Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 9, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Claire talks with Tripp, tells how sorry she is for all she did, lots of time to think in hospital, she is not the same person, and doesn't ever want to go back to being that person she was again. Tripp figures he was also at fault, did not treat her right. Both are o.k. Claire was sobbing, he holds her a bit til she gets control. She talks of Ciara, how Ben & her were only married for like 2 minutes, and now she is missing. Eventually, both are o.k., he gets call from his dad to meet for dinner, tells Claire he is staying in Salem, Claire says then probably will be seeing you around.

Hope & Shawn search the place where Ciara was held, no one there, she finds a bracelet she gave to Ciara for her birthday a couple years ago. Not broken, so Ciara left it there for them to find. They race back to the cop shop, figure they need something on a car they must be in. They find it's Wendy's car, headed towards the airport.

Frustrated Ben is still handcuffed to a chair. Jake comes to visit, is his friend, goes to find Justin, returns with news Justin thinks all charges will be dropped. Jake leaves. Finally Ben is released, Hope fills him in, they all go racing to that airport.

While Chad & Abby are still catching up, flashing back to that toast in Julie's place the night Abby was drugged, Gwen sits sipping her champagne doing the same flashing back. When Abby got up to order the champagne at the bar, Chad goes to make a phone call, Gwen pulls out a tiny bottle (size of a fingernail), gets up, spikes one glass that Julie just filled. Gwen goes back to her seat, watching Chad & Abby as they sip. The couple decide to leave, bid Julie goodbye, tho Abby finishes her drink.

Back to DiMansion, Abby is glad Gabi gone, but not sure Gabi did the drugging, figuring Gabi likes to brag, and did not. Chad has to agree, but who else would it be? They get to some serious smooching, decide to take it upstairs, first Chad has to make another call. He leaves the room, Jake comes in, a startled Abby calls him Stefan. Jake denies, explains who he is as he downs a drink. He hints at something between Gwen & Chad, ask your husband. Chad comes in, is a happily married man. Abby assures Jake that Chad only was comforting an upset Gwen after Jake dumped her. Jake smirks that Chad invited Gwen to stay there, good luck with that. He smiles, “you don't put a couple of snakes in your back yard, thinking they will only bite the neighbors”. He goes out. Now Chad confesses to Abby that Jake saw Gwen kissing him.

In the car, Vincent is calling Ciara “Wendy”, she corrects him, she is Ciara Brady, Wendy is dead. However, he says, no you are not, you are my beloved Wendy, going on in that vein. Ciara decides to play along, but Vincent won't say where they are going, a surprise. She wants him to get rid of the gun in his lap, no, needs it to protect you from Ben Weston, he already tried to kill you once. Ciara continues to play along..they get to the airport, he explodes as the gate is closed, they can't get to the plane. She starts out of the car, he stops her, she says she thought she'd open the gate for him, so he can drive the car thru. He smiles, calms down, she always was able to do that. He takes her hand, sees her wedding ring. YOU are not Wendy.

Hope, Shawn & Ben arrive at the airport, see the car. Guns drawn, Hope orders Vincent to put hands in air, get out of car. They see the gun in his hand, make him put it down, telling him to get down on the ground. They see car empty, ask where Ciara is. He takes off running, Hope & Shawn after him. Ben is next to the car, passenger side, calling Ciara, where are you. The car in flames,....throwing Ben down and away. He yells Ciara!
This whole Vincent thing is ridiculous. I think we all know Ciara was not in that car. But since it burst into flames will Claire be blamed? :huh: I do like the new Claire. She sure can cry on cue!

This Gwen stuff is also ridiculous. Are we going to find out she's been working for Rolf? Or that she is Rolf's daughter/granddaughter? I am very disappointed that it isn't going to be Chad who drugged Abigail. I was kind of hoping they were going to turn him bad. He is a DiMera. Unless Chad was working with Gwen? Hey with these writers, could be.
My guess is that Gwen is working for Juliette, who was Chad's secretary in Paris (shown in the digital series). She drugged Chad's champagne and made it look like they had sex. Abby figured out Juliette's scheme; she even punched her. Juliette was fired and vowed to get back at Chad and Abby.

I'm only thinking of Juliette because I can't think of anyone else who would have an ax to grind with Chad or Abby, besides Gabi.
Since Kassie DePaiva's (Eve) is done with her scenes, I doubt it's her.

Many of us speculated that was the case, but doesn't appear she had anything to do with Abby being drugged.
It really would not be fair if the person behind it all would be a character NOT EVER ON THE SHOW. Too many viewers would be at a loss. Just like Gwen spiking that glass of champagne. Two glasses, how would she know who would get which glass? Were their names on the glasses? LOL.

