Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 19, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

And now we go back to the rest of the story, I mean cast…tis “filler time”, as Eli tries to call Lani, who doesn’t answer purposely. She sits on bench outside Pub, JJ comes along, is she o.k., he knows this is about when her baby was due to be born. She is fine, thank you, yada, yada.

Abby is in a tight fitting dress, so we will not forget she is pregnant and showing, gets a call from Chad, they are going on a picnic with Thomas, she has the basket, all his favs. He is bringing something, too. Gabi overhears, so when Chad hangs up, she comes in, does everything she can to try and cause him to cancel out. She throws in the fact Abby is showing, growing bigger with Stefan’s baby, it will bother Chad to see that, and more of the same. Chad stays firm, Abby has gone thru much, was sick, Stefan took advantage, and he has to support her as much as he can. He leaves, Gabi says she has to step it up now.

JJ comes in with caffeine free coffee for Abby, coffee for himself. They chat, she tells of talking to Gabi, not too sure about her, tells how Gabi admitted still angry, etc. JJ is grateful Gabi saved him, is just friends.

Lani goes into Pub, meets with Abe for breakfast. They talk about Eli, the loss of the baby, how she is not sure of feelings between her and Eli, they went thru so much bad stuff. Abe wonders if perhaps going thru that together, might be the beginning of some good stuff.

Lucas is at the hospital with Kayla, a nervous wreck, is waiting for paternity test results. Kayla keeps reassuring him, as he berates himself for having sex with Bonnie, thinking she was Adrienne, being blind drunk, realizing she wasn’t b ut still having sex. This is repeated thru several scenes. Meanwhile Sheila has brought the baby to see Bonnie, who oohs, ahs, gushes over it, Sheila wants to know the con, doesn’t believe the baby is Bonnie’s. Tell me the truth, she says, and in comes Chloe, wanting to know the same thing. Sheila takes the baby, goes out, runs into Eli, old friend, a bit of catch up conversation.

Chloe is facing off with Bonnie, doesn’t believe the baby is Lucas’s, maybe not even hers. She doesn’t want Lucas hurt, knows Bonnie is a liar and con artist. Bonnie seems pretty confident, they do a lot of verbal sparring, Bonnie really mouthing off, finally saying how she spent 10 years in prison, mentions all the bad types, the crimes they committed, and you, opera girl, do not faze me. Chloe asks if Bonnie ever heard of El Fideo. Sure, Bonnie rattles on about it, but he got killed. Chloe is in Bonnie’s face, close up, “and I am the one who did it”.

Sheila comes back in with the baby after Chloe leaves, Bonnie is holding, cuddling again, gushing. Sheila talks of how diapers, formula cost money, she wants to be reimbursed. Bonnie thanks her, but…….is broke. Sheila is pretty upset by this. Bonnie says she knows she owes her, made a deal, just has no money right now. Sheila walks out, ignores Eli who was ab out to talk to her only his phone rings. It is Lani, wants to talk.

Gabi is at hospital, getting a sleeping pill prescription from Kayla, claiming she hasn’t been able to sleep of late. She goes back to the house, Chad is about to leave to meet Abby. She claims Ari glued her mansion key to a piece of wood, she cannot get it off, can she borrow his. He throws her his key ring, just leave it on the table when you are done. She takes a key off the ring.

Bonnie is holding the baby, is gleeful, those results should be coming in soon. Big smile!

Abby is leaving, JJ carries thepicnic basket out to the car for her. Gabi sneaks in, empties 3 or 4 capsules from that prescription into Abby’s coffee cup. She hears someone’s vcoice, runs upstairs. Abby comes in, pics up her purse, then drinks down the last of her coffee. (Gad this is just so convenient, isn’t it? )

Chad waits on the bench for Abby, wondering where she is. At the house, Gabi stands over the sleeping Abby with a very satisfied look on her face.

Sheila is in the Pub, looking over the menu, but she has no menu, out of luck. She spots a credit card on the next table, goes over, picks it up. “Hmmm, Abraham Carver it says. Abe comes up, that’s me, and just what do you think you are doing?

Chloe has joined the anxious Lucas, claiming she had to run an errand. They spot Kayla, waving an evelope, here is the results.
Have to say, the episode tried to catch up all over the place, but.....I guess after all the drama and fabulous story plus acting of the past couple weeks, hard to do. I think most everyone can recognize "filler". And sorry, but Gabi's eavesdropping and pathetic attempts to stop Chad from going on the picnic were eye rolling. "Oh, sounds like fun, Ari would love to play with Thomas, we'll join you". Chad says no, better they do it as a family, "oh, understand.....but has to be difficult" gabi goes into her routine of reminding Chad how Stefan's baby is growing in your wife's belly". And then Bonnie with her Lucas is the father of my baby baloney. She is so confident......tho. So wasn't worried about her DNA.....which has me thinking that could be Mimi's baby. But don't know how Lucas could be father then........unless he had donated/stored or something. Which sounds impossible. But then......if Rex is daddy, he & Lucas are brothers, so there would be similar DNA, right? I don't pretend to know anything about how much match one needs.......but this story seems ....far fetched.
More implausibility. Gabi uses Chad's key (how did she know which one it was on his key ring, she just immediately took it off, without looking!! She uses it to get into Horton house......just exactly when Abby & JJ go out back door. How could she know that? How would she know something would be handy for her to slip the pills in. And that coffee had to be cold, why was Abby then finishing off a quarter cup of cold coffee? Yep, lots of eye rolling there for me.
I'd love to know how Bonnie thinks having Lucas' baby would keep her out of prison? Even if the baby is his (I don't think it is), she'd still go to prison and he'd go to court to get full custody. It's not like he could go to the prison warden and say "hey, this is my baby mama and you can't keep her behind bars."
And what are those sleeping pills doing to the unborn child?
She did verify with Kayla that those are what she took when she was pregnant.

