Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 5, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Ho Hum. Abby is with JJ, but on phone getting update on Marlena, who is still in critical condition. She & JJ chit chat about her missing Chad, problems, JJ thinks chad misses them, too. blah, blah. She doubts it, found Chad & Gabi together with Ari, one happy family. She finally indicates that perhaps Gabi is not actually the friend she claims she is, how every time she & Chad were talking, working things out, she came in to interrupt. She asks JJ if ever noticed anything in their conversations, he recalls one (flashback) thinks maybe she is right. Julie returns, hearing tail end, doesn’t think all the conversation only about Gabi was enjoyable. JJ leaves, as studying to do, Julie questions Abby, who tells of her concerns about Gabi. Of course, Julie figures Gabi not to be trusted, cautions Abby to be wary.

Eli & Lani are going over the area where Paul & Kristen landed, small talk, joking around about his handwritten reports which are difficult to read, lousy handwriting. They are laughing, but suddenly are close, then start making excuses about getting back to station, Lani going to hospital for statement from Brady.

At hospital, John is with Marlena, she wakes up, what happened? John quietly fills her in, short form, but does say Sami was ordered by Kristen to shoot John, but missed, hit Marlena instead. Is now arrested, at the p.d. Brady comes in, has an update, but first hugs Marlena, so glad she is awake and recovering. He takes John outside the room, fills him in on Eve being kidnapped by Kristen to get him to Salem Inn, Paul/Sami arrive, Kristen wants to shoot Sami, Paul lunges in, struggle for gun, out the window. John cannot believe Paul is so hurt, but Kristen got away.

Lani show up toquestion Brady, who is in with Marlena. She talks with Val, who invites her to come to dinner tomorrow night, Eli is coming. Lani declines, thinks she & Eli are spending too much time together, they lost a child, but should not be making anything more of it. Eli arrives, hugs to mom, Lani leaves, (Julie showed up at cop shop to talk to Eli, who has not been answering her calls, she is worried. He is o.k., no not chatting with Gabi, admits spending time with Lani, but think he has overstepped a bit. Julie thinks he should tell her how he feels). Now it is Val who is giving advice, he tells of kissing Lani, a mistake, she has drawn away ever since. Val thinks all will work out, take time.

Replay of Kristen pounding on DiMera door, telling Stefan she is his sister (no, she isn’t) needs his help, has to hide her. She passes out in his arms for a minute or so, he gets her back, and she tells of the events. He thought her dead, she survived that fall out the window a couple years ago, and this one, too. (Eli & Lani have noted it appeard Kristen hit middle of awning, while Paul hit the edge). She loves telling her tale, but Stefan goes to call the police, before someone else does, and he is then considered an accessory. She stops him, again talking about family, their father, and more nonsense.

Chad is with Gabi, who is working on some art project for Ari, Chad offers to help cut out penguins. She talks of how she had to break it off with Eli when learning of Lani’s pregnancy, could not have handled the baby, etc. So she sympathizes with Chad, but he notes they were not married. He is, has made vows, figures it will just take some time. But Gabi thinks it will always be a problem for him, maybe best to just end the marriage. Chad is not open to that. He goes to make a sandwich, she talks aloud, about doing the baby switch in order to break up his marriage, he is reluctant, she will have to give him an extra push.

Someone at DiMera door, Stefan goes to answer, Kristen stops him. In a few minutes he opens the door to Lani & Eli (Hope sent them on another job) who ask if he has seen or heard from Kristen. Cue the “soap opera stare”. LOL

At the hospital, Val goes in to see Marlena, who just feels pretty sleepy, Val noting so many rooting for her, will be so happy when she gives them all the good news. Marlena smiles, “can’t get rid of me so eas”…….her voice trails off as she falls asleep. Val calls her name, you o.k., puts the stethoscope to her chest.
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That JJ/Gabi flashback was really long. I wish JJ would get his own story instead of being a sounding board for everyone else. It's like he's taken over Eric's role now that Eric has more of his own story.

StefanNo is much more tolerable in scenes without Chad/Abby

Nice to see Brady with his parents and worried about his retcon brother. I'm actually stunned that the first kid to see Marlena awake was Brady.

I liked Abby's casual outfit

I need Lani to have a female friend her own age who isn't related to or associated with one of the men in her life. I'd settle for Belle or Chloe at the moment even though they are a little older. Better than her confiding in Eli's mother Val or Aunt Hope. I'm all for Lani and Eli as couple though.
Thanks, Poirot.

I liked Abby's top even though it matched the sofa pillows.

Why was Chad and Gabi using child scissors to cut the penguins?

Ari told Gabi Will has his memory back. Gabi told Chad. Who will
be the next one in Salem to find out Will has his memory back?

Did they change the history of Kristen? I thought the other day Kate
Stefan she was his half sister. And Kristen told Stefan today was his sister.

Julie was happy when she found out Eli is talking to Lani instead of Gabi.
I think I could like Eli and Lani together.

In the past, Julie's obsession with disliking Gabi has bothered me, but now I wouldn't mind seeing her and Abigail team up to expose Gabi's evil plan.

Kat, you made me laugh. I'll have to go back and look at the sofa pillows!

