Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 22, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Episode #ll404 Taped 7/20 Director – Herb Stein

A new day in Salem, everyone is wearing different clothes at last. :rotfl: Bo sits in the Pub having coffee with Warden Smith, discussing what has been happening in the prison with Hope. She comments about Hope being a cop, and that is not good there, as word as gotten around. Bo talks of Hope wanting to pay for what happened, but that does not include getting beat up, and he wants her put in isolation when she gets out of the infirmary. The warden states that prison is her territory, but Bo is definite about taking control of what Hope has to endure there. She is still his wife, there is no divorce.

Will is obviously in deep thought, worried, as Rafe comes upon him outside the Pub, but Will really doesn’t want to talk about anything. He asks Rafe about the kids, Rafe says Johnny & Allie are doing terrible, Johnny cannot understand why his mother cannot take him to the hospital to see his father. Along comes Arianna, sticking her nose in, Rafe tries to say they are having a private conversation, but Will leaves. Rafe chides Arianna about butting into private conversation when she doesn’t know what is actually being discussed. Now they go round and round about Arianna defending EJ, even after what he did to Sami. Rafe mentions him taking Sami’s baby, Arianna says it was his baby, too, then pours praise on EJ for offering to defend her when she sat in jail, while the cop who actually did the deeds was making a case against her. Rafe acknowledges this, but Arianna is on a roll, telling Rafe that now, EJ is in the hospital after being shot, while Sami has her kids, Rafe, and life is wonderful. She tells Rafe that whoever did this is going to have to deal with Stefano…and her, too.

Stefano has some guy in the study, telling him to let him know as soon as he gets the results. The guy leaves. Kate comes in, wonders who that was, Stefano just says the man is helping him find out who shot EJ. Kate wants to know what is going to happen if it turns out to actually be Will. Stefano says let’s hope that is not the case. He leaves. Kate ponders, telling herself she is going to have to do something, but what. She fantasizes about putting something (poison??) with a dropper in the blue brandy bottle sitting on the table. Shakes herself, wondering if she could do that to someone she has grown to love.
She gets a call from Philip who wants to meet her.

Kate meets with Philip (gad, his hair just looks awful…at least to me) who happily tells her of Vivian leaving. Kate doesn’t seem to be too impressed, Philip is a bit ticked off, as Vivian did try to kill his wife, and is someone his mother hates. She apologizes, says yes, she is glad Viv is gone.

Lexie sits with EJ, trying to get him to say something, Abe comes in. She tells him of EJ saying Sami’s name, but nothing more, Abe doesn’t think too much of that, since EJ has been concentrating on misleading Sami for the past several months. Lexie is not going to tell her father, who walks in, asking what is it? She only says EJ’s brain activity has increased slightly, but that is all. Stefano sits alone with EJ, telling him to wake up, he has to tell him who did this, is already working on it, and whoever it is, they will pay. (o.k. that phrase has now been definitely overused, lolol) He leaves the room as the man who was at the house arrives looking for Stefano, who takes him into a private area. The man hands Stefano an evelope with the results for which he was waiting.

Carly has gone to the mausoleum, is talking to Isabella, sorry that she hasn’t come to see her more often. She misses her good friend, flashes back to hugging Isabella, telling her she is going to be with her every step of the way, and that she loves her). Back in the present, Carly walks around the sarcophagus, talking of how ornate it is, and we can see Vivian inside, talking nasty back to Carly.
At the K mansion, we see Brady on the phone, telling someone he wants this guy fired and his whole team, they haven’t come up with a fresh idea in 18 months. Victor overhears, mention Brady not talking it over with him, or even the head of the team, Norm, who has been with the company 20 years. But congratulates Brady, as he would have done the same, it will wake up that whole division. Brady goes upstairs,into Viv’s room, turns on the monitor, she is berating him for keeping her in there, tells him someone is there, who just may find her. He switches to the mausoleum as a whole, sees Carly, who is joined by Bo. Carly talks of how it still creeps her out to be where people are buried, she is still finding it hard to believe Vivian just up and left so suddenly. Brady sends her a text message from Viv’s phone, saying that tho she is gone for now..she will be back! Viv is furious that Brady managed to quell Carly’s questions, he thanks her for making him aware of Bo, Carly & now the message came straight from Vivian’s phone, so they know she is alive and well. LOL. He snaps off the monitor as Philip comes into the room, asking who Brady was talking to. Brady says work. Philip wonders why from Vivian’s room. Brady claims he just came in there, still can’t believe she is gone. Philip says same goes for him, it is why he came. Phil leaves, Brady snaps the monitor back on, Vivian berates him once more, he tells her adios, and snaps it off again, leaves the room.

