Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 26, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hope is working late, even though Aiden is gone, and the siege by the bad guys is over. Rafe suggests they go away for the weekend, she doesn't want to leave Ciara, despite the fact she & Ciara are staying with Jennifer while their roof is being repaired/replaced? (Gee, did not Abe just mention Theo staying with Hope & ciara??) They make plans to have a bite later, she leaves, he calls Jen for a favor.

Later, Hope arrives thru that park gate to find lots of twinkle lights over the shrubbery, a tent, fake campfire, Rafe, a lantern...yep, a campout close by. He even put police tape around the area to keep the public away. Lots of small talk, s'mores to munch on, laughing, talk of bucket lists. She wants to, among other things, master Alice's donut recipe, he wants to go to Egypt, ride a camel, visit Valley of the Kings. They laugh, she would go with him, he mentions loving kids, always hoped he'd have some. She notes how great he is with kids, listing how much he helped Ciara with different things when she was little, skating backwards, umpiring, pitching..but now, Rafe says, she is nearly a woman. They get ready to leave, hugs, and lots of kissing.

Replay of Kayla telling Theo the surgery went well (Huge kudos today to Kyler Pettis who plays Theo, terrific), letting him look thru the window, and Abe going into cardiac arrest. Kayla rushes in, pulls out the crash cart, the two doctors do the paddles, CPR, I believe a shot of Epydrine??..theo is trying to go into the room, yelling Dad, Dad, a nurse shuts the door, and later, there is Kayla telling Theo all is well, but no explanation of what happened, they are running tests to find out. Dr. Grant tells Kayla it was Aorta Stenosis, he will have to go back into surgery to fix the valve. Theo is beside himself, Abe awake, trying to calm his son down, promising never to leave him, he is going to be fine. Theo is back in the hall when Dr. Grant comes with papers for Abe to sign, Theo rushes in, don't sign, we have to get a different doctor. He is blaming everything on Dr. Grant, but Abe tells him he trusts her, that she did everything right, that what happened is his fault, he ignored his health while being busy with mayoral duties, being a father, etc. He explains about ignoring his heart, the valve that is not behaving right, and she is going to fix it. Theo doesn't trust her, doesn't want her, but Abe does. He signs the papers.

At the Kmansion, Brady & Justin are at the outside door, talking about Victor calling them for a meeting. Philip comes up, wonders why Victor has ordered them all there again, and then Sonny...who is tired of all this, opens the door. Maggie greets them, knows what this is about, has them all come in...where Victor & Deimos awaits. Everyone gets a glass of wine, Maggie some OJ, as Vic talks of his retirement from Titan. The guys laugh, they have all heard that before. Oh, but this time he means it, wants to spend all his time with this lovely lady now, they toast Maggie, who leaves them to their "talk".

To cut to the chase, Victor is giving the CEO job to Deimos, Brady, Philip, & Sonny will each have their own division, but report to Deimos, just as they used to do to him. Justin will be the corporate & personal counsel. This does not set well with the first 3, not at all. And Philip really blows up at his father. They all cannot believe Victor would put Deimos in charge over others (Philip especially referring to being the son...not the grandson, or nephew, but the son!) Brady's failed raid on the docks is brought up, Sonny helping him, Deimos hurting Maggie, taking away all Victor's assets, etc. etc. Philip storms out, Victor follows him, tells him he loves him, knows he has not been a good father, mentions his mother (Kate), Phil acknowledges that she doesn't treat him well either. Victor talks long and nice, really wants the family to pull together, etc. and wants his son there, but tells him to think it all over.

Vic goes back inside, tells everyone he talked to Philip, it is now up to him. Philip comes back in, hugs Victor. While Victor was outside, Deimos gave the others what appeared to be a genuine and sincere pep talk about needing them all, family comes first, etc. They all hesitate a bit, but everyone signs the contract/agreement.

Victor takes Justin aside, tells him he especially is needed, keeping an eye on everyone, sees the overall picture, see right thru any shenanigans, etc. He has a special contract for Justin, very generous. Vic is counting on him.

