Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept.18, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Brady is out for a run, so is John, they meet up, sit on a bench as Brady tells John about his fatal attraction to Kristen, how powerless he seems to me, how drawn to her he is. He tells of going to her room, and nearly having sex with her, assuring his dad he did not, and left. He hates himself, but cannot seem to help himself. What can he do, how can he help himself? John is supportive, sympathetic, knows what he means, mentioning having been drawn to Kristen himself once. Brady knows all the terrible things she did to people he loves, citing them all. He says there is no Kristen Anonymous organization like there is AA, no 12 step program, but John thinks maybe those steps are exactly what Brady might need. They cite a few, with John finally mentioning leaning on those who love you. Brady thanks him, hugs, John is proud of him, Brady is going to go for another run, John is beat. They part.

Anna has gone to see Kristen, begging her to help Tony, go explain he is innocent of murder. Kristen refuses, saying she gave Tony back his life, and then he did not want to help her. Anna pleads about loving Tony so much, mourning him, so happy he is back, only to lose him again. Kristen also has this great burning love for someone, finally says she will help, if Anna helps her. Anna knows she cannot talk Brady into loving Kristen, who claims he already does, has to stop fighting it. Anna feels sorry for Kristen, leaves.

Tony is with Marlena, bemoaning the Murder in 1st degree charge he is facing. Marlena is sorry, Tony says it was not murder. Marlena wishes she could do more. Anna comes in, hugging Tony, telling of going to see Kristen, try to get her to testify for Tony, she refused. Time for Tony to go to court, Marlena is going with, Anna tells him they will fight together.

Jack meets up with JJ, he texted Jen to come, too, hoped they could put 3 heads together to find Rolf. Jen is late, she sends a text saying lead on big story, off to chase it, cannot come. Jack decides to alert his police force, but that proves fruitless. JJ figures the cops think normally, but Rolf is not normal, is a mad scientist, who doesn't think like others, dreams up wild and crazy things. They need someone like that to help.

Jen is in a room, tied to a chair, gagged, struggling to get loose. Her captor comes in, straw in a water bottle, loosens Jen's gag, she takes a sip, spits it all over the person. She starts yelling, let her go, her phone rings, the person shows her it is Jack, she struggles, screaming. Gag is back in her mouth, person leaves.

Marlena on phone to Kayla, getting Julie update. John comes in, glad to see each other. No, Marlena could not help with Tony, they talk of wicked Kristen, how they hate she is back in town, just don't want anyone they love involved with her, especially Brady. John repeats it, yes, especially Brady.

Ben is shocked to see his sister, who repeats she doesn't want either one of them seeing David. Rafe explains he went to court, Jordan already there with her lawyer, guardian hearing was cancelled, no need, David's mother released by her doctors. Rafe has agreed to let her live there. Ciara apologizes to Jordan for what she said, was only concerned for Ben who loves David so much. Please don't let what I said deter you from allowing Ben to see David. Nope, she refuses. Ben wants to talk to her outside, leaving Ciara with Rafe. Ciara upset, Rafe says he can keep an eye on Jordan, if she is there, make sure all is o.k. Outside, Ben is glad Jordan got the help she needed, and is better. She however doesn't believe Ben is o.k., doesn't trust “the evil that is in him” (from Clyde). She knows Ben wants to protect David, like she protected him from Clyde. She appreciates that, but no, her son is her first priority, she will protect him!

Jack & JJ show up at Kristen's, wanting her help to find Rolf. She more or less tells them to get lost. Nope. JJ figures Kristen doesn't care about anyone but herself, they should leave. Jack agrees, they start to go, she stops them. She really doesn't know where Rolf is, but has an idea how to get in touch. She will try, if she does, will let them know.

And bingo, back to the cop shop, where one of them is taking off his handcuffs, Tony commenting at last, at last, he is free. Anna hugging him. Tony so surprised Kristen came, Anna commenting she confirmed Tony's statement of what happened.

