Days of Our Lives - Wed., ., Oct. 31, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

from Days of Our Lives today! I absolutely cannot do justice to this episode, a stand alone one, you truly have to see for yourselves.

Howe ver, it opens with Hattie struggling under her blankets, waking from a nightmare, John coming in, telling her to get dressed, they are going home. Hope arrives, with Eli, wants them to see something, it is Kristen, sprawled on the floor, dead, her head bashed in, the numbers 666 written on her forehead. Scenes mesh into one another, they are at the Frankenstein house (DiMansion) as Hattie calls it, because Abigail needs to see her. Stefan lets them in, has heard about Kristen, takes John to smoke a cigar, Abby brings tea, wants Marlena to hypnotize her, (of course Hattie doesn’t know how) so Abby suggests stirring the tea in a cup, saw it in a movie, lol. Abby feels perhaps Stefan is not father of her baby, neither is Chad. In come Julie & Doug, (remember, this is now a dream) Julie wearing a kerchief around her head, talking like Rhoda Morgenstern.

Lots of silly stuff, Eli arrives, wants to go check the secret room, does so, we hear shots, everyone ducks behind furniture, Stefan & John rush in, Eli comes up, all shaken, saw someone, cannot remember the face, now his turn to get hypnotized via tea stirring. Abby goes into labor, they say Hattie as Marlena will have to deliver, she evidently passes out, goes to see Abby on the sofa, baby in buggy, she lifts the net over it, yep, that baby has the face of Andre, who comes into the room. Abby has not seen the baby yet, Andre takes it upstairs, Rolf appears, so does Hope, he turns her into Princess Gina, (the room is getting crowded) who now wants John, Hattie tells her off. She wants to shoot “Marlena”. It really all gets jumbled and you have to see this. Kristen shows up, not really dead, that was Susan who dressed up like her, killer mistook her, and eventually a hooded figure arrives. There is something or other about anagrams telling you who the killer really is (lots of dead have come to life, lol) John Paul Xavier………….yep, that spells Anjelica Deveraux supposedly, (not quite to my mind). So the hooded figure is really Anjelica, but wants to be called by what others call her……..Satan. Voice changes, eyes are red. Laughter. She wants Marlena, Hattie protests, she is really Hattie Adams, John is not going to let her do that, steps in front, Satan smashes him with a cocktail shaker, blood spatters onto Marlena’s face. Rolf comes in carrying the baby, everyone crowds taking pics with their phone, Abby wants to see her child, Julie makes room, Abby gasps, what have you done, how could you people do this…….and there is Marlena in her hospital bed, fighting to get out from under the covers, waking from her nightmare, yelling, John comes in. She doesn’t want to be Marlena, she wants a divorce. When the credit come on, we hear a scream. LOL

There is so much more……as I said, I cannot do justice, you gotta see for yourself, you will laugh, eye roll, chuckle, grin.
Thanks Poirot. I know some do not like these stand alone episodes because they do not progress storylines or for what ever other reasons, but I like them. I like to see characters be given material that is out of their everyday character and am sure it is a blast for the actors too.

Can't wait to see this.
Well, Muzza, yesterday, Hattie was refusing to give John a divorce, no way, no on that front, there was a bit of movement. Hattie now absolutely does not want to be Marlena Evans, she wants a divorce.
Deidre Hall does a great job today, especially when things are brought up that Hattie knew nothing about. Like being possessed by the devil, or having to hypnotize people. Julie is a hoot with that accent. Anjelica is being played by Judith Chapman, who does a fab job of it. John & Hattie do the anagrams at the Pub, made me laugh as there is no D or C in John Paul Xavier, No P or O in Anjelica Deveraux......but, heck, tis a dream. Anything goes and nothing makes sense. LOLOL
Julie wearing a kerchief around her head, talking like Rhoda Morgenstern.
I think she's supposed to be Minnie from the movie Rosemary's Baby.

O.K. never saw that, did not want to. Actually, the whole show does bits from various things. I know Hattie mentions a guy with a mustache when Abby is in her trance....then changes her mind, muttering that is Tom Selleck. There are references to a couple of NBC prime time programs......The Good Place was one,
Thank you, Poirot.

This sounds like a hoot with nods to the show's history. I bet the NBC suits wanted those current show references thrown in.

Will watch on streaming this weekend when I can sit to watch it straight through.

JS, Minnie from Rosemary's Baby makes more sense since the baby has a different father. The choice of Andre made me laugh at my desk.
The hypnosis via tea stirring is probably a reference to Get Out, at least that's where I've seen it. And just so there's no confusion Get Out is the actual name of the movie I saw the tea stirring in I wasn't actually trying to tell any to Get out. LOL
First off I know some were against the Halloween episode but I found it entertaining. I liked how Hattie told Princess Gina she needs to love herself and she drops John like a fly. I loved all the Get Out references as well, only Hattie would dream of a movie reference. Great acting all around today!
Good to know you has some real laughs writing up the summary Poirot. This episode sounds creatively written and well staged and acted. It will be my relaxed viewing late tonight. :clap:
I loved it! So Rosemary's Baby. Julie and Doug were great as Minnie and Roman (Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer).
And Stefan was a hoot doing Guy (John Cassavetes), as was Rolf as Dr Saperstein (Ralph Bellamy).
And the Tannis root reference had me laughing out loud!
And everyone taking selfies with the "baby"!!!! I'm still laughing
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