Days Of Our Lives - Wed. Oct. 2, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

At DiMansion, Sami & EJ continue to argue about living there. Sami is beside herself at the idea of living there with Stefano, while EJ continues to emphasize he gave his word. She derides his attitude of his word being more important than her and their family. He keeps trying to point out how he did it all for her, she realizes that.. He is screaming about how he groveled and begged for her, got down on his hands and knees, and even kissed his father's ring. She has a fit......what, is this the Borgias now? She will not live there with Stefano, will not subject her children to that. and they mean more than "word". She storms out.

Abigail sits reading Jack's book, is in tears, when Chad arrives. She embraces him, thanks him again for the book, means so much to her. She eventually reveals that her mom is not home, and they start making out a bit on the sofa. But Chad has to leave, tis move in day for him. Moving into DiMansion.

EJ hears someone coming in the door, thinks this might be Sami, nope, tis Chad, luggage in hand, moving in as promised. Chad soon learns what transpired, and figures out easily how & why Stefano is back in charge, owning everything, including EJ. He also understands Sami's reluctance to stay there. EJ tells Chad to take his stuff up to the north wing, it is all his. Later the guys are sharing whatever is in the decanter (brandy, whiskey???) as EJ bemoans his situation, but Chad thinks positive, reminding EJ that Sami storms out to go to the supermarket, nothing new. She will come round, just don't give up or give in. He continues with the pep talk, refusing to let EJ drink any more.

At his apt., Daniel is on the phone with a locksmith arranging to have all his locks changed, as he looks at the broken pic of him & Jen. Parker calls, and next they are sitting together, Parker is playing, they chat a bit, he says Jennifer, Daniel is trying to explain how they won't be seeing her, as Parker tries to cover Dan's mouth with his hand. (Too funny)
Over at the hospital Jen & Kayla are talking, and no, Jen has not seen JJ. Along come Anne & Theresa, smiling, jabbering. Kayla is surprised to see Theresa there, she should be on a plane. Nope, not going anywhere, has new job at the hospital. Kayla did approve any such thing, but Anne speaks up, mentions how busy Kayla has been, and it seems everyone in the hospital needs new I.D. badges, and Theresa will be taking care of that. She promises to not screw up again, as Kayla warns her she has run out of 2nd chances. Jen takes off for her office, Theresa follows her, throws a few digs at Jenny, who tells her to stay away from her and her son, and it is "Jennifer" always, as opens the door, telling theresa to leave. She does, grinning. Anne comes along reminding her that her job is just to get under Jen's skin. Oh, Theresa has figured how to do that.
She approaches Dr. Dan with some papers he has to sign as Jen comes by. She starts admiring Parker's pic on Dan's phone, wants to see more, he shows her, then gets called for a patient and leaves. Theresa smirks at Jennifer.

Cameron & Gabi sit at the Club making small talk, Abby comes in, chats with Sonny, then spots the engrossed couple. She keeps staring at them, Sonny comments that he thought she was with Chad now. Oh, yes, it is all fine. She brushes it all aside, but eventually Gabi leaves, as Will is with Ari and it is her turn now, Cam talks of getting together with her again and perhaps Ari, too. She leaves, he puts on his jacket, Abby comes up, they say hi, Cam starts to leave. Abby stops him, wanting to know "why did you lie to me".

Sami comes into the Pub, greeting the 3 kids and Lucas. (Yayy, a Lucas appearance today!) They are excited about going to Chicago, Gramma Caroline takes them all for ice cream, giving Lucas a chance to find out what happened, he can tell Sami is upset. She tells him all about what happened, Caroline is sitting with them. She is not quite understanding, but Lucas gives the short form explanation. That Stefano is back in the picture, and Sami just doesn't want to stay there with Stefano there. Lucas actually says something to the effect that with Stefano there, Allie won't be there, for sure. Sami is not too thrilled by that.

