Days of Our Lives - Wed. Oct. 20, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010

Have to tell you….for some reason, I got the show this a.m., however, it was a digitally and audio garbled mess….but at times enough of a picture and sound came in so I could tell what was going on. And so, this is what I was able to get out of it. The intro (episode & tape date, director, was impossible to make out)

Vivian is in her coffin, apparently talking to herself, but wanting help. At the Kmansion, Nicole, Brady are with Victor, who apparently has told them he knows Vivian is in the coffin. Brady asks what he is going to do, Victor says, leave her there. He claims that Vivian would get “you two arrested”, and I would again be chained to that hell of a marriage. He walks out of the room, Nicole & Brady cannot believe he said this. Victor evidently is going to the mauseleum (I think Brady has told him what Viv’s original plans were), and Brady gives him the ear piece. Nicole wants a drink, they are out of vodka, she goes to get some. Brady sits in a chair, and Isabella (his mother) appears. She has dark hair, a white dress. She chides him for what he has done, Brady claims he did it for her, Vivian dishonored her memory, buried her in a pet cemetery. Isabelle says it doesn’t matter, she is always with him, she told him long ago she would always watch over him, and she has. He is protesting, but she says this is not like him at all, and that he is turning into his father. (huh?), and asks if that is what he wants. Nicole returns, wondering to whom he is talking. Isabella disappeared as Nicole comes in, but then is standing behind her.

Victor has gone to the mauseleum, when Vivian sees him on the monitor, she happily thinks he has come to rescue her. But Victor tells her she gave him quite a story, but left out some things, talks of how Vivian intended to put Maggie in there. Vivian realizes he has been talking to Brady, but pleads with Victor to let her out, promising to give him divorce, not ask for a penny, leave Salem. Vic is unmoved, Vivian continues to beg, talking of how the fumes are starting to get to her. What fumes….what else did you plan for Maggie. Vivian fudges a bit, but evidently tells him about the special paint which makes one get confused. Victor has no sympathy for her now.

Rafe is arguing with Arianna, trying to convince her to keep what she thinks she knows to herself. They are not at the loft apartment, could be in the park or nice pier. There is a chandelier or light pole with 4 bulbs behind them. He talks again of how EJ kidnapped Sydney, made everyone think she was dead, (I could not make all this out). Arianna can’t believe he is trying to cover up what Sami did, claiming a man was shot, and she would never ignore that. She talks of how she was always second best in the family compared to him, Rafe denies it, she insists. He reminds her that no matter what she heard, Sami was with him that night. She berates him further, takes off.

Sami is at the cop shop, talking to Uncle Bo, evidently relating something about EJ violating the court order, and telling about what happened at the hospital. She leaves, Bo debates about what to do, finally decides. Stefano is yakking away with EJ, evidently about Sami taking his children or perhaps shooting him. A couple of cops arrive, putting EJ under arrest. Later, a cocky EJ sits with Bo at the police station, as Bo talks of him violating the court order, EJ claiming he was at the hospital for an appt., just happened to see Lexie holding his daughter, reacted as any loving father would. He somehow makes a reference to Hope’s misdeeds, but Bo reminds him that she is in jail, paying for what she did, (at her own insistence) whereas EJ has never paid for any of his crimes.
Back at DiMansion, Stefano is blustering on the phone, ordering someone to get his son out of jail NOW.

Rafe calls Sami, tells her he was not able to convince Arianna to keep what she heard to herself. Will comes in, evidently he has brought all the little ones over to Gramma Caroline’s. They talk about the conversation with Arianna, Will is worried, Rafe assuring him that there is no proof, none, no gun, no witnesses, and the only person who saw Sami there was Will, who is not going to say anything.

Meanwhile, Sami hangs up on Rafe, calls Arianna, says they have to talk, to come over. Arianna arrives, Sami starts talking of what happened the night EJ was shot. She talks of how, just seconds before she & EJ would have been married, Rafe arrives with the proof that EJ was the one who kidnapped Sydney, who put her bloody clothes in the river, let her and everyone think Sydney was dead, let them mourn. She goes on about telling EJ he would never see the children again, took the kids and left with Rafe. (She does an excellent job relating all this). They took the kids to the Pub, settled them down, and went to Rafe’s place. Then Kate called her. Arianna is interrupting every once in a while, asking questions. Sami continues…how Kate told her that EJ was planning on taking the kids and leaving the country. Arianna wonders how Sami could believe her, but Sami knew Kate doesn’t like her, but does love Will, and would get into big trouble if Stefano ever learned she had called.
Now Sami talks of how she was trying to figure out what to do, how to stop EJ, and did not know what to do. Rafe was asleep, she slipped out of bed, went to DiMansion, yelling for EJ, could not find him, went upstairs to the kids’ room, and then found him in her bedroom, passed out with a gun in his hand, apparently either was going to kill himself, or come kill her. She turned to walk away, and then everything he had done to Sami and her family, for so long….how he connived and manipulated, convinced her to move into the mansion, and even to marry him. She knew it would happen again, over and over. She just had to stop she turned, took the gun from his hand, and shot him.
She goes on, talking of returning home. Arianna asks if this is when she told Rafe. No, no, of course not. He knew nothing. (more garbled audio here). Sami hopes Arianna now understands, but Ari stands up, she understands all right. She understands Sami shot a man, and has told all, in her own words, on video and audio… she pull out her cell phone and holds it up for Sami to see.

sounds like a good episode. The ONLY thing that threw me off was the fact that Izzy B told Brady that he is turning into his father? What is that all about? I am really hoping these writers don't tarnish John's legacy, he is one of the better characters on Days. This is what upsets me about this Days writing team, they don't seem to do their history or characters very well and simply throw in stuff that really makes absolutely NO sense.
What a nice surprise to see the Day Ahead summary! Thanks so much.

Is it possible that Isabella said Brady was turning into her father, not his? Or that she said he was turning into his grandfather? That would make more sense to me and it would pick up the theme of Maggie telling Brady a little while back that Victor's influence was a problem.
At first I thought she meant Victor......but it does seem she said "father". That part was confusing. Bear with me, tho....Audo was in fits and spurts, and the video was so digitally garbled....I have to say, tho, I remembered Isabella with red hair, and now her hair was very dark, and pretty straight. At first I did not think it was her.
It's officially. Arianna is a bigger mess than Sami ever was. Simply cannot WAIT for her to leave Salem, be it by accident (car, plane, bus, hot air balloon), or alien abduction!
@ Barb ~ I thought I remembered Isabella with very dark hair. There is a picture in Victor's living room of a fairly young looking Victor with a woman with long red hair, and I have wondered who that woman is!! So, now I'm really confused.
I'm guessing there's no hair dye in heaven.

Maybe Isabella said "your grandfather" and the "grand" part got garbled.

Such a nice treat to have a Poirot summary. Thank you.
O.K. I went back, and listened closely again.......Isabella says "my father" Paxton is right. (and gotta tell you that digital garble is hard on the eyes, too. LOL) So Isabella DOES mean Victor.
Poirot, you went beyond the call to give us this Days ahead!! It's so appreciated!!!
Barb ~ thanks for posting those pics. Beautiful. Now I'm wondering if the woman I'm remembering was someone else's now deceased loved one? I'm picturing a scene in which the ghost of a woman in a long white dress and long dark hair comes to comfort her son -- and I thought it was Brady [as played by Kyle]. Do we have someone else this might apply to????
Maybe its the color quality on my TV. [In the picture you posted of John and Isabella she looks brunette on my pc monitor.]
Glad you were able to get the show! Maybe the problems have something to do with changes to the satellite equipment as Days prepares to go high def on 11/8? I don't know how these things work, but it would be nice if that was the reason and it's nothing permanent.
Barb ~ thanks for posting those pics. Beautiful. Now I'm wondering if the woman I'm remembering was someone else's now deceased loved one? I'm picturing a scene in which the ghost of a woman in a long white dress and long dark hair comes to comfort her son -- and I thought it was Brady [as played by Kyle]. Do we have someone else this might apply to????
Maybe its the color quality on my TV. [In the picture you posted of John and Isabella she looks brunette on my pc monitor.]

That's definitely Isabella that you're remembering. I think she did have dark hair at at least one point.
however, this is a pic I found of what Lil0 may be referring to, and pretty much how she appeared on Wednesday...