Days of Our Lives -Wed., Oct., 17, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Complete replay of all closing scenes from yesterday, Tuesday, 10/16/18. At the cop shop, Hope figures she knows who planted the fake evidence against Ben. She says it was Ben himself, giving reasons, intending to end the suspicions Hope had of him. Rafe says then people would suspect Hope, as he himself did, …they both figure they played right into Ben’s plan. Rafe is ready to go arrest, Hope says no.

Claire fakes up a reason for her & Ben shaking hands, claiming she told Ben she would put in a good word for him to get a job there. Tripp is not happy about that, Claire makes digs about Ciara kicking Ben out, talks of him having no money for a meal, giving him one, etc. Ciara has to explain to Tripp that she did for “us”……Tripp is not happy but goes inside café for take out, Ciara talks to Ben, he slept at homeless shelter. They jabber and tease about how he can get into shower faster at the shelter, since both Claire & Ciara used to take so long. Yada, yada. Claire has gone with Tripp to help pack up the food, they return, Ciara & Tripp leave, Ben fills out an employment form, Claire remarking she did not know he had ever worked in a restaurant before. References to him trying to build a new life, etc. Along comes Rafe & Hope, she is apologizing for arresting him, suspecting him, he was innocent, wasn’t fair. Ben is taken aback, they shake hands. Rafe & Hope walk away, him saying that took a lot on her part, she commenting that next time Ben won’t see her coming.

JJ is talking to Chad, explaining what he meant by there could be another explanation for what happened with Abby, she could be set up. Chad asks questions, JJ provides the answers, naming Gabi, and reminding Chad how Gabi had hired that nasty Andrew when Chad was with Melanie and Gabi wanted him. Chad finds it hard to believe Gabi would be trying to hurt Abby, but JJ tells him Gabi admitted to him she was still angry at Abby at first, when she said she had forgiven her.

Jennifer answers the door to find Stefan, tries to get rid of him, unsuccessfully. They argue, but finally make a deal, she will talk about Abigail, if he promises to leave Abby alone. So, he comes in, manages to worm things from a reluctant Jen, including finding the black wig in Abby’s room. Stefan is trying to call Abby, as Gabby is back, Jen furious, he sickens her, is drooling at the idea that Abby might be sick again. He reminds her he is that baby’s father, she retorts that JJ, Chad & she herself will care for Abby. He replies he will watch out for his child. She literally throws him out, warning him he will regret if he does anything that would harm Abby. JJ comes home, his mom very upset, tells of Stefan being there, how he managed to get her to tell him about the wig. She is very worried how he thinks Gabby is back. JJ says he talked to Chad, told him about thinking Abby could be set up. Jen is relieved when JJ notes he talked to Abs who agreed to see another doc until Marlena is better.

And over to the Kmansion, where a very leery Abby is dealing with the lying Gabi. (no, she did not notice Gabi hiding the wig) She just arrived, why is Gabi so jumpy. No she won’t have any tea, she gave up tea & coffee. Gabi claims herbal & decaf. Abby decides to sip, telling Gabi she doesn’t believe Gabi is her friend, still resents her, is still mad, yada, yada. Gabi denies, is worried about her, is why she told Chad of text to Stefan, etc. Abby is still wary, but is sipping the tea, and falls asleep. Gabi mutters Abby caught on too fast, but this should fix that. She retrieves the wig……..(and as improbable as this all is going to sound, Gabi proceeds with her plan). She puts the wig on the unconscious Abby, puts some black dress on her, figuring it would be something good for the pregnant woman. Next, she is dumping the unconscious Abby on the DiMera sofa, commenting on her having gained a few pounds with her pregnancy (yep, the 95 lb. Gabi, has carried the 120 lb. Abby out of Kmansion, into a car I guess, and out of that car into DiMansion, and not a single soul saw her). She arranges her on the sofa, may have even changed her shoes……..then goes back to the Kmansion, pushes over a chair, a lamp, knocking pillows off sofa, some other items, as if a struggle. Then she takes everything off the tea tray, picks up the tray, which is heavier than she thought, smacks herself in the forehead. Owww, that hurts. Down on the floor she arranges herself.

Tripp & Ciara are back at the loft, eating the takeout food on the bed….ewwww….he takes off his shirt, she throws ketchup on him, food fight, kissing, and he lays her down on the bed, right on top of the remaining food…..more kissing.

