Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 1, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Episode #11,409 Taped 6/24 Director – Albert Alarr

Down on the pier, Nicole is trying to reason with EJ, who is blaming her for all that has gone wrong for him today. She gives it right back to him, reminding him of what he did himself, but EJ is accepting no blame for anything. She talks of the grief and misery he put Sami through, her family, his family. How he took Sydney away from her mother and those who loved her, kept her away for months. How Johnny had to watch his mother being sad…..EJ is insisting he told Johnny everything would be o.k., but Nicole reminds him that Johnny had to see everyone sad & upset. She asks if this is how a DiMera is raised, to lie, cheat, be mean. EJ is yelling at Nicole to shut up, but she keeps it up. Finally he sits on Benchie, quietly telling Nicole he is sorry, he really is not angry at her, etc. She comes closer to him, he jumps up, grabs her by the throat with one hand, shouting at how he told her FOUR times to shut up, but she wouldn’t, now she will for keeps. Daniel comes round the corner, shoves EJ away from Nicole, tells him there is nothing he knows how to deal with drunks, and won’t hesitate to do so. EJ leaves.

Stefano & Kate are in the study, she is still harping on making sure Will knows she had no knowledge of EJ’s plot. Stefano insists he will fix it all. EJ comes roaring in, telling Kate to get out, then telling his father to get her out of here, we have family business to discuss. Stefano says nothing, Kate gives EJ a few choice words, then leaves. Stefano sticks up for Kate, and then Elvis tells him about the CD, how Nicole recorded it, gave it to Rafe, who played it for Sami. Stefano is surprised at this turn of events, his mind is racing, as EJ continues on, how he is going to take his children and disappear with them.

Sami & Rafe are talking in bed, she worries about EJ, that he will never stop. Rafe talks of Sami getting sole custody of the children, reminds her she has the disk, they do not have to go to court, just meet with EJ, ask him if he really wants Johnny to hear it, or Sydney when she gets older. He figures it will all be o.k. Sami is still nervous and upset, Rafe suggests some medicinal brandy, goes to get it. Sami’s phone rings, it is Kate, telling her that she just overheard EJ telling Stefano he is taking his children and disappearing with them tomorrow. Sami hangs up as Rafe returns, but yep, lies and says it was her gramma.

Meanwhile, Gramma is talking with Will, trying to get him to understand that the DiMeras lie through their teeth, that Stefano has not changed, that his mom was hoodwinked into moving into the mansion. Will is rather stubbornly refusing to believe her it seems, telling his gramma she has no proof.

Nicole sits with Daniel on Benchie, holding her throat, realizing that indeed, EJ wants to kill her, she is not safe. She thanks Daniel, who has called someone, making sure George will be back, tells him what a good guy he is, Chloe lucky to have him, talks of being in love with EJ at one time, in spite of him being so bad, comments how happy they were in the beginning, then breaking down as she remembers things changing after she had the miscarriage. She is crying on Daniel’s shoulder, George comes along, apologizing, asking if they are o.k. Nicole has told Daniel what EJ did in re: Sydney, how she recorded it, blackmailed him then gave the disk to Rafe. She knows her love of money has made her make wrong decisions, is crying again. They all go back to the apt., Chloe is gone, Nicole wants a drink, Daniel fixes one for them both, they sip a bit, talk, he goes to bed. She fixes herself another, takes a swig from the bottle to boot.

Stefano has suggested to Kate they get out of the house, maybe spend the night on the yacht, she wonders how wise it would be to leave EJ all alone. He will be fine, replies Stefano. They go to the Pub, Stefano again assuring Kate he is going to fix everything..adding because he loves her. He turns to go inside, Kate follows, muttering how all DiMeras do is lie. Stefano asks Caroline if William is there, but our feisty Brady mom tells him it is too late, William knows everything and Stefano is not going to be able to sway Will again.

EJ is screaming at someone to just get out (guessing it must be Harold or Mary or perhaps both), returns to the study, wandering around it aimlessly. He fixes himself another drink, flashing back to them all playing cards one night, looking at a set of framed pictures…..him & Sami, EJ & Johnny, Sami & Johnny, and one of Sydney all by herself. (and nary a glimpse of Allie or Will). He is alternately appearing angry, sad, mad, dejected, upset as he wanders. He flashes back to Sami’s tirade as she threw the ring at him, saying he would never see his children again. He starts to leave, goes back and opens the drawer in a table, taking out a gun. He goes upstairs, into what had been Sami’s bedroom, fingering the white nighty on the bed, looking at the picture sitting on the bedside table that Johnny drew of his “family”.

