Days of Our Lives - Wed, Oct. 2, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Replay of Kristen returning to her room, Vivian sitting, demanding she hide her from police. Kristen protests, Viv pulls a gun on her, tells her of what she did to Kate, who “unfortunately” survived. Says she has been hiding from Gabi Hernandez's brother all night, and now he has the entire Salem P.D. Looking for her. They go on and on with their conversation, going over Kristen helping Rolf bring Viv back to life, yada, yada. Kristen tells of being pregnant, Viv wonders why Kristen did not use her for whatever it was she had having Viv be alive.

Replay of Xander being surprised Sarah told Brady about the pregnancy, usual misunderstandings, Xander wiggles out, realizing Brady meant Kristen, Brady bad mouthing Kristen, but then while admitting he was talking about Kristen, wonders who Xander was talking about.

Doug is with Julie, who has something important to ask him. Out in the hall, Ciara on phone with Ben, who has to take care of something, will swing by hospital after.

Ben knocks on the door, Jordan opens and he wants to talk to her, tho she has nothing to say to him, repeats she doesn't want him near her son, telling him he has all this evil deep within him. They really confront each other, her yapping about that evil from Clyde that will always be there, him saying he got help, is different person, she says no, it came up when he killed those people. He asks what about her, she says she is different, he reminds her she killed “our mom”. She denies it at first, he reminds her she confessed to Rafe, she tries to say it was accident, he talks of mom being pregnant, she had the wheel, she finally admits yes she did. She did not want another evil spawn of Clyde's to be born. He reminds her of how she hurt Ciara, Jordan claims Ciara won't listen to her, she tried to warn her about Ben. If she gets hurt again, won't be my fault. He grabs Jordan, warning her that if Ciara is hurt in any way.....but Jordan smiles, Rafe will be home any second, won't he love seeing you threatening me. Ben leaves, warning Jordan to stay away from Ciara.

Replay of Eric leaving Nicole in the waiting area, her overhearing Sarah making the call to the lab for the pregnancy test. Sarah goes off to the lab, Nicole sits, pondering all this. Sarah comes back, spots Nicole, sits with her. Small talk, but Nicole does ask if she is pregnant, Sarah surprised, Nicole explains overhearing, Sarah relieved, explains it was for Brady, tells the tale of Kristen, etc. Nicole apologizes to Sarah, talking of when she overheard about the test, her mind was racing, she thought it was Sarah, pregnant with Eric's child. Cue him to walk in........what, you are pregnant? Sarah denies it, Nicole explains what happened, Sarah takes off.

Earlier, in Julie's room, just as she is to ask Doug something, Hope comes in with Eric. Both Doug and Julie have heard he is back with Nicole, who has been found, are happy for him. Doug gives Eric some advice, with Julie chiming in on occasion...#1, Cherish every day with her, #2, never take her for granted, and #3 - 3 words.........Yes, my love. Always say that. Ciara comes in, Eric says a heartfelt prayer with everyone. Ben comes in, tells Ciara he is there, will wait out in the hall. Doug has him stay, thanks him for what he did for Julie (CPR), because of him & what he did, Doug has got to spend more time with his wife. Julie thanks him as well. Julie tells them to run along, Ciara (gad, it is October and she is wearing the shortest shorts) kisses grampa, they take off. Eric goes as well, Julie asks Hope for a favor, go to house, bring her back her rosary, mentioning a couple places. Hope leaves, Doug knows she purposely sent Hope away. Why? Julie wanted to be alone with him.

Sarah returns to Brady, yes, Kristen pregnant. She gives report, he realizes there is a baby, and this is not just about Kristen, but a human being.

Xander joins Sarah, who tells him yes, Kristen is pregnant, and that she herself is glad she is, going to do the only thing she can.......leave Salem.

Nicole has filled Eric in on Kristen pregnancy, Eric wants to go see Brady, knows he will need to talk. Kristen is about at the end of her patience with Vivian, there is pounding at her door, it is Brady.