I also enjoyed Abigail and JJ being there for each other.

It wasn't an exciting episode but it wasn't irritating either.
Of course, Julie figures Gabi not to be trusted, cautions Abby to be wary.
Since Gabi is being written badly (and bad) at the moment, I'd rather see Julie have a heart attack and die than hear her gas on about how she was 'always' right about Gabi. (I get enough of that "I knew ___ was bad news from day one, five years ago, and that s/he was always planning ____!" from rabid fans of certain pairings or haters of certain characters in the dark corners of the soap fandom.)
John cannot believe Paul is so hurt, but Kristen got away.
I'm with him.
She stops him, again talking about family, their father, and more nonsense.
I hate this graft and if Kristen and Big Rapey are going to share a screen, it should be for her to assert her rightful place in her family. She was raised a DiMera (the jury's out on whether she was adopted or just raised by Stefano, but at any rate, he DID RAISE her as his daughter) while he just waltzed in and claimed an alleged birthright to suit DA PLOT and a writer's greed.
[Gabi] talks aloud, about doing the baby switch in order to break up his marriage, he is reluctant, she will have to give him an extra push.
Aunt Hope
She's such a fantastic aunt. Great, really. *wink*
Stefan she was his half sister. And Kirsten told Stefan today was his sister.
Well, Poirot's objections aside, they are connected through the same father-figure, which would make them half-siblings only. "Sister" is appropriate shorthand for "half-sister"; I refer to my siblings without the "half" (except when I'm mad at them, LOL) and I have only half-siblings.
Brady has been a nice surprise this week. It's been a long time since i've liked him this much. When he's not focused on his love life or Titan, he's a good character.

Eli and Lani are better cops than Hope and Rafe.

Abby FINALLY brought up that Gabi got Melanie kidnapped. Now JJ and Abby just need to remember that Gabi's actions also led to their father's death.

Thanks, Poirot.
If I remember her history Kristen isn’t one ounce a DiMera. She was somehow adopted by Stefano Sr.
along with her brother but I can’t remember his name.
Stefano adopted Kristen and Peter when they were small children. Whether he adopted them or just became their legal guardian, she now goes by DiMera and he considered her to be one of his children.
I agree about Brady's scenes this week. I have given him a lot of passes because he's the son of three of my all-time favourite characters, and because of how loyal he was to his family/loved ones during the sarcophagus fiasco. But his stories focus too much on his "love" life and the silly Titan company.
Kristen and Peter's last name was Blake, which they always used. Kristen married Tony DiMera, which is how she attained the last name legally.
Stefano was their legal guardian, yes, and raised them.
And he also referred to them as "my son" and "my daughter" at various times, and she called him "my father". I don't think the writers could make up their minds what the actual (legal) relationship was. Either way, the show seems to want her to be a child of Stefano, so that's what we go with.
AND HE RAISED THEM so they are his kids. Just like Tony. Period.

But even I'm with Poirot on the idea that the relationship between Kristen and Rapist is unnecessary and tenuous (since he WAS NOT raised by Stefano or ever acknowledged by Stefano). But mainly because Rapist is 40-something (depending on who's scripting the episode) and had an entire life before he found out he was a DiMera less than one year ago. (And like Poirot, I'd love that to be un-done or faked or both.)

The last two Stefano childgrafts were more compelling because André already was a DiMera and Chad was a teenager whose parents we had at least met and developed a dislike for on some level. You'd have a very, very hard time convincing me that the people who raised and loved Stefan (and spoiled him a lot) were worse people than STEFANO DIMERA and VIVIAN ALAMAIN, two of the most murderous and psychotic people ever to grace soapdom, let alone Days.

Even worse - they're suddenly having Rapist play by the rules in order to make him look "less evil" by comparison to Kristen. Not on my watch!!!
Cue music: There's a big storm a-brewing. Run inside to uprooted and lands on Stefan (aka Big Zero). His sister arrives to claim her shoes (aka as Brady) while sparks fly out and the sister realizes her shoes belong to someone else AND she has to kill them to get her shoes back. Brady goes off for help and runs into a Scarecrow (Hope), Tin Man (Rafe) and Lion (Sonny). They meet some screeching monkeys (Sami) and a Wizard (Victor) who says why don't you throw some water on the witch. I need a nap. Afterwards the witch disintegrates, the Scarecrow gets a brain, Tin man gets a heart for Jordan, the Lion combs his hair, the screeching monkeys turn into nice calm people, the Wizard gets his nap and no one real cares what happens to the shoes.
Why was Chad and Gabi using child scissors to cut the penguins?
Why was Chad doing this at all? Running Titan must not be very demanding or time consuming.
Eli and Lani are better cops than Hope and Rafe.
Maybe, but this isn't saying much. With the dreaded Kristen on the loose, first they wasted time at the site of Paul's fall, then repaired to the police station for pointless conversation before getting around to stopping by the DiMansion. If they'd gotten there sooner, they might have arrived just in time to see the DiMera witch banging on the front door. And why did they bother knocking? Rafe or Bo Brady would have just barged on in and found Kristen. They then would have arrested Kristen, and also Putrid O. McGarbage for harboring a fugitive or, perhaps, on general principles.
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