Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 24, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Chad comes to Will, who tells him about the article he was asked to write on him, making sure to tell him that he can say no, but the editor wants the article written, and someone else could do it who would not even begin to attempt to protect Chad. This gives Chad pause for thought, they talk of how some folks were upset over the previous article Will wrote, and how Will would not want to say anything about his mother, but EJ would be another matter. Chad will think about it, get back to him.

Later, Chad runs into EJ in the square. EJ is coming out of some store selling very expensive things. Chad makes a crack about EJ either trying to bribe Sami or else perhaps a payoff for "after". They have a few quiet words, but then Chad calls Will, telling him to go ahead with the article.

Hope is in the Pub with Caroline, telling her about John being awake. Caroline asks if she heard from Bo. No, nothing, still no idea where he is, when he is coming back, or even if he is. Hope knows how her life has been, and realizes he isn't coming back. He has deserted his family. She goes on a bit, and just as she is about to say she has filed for divorce.....Caroline stops her, telling her not to say any more.

Kristen continues to taunt Theresa about Brady, causing theresa to try and goad Kristen with comments about being close to Brady, yada, yada. Kristen wonders then, why Theresa is not with Brady at the hospital right now. She goes merrily on her way, Theresa heads for the hospital.

Sami & EJ are in afterglow, when he decides to tell her how he learned what Kristen was doing with Eric, but Kristen insisted she really cared about Brady, and EJ kept quiet for fear of losing Sami. It was already done, nothing he could do, so he kept quiet. Sami says he did not have to tell her, she already knew, and also knows the kind of man he is, he would not have let it happen. (Why am I recalling all the conversation with Dr. Chyka, kristen, Stefano, etc. etc. BEFORE the "event") EJ is so honorable, she kisses him, and they go for round 2, which is evidently better than round 1. They talk some more, how family is not going to approve of them being together, it will be the two of them against the world, and how Stefano won't harm the mother of his grandchildren, blah, blah, blah. Harold calls them to say Sami's mother is on her way over. Sami figures her dad talked to her mom, and now it is lecture time from Mom. She tells EJ to get dressed and leave, she can handle the scolding all by herself.

At the hospital, John is awake, barely able to speak, but he knows his son, and when Marlena comes in, says Hi, Doc. Daniel arrives, sends them out to examine John, and is greeted with a "hey, Daniel". He asks John if he remembers what happened, but next he is out talking to Brady & Marlena, telling them how John is resting, that anything he does is exhausting, and it is important they not bombard him with will all come in time. He is letting only the two of them visit, no one else. Marlena wants to go tell Sami, which leaves Brady & Daniel alone, and the eavesdropping Theresa. Daniel takes Brady to his office, to make sure he understands he cannot ask a whole lot of questions yet, just let John proceed at his own pace. Brady comes back, only to have the nervous Theresa stop him, stupidly insinuating John may talk crazy, say things that are not true, etc. Brady is puzzled, cannot imagine why or how John would do such a thing, and reminds her that he is the one who put his dad in this condition and is going to stay with him. He goes back in the room.

Kristen goes to see Daniel at his apartment (Daniel was expecting Joanna & parker) where she wants to hear if John is waking up, so the drug worked. Yes, Daniel agrees. Now she babbles about Theresa being the one who hit John, but Daniel knows no such thing, then sits her down, and drags it out, but warns her to stay away from Brady, that he wants nothing to do with her. Kristen doesn't believe him of course, is going to get Brady back.
She calls Stefano from her hotel room, he is trying to warn her to stay consistent, focused, and not to "push"." Remember, the best laid priests...oh, I mean best laid plans...can go awry" Stefano comments. He has sent something to her phone to remind her. Kristen is a pic of Susan Banks. Kristen is not happy, gets angry over all the misery that Susan caused both her and Stefano.

Marlena arrives at DiMansion, Sami is rushing into the room, going on about EJ not there, so Marlena can start hollaring now. Marlena has no idea what she is talking about, she came to tell her John is awake. Sami jumps with glee, hugs, is so happy for her mom, more hugs. Marlena finally asks why EJ left, Sami says well, she thought Dad had told her. Didn't you see him. Oh, yes, Marlena replies. He did say something about you and EJ getting closer again. But honey, all I have ever wanted for you is for you to be happy. And if EJ is who does that for you, and you are happy, that is all that matters. More tearful hugs.