Rafe is sound asleep, Sami kisses his neck, then his shoulder, saying he has done so much for her already, she cannot let him get into any trouble because of her. She slips out bed, and is next coming into DiMansion, yelling for EJ, asking where are you. She goes into other rooms.
Upstairs, EJ is sort of playing with the gun, not playing, but handling it as if he is not sure what he wants to do. At first, we see him full on, but then we see his reflection in a full length mirror that stands across from the bed. Finally, he sobs slightly, takes a few deep breaths, grimaces, and puts the gun to his head.
Sami cannot find EJ downstairs, so heads upstairs, enters the bedroom, sees him apparently asleep on the bed. She yells at him to wake up, he is not taking her kids away from her, but there is no response. She sees the gun in his hand, stares at it, then takes it out of his hand. She turns away, and starts having flashbacks..of EJ telling her the ransom was a hoax, their baby was dead, then of him telling her he loved her, of Kate telling her what EJ was planning, the voices repeating over and over, all jumbling together. She turns, holding the gun with both hands, aiming at EJ….and fires.

Sami loses it. I can't wait to see this one. I think in her mind this is the only way to rid herself of EJ. Thanks for the write-up. Sounds like another great episode
I read after Sami leaves and Rafe is sleeping Rafe calls out Sami's name did you see that Barb. I have noticed they have done that a few times with Rafe when Sami is about to do something or in trouble he gets bad feelings or immediately thinks about her... I love that.
All Rafe does, while asleep, is turn over and murmur her name. That is all.
Umm huh, remember when she yes to EJ's engagement he had a bad feeling... She's left and about to do a stupid, but we see him mumble her name... it's very interesting.

I wonder to myself, why does Stefano leave EJ alone, makes no sense.
Thanks Barb! Wonderful summary!!

I kinda wish they would have gone another route than having Sami shoot EJ! I dont know what..but wish it was something else.
ooh, sounds soooo good, I need to hurry and get caught up so I can watch this one right away. I think I'm only 2 or 3 episodes behind now.
Wow, I'm surprised it's moving along so quickly! When I saw the leaked footage of the Sami/EJ scene on YouTube, I figured it wouldn't air until much later in September.
Thanks for the wonderful write-up Barb!!! Terrific as always!

I have to ask - do they give any indication as to WHY EJ didn't wake up? I know you said they show him with a gun to his head, but is there any thing to indicate that he pulled the trigger?

The reason I ask is that while this episode sounds wonderful, I may have to sit it out b/c of the EJ scene with the gun. I had a guy friend who committed suicide b/c his wife ran off with thier daughter after a fight and then later called him and said that he would never see his daughter again. That she was leaving and he would never be able to find them. He was a wonderful person who wouldn't hurt anyone and his daughter was his world and it devastated him.

I have had one other suicide and a murder made to look like a suicide to deal with so this part of the story line really hits a hard spot for me.
EJ is just laying there, his head turned to the right, so we don't see anything.
ooh, sounds soooo good, I need to hurry and get caught up so I can watch this one right away. I think I'm only 2 or 3 episodes behind now.

I am like 11 behind, too much traveling. Just to think, I was caught up at the end of July. Guess I need to do a marathon tonight. :D
I'm glad it's moving quickly as well. I think they knew the audience has had enough of this S/L and it needs to go in another direction or something!
Thanks for the summary - Sounds Great!! It's about time that Sami finally takes the initiative in her own life again instead of depending on someone else to fix things for her. I hated the way she was written for so long as being in the backseat to her own life. It used to be that Rafe would find out info about Sami's kids, keep it from her and take matters into his own hands; I'm so glad to see TPTB finally letting Sami drive her own stories again. What better way to demonstrate that change than doing the exact reverse of the entire babyswitch/sydnap storylines - this time Sami is the one who is in the know, she gets to decide what info to share and she gets to be the one to take action to protect herself and her kids. Way to go Days!!!
What a great write-up. Thanks so much for doing it. I love reading them everyday. :)

Why oh why does Sami feel the need to lie to Rafe once again? The guy would move mountains for her yet she feels the need to lie to him about Kate saying EJ will take the kids? She should have just been honest and let him help her handle the situation. She's really her own worst enemy.