Days of Our Lives - Wednesday April 13, 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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Non possession day, but you'll need caffeine to stay awake.

Sonny in K-mansion den when Chad walks in. Sonny needs help. Chad doesn't want to help him if it involves Leo. Sonny wished he could have seen Chad's face when Leo was going to give him to Craig as a gift. Sonny tells Chad Uncle Vic wants to him to be CEO. They discuss how Vic doesn't care if Will and Ari have to uproot their lives. Sonny isn't sure because the last time he was CEO Leo was around. They discuss pro and cons. Sonny's still not sure. He'll have to talk to Will. They talk about how it would be great if they could have DiMera and Titan co-exist if both in charge. Chad mentions he hasn't given up trying to get job back.

Leo is on the phone in the club. He's talking to someone how the plan is working all that needs done is to get (rhymes with witch) out of his life. Craig hears the last part and is upset that Leo called Nancy that. Leo says he was calling Chloe that. Craig tells Leo he needs to get a long with Chloe. Craig tells Leo the papers will be signed tonight and Nancy has own money. Craig leaves. Leo tells himself he's going to be married and to medicine.

Nancy is at the pub when Chloe and Brady come in. Nancy is waiting on Craig to sign the divorce papers (odd place to sign them. Roman needs to charge people office space). Chloe doesn't want Nancy to sign the papers. She wants to delay to find more evidence against Leo. Nancy says that Craig already knows things about Leo and doesn't care. He made his bed with Leo and now he has to lie in it. She tells him she made a deal with Craig to save Marlena's job. Justin walks in. Chloe and Brady leave. Then Craig comes in.

Xander trying to find tux for the wedding with his shirt off, but everything too expensive (what happened to his kilt?) Knock on the door. He puts his shirt on to answer it. Maggie is there. Xander asks how she's doing? Maggie talks about Sarah and tells him she only loved Xander. Xander tells her that he's marrying Gwen next week. Maggie is shocked. Xander tells her Sarah made him a better man and Gwen just wants to belong like he did. He's sad he couldn't help Sarah sooner.

Maggie blames herself for trusting Rolf to make the drug for Sarah. Xander says she was going to have it tested before Anna stuck her with it. Maggie is going to press charges. Maggie says she's taking Sarah to Florida where Abby was. She's going to stay until Sarah is settled. She's sorry Xander won't be her son in law. Maggie leaves.

Abby is in the DiMera living room when Gwen walks in. Gwen asks about the kids. She tells Abby she wants to be closer as a family. She asks Abby to be matron of honor. Jack is going to be Xander's best man and she thinks Jack would be happy if Abby was there too. He would like them acting like sisters. They can become closer and become real sisters. Abby says yes. Gwen hugs her. Chad walks in. Gwen leaves.

Leo is on the phone with someone named Jackie. He says nothing is going to stop the wedding now. Chloe and Brady walk in. Leo talks about how he's going to be Chloe's stepdad. He invites them to drinks. When he orders more, they notice he's using Craig's credit card.

Justin pulls out the paper and asks Craig if his lawyer read them over. He says she did and it was pretty standard. Nancy got upset since they've been married so long. She stops herself and signs the papers. She gives them to Craig.

Chad can't believe Abby hugged Gwen. She tells him Gwen hugged her and that she's going to be the maid of honor. Chad wants her to call Gwen to cancel. Abby says Gwen loves Xander and she wants her to be happy. Chad saw Rolf before he saw Sonny.

Gwen comes to the hotel room and tells him Abby agreed to be her maid of honor. Xander tells her Sarah going to Florida. Gwen says maybe Sarah will have a somewhat normal life (Listen Xander listen to what she's saying. We can only hope the hospital has video of what she did). Gwen is excited to get stationary in her new name. She asks Xander if found a tux. He says he can't get a tie on their budget (how are they paying for their room? why don't they get jobs?) Gwen says she has to go to Sweet Bits and order a cake. (I hope she'll get the special kind that Ciara got yesterday) Gwen leaves.