Jack calls Adrienne at the paper, has a question, knows Jen out on a story, learns no, she is not. Jack & JJ are now worried.

Jen's captor has left her phone near her chair, with the pic of Jack, who is calling or texting. She struggles to free herself.

Brady has finished his run, has stopped, taking a bit of a rest, muttering no, no, to himself. Behind him comes, of course, Kristen. She has something important to tell him.
I swear if Brady sleeps with Kristen!! She is not his one true love!! They need to find him his one true love! Though, I always liked Brady and Nicole.

Glad Tony is free but that better not soften Brady's heart about Kristen.

Still no face for Jen's kidnapper. Still hoping it's who I think!!
I don't want to get into what Kristen does that's such magic (ewww!), but the idea that Brady just can't quit her is hogwash.

My money is on Dr. Shah as the kidnapper. Otherwise, why bring the character back?

If Jordan is still saying Ben can't be trusted while insisting she can, then she needs to go back to Bayview.
Thank you, Poirot.

Way too much Kristen and Jordan. Even 1 minute of either is too much for me. At least Sarah isn't in sight today.

JS - For this Brady , I agree that Jeannie T was a good match when both were sober.

TinaY - I guess we're supposed to think that Brady traded his alcohol addiction for a Kristen addiction. DOUBLE EWWW!

Yep, my money is on Dr Shah as the kidnapper and lab wrecker. The character was useless before, and still is in my book. How long before Jack has the phone company trace Jen's phone?
Yep, my money is on Dr Shah as the kidnapper and lab wrecker. The character was useless before, and still is in my book.
If it is the often-jilted Dr. Shah, it wouldn't be the first time than an apparently normal person has gone bonkers in Salem. And if he actually kidnapped Jenny, Shah must really have lost it. What sane person would want to be locked in a room with screeching, squawking Jen Jen?
Jordan: Isn't it bad enough that viewers have to look at creepy Kristen? Why are they now forced to endure batty Jordan?

Rafe: So now he's letting Jordan bunk at his place with Baby Ridgeway? The mighty detective may be able to solve crimes, but he not much good at finding level-headed women to cohabit with. When Mami learns about his latest roommate, she won't be happy. (Mami: "Why can't my Rafael ever find a good woman?")

Jack & JJ: If they want insights into the mind of a mad scientist Rolf, they ought to check with another loony physician, Dr. Chyka. He'd probably be glad to hear that anyone in Salem remembers him.

Kristen: The witch now says that her heart "aches?" Really? Is there any proof that she actually has a heart? And she also she's the "quintessential romantic?" Really? How does tormenting people, kidnapping them, and threatening their lives qualify as romantic?
Brady is a sex addict, plain & simple. He beds nearly every woman he meets...Kristen knows & caters to it, encourages it. Brady knows it,,,which is why he mentioned a program like AA. He bedded someone he thought was Nicole...despite knowing how much his brother loved Nicole. We have all commented how once the deed was in progress, how could he not know it was not Nicole. Because it did not was a very willing female, & she was able to feed his addiction
Thanks, Poirot.

It must be fall in Salem because the trees in Rafe's yard were yellow.

A busy day in Salem.

Another picture is on the mantel of John and Marlena's townhouse.

I liked Melanie with Brady. They probably can't be together now because
Brady has her daddy's heart :)

I'm glad Tony is out of jail and with Anna.

I don't understand why no one is looking for Dr Rolf in the tunnels of
the DIMera mansion.

Are we absolutely sure Jordan is cured? At one point, she talked about
how there might be trouble with Ciara. She had that look.

I can't believe Brady told John everything about Kristen. He said "I ripped
off my clothes" and other stuff.
I really liked Jordan with Rafe. I didn't like how she left town and I've hated everything they've had her do since her return.

That said, I'm not sure Ciara had much agency to say anything, since her lover actually killed 3 people and attempted to murder 4 others.