Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 4, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
I'm not sure how many minutes. Approximately 23 of them are wasted.

Pub - Philip and Rex are seated. Philip recaps the Victor-will situation. Rex laments the Xander situation. They recap things such as Philip's embryonic kidnapping and Xander's terrorizing of EJ's mother. Rex isn't mad at Chloe for her reveal. Rex asks about Chloe, who overheard Philip's love declaration for her as well. Philip says Chloe seems to want to be in a relationship with him again and has forgiven him for his actions against Brady. Rex has always rooted for Philip & Chloe. Philip never wants to be an obsessive criminal again (Ed. note: yet again disappointing his daddy, to be sure). Rex thinks it odd that they both are waiting for the women they love to pick them over Xander.

Cook-Lane Apartment - Chloe is talking to her mom on the phone, worried about Xander. He arrives. He slept at the office because yesterday was so crazy. Chloe is relieved. She's moving out. Xander doesn't want that; he's grateful that she's strong and honest (proven by her immediate disclosure of Victoria's paternity). He still wants to be with Chloe, but can't leave town now (he talked with a custody lawyer). Chloe no longer wants to be with him because Philip never stopped loving her. She never stopped loving him either (since she thought he was dead all this time). She needs time to figure things out. She loves Xander, but acknowledges that their love affair started because they weren't over the stepsiblings (Philip & Sarah).

DiMansion - EJ tells some thug who was keeping an eye on the hitwoman that he's now the hitwoman's lawyer. EJ engages the thug to kill Ava. The thug questions this since many want EJ put away. EJ waited too long to avenge his mother. He also wants Xander dead and to frame Rex Brady for it. EJ has no feelings about Rex, but he's the obvious patsy since the paternity reveal.

Crummy Dungeon Room - Ava wants Susan to get the three of them (includes Harris) out since her psychic message lured them here. They want her to send a psychic message to someone. "Comedy" ensues for a few minutes before Susan gets a flash of the action in the flat's living room. The room is soundproofed. More "comedy" from Susan while Ava worries about the impending death of Tripp. They need to find a way out. Susan prays. Harris breaks the chain.

Crumb Flat - Rafe and Tripp talk tough with Edmund. They want to look around; he won't have that. He pulls a gun on them. He doesn't want them to find his guests, who are the people they're looking for. Tripp reveals he's Ava's son. Edmund plans to kill Tripp. There's some blather about how Susan left him. Edmund can't decide in what order to kill them. Who knows how long this standoff lasts before Harris busts out of the dungeon room and disables Edmund.

Crummy Dungeon Room - Ava laments while Susan babbles about her prayer. They hear a shot. Back in the living room of the flat, Edmund shot the ground. Harris hands over the gun to Rafe. Rafe calls Scotland Yard. Harris takes Tripp to find Ava in the dungeon, where Tripp sees Susan's alive. They go back to the living room. Rafe can't believe Susan's alive. They discuss the two mystery men who grabbed Susan, and took her to London. Susan is worried that the men who grabbed her is still on the loose, and her brain is empty of information about who they could be.

THE NEXT DAY [text on-screen]
Private Area - Thug calls EJ at DiMansion and says he's just texted Rex.

Pub - Kate and Rex are arguing about Victoria. He gets "Xander's" text and dashes away.

Cook-Lane Apartment - Chloe has packed. Xander guesses this is it. She'll get the rest of her things some other time. Xander says she'll always have a place here. He gives her the dartboard. He'll never be angry with her. They embrace tearfully. She leaves.

Police Station - Tripp thanks Rafe for allowing his mom to handle things. Rafe's not doing it for kindness, but to nail EJ. He feels Michaels and Ava should be locked up.

DiMansion Living Room Area - EJ is in a schnazzy dressing gown/robe. After speaking with the thug (see above), he tells his daddy's portrait he's about to succeed in killing Ava and Xander. Ava enters from the outside-side door. She's planning to end their little standoff. EJ asks how. At the main doors to the living room area, Harris reveals Susan.

Private Area - Philip and Chloe meet. She tells him she's leaving town.

Cook-Lane Apartment - The thug is dressed as a gas man and tells Xander there's a leak in the building that can't wait. He enters the apartment. Moments later, Rex arrives and befuddles Xander. The thug (whom the credits seem to list as "Bronson" although there's no in-universe confirmation of that) fiddles with his gun in a suitcase. END
Xander and Chloe can work. I'm not sure why she's leaving the show. Big mistake.