Maggie returns, says how much she & Victor have loved having them all there, Deimos chimes in as well.....that though the danger has ended, he would like them all to continue living there (Maggie mentions the HUGE house, all the rooms, etc. Brady calls Theresa, who is willing to do whatever Brady wants.Yep, one big, happy family.

As Abe is being wheeled out, past the nurses' station, Laslo comes in, Kayla's back is to him. He tells a nurse that he has had a very bad day, could she please direct him to the morgue.
Yep. Makes total sense. Let's make the guy who has been in prison for 30 years and has no business experience and who was responsible for Bo's death, the CEO of Titan and Victor's successor!

Does Victor have an ulterior motive, or has he gone senile?

That music at the end when everyone's signing the contract, though, it would suggest the Kiriakises may be headed to a Frank Lloyd Wright situation (Where they would all get gassed or burned alive in the house with no way out by Deimos).
Victor, you are being played. Deimos has not changed at all. It is all an act and he has fallen for it.

Completely agree. Though I'd like to believe Victor is not a fool and this is some type of setup to trap Deimos in the end. But I'll probably be proven wrong. So now they are trying to retcon Bo's kidnapping by saying that Deimos didn't know Bo was Victor's son?! I thought that was the entire motive behind it. Plus Deimos had cards on every member of Victor's immediate family once upon a time. I thought Bo was one of them. I do not like this at all.

I did like Philip standing up to Victor and calling him out on stuff. It's about time.

3rd day in a row where Rafe and Hope have dominated the show. Time for a rest. I too was puzzled about Hope and Ciara living with Jen. And why would a detective need to cover for a uniformed officer. Doesn't he walk the beat? Glad the topic of children was brought up. That should be a deal breaker for Rafe.

I happen to know quite a bit about this stuff. They said Abe had uncorrected aortic stenosis which is typically a form of congenital heart defect. I believe that is the same defect James Reynolds (Abe) has in real life. I know he had surgery several years ago so kudos to the show if they tied this in. Now normally a heart surgeon who specializes in heart defects would treat this, not the same surgeon who just removed bullet fragments from the heart. But this is Days and they don't do medical stuff right most of the time. So I'll get off my soapbox.:)
So, while I'm one of the few who do like Hope and Rafe together, I found today's camping thing totally ridiculous. Yeah, sure, Rafe could have done that privately, in Hope's or his backyard. But nooooo... Much better to do it near the Town Square ! :rolleyes: Nothing says romance like police tapes ! :sarcasm:

The rest ? It was OK I guess. Except I must say I don't like the women taking a step back and letting the men make all the decisions. And we've been seeing that a lot lately. Sure, Maggie didn't need to be there for the "passation des pouvoirs" as we say in French. The transfer of power, if you will. That, I can somewhat understand. But Theresa apparently saying that it was totally up to Brady where they should live? :eek: Hey Days writers, you know this IS 2016, right ? :angry:And I won't even go into Deimos' treatment of Nicole, and Maggie almost excusing it yesterday, saying "temper runs in family" while referencing Victor. So... that makes it OK ? Nope. :angry:

Lastly, how ridiculous is it to see Brady remind Deimos that he crippled Maggie... all the while forgetting the Theresa put his own father in a coma. Can we at least get some consistency ? Oh, wait... never mind... :rolleyes:
I really hope they don't turn Valerie into a Doc of all trades. They've established that she is a cardiac surgeon. So while that probably means we will be seeing more heart related injuries/illnesses, let's not see her doing other types of surgery anytime soon.

Daniel from the get go was a diagnostician/surgeon.:rolleyes: I still remember Victor introducing him before he even aired.:sick:

Also, about Valerie, I think it's a bit soon for her to be caressing Abe and Theo's faces.
Heck, St. Daniel was a specialist in every kind of surgery and medicine known to mankind. Organ transplants, heart surgery, lab research resulting in inventing cure/vaccine for heretofore unknown contagious disease, and even appendix removals using simple kitchen instruments.
I thought Hope and Rafe were really going to have a conversation about him wanting children and her not being the woman then. Still not a Rafe and Hope fan at all. I just don't see it.

And seriously Victor, Deimos had no idea who Bo was? Really? He knew who Chloe was. Seemed like he knew who everyone was - except Bo. Yeah, right.
Cannot believe I forgot to mention that, when Rafe & Hope were talking "bucket lists" one of Rafe's was to throw out the ball when the Cubs play in the World Series. Hope says..."that is impossible".

Just think......filmed 6 mos. ago, written maybe 8 or 9 mos. ago.......and lookee who is currently in the World Series....My Beloved CUBS
If Hope actually cares about Rafe, she would've talked to him about if he was sure he wanted to be with someone past the baby having age (women her age don't get pregnant, for the most part anyway). Or at least said they need to talk about that subject sometime. Instead she just says he is good with Ciara.
Cannot believe I forgot to mention that, when Rafe & Hope were talking "bucket lists" one of Rafe's was to throw out the ball when the Cubs play in the World Series. Hope says..."that is impossible".

Just think......filmed 6 mos. ago, written maybe 8 or 9 mos. ago.......and lookee who is currently in the World Series....My Beloved CUBS

As I die hard Cubs fan I loved that too!! But he did say they'd sweep and that can't happen. There was once a few months back they made reference to the Cubs playing I think it was Denver and they were! How do they do that? :clap:Watching now. Go Cubbies!!
I loved all the scenes with Theo. The young man playing him is doing a wonderful job.

It was fun to hear Rafe and Hope discuss the Cubs and the World Series. Maybe
Celeste is writing the scripts :)

I don't think any of us should be surprised that Valerie is going to be the "save the
day" doctor or maybe she's channeling Daniel. LOL

I was surprised Victor wasn't snarky to Philip when he left the house. It was nice to
see them hug. Will everyone get on the K-team and Deimos will do something later.

Will everyone still live in the mansion? It will save money with moving sets.

Why didn't Hope and Rafe discuss adopting kids?

So Laslo is still in Salem. Does he have plan?

Tomorrow starts November sweeps.
Yep. Makes total sense. Let's make the guy who has been in prison for 30 years and has no business experience and who was responsible for Bo's death, the CEO of Titan and Victor's successor!
My thought exactly. Either Victor has completely lost it or he secretly hates his family and wants them to make each other miserable for years to come with constant fighting and backstabbing . As for the proposed Kiriakis living arrangements with all of them residing at the K-mansion, it prompts the following take on a nursery rhyme: "There was a woman named Maggie who lived in a shoe, she had so many Kiriakises she didn't know what to do."
So, while I'm one of the few who do like Hope and Rafe together, I found today's camping thing totally ridiculous. Yeah, sure, Rafe could have done that privately, in Hope's or his backyard. But nooooo... Much better to do it near the Town Square !
Agree. The romantic twosome were lucky that somebody like Nanny Megan didn't come by and tell them bluntly: "This is a public park. For God's sake get a room." Also their happy, relaxed manner would seem to indicate that there's no such thing as Post-Aiden Stress Disorder ("PASD").
We're lucky Daniel's ghost didn't rise from the grave on Halloween night to fix the aorta.
Poor Abe was in dire need of Dr. McScruffy. Instead of enduring three heart operations in as many days (surely a Salem record) the mere touch of the unshaven super-surgeon's hand on his malfunctioning body would have healed the mayor instantly.
As I die hard Cubs fan I loved that too!! But he did say they'd sweep and that can't happen. There was once a few months back they made reference to the Cubs playing I think it was Denver and they were! How do they do that? :clap:Watching now. Go Cubbies!!

I've seen several things that make me wonder if Days isn't inserting some dialog at the last minute. Coincidence or wizard writers? LOL
I am a Victor fan and always have been. John Aniston (Victor) has always done a wonderful job of giving that character many dimensions. And Victor has never been anyone's fool. Let's hope at this late date, we don't see the writers making him a fool. I would really hate that character assassination. Maybe we don't always like his ruthless tactics, but that and being a loving, family man is who he is. I, for one, enjoy his humor and his strength.