Eventually Sami is alone with her Gramma, who doesn't seem to agree with her viewpoint. She explains that EJ gave his word, his promise. This is the man she is planning on marrying, and that when she does, he will be making all sorts of promises about for better or for worse...for worse. Don't you want someone who would be keeping his promise? (Sorry, Caroline, but Sami said those words herself to other husbands, and look where she is now. And EJ said them to other women as well). Sami looks up, EJ comes through the door. They stare at each other.

JJ is in the park with Bev, talking of Daniel not telling his mom so far, and asking if he can crash at her place tonight. Nope, her dad just hovers over her all the time (oh, yeah, that is how she could stay out all night at Dan's place) Along comes Kayla, JJ gets rid of Bev, and talks to Aunt Kayla. She tries encouraging him to go home, his mom loves him, etc. He doesn't think so, but perhaps in a couple of days she will be able to listen to reason. Kayla asks where he is staying, he comments not in the park, against the law, asks if he can crash a few days with her & Joey.Kayla gently refuses, telling him to go home, but JJ starts in about the family all hating him because of Daniel. She denies that, he says he is sick of everyone thinking he is so great, he bets she does, too. Well, she does, yes, and he really begins rants about Dan, calling him names, Kayla is saying that is not true, but JJ just goes on and on, calling him a son of a ........., and how rotten he is, really gets on huge rant. Kayla is getting angry as JJ just won't stop, talking of how great his father was, his mother just won't see that. Daniel would never measure up, is not half the guy his father was, certainly is no saint. Kayla, in frustration, blurts out, "Your father was no saint either, and I know that better than anyone.". JJ asks what she means. Nothing, forget it, forget I ever said that. But JJ is insistent. "Just what do you mean, my father was no saint. What is it you know better than anyone"
I'll blame Caroline's "reasoning" on the Alzeheimer's because lucid Caroline would have said EJ is his daddy through and through and that neither could be trusted.

Great to see Lucas today! I'm guessing we won't see him again until Thanksgiving. When he's on though, he brings his A-game - "Stick to your guns....forget I said guns". Even though he agreed to let Allie live there when Sami first moved into the mansion with Stefano, I've always hoped he'd swoop in to rescue his daughter from that insane asylum they call Dimera mansion.

Abby chose Chad and she's done the deed with him too many times in the last week to be swooning over Cameron now that he's flashing Gabi a big pretty grin. And call me sentimental, but I liked Cameron saying the three of them (him, Gabi, Arianna) should hang out sometime.
Oh Sami when will you ever learn? The problem with these writers is that instead of writing this as Sami having some self-reflection and really seeing that EJ is no different than Stefano and she is now a part of all that and trying to fight her way out of, this is a love story. Sami will soon be at EJ's feet apologizing for not seeing that he did all this because he loves her. :sick: It's amazing to me how completely under the rug EJ's past has been swept. People seem to think he's a saint compared to Stefano. Please.

So Theresa's big plan now is to flirt with Dr. Dan to make Jen jealous. :zzz: Theresa is so annoying I actually find myself rooting for Jennifer in this situation. God help me.

Looking forward to seeing where the JJ/Kayla scenes go tomorrow.

Abigail/Chad/Cameron/Gabi/Sonny scenes were total filler. Double :zzz:
It's amazing to me how completely under the rug EJ's past has been swept. People seem to think he's a saint compared to Stefano. Please.

