Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 30, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Definitely is Halloween, as here come Eric & Nicole (blond ponytail wig – teen Barbie??) with Holly trick or treating at Kmansion. And there is Xander...making a lot of folks happy...dressed like George of the jungle, loin cloth & all....answering the door. Nicole takes Holly to see Gramma Maggie, while Eric chats with Xander. Of course Xander decides to let Eric know he is accompanying Sarah to the wedding tomorrow, causing Eric to give his stern warnings about leaving Sarah alone, blah, blah. Then Nicole returns, time for Xander to begin needling Nicole about Eric caring so much that he is taking Sarah to wedding, why is that? And more.

Gabi rushes into Rafe's room, what happened? Gets the lowdown, Rafe quite worried about David now. Meanwhile, Lani & Eli were all happy over their wedding tomorrow, Julie's recovery, etc. At least Eli was happy, he goes to see Julie, Lani, of course, has to do the entire flashback of Gabi threatening, then causing Julie's heart to race with the app on her phone. Lani questions Dr. Sarah (who amazingly is at the nurses' station)....or at least tries to, about the pacemaker. Sarah assures her Julie is fine, tachycardia does happen, even with one......but Lani has a question about the pacemaker itself. Oops, there is Gabi, flashing her phone, wondering what Lani could possibly want to know, all is well. Lani folds, of course, Gabi makes her innuendo remarks, as usual. Ends up telling Lani how she is going to love seeing the wedding.

Ben is trying to get the unconscious JJ to come to, finally does, hears what happens, searches house, no Jordan. He fills JJ in, wants to get him to hospital, check bleeding head, JJ will get there himself, go find Jordan.

Ciara tries to get rid of Jordan at her door, is fine, thanks for checking on me, but Jordan pushes door open. Tells of Rafe in hospital, worried about Ciara, knows Ben is responsible, claiming he tried to kill Ciara. Why don't you check his jacket pockets. Ciara is on to all this (mind you, all this while Jordan is holding the blanket covered baby carrier), but she takes Ben's jacket, feels in pocket, finds something, tis his lip balm. Jordan says to look in all the pockets, Ciara counters with why not let me hold David, you look. They go back and forth a bit, with Jordan trying to convince Ciara to come with her. Ciara finally agrees to leave, opens the door and there is Ben. He stands in doorway, telling Jordan he wants to help her, that all those years she helped and protected him when he was little, now it's his turn. Jordan seems to be moved, starts to come towards him, then shoves him aside, knocking both him and Ciara down, as she runs out the door. Ben makes sure Ciara is o.k. Goes after Jordan.

At the hospital, JJ comes in with his bleeding head, tells Eli & Lani what happened to him, the cupcakes, getting clocked, etc. Eli & Lani go to Ciara's, learn what happened there. Ben comes in, with the baby carrier & David........who is fine, he is safe. Jordan got away. Eli & Lani take David with them, to the hospital.

JJ & Gabi come into Rafe's room. Haley soon marches JJ off to get checked out, Rafe berates himself for being so stupid, not seeing what Jordan was up to.

Sarah is back at the Kmansion, Nicole says they came trick or treating, but then saw Xander, as she makes a face. Xander says Holly was happy to see him. Nicole says “it was the candy”. LOL.

Eli & Lani bring David in to see Rafe, who is overjoyed to see him. Gabi goes out, makes more cracks to Lani.

Sarah mentions leaving town day after wedding. Eric/Nicole leave with Holly. Xander asks suit or tux. Sarah laughs, as long as not a loin cloth. Eric/Nicole home, Holly in bed asleep, Nicole seems upset, she says Xander puts her in a bad mood. Eric kisses her neck, will help get her out of that mood.

Gabi assures Rafe he is a good man, helped her always with all the bad things that befell her. No need to berate himself not seeing what Jordan was doing.

Ben is also upset he was blinded by wanting to be a family with Jordan again, be a part of David's life. Ciara kisses him, he has always protected her, took care of her.