I was really hoping when Sheila was pumping her about the baby that she would spill and we would at least know, but then Chloe came in. I've been pondering how this baby can fake be Lucas's. My only thought was if it was Mimi and Will, back when he thought he was EJ. Which would be crazy but . . .

Gabi is annoying. Really Chad would just toss all his keys? Not just give her the key to the mansion. Didn't he need his car keys? Dumb. I thought Abby would just be a little loopy for the picnic not that she'd fall asleep and miss it.
Verification is supposed to be over a 90% match, isn't it?
Now, it could be that Bonnie had eggs harvested to be used by Mimi, or something like that??? I just cannot picture Mimi having sex with Will.......She is same age as Chloe, Shawn D., Belle, Philip.........who are wayyy older than Will.
Or Mimi, who did have eggs harvested at one time, remember? And Philip, who is Lucas brother, also had sperm harvested. Hey, if Maggie can have her frozen eggs, why could not Mimi? and hmmmm, Lucas was drunk, it is possible Bonnie somehow captured some of his sperm. I hate all this, hate it so much. It is just too over the top to even guess, and I am sure the writers are going to have something stupid have happened.
My goodness, this episode was dull. As Poirot said, we can all recognize filler, and it doesn't (to my knowledge) seem like anyone here cares about these storylines. Just too much ridiculous stuff happening in them, often out of the blue and poorly-executed.
If the baby belonged to Mimi and Rex, a DNA test would show the baby was related to Lucas, but that he wasn't the father. But maybe Bonnie doesn't know that.
Bonnie doesn't seem to know much of anything. Having a child won't keep her out of prison and Lucas can't keep her out of jail. It's not like he can dispense get-out-of-jail-free cards. Only in Salem.

Chloe: The diva is getting creative. She made her killing of the infamous Noodle sound like the act of a stone-cold killer when it was really a spur-of-the-moment crime of opportunity carried out by a terrified, desperate woman.

Chad: The next time Gabi mentions his relationship with Abby, he should tell her to mind her own business.

Gabi: Now she's drugged Abigail? She's in way over her head. Only Kristen and Kate can get away with this kind of thing. Gabi could end up back in prison, a place where history has shown she doesn't exactly fare too well.

Sheila: She needs a job? Abe should send her over to University Hospital. She could be a nurse in a few weeks, a doctor in a month or two, and a top surgeon by Thanksgiving.
Eli and Lani: Okay. It looks like they may finally go there. I don' dislike them together but the writers are going to have convince me they actually care about these two as a coupe before I start doing so.

Lucas/Chloe/Bonnie and the baby: I would to say They are finally giving Lucas and Chloe a story but every time this thing comes on I just hear the theme song to the classic TV show "Dragnet" in my head: "Dum-dum-dum!" On the plus side it's brought Sheila back to town. So I'm hoping she'll be the shot of adrenaline this story needs and hopefully she'll be that for Lani an Eli as well/ Somehow I don't see her and Abe trading cookie recipes.

Gabi: I had a couple of reactions the first being GABI'S ON :clap::clap::love::love:!!!! Which quickly turning into me saying "Oh, Gabi," while shaking my head in concern and exasperation then ylling "NO BABY NO!" at my screen in the end.

They say it's always darkest just before the dawn but Gabi seems to be going through a very long night indeed. :rolleyes:
Was Bonnie in the slammer? Is there no record of where and when this baby was born? Did Bonnie actually give birth? Why aren't these questions being asked? Hope and Gabi are completely off the wall. Tripp planting evidence would be an interesting twist, but I don't think he would do this. StefanO maybe, but to what end I'm not sure. Perhaps to own Hope.
Chloe is in Bonnie’s face, close up, “and I am the one who did it”.
Colour me surprised! I didn't think that they'd ever mention this again.

I'm on Lucas's side, but don't care about Bonnie.

I hate how the Hernandez family was minimised and now they're being written as criminals and/or bores. Time for us to go back to the days of Rafe and his paramour, and for Gabi to join either Arianna, Sr., or Dario in their adventures. At this point, I don't care which. Her motivation is more lacking for her evil deeds than Venom's in Spiderman 3.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm wondering if Randy (lab person) knows Bonnie and he fixed the results. It would
have been better if Lucas did the test somewhere else besides Salem.

If the test proves he's the father, I hope Chloe and he decide to adopt the baby and
leave Bonnie in jail.

I got confused when Lucas told Kayla how he was going to explain to Chloe about
sleeping with Bonnie and the baby might be his. Because he already told her.

It was funny when Chloe told Bonnie she killed "the noodle"
Colour me surprised! I didn't think that they'd ever mention this again.

I'm on Lucas's side, but don't care about Bonnie.

I hate how the Hernandez family was minimised and now they're being written as criminals and/or bores. Time for us to go back to the days of Rafe and his paramour, and for Gabi to join either Arianna, Sr., or Dario in their adventures. At this point, I don't care which. Her motivation is more lacking for her evil deeds than Venom's in Spiderman 3.

Ah, a comic book move reference, since I haven't been around as much to do it I'm glad to see someone's picked up the slack! Well done isir! :clap: