Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 25, 2019

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Julie finds out Jennifer is missing. Julie tells Maggie to divorce Victor and marry Doug and that she would be marrying up.

This is what I could get while on a conference call (on mute). Jason will be doing a better summary later today/this evening.

Xander's on the phone with Kristen about her plan to steal Sarah's embryo, when Sarah walks in. Of course she didn't hear anything as Xander disconnects the call. They talk about the baby, Eric and the abortion, when Maggie comes in. Sarah says she has a stomach bug, but is fine. Maggie leaves to go see Julie. Xander and Sarah jibber jabber.

Eric is on the couch, dreaming of a baby crying, and is startled awake, calling for Holly. Nicole assures him Holly wasn't crying, as the matter of fact, she told Nicole she's no longer a baby, she's a big girl now and can pick out her own clothes for the first day of pre-school. Eric and Nicole talk and the subject of Sarah comes up. Nicole is thankful for Sarah being so loving with Holly and gracious about Eric leaving her for Nicole. She also notes that Sarah obviously loves kids.

Julie asks Haley about why JJ and Jennifer haven't been to visit her. Haley covers about JJ with some excuse and then says Jennifer is with Rolf in the lab. Later, Maggie visits with flowers and they chat. As noted above, Julie asks Maggie to divorce Victor and marry Doug. Maggie says she can't do that, but assures her no one in the family will ever let Doug be alone. Then Julie tricks Maggie into telling her the truth about Dr. Shah kidnapping Jennifer and no one knowing where they are. Julie takes it badly and has another heart attack. Maggie calls Eli to summon him to the hospital.

Eli, Lani and JJ are going through boxes and boxes of documents relating to Shah's past, hoping for a clue. When Eli has to head to the hospital after Maggie's call (with Lani on his heels), JJ assures him it's OK, he'll keep digging. JJ seems to find something interesting as Jack comes in. Something about a lawsuit against a neighbor (I think) and Ted Laurent represented Shah. JJ and Jack head out the door.

Later, Nicole and Eric are in HTS. Eric has a red paper heart on his shirt, that Holly apparently made for him in pre-school. I guess Sarah comes by and runs into them (or runs into Eric) and it's awkward. Later, Nicole tells Eric that it's Sarah's right to act however she wants around him, considering how things transpired.

Then, Sarah is in the doctor's exam room in a yellow hospital gown. Xander comes in and talks to her. She admits running into Eric wasn't the greatest thing to happen on her way to abort his child.

Jennifer manages to get Henry talking about his life. He talks about how his mother was a horrible drunk. Jennifer pretends to show compassion. I think he was hinting that he was responsible for his mother's death. They jibber jabber back and forth. At the end, he takes out a knife and puts it to her throat.
Shah lies down on the table and starts talking to Jen about his dysfunctional childhood. I couldn't believe it! I thought it was going to turn out that he was pulling her leg. It was sooooo spoofy. [I guess "spoofy" isn't a word, but it seems to fit. I think the writers were mocking schmaltzy soaps.]
Nicole: She said that she's going to start looking for a job. This is a good idea since Eric works so little that his weekly income could probably be measured in a few dimes and quarters. If he couldn't eat free at the Pub, he'd probably starve. As for Nicole's job search, hopefully it will be smoother sailing than back when one of her phone calls to a potential employer included the line: "Yes, I'm the babyswitcher."

Dr. Shah: So the tormented doc now says that he's always had anger issues. If so, why did he ever come to Salem where daily events are often so infuriating that even a stable person might be driven crazy? As for his manipulative, drunken mother issues, he should have considered asking Marlena to form a support group for persons with problem parents. Other potential members of the group might have been Nicole ("My dad forced me into porno films."), Ben ("My father is a cruel monster."), Lucas ("My mother has always tried to control my life."), Philly K. ("I was fired as a CEO by my own father."), and Tony ("My father was Stefano DiMera. Need I say more?").

Julie: She better hope that Victor never learns that she said that he had no character and that Maggie should divorce him to be with Doug. If he does, Julie will join the likes of Chloe, Nicole, Eve, and Vivian on Victor's one-liner list.
I thought that whole Dr. Shah story is also ridiculous. He referred to himself as a sociopath or psychopath and that just came out of nowhere. So, yes, he was kind of inferring that he may have killed his mother and that as a sociopath/psychopath he was a natural liar.

And what was with Julie getting so dramatic about no one knowing where Jennifer was? She can be over the top, but those hysterics were uncalled for.
What the heck? Was today a spoof of some sort of all things soapy? From what I am reading, it was a doozy! Julie wants Maggie to divorce Victor and marry Doug, as he needs someone to take care of him. She actually asks her good friend to divorce her husband to marry Julie's?? The docs need to check on Julie's meds. They are causing some irrational behavior.

Dr. Shah had a miserable childhood?? Never could please his mom? As Dr. Baker noted, he is not alone. They all need to start a support group.

Wonder if Shah will find out that Jen actually got out of her bonds and if currently faking the ties.
Does the actress playing Sarah have a 5 day a week guarantee? or is it 4? Egads. Wish Xander would tell Kristen to get lost.......and if she does tell Eric, Sarah can deny it. Kristen already has proved herself a liar and untrustworthy.

Jack trying to get Salem PD to move and solve anything is a joke. And it is a shame the writers treat the cops and medical staff on Days so poorly. No, they don't have to go overboard (like Dr. DanTan's character) but give them some smarts, and really SOLVE problem.s.

Guess it is Nicole & Eric's turn to just be "filler".

Am glad to read the comments & summary. Been a difficult day for me.......
I guess I'm in the minority but I liked the Dr. Shah stuff. I'm glad they are giving us an explanation for his behavior. They totally had to recast him to make him loony. This guy fits it. I don't think the other actor would have.