The filming/writing delay strikes again. EJ fans were clamouring for this when Susan's death aired, but now it seems out of step and illogical. Suddenly EJ wants vengeance? Dumb.

Very odd to see Kate in just one scene. I'm not complaining, it just seems like a waste of a paycheck.
Thanks Jason. Ater reading the summary I'll head off to work safe in the knowledge I can skip this day of actual viewing. I had enough of Susan yesterday. She's best in small doses.

The fired guy really broke this system and the owner guy really needs to start paying attention to his "legacy".
Suddenly Rex is involved with EJ? That’s confusing. Not interesting, but I’ll probably watch to see how that’s set up.

Chloe is always the victim of poor story planning and/or rushed entries and exits. She seems super variable in her affections: Philip, Brady, Stefan, Brady, Xander, then back to Philip.

I really liked her and Xander. It was my favorite pairing for him and a fresh romance for her. Then, Gwen, and Sarah is dead last. Heck, except for her recent reconciliation with Johnny, I’d rather see Chanel as an option. I hate seeing him “destined” to be with someone who will never accept him. It’s giving me Nicole and Eric vibes. Yuck.
Great job, Jason, thank you!

I believe today's show is 35 minutes.

I don't think EJ will reach the thug in time to call off the hit, as he is in shock over seeing Mommy Weirdest and not thinking about what he set in motion.

Not on Team Rex but don't want him to get framed nor shot, certainly don't want Xander shot. Hoping someone gets the gun away from the thug. Thinking that the gun just goes off and Rex is hit, the thug will disappear, and Xander will be blamed. Since he and Rex have been fighting, this scenario is believable, unfortunately.

Heartbreaking scene between Choe and Xander. But she did the right thing telling Xander about Victoria. Others might not have been so forthcoming. Chloe put Xander before her own happiness. However, since she admitted that she never got over Philip, she really can't commit to a relationship, so maybe it's for the best.
Given the direction they are taking EJ, I am all the more disturbed that they have paired Nicole with him. I've never liked EJ, and Nicole has long been a favorite character, so of course I don't like this pairing. BUT, if EJ is getting into even darker ways, I really want Nicole as far away from him as possible.
Rex isn't "involved with EJ". EJ just wants Xander dead because he thinks his mother is dead because of Xander, and told the thug to make it look like Rex did it because the paternity reveal makes it easy. Rex is just being used by EJ so his thug doesn't get in trouble.

Chloe and Xander were the best pairing. I'm sad about the way this story is turning. Also looks like the thug is going to kill Xander. Is that actor leaving the show as well? I sure hope it's not in this way.
Given the direction they are taking EJ, I am all the more disturbed that they have paired Nicole with him. I've never liked EJ, and Nicole has long been a favorite character, so of course I don't like this pairing. BUT, if EJ is getting into even darker ways, I really want Nicole as far away from him as possible.
I so agree with you! EJ does nothing for me.
Pity poor Xander — Chloe foolishly ended their relationship. The King of Dorks, Rexy, repeatedly trashed him, and idiot EJ sent a hired one of his inept hired killers after him. I’d be concerned about the X-Man, but EJ’s killers are generally even more incompetent than he is.

Edmund Crumb appears to be so dumb that maybe EJ might want to hire him. Like most “Days” would-be murderers, he talked so much that the good guys had time to take him down. Now the wacky Brit will face charges for kidnapping, false imprisonment, and illegal firearms possession. He’ll probably end up doing a stretch at Wormwood Scrubs, a London-area prison. I hope he likes it there.

All hail the mighty Harris for his heroics today. Maybe now, he’ll be seen as a conquering hero instead of the boring dud from the ISA.
Thanks, Jason.

I laughed when Susan was praying for Harris to find the "Weakest Link" to break the chain.

How did Harris know to come in the front door when he escaped to take the gun from from Edmund? I'm
assuming the room they were in had a door to the hallway.

Poor Xander. He still wants Chloe, but she's leaving him and told Philip she's leaving Salem.

Is EJ going to the dark side since he's wearing dippity do?

Will Xander and Rex realize the "gas man" really works for EJ?

Since Susan is back, will EJ call off the hit in time?