Brady sits with John, holding his hand, remarking they are so cold. He decides to get another blanket, will be right back. He leaves, and evidently there is a side door or something, as Theresa appears from a different direction. She takes a deep breath, says, well, it is now or never. She removes a hypo from her bag, takes the protective cover off the needle, and begins to inject it into John's I.V.
Marlena, Marlena, Marlena.........whatever makes you happy, Sami??? I have to believe that Roman and Marlena are just saying these things to her because they know at some point it is all going to fall apart and she will need them. I have to believe this because of all that they have gone through at the hands of the DiMeras, they would not, at any cost, give their blessing and support for their relationship. This isn't against Sami and EJ, it is against the whole DiMera clan, except Benji.
That "confessing all" was too fake for words. Did he tell her about the Black Glove? Did they talk about the Rafe clone? how delighted he was when Fake Rafe consummated the union? Of course not. Even when he was telling her about Kristen's plot against Eric, and how he knew, he lied about all that as well.
I have to say, though, I got a kick when he wondered if Sami would get her "Irish up" again and there would be trouble, and he used an Irish accent. Well done!
I missed the show. Did he mention stealing John's liver for Stefano? Or trying to kill Lucas in the ice truck. Or torturing Steve? And the list just keeps on going...

Of course, did Sami confess any of her past deeds? Some were horrible. Horrific. Think, Stan. Lying about Lucas hitting Will as a baby. Blackmailing Lexi re: Carrie. And on and on and on. Oy. She and EJ are both awful.
I'm amazed! Just when you think the writing couldn't get any more ridiculous, it does! EJ's big confession is a confession he already made, months ago. He first told Sami in November after Brady and Kristen's wedding he knew about Kristen and Eric "sleeping" together before the wedding. He later confessed that he didn't find out about it until shortly before the wedding. I guess were counting on many not paying attention to those scenes or the writer of this episode was completely oblivious to the fact that they'd already had this conversation. UGH!
Goes to show how desperate the show is to erase EJ's sins against Sami & her family.

I tell you, I really would love a super twist, wherein Sami is still playing him. But, that is never gonna happen. Heck, I was even looking to see if maybe that bed was going to start flying.....(like that one did years ago for Carrie & Mike, lol)
Interesting EJ told Sami he won't keep secrets anymore. I kept thinking Clyde,
Victor and whatever that secret is.

I wonder what Chad has planned for the article Will is going to write.

It was sad when Hope talked to Caroline about Bo.

The best part of the show was John talking to Brady and Marlena.
Maybe John will wake up in time to save himself from Theresa.
I see that EJ still didn't tell Sami that he stole Basic Black's pension fund. So much for total honesty, Eeeej.
Sami might not have been fazed by that. After all, John Black "ruined" her life with his tabletop tryst with Marlena. Of course if Elvis was really "coming clean," he really should have mentioned locking Lucas in a refrigerator truck and planting spy cameras in Bo Brady's home. That said, those revelations probably wouldn't have bothered Sami because her darling smoochy-moochy has "changed" since he did those awful things. As for another of Salem's foolish women, Theresa has leaped to the top of the dumb criminal rankings. Does she really think that if push came to shove the mighty McScruffy won't figure out that John had been drugged? From there, it would be a short hop to the miracle surgeon/detective recalling who was only person in Salem who wasn't happy about the possible recovery of ComaJohn.
I thought the wole show was pretty good today!

Marlena/John/Brady scenes were short, but powerful.

Daniel/Kristen have some serious chemistry.

Still don't like the way Will is willing to sell his mom and EJ down the river for a writing credit, but he MUST protect precious Abigail. Why are her feelings so important? I honestly don't get it.

EJ/Sami: loved their scenes. The Irish accent that James Scott (EJ) used was adorable!

edited to add actor's last name and character name....JS
I think Daniel gave his inspirational speech to the wrong tall blonde. I sure wish he (or someone) would gently tell Nicole that she's smart, beautiful and can find a man who really loves her instead of chasing one who wants nothing to do with her!

Other than the Kristen attempting to seduce Daniel scene, I enjoyed the show. I wish Marlena would have had the same attitude when Eric was dating Nicole that she has towards Sami/EJ.

Theresa, go away. I hope Brady catches her or John has a miraculous recovery so he can foil her plot against him.