Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, Aug. 13th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Episode #10,889 Taped 7/14 Director – Albert Alarr

This episode seems to have been taped a week before the last few we have seen, which is rather puzzling. However, we are still in the hospital, still in lockdown mode, with everyone trapped and unable to get out. Steve is frantically trying to find something to help baby Joe, who now is up on a desk/table wherein yesterday he was on the floor. Steve constantly is going over to talk to him, rock him, soothe him. Finally Steve finds a couple oxygen masks, tests them out, puts one on Baby Joe and one on himself.

Kayla is about to give Marlena the injection, but spots the vapors/fumes coming from the vent, gets an oxygen mask on her patient. She tries to use the phone to no avail, tells Marlena she is going to check out what is going on, will be right back, and out the door she goes. (shame on her for not giving that injection!) A minute or two later we see a hand, looks very much like Stefano’s, remove the oxygen mask from Marlena’s face.

Sami in is panic mode, and along with EJ (and everyone else) trying to keep nose and mouth covered in some way, towel, hankerchief, as she rants about Stefano doing this, and what he has done to her mother. Suddenly, she looks at EJ, sees Stefano, calls him names, rants and carries on at all he has done to them all. EJ tries to talk to her, but she goes on and on, (seeing Stefano’s face laughing at her) then runs off.

Tony, Anna & John are still in Stefano’s room, listening to the newscaster saying the police were on the way, the 7th floor in lockdown, no phone or cell phone service, etc. John goes to check on Marlena, while Anna wails to Tony at how things seemed to be going so well for them, and now Stefano is back to ruin everything again. Tony berates himself for not seeing this coming, for not being able to do more to stop this monster of a man. Anna won’t let him talk that way about himself. They hug, cough, hug some more.

Lucas & Chloe note the fumes coming into his room, Lucas is getting lightheaded, they wonder what it is, but he is not waiting around to find out. He rips out all the tubes connected to him, gets dressed, grab cloths to cover their mouths, and head out in different directions to see what they can find out.
John runs into EJ, who tells him of Samantha’s hallucinating and thinking he was his father. He wonders why John does not seem to be affected, but John says Stefano told Blondie that he developed an immunity to sodium pentathol, so maybe while John was Stefano’s lab rat, he was exposed to various gases, toxins, etc. in order to also develop and immunity. John goes into Marlena’s room, replaces her oxygen mask, tells her he will be back and leaves.
Sami runs right into Stefano, who is glad to see her, and starts going on and on about not hurting her. She blasts him for what he did to her mother, but Stefano says her mother did a heinous, unconscionable thing, and has to pay. But Sami is the lioness who will be the future of the DiMera family. She, Elvis & Giovanni will begin a new empire. After all, one lives on thru the children, along with Elvis “we will continue procreating”. She is having a major rant now, hating everything DiMera, he will never get his hands on her son, who is going to grow up a strong and decent human being, unlike Stefano, and do not even say his name. Stefano goes on an on about the dynasty that will be created with her and EJ, and Sami has flashbacks to Stefano’s threats when she was about to marry EJ, and then after he was shot. She runs off.
Chloe goes into Marlena’s room, sees her with the oxygen mask, tells her the entire floor is locked down, that she is going to get a nurse, but will be o.k. She starts to leave, sees her reflection in a mirror, and freaks out, as she sees the one side of her cheek covered with an infection. (Some years ago, Chloe had a bacterial infection on her face, courtesy of Nicole, and she is hallucinating about it now). Now she meets up with Stefano, who babbles on to her about singing at the Met, & how things are going for her. She runs out, covering her face, meets up with Lucas, who calms her down, telling her that her face is fine, feel it, there is nothing there, etc. etc. they return to Lucas’s room.
Tony has left Anna alone in the room, to go find John. He does, wonders why John is not coughing like the rest of them, gets the “immune” speech, and they go looking for Stefano, coming into Lucas’s room just as Chloe is mentioning having run into him outside Marlena’s. They take off..Chloe wonders if she & Lucas are targets of Stef’s. Lucas says no, he could not have a bone to pick with them. Chloe reminds him that he shot Stefano’s son.
John is tapping on the walls, telling Tony there is a way to ventilate the hospital and to come with him.

Kayla gets to her office, manages to open the door, but it swings shut behind her, despite Steve trying to get to it in time. She checks on Joe, frets a bit, then passes out, Steve manages to bring her to, getting a chair for her. He gives her a mask to wear over her nose and mouth to help, he has a large kerchief across his. Steve manages to get tape completely across the vent. Kayla is trying to tend to the baby, Steve is attempting to help, he passes out, She goes to him, crying, and gets weak herself, drags herself over to the door, calling for help as she also passes out.

Stefano has come into Marlena’s room, looks at her, begins admonishing her for what she did to him. Did she not think she would pay. He chuckles as the shoe is now on the other foot, eh? He removes her oxygen mask, looking up at the fumes. Marlena is silent.

Sami has managed to get down some stairs, and is under the stairwell. She hears Stefano coming down, calling her name, only now he is wearing a suit. She peeks out, reaches up thru the railing and grabs his ankle, causing him to fall down the flight of stairs. At the bottom, she stands over him, (it is really EJ) saying “Die, you SOB, Die”.

