Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 24, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days was pre-empted at beginning for breaking news about the bombs, and then last 15 min. I can only tell you, the inbetween.......maybe others can fill in.

Stefan is napping on the sofa, has a long and realistic dream about Gabby coming to him, telling him she wants to be with him, both saying how much they love each other, Gabby saying they created a baby, and he has to do something now to help her take over Abigail completely, forever, so they can be together. She is in the black wig, black dress, the dream is very elaborate and long.

At the hospital, Kate is continuing to insist Abby attacked her, (pushing her) wearing the wig, etc. as Gabby. But Abby confronts her big time, she is lying, what does Gabi have on her to get her to do this. She knows Kate ne ver has thought much of her, wanted Chad w/Gabi, but cared of his happiness, so why is she doing this. Abby pulls no punches, Jen tries to get her to calm down, Abby is calm, she finally says she knows where to get the answers, and rushes off to the elevator, which closes behind her. Chad runs after, too late, so he pushes the button to follow her. Jen apologizes to Kate for Abby's behavior, but says she was right in a lot of what she said about Kate's attitude towards Abby.

Gabi apparently came in, seeing JJ's hand on her purse. So she confronts him, he loves his sister, wants to help her. Gabi is good at becoming angry, do you honestly think I drugged her, changed her clothes, beat myself up. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? She goes on and on and on, very angry, JJ defending his position, in come Abby, who now confronts Gabi, wanting her to tell the truth. She knows what she did, recites it all, Gabi denies, etc. etc. Abby leaves, Gabi is telling JJ Abby needs to get to the hospital.

Abe is arguing with Sheila, who parked Eli's car in Abe's spot. He cannot believe she did this again, she notes it wasn't her car, was Eli's. They snarl back and forth, Lani sitting and listening. Lani doesn't seem too pleased to hear Sheila is bunking at Eli's. Abe warns Sheila to move Eli's car, leaves the room. Lani chats a bit w/Sheila, commenting Eli's place pretty small, Sheila agrees, talks of getting her own place when she gets a job, & some money. Lani goes out, talks to Abe, Sheila trying to turn her life around, no job, already has cost Eli $250 to get Sheila's car out. Abe replies he wasn't gonna get Eli's car towed, not to worry. Lani feels Sheila needs a break.

Julie is talking with Eli about Sheila, not happy he is having her bunk at his place. He defends her, talks of her needing a job, could Julie help. When Julie starts asking of previous jobs (maid at Maggies, fast food at Crab Cake house) that doesn't work too well, then learns Sheila was in prison, gives Eli a hard time, but credit for big heart, helping another ex-con( referring to Gabi).

Gabi gives JJ a hard time about not really believing her. Abby goes back to the hospital.

Sorry........that is all I have.
Thought it was funny when Julie brought up Gabi killing her darling Nicky, again, and Eli cut her off and repeated that it was self-defense, and that she was set up for Andre's murder. I like that he won't take Julie blathering on and on about Gabi being a murderer of her attempted rapist.

Eli told Sheila that Julie offered her a job at Doug's Place. Sheila is excited and said she's always wanted to be a singer (which is funny since the actress playing Sheila is a singer) and Eli says hold up, not as a singer, as a dishwasher in the kitchen. Sheila is not happy.

At Lani's prodding, Abe offers Sheila a job as his executive assistant. Sheila is shocked, then imagines what working for Julie would be like (Julie sprawled on a seat, drinking a martini, telling Sheila to go wash the dishes [in a huge pile], while Sheila looks disgusted and overwhelmed), so Sheila accepts Abe's offer.

Abby goes to see Stefan. He asks if she's Gabby and she says no, she's Abby and she desperately needs his help.
Guess no one got the local got interrupted when it broadcast late this I tuned in, fortunately they went back to the show and only showed the end. LOLOL
Abe is convinced by Lani, and offers Sheila the job of being his executive asst. (Julie had offered dishwasher, Sheila took Abe's offer).
Stefan wakes up from his dream, actually looking around for Gabby, since he & her were about to make love.
Chad talks to Jen on phone, says he knows what he has to do with Abby. He will have her committed. Gabi says he is doing right thing. Abby overhears, sneaks out of the house (she was upstairs with JJ visiting Thomas).
Stefan is pouring himself a drink, Abby appears, says she is in trouble, he is only one can help her, she is desperate.
Abigail: She's right to be so convinced that Kate is lying. Anytime Ms. Blue Chunk says, "I told the truth," it's proof positive that she's being far less than truthful.

JJ: He should have ignored Gabi's self-righteous bluster and dumped the contents of her handbag onto the sofa. The results might have been interesting.

Abe: He asked Sheila, "Have you no respect for the rules?" He ought to ask the same question of Ben-crazed Hope, the pseudo police commissioner.

Julie: When she said about Gabi, "That girl is bad news," for once she wasn't exaggerating.

Jenny: She's certainly on a losing streak. First, it was the sourpuss Eric debacle and now she's apologizing to lying Kate.

Victor: He should dump Chad as Titan CEO ASAP. He's his worst hire since Ian McAllister. Not only does he never seem to do any work, but anyone so gullible is sure to lead the company into a ditch.
I thought it was interesting that during Stefan's dream, Gabby called him Sam at least 3 times.
During the time Gabby was around, she always called Stefan by his real name.....or former name.....Sam. (I forget what his last name was, JS will know) Is astounding that a man with a name he had since birth, for 40 some years, loved by adoptive parents, successful in business under that name, suddenly decides to take the name of a man he never met, who he figures is his father (I hope not)
I'm watching right now. I don't understand how JJ can be so dumb. I can't stand Sheila. I fast forward all her scenes as well as Lani & Eli. I wish they could get some decent writers. Oh and Chad believing Gabi, he's dumb, too. I think Abigail needs to leave Chad and just take care of her child and the one she is carrying. It's a shame she has to go to Stefan for help.
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LOL, well you COULD describe it, only lasted a minute or two...........:rotfl:
You guys, these summaries saved me a week of viewing to catch up. I was behind to mid-September this morning; caught up and watched every scene I wanted to see today in one afternoon. So thank you!

I am loving the return of the "Teen Scene" characters, Hattie's shenanigans, and the craziness over Nicole and the mystery doors. Sami is getting on my last nerve (shocker) and the StefaNO storyline is being skipped completely by me. Not interested in crazy Gabi or Abigail's alter mess... it's time for that to be done now.
I actually did lose some of the show, but watched on Demand. (Bravo to NBC for joining the 21st century.) I like Sheila and if the City can give Hope, André, and Ben a second chance - why not her?

What was up with the rapist's hair in his dream? And now his brain goes by his real name? Ugh....

I can no longer root for Chad and Abby. I want a paternity test proving Ben is Thomas's dad yesterday. (Hey, it worked for Parker.) He can commit her, or she can run off with her rapist, and then he can promptly return to a coma. Gabi, too, should be in prison for the multiple druggings and assaults to Abby.

I'm tired of the goldfish people on this soap. But I'm thankful for this board, where these outrageous and silly stories are viewed with loving contempt and not seen as the norm. (My opinion only.)
Thanks, Poirot.

Abe sure gets upset when HIS parking space is gone. Good for Sheila for not parking
in a handicapped one.

No surprise, Gabi showed up when JJ opened the purse. I hope he noticed
how she kept
her hand on it when they were talking.

Sorry to say I had to Fast Forward Stefan's dream. I'm surprised Stefano didn't
leave his picture during it :) I can hear him now "My son, the idiot"

I laughed when Julie talked to Eli about helping Sheila "another jailbird" Then
later "saving the world by helping one ex con at a time"
I actually thought Abigail was making the most sense today. The problem is Chad is so gullible believing Gabi and Kate. I really wish Chad would see what a liar Kate can be, he tends to believe anything she says.

After confronting Gabi, Abby was going to take Thomas home with her, but Chad showed up and told her Thomas was not going with her, so she and JJ went up to kiss him goodnight. When she came back down (alone) she overheard Chad talking to Jennifer on the phone about committing her, so she quietly left the Kiriakis Mansion. JJ came down then as Susan had stopped him upstairs and asked where Abigail was, so Chad and Gabi knew she had left. The next scene was when Abigail showed up at Stefan's and told him she needed his help.
Whesn is Abe gonna get over his parking space!! It's ridiculous and I swear it seems they are heading for an Abe/Sheila pairing. They hate each other so much and now she is gonna work for him!!!

Julie was funny when Eli said Gabi killed Nick in self defense and was framed for Andre's murder - well you may have a point.

I cannot believe there are no cameras in Salem!! Not at the mansions!? No traffic cameras!? I know there was one at Horton Square. They used it when JJ shot Theo. I hate to say it but poor Abigail. Not an Abigail fan but it sucks for her that no one believes her and they all believe Gabi and Kate! If I was Abigail I would not so quickly forgive Chad. She has said over and over she doesn't feel the same way. I want them to set up Gabi and catch her in the act.