Downstairs, Maggie has arrived to see Victor, telling him about the earring she found, knows it is very expensive, belongs to Vivian, hard to believe she lost it in the mausoleum. Victor tells her Vivian spent so much time there the past 3 weeks, he would not be surprised to find she put in a kitchen, and even a washer & dryer. LOL. He talks of Vivian and the reason she left, shows Maggie the e-mail. Maggie is a bit unsettled, but lets Victor know that, while she thought he was perhaps changing a bit, he is who he is, she is who she is, better they just be friends. Victor doesn’t want Maggie changing at all, she puts out her hand, “Friends”? He takes it…”Friends”! As she walks away, he mutters, “for now”. At the door, Maggie shakes herself…yes, she did the right thing.

Stefano returns home, the envelope in his hand, tells Kate he has news about William to share with her. Fine, she replies, but before we talk, let’s have a drink. Ahhh, Stefano replies, a bit early in the day, but why not. Kate walks over to the table, picks up the blue brandy bottle.

Carly/Isabella flashback, wow. Nice to see some of Carly's history acknowledged. I loved her and Isabella's friendship.
Thanks for the write-up ... To bad I won't be able to see the Carly/Isabella flash back.
Thanks for the write up (and have a wonderful trip!)

I'm also glad that they showed some of that history, too. Isabella was such a sweet character. I remember the tears my mom and I shared when she died.

And, I find it interesting that Kate acknowledges that she's grown to love Stefano, and her dilemma on if she could actually poison him.
Thanks for the write up!!
Man I am really really disliking Arrianna right now. She is stand offish to everyone right now!! Even her own brother. Wonder if the writers are trying to make us feel that way about her!??
Does anyone else think Maggie is making a fool of herself by having those serious talks with Victor and telling him they can never be more than friends? I have never seen Victor give her any indication that he wanted more. Although I do think Victor is more than fond of Maggie, he has never showed her any signs of his true feelings. I just think Maggie is being a bit premature.
Whoa stop the presses...a Kate and Philip scene!

Gotta nice Philip was on...I need to see him at least three times a week. And I love his hair long, especially when it falls forward more...they put too much product in his hair, so it never hangs naturally. Although I like his hair any which way...the man is just so yummy.

Anywhoo....I am glad they mentioned Titan and business favorite...I loathe the hospital stuff and we have far too much lately. I wish we could get a Titan or feud storyline again. fingers crossed

Far, far, far too much Maggie and Victor for my tastes

Thanks for the write up.
Kathylu ~ I thought just the other day Victor and Maggie had a conversaton about her and he -and he wanting more but she said to him No you are married - I donot think she is doing that after all Victor was the one making us excueses to be around her.
Thank you, Barb. Another good show. :clap:

It'll be nice to see Isabella in the flashback.

You know, I never liked the Arianna character no matter which actress played her. I'm to the point that I'd like to shoot her, too. I don't care if she even shares the same room with EJ. I just want her silenced.
Arianna-- My gosh! Bug me to no end! Wish her end date would just be tomorrow- or something! What a pain in everyones butt!
I almost lost it when I read whoever did this will answer to Stefano- and me! Like Ooohhh- I bet that has them shakin' in their boots Arianna.
I wish someone would tell her where to go. what a pain she is!
@ BeverlyHills - I have a roll of duct tape in my desk drawer. Lets cover her mouth, and duct tape her to a tree in the park. I thought of taping her to Benchie, but I don't want to put dear old Benchie through that trauma.
I really do think that they have really switched up Arianna's "noid" buttons so that we really will not miss her when she's gone. Had they not fired the actress whould the character have been acting the same way I wonder?

great write up Barb...thanks!
I think her firing was part of the changes that were decided upon several months ago when the ratings dropped and stayed there. IMO she still would have wound up in Elvis' camp, but the transition would have been more gradual and believable. The sped up story telling is not helping her character at this point, and the fact that she is leaving means that the writers don't have to be too concerned about it. I'll also add that the writing for this character has always been erratic IMO, they never seemed to develop a sense of who she was or where she was going. Initially she was meant to be paired with Max, when the actor left they decided to pair her with Brady.
Thanks Hair Stylist

I am not sure why it took so long for someone to fix Carley's hair and why she alsways looks so matronley- Bringing back the scences with Isablea was nice and I guess it got someone to look at Carley 's close ups!

P.s. -stiil lov Viv( Louise) - she is doing a great acting job even in the scarphelous!
I wonder if Stefano knows about Kate's attempt on Victor's life a few years back? He should have that drink checked, I think. LOL :)