Add to it that they're trying to paint him as this tortured soul who, along with Sami, is fearful of what Stefano will have him do. Since when has EJ regretted any dirty, underhanded, criminal act he's committed. The man has made his living making other's lives a living hell every since the minute his feet touched soil in Salem and now we're suppose to be sympathetic because Stefano has him "under his thumb".
Oh I agree cryin'. We're supposed to feel bad for poor wittle Eeeejaay. He could have found another way to free Sami. Heck, he didn't even TRY to negotiate with Stefano. Not that it would have helped but he acts like he had no other options. This whole thing only further proves how far superior Stefano is to EJ. If EJ had even 1/10th of the smarts as his fatha he would have come up with at least some sort of bargain with Stefano or came up with a plan to get Stefano to help him get Sami out of jail while turning things back on Stefano to implicate him. Instead he just bent over and said "thank you, may I have another." What a completely inept moron.
Quite remarkable -- a lying liar like EJ maintaining that giving his "word" means something. For once, Sami has something right about Elvis -- his "word" should mean nothing. And now pot-head slacker Theresa is in charge of hospital I.D. badges? Salem University Hospital incompetence has truly reached new heights. The next time Stefano wants one of his operatives to get into the hospital to commit some foul deed, it should now prove remarkably easy to obtain an official I.D. for that person.
Is Sami delusional enough to think that if she takes the kids and moves out that Stefano won't mess up her life? It's not so much that EJ "gave his word," it is her future at stake. Despite how wrong the whole situation was, and continues to be, Stefano did give Sami her life back, and she has to do his bidding, along with EJ. By "kids," all Stefano wants is Johnny and Sydney, of course, Allie means nothing to him. By the way, I had to look twice to make sure that was the same actor playing Johnny...he had a very short haircut and looked so different, but no less adorable. The Daniel/Jennifer back and forth is not good for Parker, let alone us watching. He needs stability in his life. As we've mentioned before, they need to get back together or completely break it off. It would be nice if I could get a job in the real world as easily as Theresa did. Of course, the job involves duplicity and espionage, which would not look good on my resume. :D Abby should not care that Cameron is seeing Gabi, she has moved on with Chad. Not sure what lie Abby is referring to with Cameron. So happy to see Lucas, wish he was more than a cameo. There is no reason why Allie should be living at DiMansion, she is not a DiMera. That was very decent of Kayla not blurting out what Jack did to her, but JJ will find out soon enough if it's in the book. JJ's rage will be horrific.
I think Cameron told Abby he was very busy at the hospital, but honestly, I really don't remember anything other than him cutting short any conversation with Abby when they bumped into each other, etc.
Sooooo, when Sami was on her way to talk to Stefano, did anyone else notice how EJ grabbed her arm? When she asked EJ if he was giving her an order, did anyone notice how he pushed her against the table in her chest? When he told her to take a breath before she lashes out, did anyone notice how he held her against that table with his finger pointing in her chest, almost as if he was threatening her? I'm sure there are some who will see this as regular foreplay for them, but to me it looked like what it's always looked like, EJ bullying a woman, and not just any woman, the woman he says he loves.
Cryin4days... I sure did notice all of that, plus EJ's threatening tone in his remarks to her. I just don't understand how this show can see that as love and romanctic in any way, shape or form. And Sami said EJ's changed... seriously... I think not.

I hated that they had Sami talk to Caroline about EJ. That was awful, just awful. Caroline has always hated Stefano and Ej for what they did to her children and grandchildren and now she's a champion of the Dimeras? Sami could have talked to Roman, Marlena, Hope or Kayla instead of her grandmother who is stricken with Alzheimers and may not be able to give the best advice. Poor, poor choice, IMO.
I always liked Caroline but I have to agree with you, magicsteacher. The past few years, they have had her saying and doing things that aren't like her, and that was even before the Alzheimer's. Still, I thought she looked pretty today.

Cameron has never been interesting at all to me. It was nice to see him smiling and laughing today. I don't think I like the direction Abigail is going. But I guess I would be surprised if I did.
Nice to see Lucas and Sami's kids today.

Angry EJ paid a visit too. EJ has many faces.

So Anne put Theresa in security to make new
badges. First thing I thought of is Theresa is in
security and she can go anywhere she wants.

Interesting Daniel decides to get his locks changed today.

I enjoyed Chad and EJ's talk. EJ is right, Chad hasn't
been a DiMera long but he knows how the family works.

Kayla and JJ how much will she tell him about Jack?