Chad tells Abby that Rolf said the drug should have worked. Abby says if it did than Gwen would have been out in the cold with Xander with Sarah (That's true. Abby think about it a little longer). Abby tells Chad Maggie talking to Sarah to Florida. He says he will help Maggie if she needs it. Chad wants to play with the kids before bed. Abby says they are already in bed. Chad says they can have a play date. Naked hide and go seek. Abby runs upstairs and Chad soon after.

Craig signs the papers .Justin says he'll file in the morning and give them copies. He leaves, then Nancy gets up crying. She wishes Craig good luck with Leo. He's going to need it after what she knows about him. Craig asks her stay for a drink.

Sonny on phone with Will. He tells him to kiss Ari. Brady comes in. He tells him Craig and Nancy signing papers tonight. Craig will marry Leo ASAP. Sonny is upset at first. Brady says he overheard Leo talking to someone named Jackie. Sonny asks Jackie Cox. Brady asks who is that. Leo says he met her when they involved with the Peacock (product placement) caper.

Gwen is on the square and bumps into Leo. They know each other. He calls her Gwen. She calls him Matty Cooper. They both say "What are doing in Salem?"
I really like Nancy's hairstyle and color, very cute and makes her look younger than when she first returned. No one can say she didn't warn Craig. Not that we doubted Leo was still a con artist, today we have proof. Hopefully, others will, as well. I, too, wonder what the relationship was between Gwen and Leo/Matty Cooper. The plot sickens. I felt bad for Maggie, planning to take Sarah to a facility in Florida, feeling so hopeless. When she told Xander she was looking forward to him being her son-in-law, that was sad. I did like Sarah and Xander together, it made sense to me, they just worked well as a couple. There used to be so many super couples, now there are hardly any good couples and too many stupid, not super, couples.

AAahhh, so......Leo the con man is talking to his partner in crime, Jackie Cox, on the phone, saying all going according to plan. LOL. He already has Craig's credit card, using it freely, don't think he has a job, so Craig is supporting him, I guess. And here comes perhaps an ex-partner in crime......Gwen, who has certainly done her share of con jobs, crimes, drugging, etc. Ooohhh, yep, Gwen definitely has to know of "Matty Cooper's" past.
It was another inglorious day for the Salem bar.
  • Craig's lawyer, who presumably was paid good money to represent him, couldn't be bothered to show up for the signing of the papers.
  • Justin chose the Pub as the place to sign the divorce papers. Couldn't he have at least asked Vic to lend him a Titan office for the occasion?
The good parts of today... Xander and Maggie...... the flicker of a lightbulb going on in Abigail's brain.....if it goes anywhere it will great.....

and Nancy..... HOLY COW... how absolutely self centered of Chloe and Brady..... Nancy had it correct.... Craig has made this bed... he's been told Leo is a toad but Craig is certain Leo's a Prince so go ahead Craig.... charge on.....

Curious as to the Gwen Matty (aka Leo) story..... figures they know each other.....
Ditto on Xander and Maggie. I love their relationship. If the writers hadn’t ruined Gwen with hitting Abigail over the head and then this latest switch of the syringes, today might have been nice between her and Abigail. The actress does a great job. The writing for her sucks. They ruined what was an interesting redemption arc by villainizing her again for da plot.
I like the current actress for Abigail too. I was never a fan of the character since she was always treated like she did nothing wrong so the switch to a new actress actually helped me to somewhat like the character again.
Was thinking about it.......and am guessing......Chandler Massey wanted out(he does have another job now, so can only make very short appearances, ) & the show like current Sonny, want to keep the character, so what to have him do......well, Vic is always playing musical CEOs, just like DiMeras. If Sonny takes the job, what about his whole entire life back in Phoenix, & his business with his brothers ?
It was another inglorious day for the Salem bar.
  • Craig's lawyer, who presumably was paid good money to represent him, couldn't be bothered to show up for the signing of the papers.
  • Justin chose the Pub as the place to sign the divorce papers. Couldn't he have at least asked Vic to lend him a Titan office for the occasion?
Don't signatures have to be notarized as they are signed?