I could see Vivian wanting to get Chad out of the way for her son......perhaps.....Gwen was sure eager to get moved into DiMansion the second the DNA proved Jake was not Stefan, but WAS a twin. However, no one knew back then. So....

Does Chad have any ex-girlfriends or females with a crush on him out there? Does Abby have anyone so ticked at her they wanted to do her harm?
Salem sure has its share and then some of delusional people who move around freely. There are very few people in this town who have not hallucinated or tried to kill someone. In no particular order:
and many more.

Why is there only on psychiatrist on staff at this mega hospital second only to the Mayo Clinic? There are not enough hours in the day to have appointments to see all the people going off the rails. AND the one doctor available is also on this list.
Thanks, Poirot.

When I was watching the show, I kept thinking how did Gwen know Abby would get the glass and
not Chad? Or maybe Chad was to be drugged and not Abby.

Ciara was slow when she finally pretended to be Wendy.

The flashback is so odd since everything was changed. Maybe they entered the "Twilight Zone".

I laughed when Jake told Abby she knew who she was because of the pictures around the house.
The Salem elves must have been busy changing all the pictures before Abby came home.

Was Ciara inside the car when it blew up? And why did it blow up? And will we have to
watch it again on tomorrow's show?
This whole Vincent thing is ridiculous. I think we all know Ciara was not in that car. But since it burst into flames will Claire be blamed? :huh: I do like the new Claire. She sure can cry on cue!

This Gwen stuff is also ridiculous. Are we going to find out she's been working for Rolf? Or that she is Rolf's daughter/granddaughter? I am very disappointed that it isn't going to be Chad who drugged Abigail. I was kind of hoping they were going to turn him bad. He is a DiMera. Unless Chad was working with Gwen? Hey with these writers, could be.
Ridiculous is the right word. Vincent is one of the most absurd villains ever conjured up the the writers. He's a mad scientist who's not only capable of loving a woman, but he can also drive a car and has access to a plane. What next, that we'll learn that Rolf has a true love at a Florida retirement community, is a world-class skier, is qualified to pilot jumbo jets, and can captain supertankers?

Then there's Gwen. She's showing herself to be one of Salem's least original plotters. If she'd ask around, she'd find that putting drugs in people's drinks is so yesterday in Salem, and that in the end it never works.

As for explosions, they have already become tiresome. What next, Kristen blows up Victor's easy chair or Sami plans to set off a bomb in Judge Duncan's chambers if she rules the wrong way in the Baby Horton case? The writers should have given explosions a rest after they sent Madison James off with a bang when the gas-filled Salem tunnels blew sky high.

Finally, once again it was the amateur hour for Salem law enforcement. instead of taking trained, experienced, uniformed officers with her to rescue Ciara, Hope takes the amateur cop, pistol-packing Shawn, and the distraught husband, Ben, with her. She should also have taken Bonnie and Julie along. Their endless blathering alone would probably be enough to get Vincent to give up just to make it stop.
Have to admit that I barely paid attention to the show today. Fast forwarded through some scenes, played on my phone while listening to others. Thanks for the summary.

I do think it’s funny that we have basically one all purpose room at the police station now. They apparently don’t hold anyone in cells anymore, and the interrogation room seems to double as an office for anyone who needs it. It also seems to be open to anyone and everyone to visit the perp of the day handcuffed to the chair. You’d think Ben (or Gabi or Vivian or insert name here) was sitting at the mall information desk they way people just come in and out to chat.
Vincent made some comments that were curious to me. When Ciara first told him she wasn't Wendy, she said, "Wendy's dead." Vincent answered, "No, you're not dead, Wendy, not yet." Later, in the car, speaking of Ben, Vincent said, "That maniac tried to kill you once. Who's to say he won't try it again?" So is Vincent just confused because of the drug Ciara injected into him or could there be something behind what he's saying? Like maybe he is the one who really killed Wendy--or even that Wendy isn't actually dead? If this is six years after her death, what is he doing driving a car that is registered in her name? Didn't Shawn say the car was registered in her name?
Ooooh, good for you O.C. Yes, I noted his comment about Ben trying to kill you once, Wendy.....just thought it was his confusion due to drug. But maybe he was playing her??? However, tho I know they said car registered to Wendy, it did not connect with me to the fact it was several years ago. Wonder who was paying insurance, license, etc. ????? Yes, would it not be a twist and then some if Wendy wasn't dead yet? After ALL Salem is the town of the Walking Dead, isn't it? LOL
My guess is his weird remarks were due to the drug Ciara gave him. But who knows? Would be nice to find out Ben didn't actually kill Wendy.

The car still being registered in her name was odd, since she died 6 years ago.
I wondered about Vincent too since he was acting weird. Why were they
going to airport? Was he going to take Wendy somewhere six years ago?
Did he have his own plane?