Sounds like a rat race today...everyone all over the hospital. Thanks for the great write up!!
Thanks for the write up. I will be out so will watch it later. I find it funny that they are all putting on oxygen masks. It will not protect them from the gas. Oxygen masks mix oxygen with room air to give the patient a higher concentration of oxygen then in room air (21%) Therefore they are still breathing in the gas in the room. They would need the suba type equipement. Or depending on the gas a filter mask.
Ok, you know Sami is gonna wanna "make it up" to EJ for almost killing him. Here we go again.
:OT: Just a reminder folks, to send in your congrats/fav memories of Maggie to right quick. He is making up a tribute page to her for her 35th anniversary with Days.....just a couple lines will be fine. You should get them in within the next day or two so he can get the page finished up.
Don't forget to just put your first name and state for a signature.

Full info is in the Daily Days forums, but that is the gist of it. We all love Maggie...and some of us remember soooooo much.

Thanks heaps. :back:

P.S. forgot to mention that Lucas passes out on his bed, saying he is just going to "rest" for a bit.
things are so much more interesting on the how so many are integrated..and love how some more are not lol!
Great show

This looks like a show I might actually be able to watch. Sami pulling on the leg on some faceless joe walking down the steps does not seem smart. I find it fully that it was actually EJ. I think that it is going to get really intresting. How come Sami never gets hurt it is always one of the men? Who would run to her aide?
Thanks for the write up Poirot, I really think I am going to enjoy this story line and looking forward to Nicole's drunk dream coming up from the spoilers that I have read. I think this is Classic Stefano and so enjoying that he is back. He is the one man you love to hate. I look forward to more down the road with John and Stefano mix and more of Tony in the picture. It is so good to see Tony & Anna at last in a story than just a little bit here and there. So thanks again for the write ups you do such a great job of writing that even if I miss a show I know we can count on you to really give us alot of detail in your write ups. :clap:
Poirot wrote:
"A minute or two later we see a hand, looks very much like Stefano’s, remove the oxygen mask from Marlena’s face."

I hope that hand wasn't wearing a black glove!
Thanks for the writeup, Poirot.
Must say that I am not looking forward to Chloe freaking out again. She does the worst at freaking out with the big crazy eyes and rote recital of her lines.

Love that John is just so cool during all of this!
Weird that one floor is on lock down, dozens of people are walking the floors looking for someone else, yet Steffie just runs into Sami, Chloe, etc. without anyone catching him. That dude is just magic!
Thanks! wonders where he hides exactly that no one else runs into him. And so far on this lock down floor is just one nurse (Susan), the only doctor (Kayla) who is now locked in her office, Steve, Baby Joe, John, Patient Marlena, Stefano, Lucas, Chloe, Tony, EJ, Anna, Sami and of course Stefano. Isn't it odd that there is no other medical personel, or no one manning the monitors at the nurses' station, and that one floor is just chock full of related family/friends....and no other patients. :rotfl: wonders where he hides exactly that no one else runs into him. And so far on this lock down floor is just one nurse (Susan), the only doctor (Kayla) who is now locked in her office, Steve, Baby Joe, John, Patient Marlena, Stefano, Lucas, Chloe, Tony, EJ, Anna, Sami and of course Stefano. Isn't it odd that there is no other medical personel, or no one manning the monitors at the nurses' station, and that one floor is just chock full of related family/friends....and no other patients. :rotfl:

isn't it odd that only john and stefeno are not effected by the fumes...and they are walking around with out a hankerchief or rag or oxygen mask
That is explained within the show as how they both were exposed in small doses, and became immune.
Poirot wrote:
"A minute or two later we see a hand, looks very much like Stefano’s, remove the oxygen mask from Marlena’s face."

I hope that hand wasn't wearing a black glove!

That would have been great...!!!! The old black glove...:D

Can't wait to see this episode...I'm really enjoying the show as of late...sounds like it's just getting better and better...!!!! Hope they can maintain.....
Stefano Says:

She, Elvis & Giovanni will begin a new empire. After all, one lives on thru the children, along with Elvis “we will continue procreating”.

Sounds to me like they are going to write Ali's pregnancy into the show.
As an Ejami fan - I can't wait to see how things turn out!
LOL you know its very very funny that the only people in that hospital is on the 7th floor. I mean wow such a very small place ins't I guest all those other floors is some where in lala land I guess LOL......that has to be the smallest room yet. You know it would make it look more real if they show other people getting choked that has nothing to do with anything on that show in other rooms right.......
I saw the show and still find it funny that they are using the oxygen masks. It will not help as it only mixes oxygen with the room air to give a higher oxygen content. They would still be breathing in the gas in the room. They would need the scuba type equipment. Or a very good filter mask might help. I really had to laugh as Steve was getting the oxygen for bb Joe. He had the right equipment, but was using an adult size mask on a preemie. That mask would cover his whole head almost. I wonder why the gas made Chloe and Sami hallucinate, and Steve and Kayla pass out. Was is not the same gas going into all the rooms?
Hospital Vents

I'm watching today's episode and noticed that all of the vents have an "open/close" lever. Why doesn't someone just close the vents?? The shared salem brain must be in use by someone who's not at university hospital.

Also, does anyone else wonder how Victor and Phil had such swift recoveries from their almost fatal stroke and woulda been fatal in real life gunshot wound but poor beat up in prison Lucas is still in the hospital and doesn't seem to be getting any better?

Anyway, that's my two cents. Thanks for the write up Barb!
I think someone was shipping the shared brain to Max. :D

Maybe the quick recovery is in the Kiriakus genes? :idea: