Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 4, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Please have your box of tissues handy today...for the Doug & Julie scenes. Oh, wow! But first, Ben explains to Stefan & Gabi about Julie's heart attack, finding her, she is in hospital. Stefan sends him off to Chicago to get Vivian, and Gabi goes on and on how she thought Julie was faking it, she did it once before, she would not have left her “gasping for breath” if she thought it was real, and more and more of the same. Stefan believes her, calms her down somewhat, Gabi decides she is going to go to hospital herself and check on Julie. (she tried calling, but they would not give her any info, even after she tried to use her “former wife of Nick Fallon” card. LOL, Stefan reminds her she shot him!)

Eli & Lani are talking about Julie, no she isn't mad over what they said to her, she is strong person, they decide to go home, have nice dinner, time together. Lani checks her phone, sees message from Ciara who has been unable to reach Eli. They rush off to the hospital.

Hope, Doug & Ciara want Kayla to tell them about Julie. Kayla looks very serious, tells them lot of damage to her heart, there is nothing they can give her to help now. Hope talks heart transplant, Kayla says cannot go on list if over 70, as those under that age are more likely to survive. Lots of people on the transplant list. Doug want to go in to be with Julie, Hope send Ciara with him, Eli tells Lani to go, as he & Hope go to Kayla's office, and get the info about Julie. Kayla cannot be definite, but her heart will not hold out for long, with the damage it has sustained.

In Julie's room, she is in and out of consciousness, but mostly barely awake. They all kid around a bit, Eli says he is sorry if she got upset over their earlier conversation. No, no, she did not, and she speaks haltingly telling how Gabi left her to die. Lani promises to be back, has to take care of something. Doug (who breaks our hearts today) climbs onto the bed, caressing his wife, talking to her. He eventually returns to his chair, Julie drifts off, & he begins telling Ciara tales of when he was courting Julie, how feisty she was (honestly I cannot do this all justice) and when she followed him to Switzerland, getting on his case over what he had done. Julie rouses, says “sophomoric”, Doug laughs, that is the exact word she used. He goes up to the bed, they talk of being married, and living happily ever after. Hope & Eli have come in.......Ciara goes out to call others, let them know how Julie is doing. Kayla tells her that if it had not been for Ben, Julie would not have made it.

Back in Chicago, Walter, the thug, has his gun trained on Eric, who tries to tell him his bosses won't be happy. Walter figures he has to do his job, Vivian tells him to stop, Eric thinks she is really his other boss, she is telling the thug she is mother of Stefan DiMera, and Stefano was his father. Don't cross him if you value your life. Walter doesn't care. Viv is going to go into other room, thug stops her, is going to kill her as well. Can't leave witnesses. Ben bursts into the room, he & Walter struggle over the gun. A shot rings out, thug Walter drops to the floor. (same like Tony/Ted). Everyone is looking at each other, Eric not happy because now he cannot find out about Nicole and where she might be.

Gabi & Stefan arrive at the hospital, Lani is at the nurses' counter. She turns and lets Gabi have it in spades, deriding her for leaving an elderly woman on the ground, dying. She really rakes Gabi over the coals, Stefan trying to stop the tirade, but Lani gives her both barrels, until finally Gabi flees, Stefan following. At DiMansion, Gabi is beside herself, it will be all over town, people will think she is a horrible person. Stefan smiles, they already do. She pours a drink, keeps insisting she did not know it was real......and worries that if Julie dies, she will have killed her!

Julie weakly asks when can she go home. Hope says when Kayla tells her she can, but won't be tonight. Julie is happy her family there, tells them she will be with them a long time yet, heart attack is not going to stop her. Knowing looks pass between them. Julie is drifting off again, saying they gave her something to help her rest.

Viv is glad the thug is dead, notes that Ben is that serial killer. He says he is Ben Weston. Eric moaning as won't be finding Nicole. Eric goes to body, finds cell phone, only it is locked. Viv volunteers to try, she is good at opening things. She looks at phone, mutters a few hmmmms.....goes over to dead thug, putting his thumbprint on the phone. It beeps. Voila. Eric takes the phone........I'm coming, Nicole.
I always wonder how hard it is for actors that are really married to play scenes like that when one is dying. They can't kill Julie can they? Maybe Rolf has another miracle drug!!

Vivian was pretty funny today. Eric being petulant after having his life saved and to Ben, you finally killed someone that deserved it. You are that serial killer, right. I always like Robin Strasser (Vivian) as Dorian from One Life to Live but I do miss Louise Sorel (old Vivian).

