Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 16 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Episode #11,166 Taped 8/3/09 Director – Albert Alarr

Mia has told Will she never was in rehab, that actually she was pregnant, and had a baby. He asks where the baby is, she says she can’t tell him cuz she gave it up for adoption, it was a closed adoption, but does say it was a little girl He realizes this is why she was so drawn to Grace, and sympathetic to his mom when she first said she adopted Grace. Will asks if there is anything else Mia lied to him about, she gets a “look” on her face, and he abruptly gets up, saying he is out of there. Mia goes to her computer, there is a knock at the door, she rushes expecting it to be Will, only it is Chad. He wanted to see her, can’t stop thinking about her, asks what she is writing on her computer (what the heck business is it of his??), she closes it, saying “none of your business. They go back and forth a bit, he leaves. Now she is again writing in her “diary”, saying she should just send this to everyone and be done with it, she is tired of the secrets, or maybe just delete it.

Nicole is talking with Brady, and is upset. He keeps warning her to keep her voice down, as he fills her in on Mia’s thoughts about telling Will. Rafe is listening, while hiding in the shrubbery, but only hears them talking in generalities about Mia not telling anyone, mentioning Sydney’s name a couple of times. Rafe moves to a different spot, making a noise, Brady checks the spot, figures it must have been an animal. Nicole is anxious, Mia just cannot do this, finally saying to Brady that EJ can never find out she had a miscarriage. They both leave, Rafe steps out, standing next to Benchie…..Miscarriage?? When did Nicole have a miscarriage?? (Too bad someone doesn’t put a bug under Benchie, bet they would get an earful or two, lol)

Mia gets another knock on her door, this time an angry Nicole comes in. She is spouting off about how Mia cannot tell Will, too late, she already did. Now Nicole is really upset, tho Mia tells her she never told him where the baby was, that it was a closed adoption. She assures Nicole Will is a good guy, won’t tell anyone, as he promised. Ha. Just like Mia did…..Mia does admit Will got upset and just left. Now Nicole sees what Mia has been writing on the computer, and has a fit. Mia quickly says the reason it is all hi-lighted is she was going to delete it, and goes over, presses a key, says, see, it is done. Nicole is still upset, warning Mia that if this all comes out, Sydney would be yanked away from her & EJ, probably put into foster care, is this what she wants for her?

And over at the DiMera mansion, EJ sits in his purple silk pajamas….ones he was NOT wearing when he first woke up….telling Sydney in her playpen how he doesn’t blame mommy for getting up, probably going out for a walk, is undoubtably still mad at him, he did treat her badly, he loves her so much, he is going to try calling her and tell her again he is sorry. Ooops, cannot tell voice mail one is sorry. Let’s see, usually mommy finds a walk in the park is what makes her feel better, so Sydney, how about we go to the park and see if we can find her.
And next we see EJ sitting with Sydney in the Java Café, talking of being unable to find Mommy, as a dejected Will comes in. Now please do not ask me why Will would suddenly confide in EJ, but, when EJ asks him what is wrong, Will mournfully tells about breaking up with Mia, and it is because she lied about something to him. EJ wants to know what, but Will just asks him what he would do if Nicole told him a big lie, one that would affect them, plus a lot of other people as well. (in case we don’t “get the point”, the camera pans over to Sydney, lol). EJ ponders, but evades replying, instead telling Will that perhaps he should just tell him what it was that Mia lied about.

Switch over to Salem Hospital, where Lucas is telling Lexie he knows who administered that dose of poison to Chloe, and he is looking right at them. She glances over to Nathan & Melanie, as they come over, Melanie babbling how it was her alone, she learned in nursing class how sometimes antidotes for certain poisons are actually doses of the same poison, or one similar. LOL, as she is really babbling, but Nathan shuts her up, saying it was him, he administered the dose, for the same reasons Melanie just game. Lexie knows Daniel must have put him up to it, tells how he asked her but she refused, and proceeds to call the police. Mel & Nathan talk, she wonders if maybe they actually helped Daniel try to kill Chloe. Roman has come up, asks if that is a confession. He is going to have to take them down to the station, Lucas asks him to wait up a bit, a nurse comes out, urging Dr. Carver to come into Chloe’s room immediately.