Abby wakes up, calls Gabi’s name, slowly looks around, what am I doing here? Stefan opens the door, sees her.

Gabi quickly feigns unconsciousness as Chad returns, rushes over to her. She “comes to”, Ow, ow......Chad, she attacked me!
i'm just watching the end of the show now. Hope has come to "apologize". Gabi just lied to Chad. I wish he could see.

Thanks for taking the time to condense this crazy story line. I'll be so glad when it's over.
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Seriously Gabi carried pregnant Abigail from the Kiriakis manse to the Dimera manse? Besides the fact that she would not be physically able to that, no one saw anything? Wish she had hit herself a little harder with that tray!! I was hoping Abigail was gonna catch on, but nope just kept drinking the damn tea!! But she's gonna know the last thing she remembers is being with Gabi. If they are smart they will know the "crime" scene is a set up. Several things knocked over but nothing broken? I hope this gets everyone on board with Gabi is doing it and they set her up. I am glad that JJ brought up Gabi's past misdeeds.

I cannot stand Hope. The only time I liked her was with Aiden. I thought her big revelation was gonna be she thought it was Tripp but Ben!!! I am hoping against hope (and Hope) that her little plan to "bring him down" blows up in her face!!! This harassment is ridiculous. I like the actor that plays Ben and characters that have done a lot worse have been redeemed so I'm still hoping for that.
Gotta say, the implausibility of much of today's show was jarring. Gabi not only able to change the clothes of an unconscious pregnant woman, but carry her to another home? Eating on a bed? Then having a food fight all over it, followed by sex, with bodies ON the food? Hope thinking she is Columbo...who would never have jumped to the conclusion she did. Ben framed himself? Sheesh! Gabi attempts to make the room look like a struggle took place, and yet, not even a broken tea cup? With all that mess? Gabi is in and out of both mansions with no one hearing or seeing, doors unlocked?
Where the heck did the Salem brain go today? On vacation? Did Rafe really get trained by FBI? Cuz you could've fooled me. Hope's bias & stupidity is rubbing off, he needs to get away from her.

Oops forgot.......JJ had the brain today.....only character who made any kind of sense, and seemed to be on the ball.
No one on this show seems to have a brain anymore. They barely graduate high school, feign going to college (what is Salem U's graduation rate?)before they are named CEO of some conglomerate. Gee, I worked harder at my degree. No one ever becomes a teacher in that town. Probably because education isn't valued! Gabi worked "hard" getting Gabi Chic off the ground. Give me a break. She must have worked on those designs the first time around in prison.

You used to be able to root for Gabi and now she needs to go, either in handcuffs or a straight jacket. Just end it already.
Ha, Gabi removed all the items off the tea tray, not a single one is turned over. No tea spilled, etc. Yet, Gabi wants anyone to believe Abby carefully removed everything off the tray, in the midst of "attacking" Gabi, and used the tray to hit her. Oh, definitely.
You took the words right out of my thoughts. You mean to tell me the K-mansion nor DiMansion
have surveillance cameras pointed ever which way? And just how did Gabi get Abigail
out of one house and into another unnoticed? What a pathetically stupid story. I sure hope
it ends soon along with the Bonnie/Hattie disaster.
A little good sense and a whole lot of poor judgment today.

Good Sense
JJ: He's in almost exclusive possession of the Salem brain. He was right on target about Gabi and Abigail. Unfortunately, he has to convince the dense Chad.

Ben: He seemed to be having second thoughts about Claire's stupid plot and looked very wary when two-faced Hope offered an apology. As the old saying goes, beware of Bradys bearing gifts.

Poor Judgment
Hope: Columbo she's not. She's also not in the same class as Nancy Drew. This self-satisfied excuse for a police commissioner actually thinks that Ben framed himself to discredit her? A convoluted plot like that would have been right out of Stefano's playbook, but nobody could confuse Ben with the devious Phoenix.

Jenny: She actually let McPerv into her home and gave him information? She must be a glutton for punishment. What she should do is get an attack dog that's been trained to sink its teeth into slimy DiMeras.

Fang: "I want a taste of Stefan Zero!"

Abigail: OMG, she's convinced that Gabi is plotting against her and suspects that she's been drugged. Yet, she drinks Gabi's tea. Only in Salem.

Claire: She can convince herself that wrong is right, up is down, and left is right. This one should go back to singing into her hair dryer.