Jordan is running thru the park, stops, breathing heavily. No one takes away my son, no one. I will get him back, and there will be hell to pay.
I haven't watched or read the summary yet but I had my tv on, muted, when it switched to Days, to record. I watched part of the opening scenes without sound and I got so tickled at the looks of Xander, and watching the expressions on his and Eric's faces. Maybe I should try watching the whole show without sound?? Now I've got to read the summary and see what was being said.
I am glad that we saw that Jordan is still alive and that Ben didn't kill her. And, I am glad that everyone figured out the quality of care patients receive at Bayview and that she never should have been released. I wonder if this means that Rafe gets permanent custody of David, and, if so, is he next on Jordan't hit list or will she still be fixated on Ben?
Thanks for the summary. Now I'm convinced watching it on mute is better than hearing half the scenes be endless repetitions of what we've seen for days. Gabi and Lani harping on the pacemaker, Nicole and Xander about Sarah's pregnancy secret, Eric warning Xander to stay away from Sarah...

I am glad things are moving on the Jordan thing, and I still think Xander looked funny in his costume. Nicole looked cute in her '50s ponytail too.
and here they are.....

What in the world was Xander supposed to be? Tarzan? Days must be setting up for the big twist and I have to miss tomorrow's show. Darn! I might record it because I don't want to get anymore confused than I already am. If I don't watch, Friday's show may not make sense. Not that many shows make sense, but the twist is getting ready to unravel!
Tomorrow is supposed to be a "stand alone" Halloween episode. No idea what they mean by that, unless it is that it either is unrelated to current storylines or won't move any along.
That said........Not a good Tarzan at all, Johnny Weismuller would be laughing so hard at the thought.
Xander: His Halloween Tarzan look may not be the biggest hit on this board, but if he takes his act to Salem's bars and clubs all the partying hotties will be swooning over his physique.

Eric: Why does the sourpuss still talk to Xander (aka Mr. Passive-Aggressive)? The X-man knows just how to push all his buttons, leaving him looking more miserable than when he first arrived. And what was Eric doing wearing that black-leather jacket? Has he joined a motorcycle gang -- perhaps one whose members are ex-priests that's named something like the Fallen Fathers M.C.?

Nicole: She looked good as a '50s teen. It's a good thing for Eric this really isn't 1956. He'd be sitting around looking miserable as Nicole swoons over Elvis and then dumps him for the guy with the fastest hot rod in Salem.

Lani: Some cop she is. Hasn't she ever heard of holding sensitive conversations in a secure location? Her conversation about the deadly pacemaker should have been held in a locked office, not at the nurses' station where every idiot in Salem can, and probably will, wander by and eavesdrop.
No, they were just in generic 50's outfits, as was Holly, who was briefly seen.

On a side note, Olivia Newton John has been doing the talk show rounds to promote an auction she's having to benefit cancer research (and I think her cancer center, too). One of the outfits on the auction block is the black leather jacket and pants she wore at the end of Grease. She had them on The Talk with her today, along with the 50's looking prom dress she wore to the Grease premier.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wonder how many viewers would want to knock on the K mansion's door to
see Xander
in his outfit or lack of one? :)

I'm glad we saw Holly trick or treating today.

Today Rafe and Jordan found out Ari changed the names on the cupcakes. I hope someone
will protect Ari from Jordan.

Eli told David "here's your dad" when he brought him to Rafe.
I'm really confused by why Jordan is so fixated on Ciara and Ben. I get that mental illness isn't always logical but she just seems all over the place with not enough explanation.

Gabi and Lani are officially annoying. Make it stop. Ditto to anything with Sarah. Xander isn't doing her any favors.

Nicole's skirt looked see-through but then they hardly showed her full body after the first scene. I do love her with long hair though. It's so much more flattering.

Is Rafe going to legally adopt David now or will the biological father pop up?

I thought Rafe should have called Hope considering Jordan tried to kill Ciara. I would think Hope would want to know he was poisoned as well. Otherwise, so far I like the flow of this story and how it has unraveled. Though I could do without Ben being the hero.

I wonder if Ben threatened Jordan with not bringing her to Bayview in exchange for the baby.

Eli and Lani should get an award for most nonchalant reaction to a crime I've ever seen