Ciara & Ben are outside, he gets a call from Stefan, tells her to go to the car, he will be there in a second. She leaves, we hear her scream, & tires squealing.
Aha! I KNEW it would be too soon for Eric to find out that Sarah is pregnant. However, Dr. Horton, maybe you should go back to med school and review a little something called HIPAA? How dare she discuss the test and results of Kristen's test with ANYONE except Kristen (and maybe Brady, if she gave her consent). She is an idiot!
Gotta say THAT drives me up a wall. Oh, if convenient for story, Days will drag out HIPAA rules, that happens maybe once every 3 years. Granted, Sarah took that test with Kristen's consent, at Brady's request, and he was NOT the patient......but she still was giving others results without his permission. (or Kristen's).
Poirot, 59 in Chicago sounds good. Today it cracked 90 in this area, and the heat hyenas were in full cry on the DC NBC station. They seem to really enjoy telling everyone how hot it was today.

As for today's episode, fractured thinking was on full display.

Leading the pack was Jordan who demonstrated that she really isn't playing with a full deck.
  • She said that Ben doesn't know what true love means.
  • She says that people don't change. (Sami might rip into her for this one).
  • She claimed that Mother Weston probably deserved to die.
  • She claimed to be cured of her mental illness.
  • She said she was trying to save other people by attempting to kill Ciara.
Vivian and Kristen also made fools of themselves by arguing over who is a true DiMera. They both should face facts and admit that the only real DiMera was Stefano. All of the other adult DiMeras don't make the grade.
  • EJ -- way too obsessed with Sami.
  • Andre -- too crazy.
  • Tony, Chad, and Theo -- too honest.
  • Kristen -- a Phoenix adoption that should never have happened.
  • Stefan Zero -- too dumb.
Finally, Sarah now seems headed for the don't-tell-the-daddy trap. As Sami could tell her, this always ends badly.
Thanks, Poirot.

We learned this week Sarah is a blabbermouth and messy. I thought it was odd she left
all her doctor stuff on the living room table when she went to the hospital.

I'm with Xander. I want to see Victor's face when he finds out Kristen is pregnant.

It was cute when Doug told those three things to Eric. What is Doug supposed to
say yes my love to? Is Julie going to tell him to marry Maggie?

At the end of the prayer, Eric said "and all the days of our lives"
Aha! I KNEW it would be too soon for Eric to find out that Sarah is pregnant. However, Dr. Horton, maybe you should go back to med school and review a little something called HIPAA? How dare she discuss the test and results of Kristen's test with ANYONE except Kristen (and maybe Brady, if she gave her consent). She is an idiot!
My daughter's reaction, also.
I'm having a hard time with the immaturity of supposedly grown people. Ridiculous. All Sarah has to say is "yes, Eric. I'm pregnant with your child. You and the baby can spend every other weekend together, and yes, I'd like some child support because no, I don't want to be with you just because of the baby. You stay with Nicole. Congrats Nicole, you get to co-parent with us. Yay step mom!"

Seriously. It's annoying this "I'm not going to tell him for fear of him leaving Nicole and ruining their happiness". Uggghhhh. The writing isn't well done, not at all.

And Jordan is over the top too. Seriously? What moron let her out of the crazy house? I guess the same moron that let Ben out. The thing is, I actually really like Ben. If they could write up a good enough twist to say he didn't actually commit any of those murders, I'd totally love him 100%. He and Ciara are one of my favorite couples. But currently, he's still a convicted serial killer, so just, ugh. Both he and Jordan alike deserve to be put away. Poor David.

I can't say I'd be too thrilled if my daughter was dating a convicted serial killer out on good behavior though. I'm just having a hard time with these stories. I get it, yada yada, just a story, blah blah blah, but really, this story is just not a good one. At all. Poor writing, almost as bad as the writers that made Ej and Sami a love story "super couple". *barf*

But I digress. I still watch. But it's like a train wreck at this point. You don't like what you're looking at, but can't seem to turn away.

As long as people like me continue to watch, they'll continue to tell us bad stories.
Thanks for the summary.
DaysLady: I so agree with everything you said - I've got your back!
To me, it would be so easy to have Clyde be the serial killer, to have hypnotized/brainwashed Ben into thinking he did it. Clyde was an abusive man, would have meant nothing to him to have put the blame on his son. And then there is Jordan......who purposely killed their mother years ago, & who tried to kill Ciara. Who is to say she might not have been responsible for the serial killings...same way as Clyde. Ben could be drugged, too, into believing he did it.

That aside, I think most, maybe not all, but most of Days viewers are tired of martyr Sarah, obsessive Kristen, and manipulative Eve. (Campy Viv is thankfully at the end of her visit to Salem). But especially the "Days of Sarah Horton's Life"