The Writers: As other posters have pointed out, they expect the viewers to believe that Gabi could haul an unconscious, pregnant Abigail from the K-mansion to the DiMansion and change her clothes all without being observed. Where are Harold and Henderson, sleeping on the job?
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Gabi and Abigail: This story infuriates me to no end. Not only because of what it's doing to Gabi but because I can see what a missed opportunity it is. They could have done something interesting here, until today I was holding out hope that there could still be a twist, that whole thing could have been a ruse to cooked up by Gabi and Abigail to make Stefan think "Gabby with a Y' *ugh* was back in order to get revenge against him. But that died when Gabi told a passed out Abigail "You're catching on sooner then I thought." So sadly what we're seeing is what we're getting. And what we're getting is a heaping pile of garbage in my oh so very humble opinion.

I still believe Gabi can be saved. I mean Ben killed three women and almost killed Will and apparently he's been redeemed so I don't see why Gabi can't. I'm not saying it will be easy just hat I think it can happen.

I just know that I used pop up a bag of popcorn and wait for Gabi to show up on my screen with anticipation. I still do that but sadly the anticipation gone. Hopefully there will come a time when I can feel it again. :cry::cry::cry:
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Troy, I sympathize.....My hero gets written out abruptly it seems, all the time. Not sure if I would like another Salemite to have to be on meds to help deal with a behavioral problem. It does seem Gabi has been trying to keep her better side front and center, til now. (See, I am hoping/wishing that Ben will either have been brainwashed by daddy dearest into doing the murders, or......well, I had another scenario, but we plainly all saw him strangling Will (tho Will was not dead).........or hypnotized by same daddy dearest into believing he did......except he didn't.

Maybe Gabi has brain injury from her beatings which has her doing these things????
I must be the only person, who believes Ben COULD go berserk again and do the same thing. I'll be darned if I would want my daughter with him. All he has to do is quit taking his meds and he could do something terrible again.
Thanks Poirot, appreciate your sentiments, I know what's been to Gabi doesn't measure up to the shabby treatment of Steve but I do feel your pain. :) I know "General Hospital" redeemed the character of Franco (another serial killer) by giving him a brain tumor I don't know if Ron Carlivati was head writer of the show at that time or not but I believe he was so a brain injury for Gabi is plausible. Although it does feel kind of weird to be rooting for that. LOL
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Thanks Poirot.

I actually wondered at the end of yesterday's show when Hope figure out
who it was.. could it be Ben. Really.. only time will tell if he is the one or not.

Was it servants day off at both the mansions today? Did Gabi drive Abby's
car to the DiMera mansion? And did Gabi take a bus back to the K-mansion?

Nice to hear Claire say Grandma Hope today.

It was funny when Tripp told Ciara how will the customers feel when they
see Ben at the cafe.. because they all have to wear ties.

JJ told Chad his suspicions that something was making believe Abby was
turning into Gabby. Then Chad said gaslighting. Bingo.

Troy, I hope the writers have an out for Gabi with what she is doing. Why
isn't she thinking about Arianna? Does she think her plan will work and
she won't have to go to jail?
Did anyone else think Gabi 's ruffling her hair was ridiculous. It hardly moved. I will say that tea service trays are pretty heavy. I have one and it has to be heavy to support the tea and coffee pots. However someone is not doing a good job of keeping it polished. That was apparent.
:clap:You just can't find good help these days.
Troy, I hope the writers have an out for Gabi with what she is doing. Why
isn't she thinking about Arianna? Does she think her plan will work and
she won't have to go to jail?

It's interesting that you say that katmouse because one of the things that has bothered me about this story is Gabi doesn't seem to have any concern about being caught it's almost like she has no sense of self-preservation, like when she was going around telling people like JJ that she offered to change the paternity test results. Why would she want people to know she had a way to do that?

Plus she seems disconnected from what's going on around her. For example yesterday when she was talking to Chad she asked why Abigail hadn't seen Marlena and Chad said it was because Marlena was recovering from being in a coma due to being shot a distant look came over her face and she said "Oh Yeah" in a distracted way. It's like she's just hyper focused on Abigail to the exclusion of all else. I've heard that can be a symptom of someone experiencing a mental breakdown but I wouldn't presume to give an armchair diagnosis since I'm neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist nor do I play one on TV. LOL
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