watch him be snarky.
Ciara: Victor thinks that she did "impressive" work? Shouldn't that make her the leading candidate to be Titan's next CEO instead of scheming, backstabbing Kate? Sure, Ciara doesn't have any experience, but when did that ever matter in Salem?
"Impressive" work in Salem could simply mean showing up 2 days in a row.
I wish they wouldn't go the typical soap trope and Nicole would tell Eric that Sarah is pregnant. And also for not going with typical soap trope have it be Xander's!! It just has to be!! Sarah cannot give Eric a baby when Nicole can't. I know stuff happens but these writers aren't nice to Nicole so I don't see a miracle baby.

Gabi did some really despicable things to Abigail but she is breaking my heart.
Did anyone else wonder if Victor used his own phone or a burner phone when
he called the hit man?
Unlike the local riff-raff, Victor doesn't have to bother with such things. If the Salem P.D. showed up at his door with a search warrant, he'd just tell them to go away. And they probably would.
"Impressive" work in Salem could simply mean showing up 2 days in a row.
Other mundane things that would count as "impressive" in Salem would be:
  • actually having an office;
  • hiring qualified employees instead of incompetent friends and family, schemers, or backstabbers;
  • not leaving one's smart phone where any Salem snoop can find it;
  • having experience or a degree that qualifies a person for the job he/she has;
  • not meeting with clients or business associates in the Town Square or Doug's Place;
  • dressing like a real professional and not like a college frat guy or Salem docks hooker.
Thanks for the summary - I personally could not have watched it all even if I was to do a summary. I so appreciate your time and energies!

On and on and on.

And then there is Gabi
I have NO sympathy for Gabi - never bought the Gabi/Stefan. Way too much Gabi for me!

Nicole is about to tell Eric, changes her mind, let's go to the bedroom.
I want Nicole to tell Eric the truth - she needs to have some self-esteem! He loves her and they can stay together while Sarah and Eric share custody! It's not that hard! Ah, but the writers just can't seem to give her a break - I hate this!
Wouldn't it be funny if Sarah told Eric she was pregnant with his baby and instead of him getting all mushy and gooey about "their" baby, he'd come out with "Hey, wait a minute, you had sex with my brother right before we slept together, so how do you know it's even mine?????"