I'm so glad Xander said it's none of your business because that's what I was thinking!! Kind of nosy asking where they are going.

Julie is also loony asking Maggie to divorce Victor and marry Doug. How long have Victor and Maggie been married now? Quite awhile I think for Julie to say it's never going to work out.

@Poirot Hope everything is ok with you.
Thanks, JS and everyone else.

Dr Shah made me laugh today. He was over the top wanting to be with Jen-Jen.

Didn't two other men go crazy being with Jennifer? Maybe she has super power
that makes them turn into a looney tune.

I laughed when Xander told Eric he dumped Sarah like a hot potato.

Maggie fell for that old trick when Julie said Eli told her everything about Jennifer.

Julie wanted Maggie to take care of Doug after she died. Maggie wondered about
this and Victor. Maggie said they were too old for a Menage a Trois
JustSamantha's summary covers most everything. I started filling in gaps - but switched to "Classic DíSpeech Summary" style.

Kmansion: Sarah confirmed her abortion in her room, and walked into the living room where Xander was talking on the phone to Kristen. Nothing was heard. Xander claims to have been calling off work, Sarah says not needed. He doesn't want her dealing with this alone. Maggie demands answers, Xander deflects; Maggie warns him away from Sarah, who has no interest in him. Maggie's headed to the hospital, wants to carpool with Sarah, who shocks her mother by saying she's not going. Maggie inquires, wonder if it's still her stomach bug; Sarah deflects, just something she has to take care of. Maggie leaves; Sarah laments and demands Xander never tell Maggie.

Eric's Apartment: Eric has a nightmare about Holly screaming; he wakes up and they have the "big girl" talk as above. Lots of eye contact and chit chat, Nicole is looking for a job.

Julie's Deathbed: Eli told an unconscious Julie, "We can't lose you." He takes Lani's call, and Julie hears just enough to ask about Jennifer. Julie grouses about Jen not being around, always chasing Jack and fixing his problems, and doesn't buy Eli's cover stories. Later, she demands Haley tell her what's happening with Jennifer, and knows JJ is avoiding her. Haley deflects, Maggie arrives. She's upbeat and Julie orders her down. She would rather folks stop pretending she's not dying. She asks Maggie for her favour, to replace her in Doug's life after Julie's demise. Doug would be a trade up from Victor, and Doug needs looking after. Maggie says she and Hope and Victor will look in on her; Julie tricks Maggie into admitting that Jennifer is missing by claiming Eli told her already. Julie removes her oxygen and gets upset.

Police Station: Jack is angry that Eli's not at his desk. Lani says that "Miss Horton" is being sought by every officer. Jack doesn't think that's good enough - nothing can be done for Julie, but Jennifer could be saved. Lani calls Eli to warn him about the "idiot mayor's" actions.

Limbo Set (looks like a high office of a condemned hotel/building): Jennifer has been securely tied, she screams for help; Shah says nobody will hear her. She is sure JJ and Jack will find her. Shah plans to leave Salem with her. She thinks this is crazy, he believes eventually she will fall for him. He points out that he controls her life or death, hunger or starvation, etc. She tries to shrink him, why is he so angry? He talks about his mother, who drank a lot and had a rotating pavilion of men who would periodically result in his losing her drunken attention. Jennifer says Henry is strong, which she mistook for independence rather than co-dependence. Henry relates Jennifer's on-again, off-again interest in him to his mother; there is some indication that he was involved in his mother's death, though this is ambiguous. Jennifer tries to turn this around on him....

Police Station: JJ is proud of Jack, who is busy working. He has a profile of Shah, classic overachiever through school, clean record. Not much early history. Jack gets frustrated, zips out to rattle cages.

Square: Nicole gives Eric the heart from Holly, who loves Eric and will make a great dad. Later, Sarah is there with Xander, rather than wiling away time in the abortion clinic. She worries about running in to someone that she knows, and heart-adorned Eric and Nicole saunter up. After awkward stares, Nicole says she's happy that she has divorce papers, ready for Xander (who she wishes were in a cage) to sign. Sarah remarks about the heart and how happy Holly is. Sarah says "they" have to go, Nicole wants to know where. Xander says it's none of their business, and Eric claims Sarah's still a friend who shouldn't be getting mixed up with Xander. Sarah shuts it down, leaves with Xander.

Sorry folks, NBC News and our good friend Lester Holt broke in with "news". Could have been summarised in 5 minutes, but they took the last 15 of Days. Sorry.
Thank you to everyone for contributing to the summary.

Just about all of my thoughts have already been expressed by others.

Police Station: Jack is angry that Eli's not at his desk.

That always burns me up when people complain about someone not being at their desk when they have a job that takes them out of the building the majority of the day. As you can guess, I get that quite a bit from callers and my new Vice President. Yeah right...If we stayed at our desks all day, we wouldn't be doing our jobs!
Granted that Eli is out some of that time for family business, but Jack is out roaming around about 90% of the time on personal errands, etc.
Interesting that Shah is using Ted's apartment. Very interesting that Ted is getting mentioned at all. Perhaps someone gave him the DiMera poke. I'd be for it if we must suffer Vivian and Charmin EJ.
If so, why did he ever come to Salem where daily events are often so infuriating that even a stable person might be driven crazy?
:rotfl::rotfl: And then to work at Salem U Hospital - the embodiment of nepotism and incompetence - a recipe for disaster!
And it is a shame the writers treat the cops and medical staff on Days so poorly.
It's a 1960s soap trope I wish would die. Professionals can be competent and still have story. (Lawyers and writers, too.)
Maybe she has super power
that makes them turn into a looney tune.
It's the sleeveless dresses in January. It drives people over the edge.