Days of Our Lives - Wed. Oct. 6, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010
Episode #ll,433 Taped 8/9 Director – Phil Sogard

Today we have a mystery, because after about 10 minutes, my tape just went blank, showing only the icon that appears when nothing is being broadcast. I ran it all the way thru to the end, and tho Y&R comes on after Days, even that did not appear. It was not cold enough to last night to cause the problem, so, I have no idea what happened.

Here is all I got.
A new day dawned in Salem, Brady & Nicole are in bed, he wakes first, starts kissing her neck, asking if she is awake, and how did she sleep. Badly, as someone kept trying to wake her up during the night. She smiles, saying then she tried to wake him up, but he said another woman’s name, turning her off. LOL, as it was Vivian. They talk about her a bit, and having to decide what to do. Neither one wants her dead, but the minute they let her out, she will be seeking revenge, trying to kill them, perhaps shoving them off a roof, or poisoning hair ornaments. LOL. Nicole doesn’t want to go back to Statesville, and she doesn’t want Brady to go either, so they have to think of a plan.

Vivian is also trying to figure a plan, calling out to Gus, she seems to have heard his voice, but the screen is blank. She remembers giving him a remote, in fact two, and is happy he seems to have turned one on. We get to see Gus, sitting with some pretty woman on the edge of a bed, the camera moves to the floor where his backpack or soft duffle sits, obviously where the remotes reside. Viv can hear music, wonders what the racket is.

Maggie appears at Victor’s, rather angry, tells him it was pretty lousy of him to scuttle Philip & Melanie’s plans to buy their own home. Victor wants to have Henderson make coffee, Maggie is in no mood for coffee & small talk. She doesn’t know why Victor is more or less forcing the couple to move in with him, but thinks it was pretty lousy of him what he did. She has said her piece….marches out.

Nathan talks to Stephanie a bit about wishing he did not know that Chloe cheated on Daniel (they are in her apt.). He overheard, is clearly upset. Stephanie asks him why it bothers him so much….then says never mind, she knows, it is cuz of Melanie.

Chloe & Daniel sit on the sofa in their apt., happy it is their wedding day. Everything is going to be perfect, etc. They have had a few bumps along the way to today, but oh, happy day.

Melanie is in Maggie’s kitchen, clearly upset, pondering what to do, knowing her father is getting married. She makes a decision, calls him, says they have to talk. Daniel is short on time, invites her over for breakfast with him & Chloe….no thanks. He mentions having to pick Chloe’s parents and sister up at the airport in an hour, and lots of things to do…Melanie is tearful, won’t be put off. He finally agrees….and she asks him to promise her they will talk privately today…before the wedding.

And that is where the tape cut off. Sorry folks.

Thanks Barb you do an awesome thing for us fans. It wouldn't be the "moderen world without a computer glitch now and then!
I appreciate even the bit that you got. You are awesome to do this!

I like the Brady and Nicole pairing with the Vivian thing. Nicole is great at conniving so she should be an asset :)
Oh Wow. Nancy, Graig and Joy are back. I love Nancy and Graig. Wonder if the wedding will be today or a long drawn out affair. Thanks for the write up Poirot.
Poirot thanks for all the posting you do!! Cant wait to see this weeks write up via itunes on Sat night
Wonder if we'll actually see Craig, Nancy and Joy?

Loved the little girl who played Joy for Chloe and Brady's wedding. She was adorable.
Have not read a word about Nancy & Craig appearing, so am guessing they are going to have a flight delay or something.

Perhaps one of our Canadian friends will chime in this afternoon, and just tell us if the wedding happens, or if Melanie spills the beans to Daniel.
Oh give me a break.... come on request a meeting AND spilling the beans all in the same day.... I'm sure they can drag this out till Thursday at least so you can have the at the alter show down.... AND the baby arriving cliffhanger....

Either way it goes... Thanks so much for posting the amount of the show you did get to see.... I really do appreciate it.... even if I'm a bit snarky today I really want this beyond horrible and over used story line to end....
Thank you for posting what you saw...that was so sweet.

Some of us enjoy the Philip/Melanie./carly/Daniel/Chloe stuff the best, and are looking forward to all the impending drama.

My husband watches Days with me (when I rope him into it), but I only make him watch the Kiriakis side. The other day I made him watch a few ENTIRE episodes. And he whined the whole time, saying all these other people are boring, can we please go back to just watching the Kiriakis storyline? So there is proof there, that some think this is the best part of the show. I personally think that side is far more compelling and better written.

So thank you again for posting.
Perhaps one of our Canadian friends will chime in this afternoon, and just tell us if the wedding happens, or if Melanie spills the beans to Daniel.

I can spill you all the beans when I get home from work today! LOL
As it is now 10:00, my time, I won't be able to do it until 5:00 my time.
My husband watches Days with me (when I rope him into it), but I only make him watch the Kiriakis side. The other day I made him watch a few ENTIRE episodes. And he whined the whole time, saying all these other people are boring, can we please go back to just watching the Kiriakis storyline? So there is proof there, that some think this is the best part of the show. I personally think that side is far more compelling and better written.

So thank you again for posting.

Same thing here Slyn! My husband gets such a kick out of Victor, but hates the whole SamiEJRafe situation as well as DanielChloeMelaniePhillip story.

He does like to watch Stephanie on screen lots too as he thinks she is the prettiest girl on Days. LOL
That's why when I record Days, I record the show, I record two copies of the show of two different NBC networks. Actually where I live I have access to three NBC stations and each airs Days at three different times. I only use two of the three for the show.
There are times when I am glad that I recorded two copies because too much breaking news missed too much of the show. Also I have managed to screw one of the copies myself where I need two copies.
Just a thought, but what if Daniel switched the paternity tests? That would blow all the secrets out of the water and end this stupid, stupid storyline.
We already know that Ian checked out Daniel and he has apparently been ruled out.
Ah, but what if he used the hospital computer because he had access to it? heck, Ian only checked his phone.
True enough. I still think that Ian did it. For Stephanie.