In the sleazy motel room, Daniel is taunting Kate with the tape of her confession, playing a bit of it. She tries to get it away from him, but cannot. He shoves her on the bed, and now rants at her and what she has done. Kate talks of Chloe betraying her so, but Daniel is right back with no, not after they were married, she was true to him, and he kept his distance. They argue, he rants, she raves, he taunts, she tries to make him think they can get him off without implicating her. He tells her she is a homicidal maniac, and guilty of pre-meditated attempted murder, mentioning all the things Kate did to pin Chloe’s poisoning on him. He lets her know he has given chloe an antidote dose, but Kate knows Chloe only rallied a bit, and sunk back into the coma. He knows that, which is why he arranged for another, a larger dose. He is now going to the police, turns his back on her, as she grabs some sort of round ball object off a dresser and smacks him on the back of his head, down he goes. She spots the tape of her confession, stomps on it with her high heeled boot, grinding it to bits. And next we see her sitting, looking at the bed, pondering what she should do next, and we see, Daniel gagged and hands bound to the bed posts.

Rafe sits in the Pub with Sarah, the clinic nurse, trying to get more information, but she has told all she knows. She mentions she is now working at Brookfield hospital. He shows her Nicole’s picture, mentions her having a miscarriage, but Sara insists again she never saw that woman, doesn’t know her. Rafe says something must have been going on there, Dr. Baker was a gambler, lots of debts, but Sara claims not to know anything, tho admits if anyone wanted to do anything shady, that was the place. Rafe asks again, she denies being involved, and takes off, she has nothing more to tell him. Rafe wonders what exactly was going on at Baker’s clinic.

Thanks Barb~
I thought the last time we saw Sarah, she said was never going to talk to Rafe again- he was really creepy with her the last time, I'd not want to meet him again if I was her.
Wonder if Will will tell EJ all?? Ej may start to think Sami eventually got Mias' baby, and not actually knowing it--- If big if here~~ he talks to Sami and she says her baby was not breathing and Baker left with her -then he came back in with a healthy breathing baby.... EJ may think she got Mia's unknowlingly... since Mia gave hers to the doc...(all is still safe for Nicole... till talk of the misscarage starts)
Thanks Barb for another great write up.
Really not sure why the writers would have Will talking to EJ, he hates EJ (except for the time he was nice to him concerning Johnny.) but I guess the secret must get out some time.
And really who goes to bed gets up takes a walk, goes to the Java cafe for coffee in the middle of the night? (only in Salem)
Wow! what a great show we have in store...thanks Barb for the great write up. Can't wait to see the look on Nicole's face; it is really coming down around her and she has got to be seeing the writing on the wall. Rafe you know these are the DiMeras, you need to watch your step and start documenting...they have already killed one guy and you could be next!

And Kate! Whoa! I can't wait to watch this smackdown! And are such an idiot for taunting that crazy woman. You should have taken your pen and got the heck out of dodge. What were you thinking? It's obvious that the Salem brain is not in YOUR possession.

ANd Nathan, good for you to step up to the plate and not let Mel take the fall, I might like you a little bit more for that. WAKE UP CHLOE!
And really who goes to bed gets up takes a walk, goes to the Java cafe for coffee in the middle of the night? (only in Salem)
And takes a baby out with him!!!!
But if Sydney wasn't with him, how could the camera have panned to her during the discussion about Keeping Big Important Lies From Lots of People? LOL.

Thanks for the writeup! Sounds like we're continuing to move along at a good pace. I also have no idea why Mia's diary is ANY of Chad's business, but I'm speculating that she didn't really delete it--knowing this show that was probably her "email straight to Chad" shortcut key. But, I assume Chad does see it and then confronts Mia about how dare she give away their baby and then she tells him she knows exactly where their baby is, to reassure him she's all right. Although I hate the baby switch story for what it did to Nicole, I kind of like the idea of all the secrets coming out piecemeal to different people, who have to put the puzzle pieces together. I hate to say it, but at this stage it's almost kind of . . . well thought out. Gulp.

I'm glad they had Melanie and Nathan have some doubts about whether they helped or hurt Chloe. I'm glad it wasn't all "but we're doing the right thing because Daniel would never hurt Chloe." It's realistic that they're scared they could have killed her.
So, o.k. I got puzzled when Mia was writing, and talking of "sending", as tho I could send a word document to someone.......I would have to designate the mail recipient, and thus my mail program would come up. However, maybe laptops are different, however.......the very first thing that crossed my mind when Mia so casually hit that delete button (she was standing on the side of the computer) was.......she accidentally sent it ou t instead of deleting
Thanks for the summary!

Now please do not ask me why Will would suddenly confide in EJ...

Maybe to keep up the pretense that EJ actually has a role in this story?

tropical breeze said:
I thought the last time we saw Sarah, she said was never going to talk to Rafe again- he was really creepy with her the last time, I'd not want to meet him again if I was her.

That's what I remember too. This kind of discontinuity seems to be happening a lot lately and it's very annoying.
Days of Our Lives

Daniel is taunting Kate with the tape of her confession, playing a bit of it. She tries to get it away from him, but cannot. He shoves her on the bed, and now rants at her and what she has done. Kate talks of Chloe betraying her so, but Daniel is right back with no, not after they were married, she was true to him, and he kept his distance. They argue, he rants, she raves, he taunts, she tries to make him think they can get him off without implicating her. He tells her she is a homicidal maniac, and guilty of pre-meditated attempted murder, mentioning all the things Kate did to pin Chloe’s poisoning on him. He lets her know he has given chloe an antidote dose, but Kate knows Chloe only rallied a bit, and sunk back into the coma. He knows that, which is why he arranged for another, a larger dose. He is now going to the police, turns his back on her, as she grabs some sort of round ball object off a dresser and smacks him on the back of his head, down he goes. She spots the tape of her confession, stomps on it with her high heeled boot, grinding it to bits. And next we see her sitting, looking at the bed, pondering what she should do next, and we see, Daniel gagged and hands bound to the bed posts.


I swear, Daniel probably plays poker with all of the cards in his hand facing outward. How stupid is this?
The minute I finish watching an episode I pop online to see what your re-cap for tomorrow says, Barb. You do a fantastic job with this and I really look forward to it every week day. Thanks so much!
I swear, Daniel probably plays poker with all of the cards in his hand facing outward. How stupid is this?

LOL! I am so ready for this story to be over with! Wake up, Chloe, I'm begging you. (And then dump Daniel and Lucas both.)
Thanks for the write up. Boy Will and EJ talking. So different. He just hates EJ. Guess his parents and aunt are too busy for him.

Should be fun to see Daniel tied to the bed. Seems like they dropped the Kidnapping and aftermath story for a while.

Hi Barb,
I've always roamed around before but now I'm a member and it's great to share my views,I especially wanted to thank you for your great write ups,
it's the first thing I check in the am. Things are getting so exciting these days
Why did"t they do it this way when the old guard was on? Miss John & Marlena . Great day to ya.
Just saw the show. I thought Mia did an ok job telling Will about the baby. Will did talk with EJ, but that is because he was in the cafe and started the conversation first. Started talking to him about Johnny and the pictures if he wanted to see them.

Boy Melanie was great when they left the room and she started thinking what if she was wrong and Daniel was quilty and got them to finish the job.
Hi Barb,
I've always roamed around before but now I'm a member and it's great to share my views,I especially wanted to thank you for your great write ups,
it's the first thing I check in the am. Things are getting so exciting these days
Why did"t they do it this way when the old guard was on? Miss John & Marlena . Great day to ya.

:welcome: I am new too, Bambi, you can come over here and sit by me!
Welcome DuVin and bambi I haven't posted a lot, but love the people here and Barbs
write-ups are always right on point.

Hi to everybody and hope your day is going well.
hugs, Joan