I thought it would have been better if Gabi broke down crying when Lani was berating her. Was pretty funny when she said everyone will think she's a terrible person and Stefan said they already do!
I really wish Days would stop with the instant appearance in a far away from Salem place of someone who just left Salem. Unless they used Star Trek's transporter, this instant appearance in Chicago stuff is way too out there. Of course, maybe Days moved Salem again. Or...while the characters are saying Chicago, they really mean "near" or just outside, or perhaps "close-by".
Then again, just show all the Chicago or "elsewhere" scenes at one time, so audience can understand that those scenes are happening at a different time than the others. Off the soapbox.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

I know some people don't like Ben as a hero, but I like this rebirth of the character. He needs to be a member of the Black Patch team.

Laughed out loud when I read that the older Vivian was the one who figured out that the thug's thumbprint opened his phone. Shows the younger folks aren't always the brightest bulbs in the pack.

Too much moaning Gabi for my tastes, but at least no Sarah butting in on another story today.
I'm ok with Ben being on a redemption path but they need to stop writing him as the main hero while everyone else in his age range is backburnered. Today he was the one to save Eric and Viv and also Kayla was propping him for saving Julie. People should still very much have problems with him walking free. And let me guess, Tony is arrested but he isn't. :rolleyes:

I REALLY wanted Eli to call Hope "Aunt Hope". It's the new Claire not calling her Grandma.

So far Vivian's return seems like a waste

As I said yesterday, Gabi seems to have a conscience and guilt about Julie. Good. But lol at saying she was the former Mrs. Nick Fallon.

I do think Rafe should have been on today both for Gabi and Hope.

At least we finally got a break from Sarah
@Poirot, I was just coming on to say the same thing - Chicago must be "across the street" since that stupid thug kept threatening Eric and Vivian (which should have taken a minute or less) when all of a sudden Ben rushes in to save the day. So Ben gets there in 12 seconds and we haven't seen Jack, Jennifer and Dr. Rolf who should have been back in Salem a long time ago.
I take it Chicago is driving distance from Salem, like I grew up in Pasadena, CA and LA would be like the Chicago portion. Thought it was hilarious Gabi tried to use mentioning Nick Fallon as a way to get information when she shoots him dead lol!
The writers also never seem to consider the realities of Chicago traffic. If Ben tries to bring Viv back to her loving son at the wrong time of day, he'll be stuck in traffic until God knows when. E.g., Ben: "Stefan, were going to be delayed. The Dan Ryan Expressway is totally backed up from the Loop to the suburbs."

In addition, here are a few modest suggestions for various people.

Doug et al.: Instead of falling into despair, they should be imitating Stefano by bringing in top cardiac experts from near and far. After all, cost is no expense. The Salem Money Tree will cover all expenses.

Eli: Instead of moaning about wacky Jack's beyond stupid immunity deal for creepy Kristen, he should put the Salem witch under 24/7 surveillance.

Gabi: Showing up where you're unwanted is a popular sport in Salem, but in Julie's case, she should have wised up for once and stayed far, far away.

Lani: She should skip the verbal overkill with Rafe's wayward little sister. Gabi does have other priorities than having Julie suffer a fatal heart attack.

The Writers: Fie on them for having yet another fatal shooting while fighting over a pistol so soon after Ted's demise. They should have used their imagination and done something like having Viv cast a spell that turned the thug into a barking little lap dog.
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Thanks, Poirot.

We're all on the same page today. I thought of the Dan Ryan myself and all the traffic.
Then when Eric found the phone, first thing I thought of was using the thumbprint. Ahh
yes, those police shows.

So, how did Ben get to the hotel room so fast? Are they actually staying in a suburb
close to Salem? Did Ben take a plane or helicopter? Nah... everyone knows when
someone saves the day they fly like superman.

The big question is why didn't anyone shut the door? Anyone could have walked
by and seen the body.

I enjoyed Stefan and Gabi. They play off each other very well.

Was anyone else surprised when Kayla took Eli and Hope to another room
and closed the door to tell them about Julie's condition?

Maybe, just maybe, Dr Rolf can make a new heart for Julie in his new lab.

Great stuff with Doug and Julie. Tissue time for sure.
I think we can assume a passage of time getting from here to there. I appreciated Kayla alluding to Julie's age. At least one person is their biological age. Re: Gabi, will someone put a brake on her mouth? Did she always talk so fast? I won't complain too much as things are progressing.